PAC - WICHT 'C = E MICH1GA DAILY SUNDAY, OTOBER 14; 1923. ut This in Your Pipe and smoke it!! There are approximately 211,934 inches of up-to-the-minute Michigan news, as well as news of the world at large in the remaining 161 iissues of the Delivered to your door every morning for only Don't let another issue of the "Daily" slip by. Subscribe Today! $ .5IL See the C i r c ul a t ion Dept., Press Building.. Phone 960 HAVE THE "DAILY" SENT HOME-IT COSTSONLY FIFTY CENTS MORE f .' NIUII. --- ' Illiip ' IIR{N II!IIH 41!1!9 tIiIIR . ' N14U ' MINI 111441 . -.. ffit4l INIIU IInIU NIIIU. " nCnl will III11U - All- 41114 uu!R , nu!n HIM nuip . furR 414911 414!91 a!9R I N91N aunt , 11011 s4u!s Ilit;t' nltli 119!14 mNiY uNUI RNIU (I!iiIf Rio N. tuM of 9l" 1141 111!44 t4fiR suu4 mNa filNU t . p!tln C]) INllit 10k IM 41.1 I IdRll ,, t 1tipU .. Emu INN 1101 Ruin ;WI nltR+ tNNp fNtnf >1m4' uuNI INNif nulR uNw 1111U, IRINI' I1lN4 11u 110 JIM It9Rl Toff E iNipf IIIINf IItNR-- INf4f t R!Wt , nuw: NNi9 III fit 141114 NNNt 111911 nlttp ItNNS nls l IIn4f w!ai; uaiu' IlEiip IWkif 44911: If 1' !yt Surprisinfr k!Inlr V ,I Ii n how economically you can have your laundry work done here. Call our ren- I resentative. PHONE _k 2076 and 2077 Two of. the, Secrets of Her Attractiveness The clean lovliness of her clothes and the youth- ful freshness of her face-in both, Varsity service plays a part. FREEDOM FROM WORRY The problem of wondering to whom she can en- trust her dainty silk lingerie as well as the heaviest of her blouses, is now solved by her. "The Laundry Worthy of the Name"