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October 18, 1923 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-18

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_______ _
, _


B R I L N Pers G~et, I divid ual jet enI iou

RAITA -tfln lUf

Colgate Tackles Tough Schedule
As It Points For Ancient


Mlk~ Eve 0l 1 11111!1
sI rulg "J;o

1$ , ity1'

With the Ohio game onl3*~y o (days
away, Michigan's gridders continue t)
work behind closed gat~es in strlenu-
ous, preparation for Saturday's eon-'
test, which the coaches andl p}iyors
realize to be the hardest ganie onl the
Wolverine schedule.
Practice yesterday consisted of to
prolonged drill in fundamentals, teamr-j
work and signals, Thie Vander biitI
game brought out a number of pointy

More tr
1All men w
Campus oi.
Men caring
ed to repo:
at 7:30) 0'c
Iln (ra
ate ~rwcr

which demand att ention, aithcu-,". h . on the fratern
team was obviously in beftcer form. ecuttid
than was the case in the ssen«ou's in-
augural fracas. !or, south Fer3
The ends participated in a lengthly fnoon. At the
drill in covering punts. The Vander- when large se
milt backs succeeded in evading the the losers w~a
Maize and Blue Hlankers too many if all the f~uXt 1
times Saturday, and the coaches are
sparing no. pains in their desire to out to be cne
have the ends well schooled in the art' lessons of (cle
of nailing their men on punts. The print and all
chief fault -with Curran and Marion Prnt loel
lays in the fact that, after getting! nteiii
down the field they allow~ed the Corn- Eeated Delta1
modore backs to sneak around them. Phi Kappa Si
Ohio boasts several ballitoters Who willl break into the
Phi, their opp
demand close watching in his rcspect, ~~~~~~e
and Michigan's ends will have their !hotshofailud
work cut out for them. answer ther
Passing ng nplisized Sigma Phi wa
Passing also occupied a large ;,bare
of yesterday's practice. Coach Yost Cniayt
plans on fighting fire with fire Satur- mCntartheot
dlay, and since .the Wilcemnen are inents weinte
known to have perfected a pass attack no t43
of considerable excellence, it is p~rob - in
will a stake on3
able that the pigskin will spend most' itial game. L
of its time in the air when the two speedball stre
teams meet. The Wolverines have" if any dope ca
the jump con State in the matter of showing in ott
preparing a defense for the aerieal at- bit of doubt 1)
tack, .as the' Yostmnen have not yet Ithrough with
been forced to, open up anything in Twelve teams
the line of tricky pass formations,{ tournament.
while State was forced to delve f_:irly once during
dleep into its bag of tricks to wvinj after that will
from bothi.Wesleyan" and Colgate. two or evenr
~Especially 'infthe. latter contest were depending upo
the Buckeyes forced to give everything ity schedule iv
they had to finish the game on even
terms with the, Easterners. H-ow-ver, Interest, in
Co'ach Wilce ,is _a past nmaster orf tha's been inc3
pass attack, and will certainly have weather. The
-worked out some new formations for ready started
the tilt at Ferry Field. by the end (it
Coach Weiman has been spending ing games in
considerable: time on the linemen dar-- tournament in
ing this week's practices, and lMiehi- o'clock, Satur(
gan's stone wall artists should 1); in freu-Boxer, 301
real form for'the Buckeye tilt. "rra~la, 1114M; Hoff n
has been giving the men individual Waechter-Whii
instruction, and if results are any- bruggen. 148'
where near proportional to the time 1324n-atfms
spent on the men, the Wolverine for- srt,26J
wardI wall will be a smooth-running srthams-63.T
machine Saturday, and not the ragged- Mrtin, 18vi
looking aggregation which. was on the j243>7J,Mati, sRo
field in the past two games. Jndividu- KenEdn
ally, the line p~erformied fairly we~llOBen 4~
ag5ainst Vanderbilt, but there was r- Tnf',nim

