THE WEATHER COOLER; PROBABLY SHOWERS L tiA IIL - ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASE1) WIRE SERVICE ,1ENBER WESTERN VON FERENCE EDITO.IAL ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. 23 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS STUDENTS WILL PLEDGE AI TERM IN PEP MEETING FHN UPY 11 fHI rODAYG NEW LIBRARY TO OPEN FOR RETURNING AL1UMINL The Clement's Library will be open for exhibition purposes from 10 to 12;30 o'clock tomorrow morn ing to accommodate the returning alumni who have not had the priv- ilege of seeing the interior of the building and the exceptional collec- tions of manuscripts. The library will not be open in the afternoon. i . ' ,, ; *, NEW DICTATORIA9L AUTHORITY TO.BE DEPRECIATION IN AI iK AIb.St ALL TOWARDS FINANCIAI CA TA CLYSM THREE ISSUES CONFRONT STRESEMANN'S CA B]NET I I ' i f) I i WEST' VII4INIA WESI EYAN SQUAD l ioSES STAR i'LATYEI Charleston, West. Va., Oct. I.- The West Virginia Wesleyan foot ball team will be without the ser- vice of c. Nik laschella, star full- bacl, during the remainder of the s:eason. In an order made public todlav COaCh "HOb"' IggAMsordered' PRESS CLUB EIMBIflS MEET FOR ANNUA 5LuCONVENTION, MADTIN DI i IF Alflf lFnnI SUPPORTERS TO GATHER AT FIVE O'CLOCK IN HILL AUDITORIUM PROF. FRAYER NAMED AS FACULTY SPEAKER Band and Glee Club to Lend Support In Leading Songs and Yells Steadfast loyalty, staunch support. confidence to the end-these are some of the things that Michigan will pledge to her team this afternoon when her sons will gather at 5 o'lock in Hill auditorium for a monstrous pep meet- ing to make final preparations for the Ohio State game. Judge Frank Murphy, '13L, who gave the amous "Heroes of Athens" speech back in 1920 and chased the gloom out of the Wolverine camp so that they recovered from a defeat and beat Chicago 14-0, is expected to again inspire Michigan with the will to win and raise the enthusiasm to white heat. Frayer to Talk Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- tory department, will be the faculty speaker at the meeting. John W. Kel- ly, '24L, will be chairman of the meet- ing. The doors of Hill auditorium will be opened at 4:30 o'clock. The Var- sity band will form in front of Lane hall at this time and after a parade of the streets will march into the au- ditorium. Glee Club to Sing The Varsity cheerleader squad will be in charge of the yells and the band with the assistance of the Varsity Glee club will lead in the songs. It is urg- ed that everyone know the verses of "The Victors" and "Varsity". The cheerleader squad is going to direct the singing of them at the meeting and at the game In cooperation with the band. Donald C. McCabe, '24, and Ed- ward Fox, '25E, are the Student coun- cil committee in charge of the pep meeting. CHRGSE TWO WITH ARSONAFTER FIRE New York, Oct. 18-(By A.P.)-A sensational aftermath of a fire which early last Monday destroyed a Brook- lyn home and caused the death of six persons came today with the arrest of William A. Ford, a real. estate brok- er, and son-in-law of one of the fire victims, and Raymond Anderson, on charges of murder and arson. A third man, James R. Lynch, an accountant, was held as a witness, and a fourth is being sought as an accom- plice. Ford is the son-in-law of George Keim, playwright, whose death in the fire came on the eve of the pro- duction of his first play, accepted af- ter years of endeavor. Fire Marshal Brophy declared he had a confession from Anderson. Uuion Ticket Men Swamped By Crowd Union ticket sellers were swamped yesterday afternoon by the large crowd beseiging the window for tickets to the Union dance to be held Saturday night. As early as 12 o'clock a con- siderable crowd had gathered -in readiness for the opening of the sale at 5 o'clock. With the approach of the hour of opening the crowd continued to grow until at 5 o'clock over two hundred and fifty men were formed in a long line which wound completely around the lobby and covered most of the available floor space. At 5:24 every ticket was sold. The unusual demand for tickets to this dance comes as a result of the large out of town crowds to be in Ann Arbor