'1AY, OCTODE~R 18, 19 23 TI I1 MICIGANDAIL COLUMN L-ASN-IF COLUMN CLOSES ' AT3 P.M. ;pPVERTISIleiG AT 3 P.M. I I 0 DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES 19c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or Xnore insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Charged at. the rate of 1I2c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c per reading line for three or more insertions. White space charged for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. Ask about contracts for clasifed advertising. Classified Column Closes ait 12 o'Clock N on, Siattnrday. "Jimmie-the-A d-Taker" jFOB SALE Tk E WRII'ERS aSportn Sht FORD) COUPE, excellent condition, WE will deliver, for your free, trial, well equipped. 716 E-.Kingsley. Remington Portables and other used# (Continued front Page Six) Same day optical service. 'Arcade tyertr.Say .Bak 0 ction, hoping for another liriller line{ Jeweer ad Opometist.Madison, 1809. St e o e a th oi g o dz, ewTYPEW RITER REP IR EN ~ York. Fights. like, that co mel only 11ORDl ROADSTER--'21, Starter. rims1, ALL: MAKES. Agency Woodstock and once in a generation. Thie next troll 4 good tires, extras, good condition. OlvrtpwieSndtadd- 1OietyertrStdtadad- mtitisr 1-6 this afternoon. 1447 "Pat" 53 ig6achne Line-a-Time copy I ' eet it i probable that the bout Thompson. holders, rubber stam~ps, ribbons,? will be altogether too one-sidedl to fuzr-' iCORONA Typewriter like new, $251 cushion keys, type cleaners and sup-ns aytrls ESee Maya 1015 Packard. ies ahne;etd Chief Bender has. won more world !___________________ ANABRTPWIE series, games than any other pitcher. HENDERSON motorcycle and side EXCHANGE. Phone 886; downtown lei rdtdwt i rups ?car. Excellent' condition. Phone1 309-J.Rebuilt Typewriters of ' All Makes. ; pitching the Athletics to a victory in Guaranteed for one year. Lowest 105twi 1,toin91adon ICORNET-King make-silver plated, prices. No. 3 Corona. $25. Under- in 1919 . Three are tied for winzning' Must sell immediately. Fine bar- wood, Remington, Hammond and oth- Igain. Phone 2863-J. 939 Green-I er portables new'-and second hand at wood. low figures. All makes bought, sold, I)O-N'T F> -j rented, exchanged, cleaned and re- iOa WANTED to exchange for Ford a 1918 paired. Buick four touring, good condition. 0 . D. MORRILL, Phone 516-M, 506 E. Jefferson. 17 Nickels' Arcade. Dealer: Corona and L. C. Smith ONE 0. S. U. ticket. Address box! Typewriters. Established 1908S. B. E. L.-at i I .E.13 Phone 1718. i Five have pitched andl-won three games in one world series Without suffering defeat, They are Chlristy' Mathewson in 1905, Babe Adaims for the Pirates in '41909, Jack Coombils for the Athletics in 1910, Sl:anley Coveles- Side for the Indians in 1920 and Charles Radbou 'ne for Providence in 184.; LOST! PAIR LONG BLACK KID GI OVII8S at Union or an campus. Margaret Elliott. Phone 2338. ONE PAIR tortoise shell rimmed glasses in a black leather case. Finder return 1027 E. University. SMALL BLACK -BILLFOLD, contain- ing considerable money. If found call at 624 Tappan. Phone 1.9R IN NATURAL Science Building, ;test- book "Mineralogy," Kraus and Hunt. A LADIES gold broch, sapphire set.-! ting. Phone 1665-R. j. A IjEATHER notebook. Call Atkins, phone 1751-J. Reward.! GOLD EVERSH-ARP :pencil. .Name en- Lj±r1.j d Marian VIA Zc. I' nI~nr ISTFOP':'IiiU PHYIIANS Dr. CarrieCc. Cla ssen E 510 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 1636; Res. 2451 I Tours by Appointment Dr. W. S. Mills+ f Phone 321-F-i GIG First Nat'l Bank BldIg. Hours: 9-12;' 1:30-)5 I )r. D orothy Sellardls j 303 First Nat'l "Hank Bldg. Tours by appointment. . . . .., Phone 333-F-I. EL.EC'mo- o' ,' .ric siOU 5 c Hlours: ,1 to 224 Nichol's Arcade __.. FOUR GALLI-CURCI tickets; best UE)ClS seats. Call 691-J before 10 A. M. or'.___________________ after 7 P. M. 1917 Buick Touring. 11921 Stearns Militaire. FIVE TICKETS for 0. S. U. game, all 1920 Hudson Touring. together. Mr. Howard, 1700-J. I 1921 Nash 4 cylinder Touring. TWO SEATS for Galli=+Curci .concert. 1919 Dodge Roadster. 193NsJaroe First balcony. Second row. Call 1921 Nash 7 assioengrTuig 8 97-M. i12 ah7psegrTuig 1918 Oakland Touring. SECTIONAL BOOKCASE, 4 sections 1922 Nash Business Coupe. S with top and bottom; practically k ANN ARBOR NASH CO. new, half cost price; piano lamp and, fl311 Maynard St. shade,. bargain; infant's bed. 1205: 1923 FORD COUPE, bought last March. Cambridge Court. Phone 2149-R. ____________________________ Cash or terms. Phone 1930. Mr. XISCELLA NEO S Brs pyfulease return to Hele.0n Newberry.