THE WEATHEl WARMER; PROBABLY RAIN A6F "iit r tAg ALr A S;;flJA'~TED PRSS t 'ASE liRESERICE WESTI1ERN CON PEIENCE EITOR1AtL AsOClA TION VOL. XXXIV. No. 22 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS FOD A ND WEEKS MAY AT TEND I ELD HOUSE DEDICATION .NVITATIONS FAVORED BY BOTH MEN TO SEE GAME AND CEREMONIES DETROIT TO ENTERTAIN 1500 MARINES AND BAND Huge Parade To Be Held There Be- fore Contest; Expect 24 Planes From Washington Henry Ford and Secretary of War John W. Weeks may attend the dedica- tion exercises of the Yost field house at the Michigan-Marine game on Nov.- 10 as guests of honor of the Board of Contr uof Athletics. Invitations were extended to both of these men by the board and it is understood that if pos- sible they will be present for the event. Secretary of the Navy Edwin L. Denby, '96L who will lead the Ma- rine team, band and rooters west to the great intersectional game, de- clares he }s practically certain Sec- retary Weeks, as well as various oth- er Washington personages will at- tend the, ceremonies. Mr. Ford has already expressed his desire to Con- gressman Robert H. Clancy to see the game, adding that he greatly enjoyed the one that he saw last fall, the crowd and Michigan spirit in general. General Smedley Butler, of the Marine corps, said that probably 24 aliplanes would fly to Detroit and terry field from Washington for the game. These will accompany the 1500 Marines, who will come from Quantico, Virginia, in a huge demonstration to be held in Detroit. This Detroit celebration afd parade will probably take place Saturday morning following which Secretary Denby and the entire Marine delega- tion will come out to Ann Abor. The dedication of the field house will take place in the afternoon after which the two teams will meet on Ferry field. Kathryn Browne Musical Soloist Kathryn Browne, mezzo soprano, of the Chicago Civic Opera company, as- sisted by Granville English, pianist, gave an interesting program yester- day afternoon in the ballroom of the Union. Miss Browne's ingratiating personality soon had the audience quite in sympathy with her. The French group excelled her other se- lections and Weckerlin's "Bergerette" was given with unusual interpretation and coloring. Sur la Terasse de St. Germaine by Fourdrain also was de- cidedly well done. "The Piper of Love" by Carew was popular in its appeal, but Miss Browne's brilliant interpretation and enunciation made the selection inter-* esting. "Habanera" from "Carmen" afforded her an opportunity to exhibit splendid dramatic ability. Miss Browne's voice is of a clear, pure quality and wide in range but was not always true in intonation. The "Nocturne" by Curran was sung in an artistic manner. Mr. English showed brilliant tech- nique in the "Concert Etude" of Liszt but very little coloring or interpreta" tion. It is to be noted that he played one of his own compositions, "When Moonlight Falls". It was fairly well performed but the melodies and har- monies were quite ordinary. His in- terpretation and technique in "Cyril Scott's "Passacaglia" deserved admir- ation.-M. B. FREH A [ITS-TO HOLD GLAS EECTIONS TODAY Members of the freshman literary class will ballot for their class officers today at a booth placed in front of the Library. Balloting can be done here from 9 o'clock in the morning unitil 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The following are the candidates for office nominated last Thursday at the class meeting: president, Theo- dare Hornberger and Alvin Tolle; vice-president, Helen Reece and Jean Kyer; secretary, Phylis HAcknle andl Mary Barret; and treasurer, Leslie Butler and Dam Ederle. { COACHI WILCE STA'''S- PSYCHOLOGY CAMPAIGN{ Columbus, 0., Oct 17.-Coach J. C. Wilce, of the Ohio State footballI team believes that psychology asI Capplied during the playing season Ihelps his team to win. Early in Ithe season he had his office paint- I I ed in a brilliant red for the psycho- logical effect, he said. Before the I Colgate game last week, placards { bearing the inscription; "It's inter-{ sectional" appeared on the walls of the players' dressing rooms. { Now, the single word "Michigan" emblazoned onlargesigns greets Imembers of the squad at almost I every turn-all a part of the WilceI psychological campaign.I ORGANIZE CLUB TO PUSH UN/ON POOL CAMPAIIGN ASSOCIATED PRESS MEN WILL CON A' ENE 11E RE To lAY v Members of the Associated Press of Michigan will. hold a business meeting this afternoon, the exact time of which