Saturday for thel Ohio State game. American Scholar Outshines Frenchj I. Morris S. Viteles, brilliant young American scholar specializing in ex- perimental psychology, is winning un- usual faine in that field while making important researches in French psy- chological clinics. French experts in this field are frank in their admiration for him and his work, lie formerly was psychologist for the Milwaukee Electric Railway and Light company, and for Wanamakers' in Philadelphia. , TO REGEN'S ATION I I GALI-CURCI WILL SING IN OPENING C ONCERT TOtNIGHT~ VARIED PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR APPEARANCE OF FAMOUS ARTIST FLUTE AND PIANO TO ACCOMPANY SOPRANO. First Choral Union Presentation Will Be held In hill Rulhr and Rhitiela ml Approac Social amd Economi Crisis b in g A iidiaoriumn Mme. Amelita Galli-Curci, distin- guished operatic coloratura soprano,1 assisted by Manuel Berenguer, flutist,; Homer Samuels, pianist, will ap- pear at the first Choral Union con-1 cert tonight at 1ill Auditorium. They arrived in Ann Arbor last night and are stopping at the Allenel hotel,; where they will remain until Satur- day. Madame Galli-Curci began her study of music as a pianist, but later, on the advice of Mascagni, she devoted herself to the study of voice. She made her operatic debut in Europe as "Gilda." Her first appearance in1 America was made in the fall of 1916 when her triumph expelled that of any other artist who has appeared in this country. Since that time she has made concert tours every season, and at the same time fulfilled her contract with the Chicago Opero Company.- Madame Galli-Curci, known to her friends as Mrs. Homer Samuels, is an American citizen. She makes herI home at Sul Monte, in the Catskills, and devotes her summe rs there to in- tensive study. Homer Berenguer, flutist, will offer two solos, while several of Madame Galli-Curci's songs call for flute ob- Iisnto Thn roe ram offered is as Berlin, Oct. 18.- (By A. P.) -With the situation in the Ruhr ai] ibine - land rapidly approaching a coUdit n of an acute social and econonic cri s, with Saxony's socialists, ceinnluists ministry continuing its d'4iance of th-- central government, and with Bavariri having broken off diplomeati ri pl -I jons with Saxony, Chancellor Stres 'm ann 's coalition cabinet is confrontld with issues which will afford an early op- portunity to make use of the dictator- ial authority vote it by the Reiclhstag in the emergency power hill. While these are the outstanding is- sues which harbor elements of imme- diate danger, the international itua~- tion in its entirety, especially with re- spect to the financial cataclysm to- ward which all classes of the popu- lation are heading through the fur- ther depreciation in the value of the mark, is automatically constituting it- self a, contributing factor whi11ch is destined to have a decisive hbearing on the further course of events. With the dollar soaring aroun(Ithe nine million mark today a new period of price chaos set in, and with it the government's helplessness wi Iire- spect to the adoption of speedy in- formative measures became more em- phasized. UNIO.N OPENMIS SALE OF TAINTICKETS4" lerusal of Proceedbngs Reveals Opposition to Plan for Comupletiig Fool n1 Students Must lake Trip Secure Speal Section and Low Rates To lschella to turn in his uniform. I The coach said he had failed to ad- here to the training rules. - !_____ ILLINOIS PUBLISHER WIl I LEAD ASSOCIATE) iPRESS 'MANAGER _MOfNIN( lS(TSSION SPEAS ON N EWSPAPER SESSION .PROBtLMS SHOITSIIC IIIWORLD AFFAIRS TALKS MRS: MALONY GIVES TO FEATURE MEETING TALK TO PUBLISHERS Winners In Years Contests To Be Perry, Otoway, White, Effinger, and I i; Narmed In Gahering Bruminm lso Speak Before Saturday Delegates Continuing through today and to- Newspaper men coming from every --- morrow, the fifth annual conf ercc hart of the state of Michigan opened jCIONFERENCE AIIP'IOVES SYSTEM of the UniversyPressluoficconference ster- 'll B AISE GENERAL igan will hold its session at 9:30ty SCliOLA lSHIIP o'clock this morning at the Union. Al- day afternoon at the Union. Promin- bert IT. Bowman, editor and publish- ent. among