THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY,:Oc I-WTAL VPL1W ON OKLAHOMA FARM OSSBTATTE K 2'^ ,pi4 N.:> } , y, "5A^ . r=I ri jM. ,KELMI EARTH THEORM (Continued1 fr ol Page Nine) IlgY :z> Heb, whon he s' 'owd that the liquid ha i( o f0 the lava is duo. to the le r ro '' a. ffit }'*y5 - "1ralaxt(ionof pressurE On the interior : ~ ~ of the ea h in c rtu' Ia pluce~. In es- H INN(a~ak, /t tishizng a. firn ppoin t agaist the L a zI ' b place theory, Professor I obbs mnen- U tndthat e~rthqul a esocks are lolll s " ' rom oe side of te lold t) he oter )in a suaceG. of m12ites'c., showing that{ we, t4 AY =.d~ !t Ihe vibra ion has a solid mledium ,, _ - : _3 _ ho *l iliht travel, as it does, at r r, a rates o atsi ilarned' on adi- enenot to accet theories on the t + r ?; r g x r, l a x, ., e rre s s o H o b b w a r n d t h e a u d i * ~ ~-~ -~-reputation of thir originators, not f ~ 1 ~ 4~- ~ {even the Einstein theory. Recently. .>.'X. ~ lie said, 15 l 6b1 ' wI, ,:rx4 a scientific institution, in { g r }r-1U wfAmrica, openeda competition for es- ~ ~ ~ ~sy s upon the 'En.tin tery fr t } a x Stti..rx~rp t. "r °r }.' S t{ l Ta,. ~rIL' ereoffered. A zs "'"ir. ; 1, , , s-, ,,;ent i r rt tof distinction asked peiis-i t.> "Irftyc / . s~ii '"." ,. 's.. non to conbat the theory, and -was StolI tat if he di so he would have t p_ ro ~ ~ '} little chance of wining the prize. " l r4$d rII Y¢ ,-' t-'" xiter it was learned that the prize1 9 r4h# s c ' ? 4 s pmoney had been put up b a certain 4 ' r ,. !y.-"( pei'son in Europe who hadl laid downil -~ ~ Ivery specific rules regarding oppos-1 # w ', -. s#+ '.-,j.If lt2 . ,N i "'P- 1 v... f'# Y' 1 3--'{f !" ' ( At i,1. ,e3ny of Il' G ooga dj /Geograpby section, of the Con ress '-r ¢rI / Prafesjio Hobbs spoke on the newv /A ~ wJ~4 ; ., TJ/ ' oec Yocan sunding p pdevice en whichj , "'.r~{. "- °"- sa~ .e.... ( f ' ' a+.."z5 'iho vo'ked 1 co-jointly with thevet nit/d tates Cruiser "Milh J4~ ~ LQ/~ wakee, whch is equipped with this p{{ 1 F a? h fP1 ( !apparatus, was se^nt to, the Congress XLQ t1/ -by the United Sates government toy - - \\KL~X~demonstrate the workngs of the d-; KLUX ..,K- X _ ice,eWet ocr rhs - 4 n; ,l ,,_' ~r itra will present fle musical comedy - scor t re of the stageply "GoigU. Gerald 'Barnes, tn or, ~il app E>ri - - , y h fze, I a novelty prologue. s -j~ hwands Sell AT T' HE TE A TERS 4 fi ,3Y", (z t 4 " -l ' _.(Con i l Afrom a The Nine I an n° , Ia atl cr"brained i 0 ing hos P'ratictlly ,000 registrants hold - permits from the- federal government C5."Ji(ly" j z'i~i maright after leay C'oni~u~~ ~to manufacture, dispense, and use nar-;l1g college. i a is a young society L ~l17," rsd~r- !s1-. ibela cotics in this district, according to a gilfuliof thejo f being alive, pos-1' 1 iolleae 'T0 #;l1 ,> tcf v :~ survey made by Collector of Internal!SEedwtasprln xoait-d1 ry wazs ( { of 1 i>C mo3t<>I10115 Revenue Fred L. Woodworth. Ap- esd~ik s iln ennht, emsn i% wieh~m ovo mint;proximately 800 delinquents in this Jbtad b1 mudwt o to cent end." AcGcording to the district have failed to file the neces- I ire to asi - t her young husband in k - finis of the >majorty of tot nok sary return and receive authorization his s tugles = for sutccss>, "Dulcy" all I subja~ect, the opinion of 1 u gland ifor time manufacture and admiznisti'a- bt