THE WEATHER GENERALLY FAIR AND WARMER gw 4jitrt4tn1 4op t ASSOCIATED PRESS LEASED WIRE SERVICE 11,EMRI WESTE'IN (ONFERENCE EDITOJ{IAI ASSOCIATION VOL. XXXIV. No. "20 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1923 EIGHT PAGE6 PRICE, FIVE CENTS BOYS CONFERENCE TO BE HELD HERE BY S. C.A NOV 30 Gargoyle Makes Yearly Debut ' Today With Kick-Off Number --_-. _i.. __ _ EXPECT THAT MORE THAN WILL ATTEND ANNUAL STATE MEETING 2,000 1 M3RE THAN 250 CITIES WILL BE REPRESENTED Hill Auditoriumt to e Given Over to Convention on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 and 2 The Twenty-first Annual Y. Ml. C. A. State Older Boys' conference, which is expected to bring more than 2,000 boys from more than 150 towns and cities of the state, will be held here Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and 2 under the aus- pices of the Student Christian associ- ation, assisted by the churches, the city Y. M. C. A. and townspeople. j Committees to Do Work More than 30 committees, the ma- jority of which will be appointed di- rectly by the Students Christian as- sociation, will take care of the men, who will have the exclusive use of Hill auditorium on the days of thei conference, and who will make their headquarters at Lane hail. Their en- tire program will consist of 15 ses- sions, including numerous sub-ses- sions which will be held at places not yet 'secured. Most of the conference delegates 11,1 hc 11 chnnlt .-fe1Pnts_ Thev -leralded as the "Kick-Off" Number, campus. Illustrations as a whole will Gargoyle's first issue of the year will not be as numerous as are planned appear on the campus this morning., for later in the year when the work of Conies will be on sale at the book- more artists will be secured. stores and by salesmen on the campus. Freshman Humor Passing of West Hall Apropos of freshmen will be an ed- In keeping with the issue title, the itorial, numerous jokes and an article covet, the work of Halseyra1vidson, entitled "Freshmen, Know Your 1will be a uniqlue interpretation of the Bible" with the subtitles "But There's term "kick-off." The magazine itself More to Learn-Listen" and "The will not bear out the idea of a foot- Gargoyle's Own Map of Heaven." The ball number to any great extent being unfailing ability of first year men to rather noro devoted to freshmen and produce material for humor will even the massing of West Hall. The demise be noticed on the exchange page oth- of that venerable building will indeed! erwiseknown as "Foolish Finds." be depicted by illustration and poem The introduction of "Aunt Sarah's on the opening page and many refer- Society Section" subtitled "Why to Do ences made to it throughout the whole When and What" will "be an innovation magazine. A full page frontispiece which ought to be greatly enjoyed. bearing the signatures of Peck and An increase will be noted in the Johnstone promises to be enjoyable. number of pages in this issue of Gar- Another page will contain a number goyle while the page size has been cut of sketches of possible substitutes for down a matter of half an inch. cars should they be banned from the B. G. B. CARS 01F VARIOUS MAKE S PART{ AROUI'NJ)CAM"US OWI Students, although fnow forbiddlenI from parking their automobiles on the campus which is ros('rvod forj members of the university staff, are still driving thwir cars to classes and parking them on ih outside of+ the campus and onI 't adjoining streets. In a walk around the campus yesterday afternoon more thanj 270 cars were counted. There ! were all kinds of them, from "tin- chariots" of all colors and de3crip- tions to Cadillacs and Lincolins. Although the majority of the cars were from this state, there were several from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin. There were sever- -al from more distant states as New Jersey, Iowa and New York. Exprecsses Admiration for Spirit by America in Late World War 1 MA h FS INITIL '"TWBiIC SPEEICH IN UNITED STATES Minneapolis, Oct. 15.-(By A. P.)