the speakers of the numer- er of the Evanston, Illinois, News-L- ous sessions were Frederick Roy Mar- AC, ION P>ASED ON PLAN i(ex, will give an address on "The tin, general manager of the Associat- PREVIOUSLY DRAWN UP Community Newspaper." Floyd Miller ed Press, Stuart H. Perry of the Ad- of Royal Oak will lead the discussion. rian Telegram, E. J. Ottoway, presi- New Regulailons Allow Probation for The report of the Michigan Code of den of the club, Lee A. White of the Low San-ding I ra-Ethics committee will then be heard. Detroit News, Dean John R. Effinger L sw nitl - Arthur W. Stace will act as chairman. of the literary college, Professor John termi es Discussion is to follow. L. Brummn of the Journalism depart, "Features for the Home Town Pa-. mnt and Coach Fielding H. Yost. Provisions which, it is expected, will per", will be a talk by Donald Ilaynes Stuart 1i. Perry, introducing Dean raise the sclolastic standing of Mich- of the journalism faculty while dis- E1finer the first speaker at the ban- igan fratern ties and house clubs cussions are to be lead by Marshall (luet which was held at 6:30 o'clock vwevre adopted at a special meeting of Cook, of the Hastings Banner and last night at the Union, spoke on the the Interfraternity conference held others. Luncheon will be served at organization of the Michigan Press last night at the Union. The action 12 o'clock in separate rooms of the Club and commended Dean Effinger taken is based on a plan which was Union for the various press asocia- for his intrinsic aid in the develop- drawn up by representatives of sev- tions. 'The bulletin in the lobby of ment of a department of journalism at oral fraternities meeting with Dean J. the Union will direct delegates where Michigan. A. Lursley recently. to go. Frederick Roy Martin, present gen-. Principal among the changes in in- Brown Will Talk Bral manager of the Associated Press to effect in June, 1924, is the provis- At 2:30 o'clock James Wright who was the main speaker of the eve, ion which makes possible probation of Brown, editor of Editor and Publish- ning was then introduced by Dean Ef- terfraternity rules which will go in- er will give a talk on "Tendencies of finger. a fraternal organization for low schol- the Present Day Journalism". Speaks on Activities arship. A judicial committee from the The character of the meeting will "Perhaps there may be some profit", conference is provided which will de- change to a "World Forum". Talks said Mr. 1artin, "in an occasional cide on cases which come up and will on world affairs will be given. Those consideration whether in newspaper enforce all rules passed. No change who are scheduled to speak are Prof. making, as in economic, political, br was made in the former interfrater- C. IT. Van Tyne of the history depart- religious affairs, we are sufficiently p mity ruling with regard tolastient, Prof. A. H. Cross of the history supplied with the saving quality ot y n wheparmscholastic eartent, Prof. Jesse Reeves of the good tn.-per in our attitude towards requirements for the initiation of new political science department, Prof. F. our kaleidoscopic activities. In tak- members, except when the house is on W. Kelsey of the Latin departmet, ing account of stock along such lines probation.' Freder k Roy Martin, James Wright we may inquire whether our criticisms The plan as passed follows: . Brown, Stuart I. Perry and others. are as sane and logical as they should Section 1. No student shall be in- The annual dinner will take place he and whether our method of ap- itiated into a fraternity unless dur- at 5:30 o'clock in the Union and nem- proaching controversial discussions ing the preceding semester in this Un- hers of the club will be guests of the properly allows for the possibility that iversity he has fulfilled the following University. President Marion L. ihr- even a sheet of paper has two sides. requirement: lie must have passed ton will deliver an address on "The Do we ever in the partly unconscious at least eleven (11) hours with a C Newspaper I Like". The delegates will desire to say the clever thing, sacri- grade, or thirteen (13) hours with an attend the