ruins friend hubby.' yiiiteinteinsnt(Li. on of narcotics under the' harrison 'Q/ tns" fetrng hln eyounger gone rton but o ia'i'reic.r> d, c ndRcadDx ntela- Un ly the entire nation w'ras th t ihe' A wa rning was sent out by Cll ct- lgrls omst h rcade. +ri day (. to be a~gl~to 1and l 07.Ot, 'aiI%, I '' o -O I'ti to thee ( dlciluenicts < and 'tWudy. ; u4iNesanl odsocillsset hi sa bea::f e~atonIte~ h' 'h tate'd that the mere fact th..t TI tory:G' is one of love and treach- ;1 STACOMB makes the hair stay combed dcle d z. r . ihe-v o", i-lz n o .+theybold no )narcotics i to('ir Posseo- lIsry, of mistake and tr'iumip, of power in any style you like even after it has in i 1;>l at U' t ln l , I lP'. 1i n d o e ie e t e from t e an d l p ig a nee-all topped wvit h just ust been w ashed. for this; attitude o i ,'>l1 ii de_'ralch4ity of properly reirterrilig, and 'the right kind of climax. The plot i s - TAC OMabye sareofsage a dbee a-n( illno wt- a>.,sted t~i l ta retained any order forms for based in large part upon the efforts screen-leaders o tle.,.,Write today Clkh3c~f of hePa:C:(?Incin rcril 'lug as re;lotic , isned by the internal Rove- of Ia 1-and of crinals to smugg'tle:i for free trial tube. Y Fa 'f) . for thea conti en ci cry 111,10hynu bureau, and failed to register, or X11; reotis ito this contry from Mclxi- j jTubes-35c Jars-75ce ill I ( figt f=.r ilaed ?" ~ to r- r l"eturn same to the department Vol' ico. Athonak-d love and dlaring dour- insist on STACOMB-in the black, this e-rnc'>1;c a :.or the warr of " ~iettol they held such formns i-iirate thr"oughout the picture, some of{ yellow and gold package. ; en on e an m n obe-I-- lg ly aritd rendered themselves liable of-l 3u -,i' i p st iterestii na . s For sale at your druggist or wherever of or Lme"- xci~e lie 1~~m o thle nnlties underi the - arion lbrol t about by the activities of thle tie od r o 7 fIl1t.r 4'j I-l1a~ Standard Laboratries, Inc. r rC t'rd(Id too 11htlvor sirc seal:Ned oic, tia. ; rmnuglers clashing wvith the efforts ofj 75Stanford Aveue Los Angeles, Californa 'FI'e "~'' ii lr c,° rce ;nt7is ollector W oodworth is preparing a. the Government I Send coupn for Fr@Ora Tub. { ra- "- o [ . n T n , of is ofall d e inquents who have failed ,----- - - N AR L- - A ;I8.r .t Ip3ir° i5 ', ( '-a t, rote inew to register, or properly to account for -Wnr ith atodr.,mngla rnie. Dept. os a I' t to g ve I e b od er f r m . A )e a lt y of $2, 000 , o r ItPteat rein gendtm e fetrial tub . Iew tP-x o laS ihmK nvtb term of imprisonment of five years, ivehicle, "0Ging°, Up," comes, to the N SIrt t0ov nle,: fil' or both, may be imposed upon violat- --Wel i.t o may for a week's engage;'- AddT- ~sed nm 1115' ors of the Narcotic act. Collector ment. The picture was "pre-viewed" reaction sig n) bl lase ne1W' ookS \iodworth urges those delinquents at a meeting of the Hollywood 'Writ- h gave tlhe rp , tl a tbi sba-i'eo,' who have not performed their neces- cls ub, an orgaization made up of Ioy - a lrIst; ayfntost d oa ne n neianatos cos >s' shreo f t. blame wa t avoid liability to the penalties which drOin atsts, a.nd directors and cose-; i by thbe 3f 1rz":l bur prl(51:O ip-- may attach. u#netly the unannous praise of thel Professor Sir Edgeworth David, whoj iesided at the Congress, spoke in raise of Professor H-obbs' work