- An appeal for the United States to help Europe mali e peace was made here today by David Lloyd George, the war-time prime minister of Great Bl itmin, in his first public address in this country after concluding his tour of Canada. tNir iOilMission1 EIROPE MUST HAVER LLOYD GEORGE Will Give Health Lecture Tonight AMERCAN YEAR GIANTS GAME, CIt fCIA3MPS END IN SPECTACULAR ANNER FAIL TO TIE; SHOWS 6-4 SCORE YANKS WIN SERIES BY GREAT RALLY IIN EIGHTH INNiING | | | ' t °' ._._ ._.. i 1TO CONVENE HERE More Than 250 Micligan Newspaper Men Expected at Meeting RURTONS TO GIVE RECEPTION FOR VISITORS ON THURSDAY wei ge itgs s iooh s .naln . feyr e will attend the conference in groups, I olding its fifth annal conference, representing the various cities and the University Press club of Michigan towns. At the head of the groups will will meet Thursday, Friday and Satur- be adult leaders, totaling approxi- day of this week in Ann Arbor. More mately 300. The purpose of the conference, as than 250 newspapermen from the state given by J. F. Mac Farlane, State are expected to attend.I Boy's work secretary, in general Meet First Thursdayc harge f he conferene, is At 2:00 o'clock Thursday the first yoke young men representing every organizatk engaged in constructive regular session will be held. Mr. E. J. work for boys, to seek inspiration Ottoway, publisher of the Port Huron1 from strong speakers of national re- Times-Herald, and president of the or- pute; and to heed the challenge to ganization, will give the presidential larger'life in thethome, school, church, n ,s t community, nation and world." Iaddress. At 3:00 o'clock the session Want Committeemen will be given over to the "Communityc The men will be entertained while Newspaper." Albert M: Bowman, ed- bcre on the Harvard plan which pro- itor and publisher of the Evanston, Ill-t vides that their hosts will offer them inois, News-Index, will speak on the lodging and a portion of their lunch- success he accomplished with a small eons without expense, the remainder town newspaper that is in competition1 of their expense for board and inci- with the large papers of Chicago. dentals falling on themselves. Much Floyd Miller of Royal Oak will also of the work of entertainment will be speak about the same task. looked after directly by the Students At 4 o'clock President Marion L. Christian association, while the towns- Burton and Mrs. Burton will hold a people, under the organization of the reception for all newspaper men at conference, will do the rest. The en- the president's home, while at 6 o'clock l tertainment committeg and all the the Associated Press dinner will take student committees will be appointed place at the Union. Dean J. H. Eing- this week by the president of the Stu- er is to preside as toastmaster and dent's Chdlistian association. Frederick Roy Martin, general man- Those who wish to help in commit- ager of the Associated Press, is to be tee work, or in any line possible, are the principal speaker.I asked to leave their naies at Lane White to Speak hall, together with their phone num- During the afternoon Lee A. White bers and address. of the Detroit News will speak on the "Scraparian for Large Papers or Physics Buildi- ISmall, or Reforming an Old Ladies1 £:C ut, ,Job." "Features for a Home Town Should Be Ready Paper" will be another topic of dis- cussion led by Donald Hamilton By Next February Haynes of the Journalism Faculty and Floyd Miller of Birmingham. With the completion of the new At 9 o'clock, smokers will be givenf physics building probably by Feb. 1, by the various newspaper groups in the University will have one of the attendance, the Michigan League of- most complete departments of its kind Home Dailies, the Michigan League ofI in the country. The new building will Weeklies, and the Michigan Associated be ready to receive equipment and Press. classesstarting the second semester Friday, luncheon will be served at of this year. The building as it now noon for the entire club. James Wright stands above ground is approximately Brown, editor of the "Editor and Pub- two-thirds finished, the last section lisher" will deliver a talk on "News- will be built in the future whenever paper Tendencies." At 5:30 o'clock needed. At present the building is L a banquet will be held, at which Presi- shaped but with the final third erected dent Burton will be the principal it will form the letter U. speaker. His subject will be "The Faculty members of the department Newspaper I Liked." 