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October 17, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-17

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ER. 11


Souvenir programs for
State game will b)e placed on
day, according to. F. Swiger~t,
itor of the publication.
planning to attend the game
ed to bray their programs as
possible in order to facilita
bution.. More than 15,000 co
been printed.
The program this year wi"
more than the usual amours
tographs. Full pages will b
to pictures of the Buclieyec
J. W. Wilce, to Coach Fieldin;
President Marion Leroy Bu
tain Bon! Peteoff of the inv.

the Ohio
Isale Fri-
',4E, ed-
All those
are urg-
early asj
te distri-
ITies have
11l contain
t ?f pho-
Co) (devoted
coachi, Dr.
rton, Cap-
,ader s andl

Visits America,
sec:: < {gyp
F. N. Pickett
F. N. Pickett., called the "J. P. Mor-
gan" of his country, is now paying a1
visit to America. lie was in charge of
the salvaging and disposal of British
munitions in France. ilc bought mil-
ions of dollars worth of explosives
and went uninjured through seven ex-
plosions of munitions.
Daily clasifi[ed for real results.

Phone 2652
707 N. UiversityI
Read the Want Adts
ofraiiga inr or1 bfo
f'ttcd for an executive role e3yo5ar
To help you succeed more quickly the Bab-
f son Institute offers an intensive one-year( 1/ f
trainizg course in practical business." ,
From actual experience the fundamental ~i
principles of businss are madc clear. ByyJ OH NS i/
positiv c.-inmple. the student is shown how :R PKt'
j to apply these principles in the conduct of TnROC .
every day commercial affairs. I° ^
Send for booklet "'training fr.Bsns
fLeadership." Describes the courses in detail -y-
and gives complete information about the !
facilities of Babson Institute and shows how
men are trained for executive roles. Write
today. No obligation. VGHE R& .Q v ~
BabonInstitute[Intutnti or fl/en, c & ne 1
318 Washington Ave.I
Babson Park, (Srt), } Mass.

Captain Harry Kipke. There wall be
rt . ~ a double. page, picture of the yvarsity
squadi and a single p~age one of the 0.
S. U. aggregation. Eight pages will!
be devoted to individual pictures of
players of both teamns. 'T'here will al-
hrxr} ; so be two pages of Yost 's All-Amlen~-
A t 'scanis.
Presidenat Lorton has written a \vwordt
of weld one to the visitors 'Which willI
dames X. Beck appear in a promineint lrlce.a
While much emphasis is being plac-it- - I
ed on the probabilities of -John Hays'S, aso'4 fn~i
Hammond, noted mining engineer, sue-';,
ceeding Qol. George Harvey as United : Gargoyle Appeca s-
States ambassador to London, James' r__
M. Beck:, United. States solicitor gen-
eral, ise also being talkied of for the j n gorgeous coat of redl and blue
post. with a3 dash of yellow, Gargoyle, cant- I
post. pus humor publi cation, made it s first
C ,l~~~~~~~~~pupearanlce yesterday m orning w ith a15I" i k of nu b r 'h c ve p oi -
ises much for the matlgazine--and dceer
not disappoint.
UPTIW ~ Oflt Can the opening hiage is met an oldl
IYI1IP~ JJJ~J~friendl, or rather his remiains. Labell
Definite announcement will soon ble We:=t IHall, the bane of tine existenceo
made regarding the Whim)sies lecture; of rhetoricitans for many yearspat
course, aecordLing to Prof. Roy N. TIhe frontispiece, bearing the s ina-l
Cowdlen of the rhetoric depa) rtnment, tures of Peck andl Johnstone, is of a
somewhat conven tional type with noic
who has charge of the program. atcla neet tald
sevtralmen thoarepro~znetin "Aunt Sarah's Society section" oc-
literary circles havre coISented tocupying a doublel pale i an 7ilino;:a-
acome here for the couurse, buit up tilt lion and an enjoyable one. its au-
this timle there has boen sonne difliecul- thor, perhaps happily, prefers to ro- '
ty in fninirlg dates that wviill satisfy mnain unknown. His somewhaSt hldt
anl eorit wlbsad.hi ea otreatment of certain subjects shows
sArttefours il e atandeai er dteIa daring originality that is a welcome
star th couse t anearier aterelief from customary delicavte treatl-
than has been the custom heretoforei.!
~~~~etThis will make it easier to 1i1 ti i e noftee atrs
', Takig itsall in all, Carg's initial
that are not takien by other campxs bwt h cmu'hsyerhsbe
activities and will also give Professor bwt h apsti erhslcz
Co don and his associates greater free- a ucsflonbt rn'tesad
dom in the selection of dates to sit Ii oint of subject matter and its treat-
thie speakers, in a; much as the bu:,i- Imient. The staff should 4,2 coniIoli-
eats mioniths of the lecturer's y ear a ]ete iPOtt&<ise n purdt
February and March. even greater 'efforts by their first sue-
An e'fort is being made this Yea,' tO oss... BA3..
bring five men here on thl;,, xour;c - z
stead of the usual four. It is ilopet 'TJT JTIfl T
th at th e fir s t sp eak er m e' l be , oro v ght T WS'tA n A r o o i d e tt i l o thL i ETE I T . .
to An Aborsomtim ths mnth II E' (JS EI\TDFI,.

Mo talted cktMilk!
Lik~e to drink malted milks?
Sire thing, Old Top 4
Then why not eat 'em--
here's your chance.
Pure 'Maied ilk Bars
contain no cane or beet sugar
Sale for AthlIetes in Trainingj
Righat size for your pocket. Go
great at the game--atthe show--on
hikes--at school or in your room.
5ce - At All Dealers -
Send a nickei for a sample. 3
Thompson"s Maled Food Company
Makers of
the incomparable fountain drink
W ailAo.-ha, Wiset nsilt

Those who can afford to-
be extravag'ent eat here.
So do those who must be
economical. All have the
same reason--finer foods
Upstairs, Nickels' A.

A -


disorderly conduct for a period of onae
semester by the University Central
Discipline committee aet a mieetifug
held by the body yestcrdaiy after-


Ccl. (rIi] Tiic (Sluw 'iiic)
Leave Ct.,hnlbcr of Commnerce
. 6:45 a. fll.
4: S p. ?7.
F+ J$. Ii.LLIOTT, Proprietor
phlo -c 6- Adrian, Mich.


young fellows ,
want tis one!


Soft as, silk, tough as temptation -
that's the kind of grain leathers
Walk-Over gives you this fall.
Here's the Delmar, a new style, still
conscious of the designer's touch.
Pebble grain calfskin, snappy style,
the old familiar Walk-Over comfort
--and wear. Try to wear it out.
1 .4
_ 115 South Main Street



11. 1 PSi " Wb!A a KAPA ',

IlI ' -1

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