Galli-Curci concert at i fice proportion when it is just po3- average C grade. o'clock in Hill auditorium as guest sible that our antagonist is as honest, Require Certifieae of the University Musical society. yes even as fair minded as ourselves?" Section 2. No student shall be in- Elect Officers Saturday The speaker hesitated at this point. itiated into a fraternity without a cer- Saturday morning the business Resuming his talk with the idea of tificate of scholastic eligibility to be meeting will start at 9:30 o'clock. answering this query, he cited the old issued by the recording officers of the Election of officers is to be held and story of the indignant subscriber who school or college in which he is en- the committees heard. Arthur I. Van camn in to thrash the editor. "He rolled. (Registrar for students in the denberg, editor of the Grand Rapids was frothi g at the mouth with anger literary college, the secretary in oth- Herald will deliver a talk at 10 and bellowing profanity, he began." er schools and colleges. ) o'clock, and the annual contest for "le called the editor every vile name Section 3. Any fraternity whose av- Michigan weekly newspapers an' his vocabulary offered. The editor erage grade as shown on the annual large and small dailies will follow, merely smiled and said, 'Well, per- scholarship chart is below C (70 per Special luncheon will be held at haps you are right. Possibly I am all cent), but was above C on the pre- noon Saturday for all newspaper men you say. Let's talk it over. placed on the warned list. At the end in the private dining room of the Un- Yost Tahks of the first semester the grades of ion. As guests of Fielding H. Yost Closing the program of the evening, ceding chart, will be automatically and the Athletic Association, the del- Fielding H. Yost delivered a talk on these fraternities will be computed egates will attend the Michigan-Ohio Michigan spirit and Mich'gan athlet- again and those whose average has State game at Ferry Field at 2 cs. again rasd toseCoeteragehab r o'clock. As the opening event of the first been raised to C or better will be re - --- session the afternoon, Mrs. William mnoved from the warned list. ' The oth- ssoninte aferoont William ers will be continued on warning. "The Delineator" ho happened to e s sr in the city, wras called upon to address following year is published all fra- the assebled newspapermen, jour- ternties on the warned list whose IIUIilt INh TB teasbledewsapem _grade is still below C will automhat- IjIVLffllJIIU IILIJ nali~tic students, and faculty men. ically he placed on probation. At the - Following Mrs. Meloney's short talk, icaly b plcedon pobaion Atthethe fifth annual meeting of the club end of the first semester the grade il ALLEGEI) CONSPIRATORS TAK- was formally opened with the address of these fraternities will be comput- EN IN NEW YORK ormallyes en with J, address edagi and those whose average' has oOE f tile president by U. J.fter Ottawa, ed- eagain anMhs hs vrg~a OTEL itor andl pub~lisber of the Port Huron been raised to C or above will be re- Times Herald.Ihis talkire stress- moved from probation. The others New York, Oct. 18-(By A.P.)-The ed the fact that. the journalism depart- will be continued on probation. The federal government today fired a mont of the University of Michigan is word probation mentioned in this ar- double charge into wet forces alleged in doubt as to the most satisfactory 1 tile will be defined in section 5. to be drenching New York and New method of heading its work because Section 4. A fraternity on the warn- Jersey with illicit liquor. of the variance of opinion among the ed list shall initiate only students who i With one charge, federal agents( newspapermen of the state as to the during the preceding semester have working under direct orders fromI correct way to train young people In lpassedl at least 14 hours with an aver Washington, brought down a bag ofl jorrecti watorain youn epe Ih age gradeo of C or better and with no 11 algdcnprtr. who rounded jouzrni tic work. He expressed the ralleged conspirators hope that the press convention might , grade of E. I up in the hotel Pennsylvania and