'have decided to use the new building The annual first page prize contest1 for advanced classes and research will then take place Saturday morn- work only. Elementary classes will ing. Three silver cups are to be given continue to meet in the old building in as prizes. The delegates will attend the rear of the Library. At the outset, the Michigan-Ohio State game in the+ the new building will not be entirely afternoon as guests of Fielding H. equipped. Yost, and election of officers will take Many details feature the construc- place before the conference comes to tion of the building. There are two a close. sub basements, making a total of two and a half stories completely under- FRESHMEN ATTEND ground. A sound proof chamber, builtD on foundations entirely disconnected NEWBERRY DANCE with the remainder of the building, is the only one of its kind in the country., More than 100 freshmen women were It is 30 feet square. present at the tea-dance given for The second sub basement is also of them yesterday afternoon at Helen separate foundations and is to be used Newberry residence. There were sev- for experiments where vibration is re- eral tables of bridge and the house or- duced to a minimum. It is believed chestra furnished music, for dancing. that, being on separate foundations, From 5 to 6 o'clock refreshments were this part of the building will not be served to the guests. Those who' subject to the vibrations of moving poured were Helen Delbridge, '24, machinery that may be running in Frieda Diekhoff, '24, Ida Jenks, '24, and some other portion. Marjorie Rudell, '24. A liquid air machine is now being installed in the old physics building. Paris, Oct. 15-(By A. P.)-"The There is only one other plant of this irth of a Nation," the motion picture, PEP MEETING TO . BE HELD FRIDAYi Student Council Plans to Give Team Giant Send-off on Eve of j Ohio Game TIME CHANGED TO 5 O'CLOCK DUE TO GALLI-CURCI CONCERT' Plans are being formulated by the' Student Council for a pep-meeting to be held at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon in Hill auditorium. It is the purpose of the council to give the Varsity foot- ball team great support by the stu- dents in encouragement and moral support.] Yells, speeches, and songs are ex-1 pected to make the gathering one of the most enthusiastic ever held. The meeting will be the final send-off for the team by the student body on thj° eve the team's first conference game. and what the student body hopes will be another season of a series of vic- tories for the "Champions of the West." Prominent alumni have been invited by the Student Council to address the WNILL TER UP UNIVERSIT UNIVERSITY CAMPU EXTENDED E CHURCH ST In persuance of the of the building progra been completed for th the campus from East nue to the west side of "The present plan," Pardon, superintendent ings and Grounds depai will have charge of tl work, "is to tear upI avenue between North versity. Here lawn a be planted and a cen structed that will be ace versity. Other walks entrances of the build main passage. Ittis hoped," .he con plan to do away with tI plaint that there is tc on the campus. This for the fact that ther walk constructed on t the Engineering buildin stalling of the new hei would be an obvious with the new building1 The proposed section will contain the new M and the Engineering face Waterman gymna Physics building and t building. The Universi Speaking beforemany bun rc d nar- Sons at a 1ri cliceon giiven by The Min- Sicapolis Civic association he said: "I am not here on a mission, but let e say to you one thing, that until the United States of America with its t LI ULtmighty influence, with its power, with1 th.e amoral c ommand which it has in US WILL BE Ithe world, because of its past, with AST TO the great clam that. you won by coin- REET ing into the war without any selfish purpose but for a holy ideal, sending general policy imillion s of your best young men m, plans have =across to ilght for liberty, and for ie extension of nothing else-until this great land University ave- csts its influence into the scale of Church street. reace, I despair of the future." saii Edward C. ~ M Oiy of War said idid theBuild In speaking of America's memory of rtent and who the war he said: "There is nothing ment ntruton for you to forget, but something to be east University proud of. You came for naught, but and South Uni- at a call and for a great ideal. It ought. nd shrubs will to be your pride. The part you took Ssi wlin it is one worthy of your greatest rent walk con- traditions. And my last word is that pproximately in far from forgetting, 'I trust that the =.r o1 astin- United States of America will once