- r4.0 P.'M. (2nd: Floor) FOUNTAIN PENS 1V'NE FOUNTAIN PENS AND INK i NEW'SBO'iS to scll extras ne xt Sat- A straight tip. Buy nationally 'dis- I rlda y. Cood pay. Apply Press tributed merchandise and you will getld(1. any it ernoo0n. Ask for Mr. good service- everywhere. I Iloesser. Yur name engraved, on fountain ltfi 1it M'1'iiw !tielfor suite. (Girl) pens and. metal pencils for 26 cents.. Purchase made here fre :f charge. $2.75 p~er ,, k. '!'ei 8-M Our nationally distributed fountain T'1WO oi03 crotch tt the Ohio pens and ink~ carry a n oney back,; State game. Phoane 1222. guarantee. Liberal, alla nc on your - ' old pen in exchange for a new one. SOUSAP11ON1E or tuba; and trombone We assume government tax on all player for orchestra. 545 Packard sales. _oa; 9391, G.onwood. Phone 10141-x 0. D. MORRILL e,, 4ad8 32 he 17 Nickels' Arcade THREE tickets for C. S. U. gamne. Call I TeStationery & Typewriter Store 1770.I If you write, we have it. _____ _____ BlOARDI RU'SSIAN LESSONS given by native' Russian, student of U. of M. Call letween 6 and 7 P. M. 2310-Al. CORN BEEF and cabbage at Dinty Moore's Filling Station today from 11:30 to 1L I 11 Pretty bowl and three large nar- CHINESE RUGS c~ssus bulbs, 50C. Larger bowl and --.-.---- . five bulbs 75c. You will enjoy! Mrs. Merrick's display of Chinese watching then grow. .-We have 1 ulbs rugs of wonderful quality will continue of all kinds, at Martin Haller's only a few days HAJRRIS SEED STORE, more. Special prices to order cf $2.35 300 E. Washington, Cor. 5th. I a square foot and special discount for sale will be discontinued 'caturday OPERATOR give me 3130. Is this+ noon. These rugs will wear. Green, the man that hauls rubbish' and ashes? Yes. 520 Detroit St. -"---° i d CHIROPRACTIC Dorothy B. Lowry CHIROPRACTOR. 606 Nat. Bank Bldg.j 0111cc. hours.: 1-6. Phone 401-J. FOR RENT A PLEASANT front suite on second flogr for,2 or 3 men, or student a-Dj wife. 429 So. Division.E DOUBLE ROOM on the first floor. Desirable .location. $7.00 per week.; 530 S. Division. Phone 120 3-R. (rf'\\T( SEATS for 0. S. Uf game. Tele- phone University 54 or 1558-J. TWO or more tick ets to She Ohio State, game. No :scalpers. Phone 1222. TW'GO TICKETS choral U.nion concerts. SPhone 529. TWO rpjCKETS;. for d lli-Curti con- cert. Phone 1833 after 5 P. M. TWO TICKET'S to Galli-Curci concert, Call Miller at 2878-J. THREE MORE young men to board in !private family. Rate reasonable.j 500 Catherine st. Phone 2454-J. It's true efficiency to use Daily Classifieds.-Ad. k TYPEWRITERSI If you want a typewriter that willr st umd up) buy a Corona. 17 years ofs service, 500,000 users, 30,000 in theI war. The New Model Corona with many improved features is only $50 i wvith case. Other makes of typewrit- ers accepted as part payment. Repair- ing and Supplies. 0. D. MORRILL,I 17 Nickels Arcade. Dealer:- Corona and L. C. Smith Type- Swriters. If you write, we have it. Daily classified for "real resu'lt- DANCES -at- WASHBITRN HALL Every Friday Aight iiuslc by Ithe BestOrchestras To' get there, take M-17 west to Francisco Corners, turn left one mile south, turn left one mile east, turn right 1 1-2 miles. (Hall 18 miles from Ann Arbor.)} It's {true eflciency' to use IDaily° Classiefieds-Adv. Patronize The Daily advertiser.,. ROOMS, for girls, graduate students or s iNE TICKET for Glalli-Curci concert. business women-single room one. Plione 783. block west of campus, $5.00 for one _______________ person,. $6.00 for two, Ralph WANTED: a Galli-Curti concert tick- T. _Swezey,, 509 Thompson. et. Pholne Ann Sheldon, 627. A LARGE FRONT ROOM, steam heat-i A STUJDENLT to write show carols and Iii FOR~ YOUNG MEN bios ed. for nurses or .business women.! 413 E. Liberty, phone 1194-R.. SINGLE room 'two blocks from camp-1 us. 119 N. TIhayer, phone 71-R. ONE, SUITE and a single room. 420; Thompson st. Phone 202. IA JONGG. WORD JUST received from customs of .a new consignment of Ma Jongg from China. Mrs. H. B. Merrick. trim windows. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co., 324 S. State St.I Two tickets for Gall i-Curci concert. Orchestra preferred. Call 595. ROONIMATE~ to share large front room; steam heat. Phone 1194-M, 422 E. Washington. FOR HIRE F OR lRl.E-Cars, and drive' yourself. Phione 183-R. R ____ _____S TELEPHONE 13 Unlucky for spots ;a": ' x'f k T1 all Clothesfor Young Men From EDERHEIMER STEIN COMPANY Let us show~ you the new' arrivals which are priced very reasonably I''