will be posted on the bulletin board in the lobby of the Union. The Daily a, a member of the Michigan association will be represented by the Managing Editor, Howard A. Donahue, '24. At 6:30 o'clock the A. P. men will be present at the Press club dinner at which rederick Roy Martin, of New York, general manager of the Associated _1 . I k . i . I i I ( I MEMIlERS1IIP PLANNED TO CLUDE 4000 NAMES; 15A) LISTED ALREADY IN. COUNCILAPPOVES 'BUCKETCOLLECTION Money to Be Used in Financing Band OnWisconsin andi Iowa Trips PLAN TO BE USED AT 01110 STATE GAME; $5000 EXPECTED The Student counc:i wii proceed on the plan approved by the Board in Control of Athletics In its meeting Saturday, relative to the collection of funds to defray the expenses of the Varsity band on its trips with the football team. This announcement was made late last night by John W. Kelly, '24L, president of the Student council after a special meeting of the council. The petition of the council to make bucket collections among the spectators in the stands at the Ohio State game was amended by the Board in its meeting Saturday to permit the collections to take place only between the entrances and the stands. Kelly stated that it is hoped that the plan will net $5,000 in order that the Iowa and Wisconsin trips may be financed. The council members voic- ed their approval of the plan in that it will lighten the burden on the stu- dent body and give the alumni an op- portunity to contribute to the support of the band. In previous years, it was said, alumni backing for the band has always been offered but no oppor- tunty for actual contribution has ever been presented. The committee appointed by the president of the council which will take charge of organizing the collec- tion squad will be composed of Hugh K. Duffield, '24, chairman, Stewart Boyer, '24L, Edwin Fox, '25E, Charles Merriam, '25E, and Eugene L. Dunne, '25. GALL-CURC TO OPEN SEASN HERE TOMORROIN Mine. Amelita Gallt-Crci, colora- tura soprano, will make her second appearance in Ann Arbor at the open- ing concert of the Choral Union series at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in Hill auditorium. Madame Galli-Curci first sang in Ann Arbor in the season of 1917-1918, after having been prevented by sickness from fulfilling her con- tract for the 1917 May Festival. Since her initial appearance in America in the fall of 1916, Madame Galli-Curci has made concert tours every season, when she could be spared from her opera contracts. That Ann Arbor is looking forward with eagerness to he tring Madame Galli-Curci again, is evidenced by the fact that every available seat -for the concert has been sold. Shreveport, La., Oct. 17-Joe Loh- man, of Toledo, won a refefree's de- cision over Capt. Bob oloper, of Chi- cago in a 15 round bout here last night. Need Cars To Meet Ohio Team At least 12 or 14 cars are need- ed by the Athletic Reception com- mittee of the Union to carry the f Ohio football team from the sta- tion to the various houses that will act as hosts to the visiting teams.j Anyone who has a car and will put j it at the disposal of the committee should call at the activities room in the Union or call Turner at 1016 1 i I i UNIQUE IDEA EMPLOY ED TO CARRY OUT DRIVE ,J. A.. Beresford, '24, Elected President; Kerr, '24, Flected Treasurer More than 150 names are listed in the charter membership of "4,000" club which was organized in the Mich- igan Union yesterday afternoon for the purpose of completing the Michi- gan Union swimming pool this year. James A. Beresford, '24, was elected president, ;and Kenneth R. Kerr, '24, treasurer. The organization came as a climax to a series of meetings started last week by some fifteen men Press, speaker . lOTION ON UNIflN IFAI R POSTPONED Senate Conimittee willI Ronsider IProposition After Furthe-r Investigation Frank Murphy, '14, fJStirred Audience PEGLF TIONS To Tears In 1920 Judge Frank Murphy, '14, who will CLl rES f lf lJ be the principal speaker at the Ohio ULLJMDLJI'1FUI~I State pep meeting tomorrow afIternoon' ON1at 5 o'clock in Ilill a uditoriumn, estab- lished a record as a rally speaker SELF-I)ET4BMINATO1N UTTEfLJY when he brought tears to the eyes of IISRE(AlRl)El IN WORLD a defeat-maddened student body the PEACE COMPACT night before the Chicago game in 1920. --- - The team had gone down to de- NEUTR ALITY NEEDED feat at the hands of Ohio State a week S SOLVE DIFICU TIESbefore and gloom and desperation had TO ~.j~it IFFCULiESseized the campus. The