will join the Imore, in (Iu time, in its own way cast gs with this iits great weight into the scales of peace." tinned, "by this The address was the one fornal he present coin- public function on the pirogramn of the o much cement (list inguishe visitor. Arriving early also accounts this morning he was welcomed by "e has been nohugh r owds -at the station and on his he east side of way to the hotel thousands cheered ig since the in- him from the curb. This evening he at tunnels as it was to attend a l)rivate dinner at the waste of labor Minnesota club and later left for plan in view." Mooseheart, Ill., and Chicago where of the campus he will arrive tomorrow noon. edical building, - - shops and Will L Fa sium, the new lt Dr. Charles ,. Barker Dr. Barker will address the public at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium on subjects relating to health and the .care of the body. HEALTH OF~ICIAL TO TALK TONIGHT Dr. Charles E. Barker Comes Here On Invitation of Local Organizations WAS FORMERLY PRESIDENT .TAFT'S PERSONAL ADVISOR Dr. Charles E. Barker, noted health lecturer who attained fame as per- sonal advisor and consultant of form- er President Taft, will lecture at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. There will be no adlmission chargef and the public is invited to attend the meeting. Professor Daniel L. Rich, of the Physics department and presi- dent of the Federated Parent-Teach- ers association of the city will pre- side at the meeting. Dr. Barker came here three years ago giving four lectures at that time. le ii. one of the leaders in the field of health topics in this country and has gained a national reputation, as well as being considered a forceful and in-- teresting sneaker. He has lectured al- j More Than t(H0,000 Fans Saw Teams Play Thi; Year; $1,063,000 In Gate Receipts New York, Oct. 15.-(By A. P.)- Beaten, crushed after one of the most spectacular world's series fights in history, the New York Giants today surrendered to the Yankees the world's championship banner they had flown for the past two years and tonight, with this record shattering million dol- lar title battle at the end, the emblem of supremacy fluttered atop the Yankee stadium, greatest and cosliest monu- ment of the diamond. Gripping Rally The Yankees won the sixth and final game this afternoon at the Polo Grounds, lair of the Giants by coming from behind and scoring five runs in a dramatic, close gripping eighth in- ning rally, just when it seemed that the McGrawmen, fighting desperately with their backs to the wall, would tie the series and force the seventh con- test to decide the struggle. The final score was 6-4. The American League champions swept to their third successive triu- mph, completed the route of the once proud and mighty Giants machine and by a decisive margin of four games to two gained the first world's title after fmore than two decades of embattled !history. That, too, was written into the an- nals of the national game, a struggle for the highest stakes it has ever known, a gigantic spectacle elipsing all previous records, that was wit- nessed by more than 300,000 fans who payed more than $1,063,000 in gate re- ceipts. i he Engineering itv owns all the Holds Meeting meeting in addition to talks toIt Ui iLV -- --11 ..U en by Michigan men. It is the plan land between North and South Univer- most entirely to college and high sitavenues as far as Church street Members of the faculty of literary school students during the last teni Michigan gathering in which students, which will be the boundry of the college held their first meeting of the years. His visit this fall is made pos- alumni, faculty members and friends I campus on the east. year yesterday afternoon. Business+ sible through the co-operation of the will all come together for the one pur- According to Prof. John. F. Shep- transacted consistedly largely of ap- board of education, the Parent-Teach- pose of giving the team a great de- herd, Supervisor of the Building Pro- pointnents to various standing com- ers' council, and the Rotary club. Dr. onstration of loyalty and spirit. gram, construction work cannot be umittees. Barker has been lecturing in the Music will be furnished by the Var- started within a period of six months. Prof. H. A. Sanders of the Latin de- East. During his three weeks stay in sity band. A short parade will be apartmenti