ALL~~~~~Tp OMN(E F~)~tther (Gof (lb ChIapion in
YOUT'S ARE VEl uEI)k ,1I)i P::::r""y>
ryouts for assistant p.1 - AK 1 iIOF 30 110OS IN
manager are needed. PAnN FNA OTI
ho have been on the f'SeiltoTeDiy
neya ieeligible. Seca-o h DlY
Ie ye r ag to tby out are ask- ---- ', Detroit, Oct. 1.-Carleton W ells, in-
rt at the gymnasium j s: '";' ; l 1 tu3ctr in te Irhtoric department of
loc Any'night te University of ~ichigan, and holder{
of the state amateur golf title in both
1922 and 1923, won the I.eroi Nw
ofuralrItem s invitata golf tourney by a wide mar-
g~nove itselect field of' cub chai-
-- '" t:.5 pious h ler<,e ysterdaylternoen:(I. H-e
kt by the defensiv e meniJ ;.........> I :;;;:wn the title in t;6 holes of medal play
nity :)eedij ill ams was '? on the North core o~ the Detroit
. t;;f :aure of the game, '< :Gis lb
ry fir. I , Th sday after- I4all3e
hegunii~ o th sesonpie i1,as runner-up w th an S0 and 82
cores by the wilner over t 't or a total of 162. George Renchard,
Ls the rule, it sceemed a Detroit ol clb, was two strokes be-
u "e contests mnight turn hind for third place, and Tlhmias Kirk-
esided affairs, But the ham, of Esex, finished fourth with
:feat have left their ill- x 2S-15
Igames arc becoming "S~ Lewis L. Bredin, Country club, play-
contested. "'" ed decidedly off form most of the day
al games -zeta Psi (Ie- and turned in a disappointing score of
Kappa Epsilon, 5 to 2. Ty 1; J : " .. 81-89-4-70. He was counted upon as
igma was the next to { .>-, r.*.:"f;a likely winner and led the field with
ewinner's column, Delta .asrrlig3 tteedo h is
. "zSarln~8athen tefis ponent, finishing on the zO^: .: in.
of a 7 to 5 count. Up- A largae gallery followed the Brelin-
4 of:taBt.Tnt I wV3mll play and were well rewarded i
opening whistle, Alpha with an interesting exhibition, espe-
as awarded a forfeit.i cially on the part of 'Wells, who ex-
al rvosanuc-Four bg Colgate slars. At left, Cap t. <lm Leonard. At vigl, Halback ecuted 21 of the 36 holes in ar, with
~rclas speedall torna-Try on, Coach larow and JuniWelsh, ertdtobris
erclas spedbal torna-Wells, Howard Maguire, of Meadow-
art next Monday after- brook, and George Renchard were tied
o'clock when the Medics amlo N.YOt 1-ii Oiwth4'atheedofheirtnn.Ii
.he Architects for the in- HmloN Ot 7-ihO irion, Childs and Hynes seem to be in 1 ih4' tteedo h is ie
State, Navy, Cornell and Syracuse as the lead for the positions now but then IHowever, the conclusion of the second
i~tei nono h nine told a different story and 'Wells1
ngth of the archs, but. the four big games on the Colgate un-; again some of the other youngsters wsfr nteled -f tukinu-
an be derived from their irersity football chart this season, Dick' may come along and win the berth, beatable pace for a 37 coing home..
her sports there is note arlw oc'o h aonta a Bredin showed signs of weakening
ut what they will come GHIrlow, Gcoachndcoftthed Maroon teame rhasofd
li a creditable team. Ilbad his work cut out for him. GRIDTEA x E n otne t lwu h eto
thave signed up for the Of course the game that the Col- j YYEUR.TH T1GKFJTS the day.
Each of them will play gate band wants to win more than anyI Contestants found the north courses
tecmn wekbuotegaeothenielsisteI a championship test of ~heir glf. The
the omig wek ut.othr gme o th enirelis isthe As a reward for their playing in the (grounds were at full length and there
1b1e called upon to play closing hattie of the season with Syra- iVihn-O~ Tobl game Mr. as plenty of trouble for the weak.
moetmsw kalcseoinnhehAchbodstdiumon Nv.,7uert, thurough his theatre manager, Five pf the players made no returns
oin howupsoon thengfraternai Co17.Ma has given complimentary tickets to for the second 18 holes and tore up
vind up.One hingis crtai Coah Halowthe members of the Varsity football teircads
has a powerful guard in Jim Welsh. ani h eus wsmdIhtte l h meimnancsay t
the tennis tournaments Many ay he is the greatest forward ticlwassbeused tehnghtof the ot-golcue erientncuedcnesayout
reasing with the good in the game today and the opposing btlckegae.ueddth igtoft e xfo- ofcporewerhonlue frothichayothe
e second round has al- guards and tackles who play against I gae'oressoxnocainwl cetfroit Golf l sfre.Itwasch Wels
and will be completed him will find him a regular wildcat, be madeoftheenothesieof whili l i Yt to escape.satisfactorily from'
this week. The follow- He is a wonder on offnse and dle-' will depend on the outcome of the troublethtmdexlen going. h
theallcamus oulesI fnsean itis ardtoseehowhe angame. As Saturday night will mark rolling greens were given as the cause
uut e omlee b 5beketof ay llAmrca iamli)the last performance of Douglas Mac- I for many direful results.c
,day afternoon. Greens- 'matter whether selected by Walter Lean in "Going Up" Mr. Wuerth is________
93R, vs. Power-Unseold, Camp or other writers. atiualaniuththeema-I FoIinPei Epiiv
nan-partner, 2193M, vs. Coach Barlow was fortunate in not' atclryaxosta h ema- Fo nBri xesv
te, 1700J; Shaw-Ossen- loigtayoflstya'srguas toe performance.. Berlin, Oct. 17.-0 dinar-v cofee is i1
+211, vs. "G~arber-flicks, - rstamtissasnouh t-e selling at $1 for 12 ounces; fg,_20
Sloinskti, 7098, vs. El)- a ranking well up in the list. ,Cl ed masdrI .S et ah aaa,1 et ah
, 825W; Shapiro-Lig- He has decided on the followng Havana, Oct. 17.- The snate has -t
vs. ilmt-Hal, 956J plyer forlei bacci~islconfirmed Dr. Cosine dIe la Torreieta "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything
vs. ilmo-Hal, 296J: layes fo hisbackIn the big to be Cuba's first amibassador to Wash- qiky -dv
i, 2282J, vs. 'Martin- games: Redinger, former 1Penn Stat-1le ne evelasmnitr oi -____-Ad
51?; Stegmnier-Marmion. er at quarterback; Cornwel, former igo. i nesre smnse vl- _
olland-Fritschie. 2863J;! Pennm Stater at fullback and Tryon and Spa:in,: Patronize The Daily Advertisers.
981W vs O'onnel- anfrdvets of 1922 at the halfback
i s 1 W vg s .th e 'o nll n g p o s itio n s .
u. snles h flli".,,° o b5o'lok At centerlDa Crssa, anlItalian C~e;:' A
be 5ay. o'lc' AETA
pnon ledby 997M youngster, has earned the beith wjile
HibW Wtsha,01.vs lie will be flanked by 'Wel and either
240W Ws, 9, vs. a, Growhers, another former Penin State
.ichols, 19A lAvs Olan
6,32M, vs. Woolfenden,, guard or Strac,. who was rutsner- UI) N Ow
Garber, 1324J, vs. AI- in the A.-:A. U. heavyweight w risling
H-icks. 332 Maynard, vs. championshiips lst spring., t the ! fe illsmec Inipii and saimin fro'n aove. Rhlig hree cnssteuger
)SlT;Hirchnan 206tackles will be Jim Leonard, husky, :irphmui. Siioth tsafe flying. Nthhing'ike "GOING UP."
vs. Vii Martin, 1805; captain and lBeuthel, a 19-year oldtroFC AS'v3
vs. Slingerland, 16801R; youngster W;hit held down the right Cours of Instruction $10.00
V, vs. Register, 1809; tackle berth all last season and did sakrotetan iyLmt
9J, vs. Mildne~r, 1366; in creditable fashion. PcadSre n iyLmt
1668W, vs. Epstein, Coach Harlow is having trouble,____________________________________
ns5ki, 932M,1 vs. Dreyfuss, finding good ends. lie hass .Nce, a,- ______
Martin. 1058. vs. Un- I veteran end] at t r.~heft l v' butt Ihe' ________....____________ _______