game was lost on a punt blocked behind the StaTrs Qustlon of ItRlparMtioi1s W Michigan goal line and it seemed like Rang Over Defeated Nations a "jinx" defeat. Chicago boasted a For Centuries strong aggregation and was encour- aged by the defeat of the Wolverines "Democracy and the hope of perma- on the preceding Saturday. =ent peace for the world have been Frank Murphy (for he was just mJanuYer d by the Peace Treaty I plain "Frank Murphy" at that timeI which concluded the treat World and is now the youngest judge in De- war," declared Count Albert Apponyi, troit) was introduced as the speaker former Hungarian premier, in his lee- at the pep meeting on Friday night, ture last night in the Natural Science and he seemed at once to grasp the auditorium. "The one-slgled dictation attitude of the student body. It was of the treaty which was caused by the then that he launched into his famous excess of power enjoyed by the vic- "Heroes of Athens" speech and before torious nations completely dashed all he had finished he had brought tears } hopes of permanent peace resulting to the eves of his audience and had will be the principal 4PRESS CLUB MEETS FOR FIFTH ANNUAL CO NFEB EN CE TODAY IIEAI)QUARTERlS FOR 250 VISITING NEWSPAPER MEN TO BE AT UNION BURTON TO SPEAK AT PRESS DINNER FRIDAY Eleclion of Officers and Reading of Reports to Take Place Saturday orning The fifth annual conference of the University Press club of Michigan will Abe opened today to continue through Friday and Saturday. All sessions are to be held at the Union, where headquarters will be maintained. More than 250 newspaper men are expected. The substance of the pro- gram to be carried out will be as follows: Thursday morning, from 9 to 12 o'clock, registration will take place in the Union, annual dues of $2.00 being paid at that time; and luncheon sessions of the Michigan Daily News- paper association, the Michigan Lsague of Home Dailies and other newspaper organizations will be held. It is requested that the delegates see the Union bulletin board in the lobby for room assignments. Lee A. White to Speak Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock the first general session of the University Press club will take place. Appoint- ment of committees will occur. Mr. E. J. Ottoway, president of the club, will give the opening address. Lee A. White of the Detroit News will speak on "The Development of a Morgue and Library for the Little or Big Town Paper." Round table discussions will follow, under the leadership of Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism de- partment and secretary of the organ- ization on the topic, "The Nature of News." Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock the Press club dinner honoring Fred- erick Roy Martin, of New York, gen- eral manager of the Associated Press, who agreed to build up an organiza- GLEE CLUB CHICAGO 3TlJP from it. The human intellect can bear tion large enough to carry the swim- APPROVEI) BY C(0E'O 'TEE up under just so much strain and re- ming pool proposition to the student sponsibility before it becomes giddy. body. After a discussion of obstacles to be So it is in the case of excess of power. Same As Chimes Proposal confronted by those promoting the Napoleon fell for the same reason The idea, which will be presented Union Fair, the Senate committee on from his height of influence and mili- by these 150 men to the campus to- Students Affairs at a meeting yester-' try supremacy; so the statesmen of day, is essentially the same that was day deferred action on the proposition today have failed in their efforts to proposed in the first issue of Chimes until further investigations can be , devise a treaty which would bring this year. Subscriptions will be taken made. Thomas J. Lynch, '25L, presi- peace permanently to the nations of for tickets to the swimming pool at dent of the Union, explained the pro- 'the world." five dollars apiece. Each ticket will ject and its aim, raising funds for the Count Apponyi, who was chairman entitle the purchser to twenty swims completion of the Union swimming at the Peace Delegation, proceeded to and will be good for one year from pool. explain the basis upon which perma- the date of the opening of the swim- League Has Exclusive 1Iht nent peace must rest. ming pool. Chief among the objections ad- "There are two elements which are "The plan of execution is built up vanced was the fact that the Board essential to a neace which shall en- on a chain