in nit years, mientioning the beauty of s writing, and the fact that most of oe material was collected personal- y, forming, he said, text books which ad inspired both teachers and stu- ents.I - - . I E, Beside delivering the opening ad-! ress of the Congress, Professor! iobbs read three papers of his own, I id one for Prof. E. C. Case of the Tniversity geology department, and poke in New Zealand during his stop a dTHE E6UPPER ROM" BIBLE CLASSES For All 1iu-vers ity Men SATURD)AY EVEMNN 1 rom d to S o'clock ~1Ni)Y QR From 11:30 to 10:15 Read the "Upper Rloom i Buletin" Issued weekly' during the Col- i1-go year. C"lasses and litera- ture free. Give Classes a Try-out this Week-end i i k t i GOLF MEMBER- SHIPS FOR SALE WAS1TEN{AW CLUP. On easy payment plan. Any student can handle tl~ls proposition.,- I can sell as nigh as 100 -mem- berships. For iniformation call MR. H. lB."TITRNBILL Phone 345, da'ys 18006, nights here. r M20., PC 1 i y I 1 w l ,, - -77 Th'e Green 'free Inn WILL BE OPEN TONIGHT - --053'0: -7:00 Oppposite Lane Hall -"g smart Clothes q' Fyou think be- cuetwo suits lokalike they ARE Salike, 'd like to Stake you to a neigh-$ boring window ex-. hibiting foreign money, and -show Syou how pretty a 10i,0oo ruble note is. CL But tryto spend it.~ STEIN- BLOCH Clothes are not made ~ Sto resemible fine clothes. They ARE fine. CLA variety of pat- terns, tailored in best - of foreign and domes- tic fabrics. -lHow much?K Forty-five dollars. ANDENSCHMITT, .aPFEL 3 CO. Ann Alsn-'s Leading C Iotliers "Exclusive Butl Not { "09~ S. MAIN STREET almmmi ~ It 0 1 WeHave the VICTROLA You Have Been Wanting W IT H a Victrola you have your choice of what W you want to hear, when you want to hear it, and at our up-to-date, comfortable and well equipped Uti.0 C. YoU U.u gmt any E(j ctv, nut,ra 6vfrcqua-you" ae- sire. Once you have sampled our courteous service, and our intellilgent understanding of your requirements you wvill never want to go elsewhere. See the beautiful new art models which we are showing now. Scndacberle '&Son MUsiC House 110 S. Main Street on. X, -..k,. .,...+... .,.. -- ;uls ubea club is regarded by those in the movie i :?lL i ier zpr ofession as the highest compliment Services will be in Germn at 9:30 - which nvoy br-a rccordod any-,screen G,-'clock this; morning in ,ft. Paul',; lproduction. "'oing Up'' is a sustain- P.ut beran eliu~rh. At 10 :30 thae usual 0nyg and eotei't'li ing comedy-whole- Bible school will be held, and the SoC!- !e- c '-lean d infinitely superior to ~c en at 11:20 o'clock will be in Er ig- ;"T.he I lotteutot," Mr. MacLean's great- I ~ . "Family Worship" i~ the title !est success up to the present. of the Sermon at this time. ! nder the direction of Nicholas D. 11 WXe are showing(- the most complete assortment of SPORT JACKETS, SWEATRSl andi NIT- TEL) WAISTCOATS WE HAVE EVER HAI) THE PLEASURE OF PRESENING FOR Y&JRAPPROVAL Priced from $.0t 1.0 ;. . n , ,,, ~ ' Y 0 r O ' ,i ,.. , . 0 f 0 / l G'Icee Club Trip SEE. OUR WINDOW DISPLAY O KNIT GOODS South State Street at WilliamStreetR The Home of Better Clotbies, Furnishings and Hats at Fair Prices Booh'sOrchestra 1017 QAIiL AM) I ft,:A !". cle i .. . : ="rsa c--:aa-ve r rm.u.ti-.m _ sv e cam' a - < .. x ..,.,,mawus srzwsraswu usw -, - ,, ------..,. -- - ~ .. - Mir ~_~ 7 ~ijA a PHONE AV FA 511