else- Ibe the means of solving this prob- , Section 5. A fraternity on proba- where were alleged to have been using lem. ' tion will have all 'of its social privil- 80,000 dollars to bribe prohibition (Continued on Page wo) eges withdrawn and shall not initiate agents not to stop the brewing of real Iiew members. It may continue toll beer in New Jersey; not to intervene Web anid Flange Elects pledge, however, with the converting of industrial alco- I and Flange, honorary engineer- Section G. In making up the schol- hol into strong liquor; and to block ing society, announced the following arship chart the grade for each fra- ! the flooding of New York and New'0lectins at its regular meeting held ternity shall be placed on the record Jersey with beer from rival vats in last night in the Union: President P. of all members of the fraternity who Pennsylvania. V. Smith, '24E; vice-president, F. A. live in the house and all other un- With the other barrel, the govern- Smith, '24E; secretary, C. McKechie, dergraduate members of the chapter. ment fired a broadside into the thirst 24E1, and Donald Alton, '24E, treasur- - Section 7. No student who has been of several thousand saloon keepers al- L. LEAGUEhAtO XCUIVE: S.*I , HAS N'0 FCC" U*~%Tfl~1Tfl F MAY MAIE RESERVATIONS AT I OF F 1C E OV H0m I AN d .iV CAMPUS j 0.-ULIt I hAlJA A JUlAh i gao.I. -. '. 1" e g ,. W, 1A1B ix"LIt follows: Careful perusal of the proceedings Pur dicesti (old Italian).. Lotti ; Final reservations for the special i M aggiolata ................ Donaudy - a t ilrta kenMo che a s t i - of the Board of Regents from 1915 Tacca la motte (Trovatore) ....Verdi trains that will take Michigan stu- to the present date reveals no action Perle du Brasil (with flute).... David dents to the Iowa and Wisconsin by that body which can'be construed Le rossignole des lilas.........Hahn games may be made beginning today asbeinghin oypwichn tothe rcOsrd Prisionera de amor (in Spanish).. ; at the Union. Dennis Donovan, house as being in.opposit.on to the prposed.Taboada . . an. ge of the Union, is in (-brge plan for holding a Union Fair to raise Loreley....................... Lisztt n money for the completion of the Un- Polonaise (Puritani) ..........Bellini of the reservations for the trains and INTERMISSION will attend to all students who wish ion swimming pool. This is contrary Romence ...............Saint-Saens to go to the games in his office in the to the statement made in the meeting Gipsy Dance ...............Beuchner Union. of the Senate Committee on Student ! Mr. Beneguer Paymdnt for the regular railroad Affairs, to the effect that exclusive 0 Little Drum............ Strickland fare must be made to Mr. Donovan at. campus solicitation rights were lodg- The Little, Bells of Seville... Samuels the time that the reservations are ed in the University of Michigan Thistledown.................Beecher made. The payment will allow the Qui la voce (Puritani) (with flute) student making the trip a receipt that em n held yesterdayaf-Bellini can be traded for the regular ticket ternoon, approval of the Union Fair The concert will begin promptly at when the representatives of the rail- eno wapsproal owf o'clock. Standing room will be on road companies arrive in Ann Arbor pnet wation onthe arounds that the sale this morning at the School of several days before the games. IMusic. Pullman reservations will not be Regents had awarded all rights of so- _ _ _ _included in the reservations made, but liciting funds to the League for five may be taken when the receipt is years, and that permission could not ,Weather Postpones turned over for the regular ticket. An be given to hold the fair unless the F 1 £ C es. additional price «;hl be attached to League saw fit to waive their mono- a c u lty Contestthe pullman ticket. poly of rights. It is pointed out by the Union ofn_ The only action of the Regents hav- Due to the heavy rain that made a cials in charge of the specials that ing any bearing on the present ques- sea of mud of an otherwise perfect unless at least 200 students signify tion, according to the Profeedings, is diamond, the economics faculty, much their intentions