idea, Beresford said yes- of Regents has assigned a period of dure," he said. "First, it is necessary terday. There will be none of the or- five years, beginning one year ago, ex- that the individual shall be educated dinary campaigning methods in use. elusively for the collection and cam- to a point where war is repulsive, and The men who have subscription cards paigning of funds for the University s ythat national policies should in their possession now will get their of Michigan League building. Wyle be conducted in a manner whichwil own friends to sign up, and the sign- no definite opposition was voiced by e on u ted ina annerichma ill ees will in turn sell their friends. Dean Jean Hamilton, who atfended not arouse hatred and anger in masses Not Opposed to Other Plans the meeting, it was pointed out h of.pthere should he a psycho- "There is no attempt to run counter the Union had had a similar periodl re logical basis to politic organizations, to any other plans that have been sug-served during its campaign of au- e the anger of the multitude cannot gested for the purpose of completing rand stubeuts. ie argued with." the pool this year. It is a recognized Other problems in connection with Count Apponyi next bwelt upon the I fact that efforts must be put forth in the affair which caused its demise reparations which have ,been asked of all possible directions to secure the several years ago were also consid_ the vanquished nations+, necessary $20,000. ered. In light of existing conditions, It is impossible to imagine that in Cards which are appearing on the it is believed that these difficulties the intoxication of a tremendous vie campus this morning bind the signor can be overcome in case League offi- tory, any just retribution could be to buy a swimming pool ticket somet- cials waive their exclusive right to formed," he continued. "The repara- time between November 1 and No- raise funds on the campus. Fuirthr tions were not defined. The question vember 7 and to attempt to sign tip 1 information on all angles of the sit- of reparations will hange over the de-t at least two other men. uation will tie procured by Lynch and gated nations for centuries and will Headquarters have been establish- a committee from the Union which it hinder economical and scientific ex- ed in the swimming pool at the Union 1 is expected will influence the final oansion for an indefinite period of where men who do not have the op- action of the committee when they time. portunity of securing cards from their consider it again in the near future. "The reduction of armaments wasf friends may sign. This office will be Glee Club Tour Approved conceived under the same strain oft open every afternoon from 1 until The University Glee club was excess of power. Hungary is now al- 6 o'clock- ,0granted permission by thle committe lowed a standing army of only 35,000 Seek 4,000 3fembersIto make a trip to Chicago o_ Feb. ,i men while the smaller states sur- Each man who signs the card be- for the annual Mid-western Collegiate rounding her have 500,000 men con- comes a member of the "4,000" Club. glee clug competition. Michigan be stantly under arms. They could in-t If 4,000 memberships can be secured came a member of this orgamization vade Hungary at a moment's )otice " inka reasonable length of time, the two weeks ago. Count Apponyi paused. "Is this con- collection of money will begin around Other business transacted consist- -lucive of a permanent peace?" he the first part of November. Assuranc- ed of adoption by the committee of the diemanded. "Consider yourselves in es have been given by officials that if new constitution of University of the same situation. Would you rnot re-_ the money is in the hands of the Un- Michigan League, and approval of sent it? A situation such as this ion by the designated time, the pool modification of rules for eligibilty for breeds war and is far from being cre-t can be finished sometime around the campus activities. According to the ative of peace. close of thetfirst semester. new ruling ,students entering from "Further, the Peace reaty utterly At its meeting yesterday the "4,00" other colleges wIlo have maintained "Frere Pcaerinty uttrly Clu> was given assurance that campus a good record previous to their reg-disregarded self-dtrminatin of ra- organizations would line up with the istration in this University are eligible es in their division of the Hungarian plan and attempt to carry through the to enter campus activities their first territory. Hungarians were given to swimming pool project at this time. semester of residence, andlfreshmen other nations much the same as cattle with one semester's record of "C" or would change owners. This also stim- Lutherans to Meet better in all subjects will be eligible ulates hatred and a desire for retri- t The Lutheran Student Club will for campus work. bution. have a steak roast this afternoon and -In order to secure a permanent evening. Meeting at the church par- New York, Oct. 17.