lap Quarterback
Makes W -M Team 1T ECN1EA
Formidableone CL RIS2 ROT
X Roponingto the ;first Oalt fo,

plainly a lack of team-work.
1Neischlt aid Up
The end problem Nas -f rtier com1-
picated yesterday when Leroy Nei e:'},
letter man last year, was sent to thie
Health Service infirmiary with a. se-
vcre bone bruise. Neisch would very
probably have started against Ohio
had .he been in condition. His itljury
leaves Curran, Marion, andI Wltler-
spoon available for service aginst
the Buckeye eleven. Due to his good
showing against Vanderbilt, Cu krrn
will probably he at Iight end whoin the
whistle blews, but This running mtate

matches must
Saturday- after
vs. O'Connell,
2492; Prall,
913 Huron;:
braclt, 1040J;
N. Frieling,
' Washington,
jFlowers, 1166,
t1Coyne, 2420"
IMurphy, 10-40
"420W; Slowii
-5'lW; It. U.

111Q1 Lill, 1pVe3iL V:J. (,,11-

vY l.Gl-a IL VILII Lti 111 YY tittj :.I L1L "1..LtC:

has not yet been definitely decided seoldl, 2437.J. Maroon mentor has _,triedI no less than _
upon. All the ends have been given If any of the above damnes ar-c notj half a dozen at the other end. Lev-
plenty of work this week, and what-' played by the time stated above, thel~-
ever combination takes -the field Satan_'- contestants will be dropped from theI
day should be really to put up a cyred- tournament. R a e W n
itable game. _____________________________________
1,uckey eslit EornuiI i
Coach Wilce has been giving his Liillilllh lsllillililililllililI li ii iaiiM 1 111111fi ,
proteges a thorough going-over durin:g
this week's practices, and results have
ben most encouraging. In addition to ME__________________I
the natural ability of the Buckeyes,
the team is imbued with a fighting
spirit, whieh xwill be particularly
noticeable in the Michigan game. TheE0 0B
State eleven will take the field against -
the Yostmen with blood in* its eye,.'
Last yeardl's defeat only seryed to! al
make keener Ohio's desi-c for a win i=
over the VWolverines, and a scrapping= D=T " C 18 ;
te m w l a e i s b w a e r i l =Saturday. .2
aevnsrneagrgtothnltScouts report that the Ohioans have j 2 iS.o
year. A number of sophomores have 1'
taken the places of nearly all of the121
stars who were lost to the team by,
graduation, and the team is at present 2=
one which would make the going=I
tough for any aggregation in the couin- -ie st il
try. __ _ _ _-~

Nickel's Arcade
Where the students meet





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