was appointed a member of the state lie will give talks in all of heldby the band in front of Hill aud. the Senate Council, Prof. E. E. Case of the leading cities. heldbyth band in fonth of mti au- the geology department and Prof. E. The health specialist has also been permanent varsity cheerleader who [. Day of the economics department lecturing on the Chautauquia and willnen b ascereadicked'IME I rfllnniiii aa cofnteao rf .F hl fsaos n a encniee ue-x will by picked this week will appear 1Awere made members of the library Lyceum platforms for the past few' for the first time at this meeting. committee, and Prof. A. F. Shull of seasons, and has been considered sue- As the Galli-Curci concert is sched- UUIIILIIIIUII the zoology department was appointed cessful in popularizing general health uled for 8 o'clock the same night, the a member of the Dean's advisoey com- subjects. The theme of his talk to- hour for the pep-meeting was at first San Francisco, Oct. 15.-(Py A. P.) Iittee. night has not been announced but will set for 6:15 but was changed to 5 -Legionaires from every state inI theIProf. J. 11. anford of the English i all probability pertain to health o'clock to allow more time for the Union gatherd here today for the department, Prof. H. C. Carver of the education and especially to the re- auditorium to empty. opening of the big annual convention mathematics department, and Prof. R. sponsibility of parents in the matter The Student Council committee in of the American legion. \V. Cowden of the rhetoric department, of fostering health methods. charge of the meeting is Donald W. A sea of flags, a riot of color amd gave reports of the committee in Steketee, '24, and Edward M. Fox, '25E. music, navy bands, army bands, cow- charge of registration and classifica- HANDLE GAME TRAFFIC boy bands, fraternal bands greeted the tion. Dates for the faculty meetings delegates and visitors at all corners of the year were also approved. Chief of Police Thomas 'OBrien re- " 10f 'of the huge civic auditorium where the . .iports that no trouble was encountered EIrtI COOLIDGLEI 1923 convention got into motion yes- Discipline Body to Meet by the police in handling the traffic 192 cnvntongo itomutin C5 The University Central Discipline L or the Vanderbilt game. New ar- airnnFOr E terday after the usual necessary rou- committee will meet at 3 o'clock th ranements in the system of prkn INtine.Igpakn The American legion auxiliary afternoon in the office of Prof. J. B about Ferry Field relieved the situa- vention began its annual session to- Waite of the law school. Several cur tion considerably lie said. CITIZENSHIP DELEGATES SA day. Committees of resolutions, re- Ient issues will be considered at tha The Cherry Hill road which leavesI NATION LOOKS JVITIHOPE atime.- nn Arbor by way of Broadway street' AT PRESIDENT amendments,international organi a-tutoa r yas been considerably improved since amedmetsintrnaionl oganza- More tryouts for assistant basketball -tst year and the traffic situation was tipns, finance, military affairs, naval ,naiaiger are needed. All men who -elieved by the large number of mo- Washington, Oct.,15.-(By A. P.)- 'affairs, aeronautics and time and have been on the campus one year are orists which took this route. Of this The nation looks to President Coo- place for the 1924 convention strug- eligible. Men caring to try out are -oad, three miles are concrete and lidge to assert and maintain the ma- gled throughout the afternoon for the asked to report at the gymnasium at 'he remainder is a gravel road super- jesty of the law, the citizenship con- consideration of the open convention':30 o'clock any night. or to the Packard road. ference leclared in a message tothe uing the next four days. - American people" approved; at the Many questions vital to the welfare closing session here today of its thre Of the American legion were being O io State Ga e ickets Out; day meeting for discussion of waysA considered in the committee rooms, te i and means for increasing respect for omembers stated. Officials Explain Situation the 18th amendment and the prohibi- umibr ttd tion act. We look with confidence to the Tickets for the Ohio State-Michigan 'gan supporters just 7,000 seats less. President," the message says. "We as- ae were placed in the mails yester- There is a capacity of 36,850 in the pery powert o commatd authori ets by Thursday