-Mayor John peace the present Peace Treaty will1 for at 4:30, the members will hike to F. Hylan after two weeks of steady have to be revised. I bold no resent- the appointed place. improvement from his ttcK ~iof eu- ment in my denounciation of the pres- Rev. Walik is in charge of the roast. monia at Saratoga Springs, tuf, red a ent treaty, I only wish to hasten the The next social event of the club will relapse yesterday due to nervous in establishment of democracy through- be a Hallowe'en party. digestion. out the world." -"Thepreesnt situation," he conclud, ---- __ _- _ed, "demands the influence of an im- partal power such as the United Big House Applauds F'rst States, a power who is interested and 1 still not biased. Permanent peace for, Offerings Of Comedy Club the world rests upon this." What should be a season of unrival-1a negro youth who has done wrong FRTERNIT COUNCIL TO led successes in campus dramatics l and his dying mother who does not opened last night with the presenta- know his disgrace. Donald 1. Snvd- tion of two one-act plays in Sarah , ,r n Caswell Angell hall by Comedy club. part of Dreamy which, had it not - - been rivalled if not equaled l other Consideration of the plan proposed The crowd was as large as could be members of the cast, would have to raise the scholarship of fraternal comfortably seated and received both seemed little short of perfect. Every organizations on the campus will efforts with a volume of praise and part in this powerul bit of tragedy take place at the special meeting of applausethat indicated full apprecia- was played with sypafhetic artistry, the Intrefraternity council at 7:30 tion of the work of the club. I yet the effort failed to staad cut. The o'clock tonight in room 304 of the Un- Floyd Dell's "Sweet and Twenty" other roles were: Mammy, Madeline ion.' occupied the first position on the pro- McGurk, '25; Ccaly Ann, Christine The plan was evolved recently at a gram, and rightly so. It kept the audi- Addison, '24; and lree. lizabeth meeting of delegates from many cam- ence laughing and had just enough of Pike, '24. . pus fraternal organizaons with Dean the dramatic element to bring them Both plays owe their fine direction J. A. hu l It has beenc sidee into a receptive mood for the second, to the work of Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson by fraternitiesnat their regular meet- and more ambitious play, "The of the English departinatit in the ongi- i aidlhesentati y onihe o Dreamy Kid," by Eugene O'Niell. I neering school and Win. D. Roes- xpcilis have opportunity toniht toa In the former, June Kneisely, '25,j ser, '25, who managed tenri.( express ime( approval or disapproval I of the various organizations concern- made the hit f the evenming in herI At a meeting of the ~uii after the ing the scheme under consideration. portrayal of the part "She," convinc- 1 play it was announced that the next turned the gloomy assemblage into a bedlam of "pep." His story was based upon the oath that the Athenian athletes took that they would make Athens "better, finer and more beautiful than it was when they found it." His appeal was felt in the morale of the student body on the next day when they cheered them-t selves hoarse as Michigan took the Maroons into camp in. a 14-0 victory. Premier Backs Plan of Commission to Ascertain Ability of Germany to Pay DECLARES WE 0SHOULD NOT ALLOW GERMANS TO DESPAIR Chicago, Oct. 17.-(By A. P.)