of making the trip in that they officially ,approved the to its regret, was forced to postpone each case no trains will run. If this Leage's lansfor aisig a 1,00,- League's plans for raising a $1,000,- the opening of its fall base ball ser- number is not reached, it will be nec- 000 fund, and that they consented to ies from yesterday until 3:15 o'clock essary to withdraw the special trains give the property lying directly east this afternoon. If accommodations can and the lower rates that they bring. of Hill auditorium to the League, pro- be secured to take care of the cheer- Tho Iowa special that will run t vided they raised the fund within five ing sections, Ferry field will be used, the Iowa game on November 3 wil years. otherwise it will be necessary to play ! have rates as follows: aie, $.20;u A Union committee, headed -by the game at West park. r berth each direction, $7a; Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, president, is On the eve of the great contest Pro- per berth each direction, $5.40; draw- On theeve o the reatingteroom,-,$24.00. investigating the situation at the pres- fessor Day, leader of the Daylites, was The Wisconsin special that will run ent time, in an attempt to solve the confident o the victory. The pompous h s nN pent difcly nIrouetecn to the Wisconsin game onl Novembei present difficulty, and procure the con- gentlemen who, rumor hath it, will 17 will have rates as follows: fare sent of the Senate committee. lead the Dark Knights, formerly the I $15.16; lower berth each direction Sharfmanites, on the field of battle $4.50; upper berth each direction said last night, "We will win, we are $3.60; drawing room, $16.50. surd to win, we will not accept defeat ---_ Nas our share." Such is the spirit that rpervades the economics department. I~fIV T LU ACEES Although the lineups have ntyt been announced, it is learned from au- thoritative sources that such great W OR K [ South Bend, Ind., Oct. 18-Although pitchers as Ross, Wyngaarden, Day athletic officials at the University of and Thrun will occupy the mound. It Notre Dame have not yet received an is expected that Professor Paton, who Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 18.---Four peo invitation to send the football team' holds the departmental record of s x pie were instantly killed and two fat hits for extra bases out of seven ally injured when a Pere Marquett to Los Angeles for a game in the Coli- times at bat, will strengthen the of- passenger train struck the autonio seum there on Christmas day with fensive of the opposition. bile of Howard Peale, 2131 Delewar i some western eleven it was indicated The following veterans will also be avenue, Flint, about a mile west o today that consideration would be giv- seen in action: Lewis, Williams, Evart Thursday morning about 10:3 en to such a proposition. The Los Cramer, Bigge, Meiklejohn, Oppen- o'clock. Angeles community development asso- heim, Horner, Peterson, Smith, and The dead are Mr. and Mrs. Peal ciation is understood to be sponsoring the former professional (at high and four children, Lloyd, Dorine, Carl WE WIN Last Saturday saw Vanderbilt go down to defeat for the first tine in three years. They fought hard buts could not stop our team, which had that invincible Michi- gan sprit. Have you *any wants that appear to be unsatiable. Jimmie has that same never-say- - dismissed from the IUniversity shall leged to be running wide qpen in e continue to live or board in a fra- New York city since the repeal of the - ternity house. j state prohibition enforcement law. e Section 8. In making up the schol- Fifty four suits were filed in federal t f astic chart, the following scale of court to padlock the alleged speak- t 0 weights shall apply: easies under provision of the Volstead 1 A equals 100 percent. act and United States Attorney hay- h , L equals 85 percent. ward added that more action would be'- 1, C equals 70 percent. brought as soon as complaints could Pedatric Society Meets Today The Central States Pedratic Socie- y will hold a meeting at 10 o'clock oday in the University hospital. A iuncheon of the society will also be old at 1 o'clock in the Union.