noon shou d call at this supply to date. The block given The conference had a busy finial day with essions or nsige atnonriy..11y WVIIL~ the office of the Athletic association, 'to Ohio State begins at the 50 yard thsessionsorniI-it was stated last night by officials of line, or in the middle of section FF, night, and visit of the delegates to Members of the Ann Arbor Chm- the association. All tickets not sent in the North stand and extends west the White House at the noon House her of Commerce luncheon club will out Mon(ay will be mailed today. to the PP section, taking half of this. President Coolidge received them in assemble at the Chamber of Commerce "Questions will probably arise i This means that Ohio State receives his office and shook hands vith each Inn at 12 o'clock today, to go to An- I the minds of some of the student body one-fourth of all the seats in front of one gell school on South University ave- concerning the location of seats," said the goal line. To officials of the conference Mr. nue. Automobiles ,will be waiting to !hory A. Tillotson yestedray. "It, Students Apply Early Coolidge expressed his interest in the afford transportation to and from the should be borne in mind, however, that Talking further on the situation Mr. proceedings and said that what had ]school.the demand for seats reaches a maxi- Tillotson said that on Sept. 25, the day been done at this conference would be Luncheon will be served in the gym- mum at the Ohio State game and that of the opening of the University, stu- of use in the conference of governors nasium of the school at 12:15 o'clock. the Athletic association is making dents had applied for 366 extra seats which he had called for next Satur- George- E. Myers, professor of voca- every effort to distribute tickets in the ! aside from those that they would use day, for consideration of prohibition tional education in the University, fairest manner possible." personnally for the Vanderbilt game. enforcement, narcotic and other laws. and Kenneth G. Smith, state stU.ervis- Ohio has 7,000 Seats On the same date 4483 applications had ! r of indus~trial educatdion.will ex i- Tn nazin.- of the ticket situantin been received for- extra ticets for the Written in Sport lHstory The story of that eighth inning to- day, coming when it appeared that the deadly southpaw arm of Arthur Nehf and the inspired playing of Frank Frisch would hold the headlong rush of the Yankees, will go down as one of the most decisive championship turns of all times. It witnessed, too the failure of the game's idol of idols to answer a call to famie that would have raised him to heights greater than he had ever touched. For Babe Ruth, star of stars, the highest hitter ever, while he had started the Yankees off in the first in- ning with his third homerun of the series, fell down miserably on the eight inning pinch, striking out with the bases full and the Yankees yet one run behind. In his place a new hero was lifted up, Bob Meusel, to step into tbe breach that the Babe had left ana aelivered the blow that resulted in three runs and Yankee triumph. (Continued on Page Six) FRESHMAN ELECTION DATE SLTFOR THURSA9Y Freshmen elections, it was announc- ed by the Student Council yesterday, wll be postioned until Thursday. In holding the ele~t ion today, time is not given either the freshman literary class in which to consider the matter, nor the Student Council to conduct 'the election properly, it is thought. Ballots may be cast Thursday from 9 o'clock in the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A table will be placed at the center of the campus for this purpose. All members of the literary class of 1927 are eligible to vote and it is urged that a large vote I be east to insure a majority in class opinion. i z{ k ., , ;; . ., z As a result of the nominations held last Thursday, the following students are eligible for the respective offices as follows: President, Theodore Horn- berger and Alvin Tolle, for vice-presi- dent, Helen Reece and Jean Kyer, for treasurer, Leslie Butler and Dain Ederle, and for secretary, Phyllis Hae- knle and Mary Barret. Spain Hopes to Raise Cotton Madrid, Oct. 15-(By A. P.)-Five million dollars will be used to experi- ment in cotton raising in Spain, the minister of agriculture announces, preliminary tests being conducted with American, British, Indian and Egyptian seed. t t- F W