-The Hughes proposal for an international will be hemd. Dean Jon finger Germany's ca- of the Literary college will preside. commissiontoascertainGermaThe introduction will be made by Stu- pacity to pay was endorsed by David art H. Perry of the Adrian Telegram. Lloyd George, wartime premier of Evatdi Editor en Schedule Great Britain in an address tonight at Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock Al- the International amphitheater in the bert H. Bowman, editor and publisher stockyards district. To the largest of the Evanston, Illinois, News-Index, audience he has yet addressed since will give an address on "The Com- arriving in America he declared that I munity Newspaper." The discussions such an examination of Germany's ca- will be led by Floyd 'Miller of Royal pacity was one of common sense with I Oak, followed by others. "features the alternative nothing but the blind- for the Home Town Newspaper," will ness of focre and violence. be a talk of Donald Haines of the Must Act Judiciously journalism faculty. Discussions will Discussing the situation in Europe be led by Marshall Cook, Hastings' with its. exhaustion after the war and Banner and others. At 12 o'clock, the reparations question as the most luncheons will be served for the vai acute phase of the situation, Mr. Lloyd ous press associations in separate George declared that it was a fatal ;m i (s of the Union. Delegates can mistake to drive the German popula- finld out where they are to go by con- tion into despair. sulting the bulletin in the lobby of the "We want reparations," he added, U"Fnion. At 2:30 o'clock a speech will "and resolution is not the way to get lie given by James Wright Brown, ed- them." ' itor of E ditor and Publsther on "end- Mr. Lloyd George spent today in the encies of the t'resex t Day Journal- seclusion of the sick room. ism." A report of the Committee on Cancelling all engagements for his Michigan Code of Ethics will be then visit here, except his address at a mass meeting in the stockyard district haird. Atu W. Stace is to act as tonight, he remained in his hotel suite men. will thsie. upon the advice of his physician in an I 1 the character (f a "World For- effort to prevent any development of ;um" in which addresses and discus- the conditions forced by a slight temp- ssis if world affairs will take place. orature and caused by a week-end colds'Ihose who are scheduled to speak and the strain of continuous activities jare Prf. C. H. Van Tyne of the that has marked his visit. history department, Prof. A. H. Cross * of the history department, Prof. Jesse n " Reeves of the political science denart- STOE I munt, Prof. F. W. Kelsey of the Latin department, Frederick Roy Martin, HEADBEFORE OHIO UJmnes Wright Brown, Stuart H. Perry and others. Burton Sneaks Friday Friday evening at 5:30 o'clock the Election of the Varsity cheerleader ' anual dinner will take place in the for the college. year will take place at, Minion. M\embiers of the Press club 8o'clock tomorrow a fternoon when. the qual aid tudnt ounil orn vwill be guests of the University. Pres- the squad and Student council com- ident Marion L. Burton, will give an mittee will pick one of the group of.atdress oiltheySubject: "The News- cheerleaders who have bieen comnuet- ~Jrs nteshjc:"h es chefrherw hm- paper I Like." At 8 o'clock the dele- ing or the position since the open- ates will be guests of the University The tryout group has been under 'usical society at the concert by the direction of Lyman Glasgow, '25 Galli--Curci in 'hill auditorium. gcting as temporary cheerleader since Saturday morning at 9:30 the busi- the squad was omrganized. 5ness session will open. The election The man elected to the position will of officers will be made and reports of act. as cheerleader at all athletic Committees heard. At 10 o'clock an events during the year. The Student address by Arthur H. Vandenberg, ed- council committee in charge of the r- itor of the Grand Rapids Herald, will ganization of the squad stated last be delivered. Presentation of trophies night that new uniforms would prob- awarded to publishers in the second ably be obtained for cheerleaders and annual first page contest for Michi- that if possible they will make their gamn weekly newspapers and large/ and first appearance in the new regalia smaller dailies will follow. at the Ohio State game Saturday. Saturday at noon special luncheon will be held for all newspaper men in Journal Club to MCet the private dining room of the Union. The Zoological Journal club wi' At 2 o'clock the delegates will be hold a meeting at 7:30 o'clock toniht guests of Fielding IH. Yost and the in Room Z 242 of the Natural Science Athletic association at the Michigan- : hiiild Th m 'af i.n, Ohio State foothall ame MICHIGAN SPORTS are best told by those who watch them day by day. The Daily sports staff is composed of men who, since they cane to Michigan, have watched Yost, Mather, Farrell and Fisher teamis constantly. Ttn knwMichigean nort by nctual entaet with them In addi-