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September 25, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-09-25

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19231824 LECTURE
William Allen White, Judge Ben
Lindsey,' Stephen Leacock
Also Booked
What is expected to be one of the
most popular lecture courses given in
this University will be opened October
12 in 11111' auditorium when former
Gov. Frank Lowden of Illinois will
speak on the "Organization of Gov-
ernment". A program which will in-
clude lectures by such notables as
William Allen White, Judge Ben Lind-
say, and Stephen Leacock will be giv-
en throughout the school year under
the auspices of the oratorical associa-
tion of the University.
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood of the
public speaking department who was
busy last spring arranging the pro-
gram and who has been active during
the entire summer getting in touch
with well-known, lectureres, states-
men, and diplomats, stated yesterday
that. the program this year would be
the most expensive given in this Uni-.
versity. Sinc the course was started
it has been considered the finest lec-
ture course in America. To date,
there are ten numbers scheduled and
'efforts are now being made to secure
another American speaker.
Portmanteau Players Scheduled
In the way of an innovation, on
November 27 the Portmanteau Plays of
the Stuart Walker company will give
two performances. In the afternoon
they will give two of Lord Dunsany's
plays, "The Gods of the Mountain",
andy "The Murderers". The evening
program wllr consist of a presentation
of "The Book of Job".
As a second n'umber on the oratoric-
al lecture course series following ex-
Governor Lowden's address, Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the
woman's suffrage movement of Am-
erica and former president of the wo-
man's puffrage movement of the world,
will speak on "Woman's World Move-
On November 9 Gay MacLaren will
give a dramatic recital. Miss Mac-
Laren, who has been called by many
critics "a whole theater company in
herself", will give Gilda Varesi's "En
ter Madame".
White to Talk on Harding
William Allen White, well-known
author and journalist, will be the next
to appear on the lecture series. He
will speak December 11 on ':Two
Hours with President Harding".
As the first number on the course
in 1924, Judge Ben Lindsay will speak.
Judge Lindsay was in Ann Arbor a
few years ago when he spoke on "Why
Kids Lie". His lecture was one of the
most popular on the course at that
time and it is thought that be will be
one of the crowd-getters on this year's
series. The exact date and subject
of his lecture has not been learned
as yet, but it s thought that it will
be given on either January 7 or 8.
The latest addition to the course
is a lecture by Leon Bakst, well-known
designer of costumes and stage set-
tings and a .notable figure in the art
world. le will speak January 12 on
"Costume and Personality".
Tta kimmen to be Discussed
"Tutankhamen and Recent Discover-
ies in Upper Egypt" will be discussed
on January 16 by Arthur Wegall,
famous Egyptologist and inspector
general of antiquities of Egypt. He
is said to have been present at the
opening of the tomb and to be well-

qualified to talk on such a subject.
Stephen Leacock, author and hum-
orist, will close the program on Marchj
5 when he is sche~duled to talk, on
"Rediscovering England". If another
speaker is secured as it is hoped he
will be placed in the course at any
date that it will be possible to se-
cure him.-°
Sell Individual Reserved Seats..
Instea of selling tickets for re-
served sections this year, it has been
decided to sell individual reserved
seats. Tickets for the entire series
(Continued on Page Two)}
Jimmie has found plenty of
rooms for everybody. He is
just waiting for the opportunity
to find you -a room or if you
have one to rent he will be
more than glad to rent it for

English Laureate
Will Reside Here HIDNIIS-

DYER 12,000 MARK,



Frosh Reception
-Tomorrow Night
The annual Freshman reception of
the Union, at which first year men,
will have an opportunity to heai
President Marion L. Burton speak and
to shake hands with him, will be held
at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in the
assembly hall of the Union.
In addition to President Burton's
speech and a talk by Charles W. Mer-
riam, '25E, chairman of the Upper-
class advisory committee, a general
good time, including music and re-
freshments is planned. Thomas J
Lynch, '25L, will preside. Ample op-
portunity will be given to the year-
lings to become acquainted with one
At the reception tomorrow night
the freshmen will be given an idea of
the customs and the life in general of
the University: Upperclass advisors
are urged by Merriam to encourage
freshmen to attend the reception.


lnvestiiga tion Reing Carried
Find Remedy for Situ-


liall Considers Increase Normal De-
velopment for State Uni-
Enrollment in all colleges in the.
Unversity last night reached the to-
tal figure of 8,454. This is not the
final registraton mark as many stu-
d(ents are alwy)s unable to return


Fraternities at l\:ch
a. more rigid system
initiation and probatio
investigation of the s
nation on the campas
gross is followed with
on the part of Univers
Robert lrndgcs The fact that a lar
general fraternities ha
T S p~held low places on
H T 0the past few years, has
of conditions here w
ility of the passing of n
ON MOB LIL EUl may he expected to be
No Defiite Ac
A radical change in
____ ed in com >il'nlg frate:
mhnent Icurer'Will Offer Ser-1 for the scholarship ch
es of Three Vital Religious I work to the beneit of i
TIlks and which will in som
- _- set the difficulties at
KNOWN AMONG' STUDENTS scholarship reqluirene:
OF MANY EASTERN COLLEGES discussed and'is almos

igan may face
of scholarship
n rules, if the
cholarship sit-
Pnow ill ro-

Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, promin-
ent religious worker among the East-
ern schools of the United States, will,
give the first of a series of three lec-
tures at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hll
auditorium speaking on the subject
"The Moral Obligation to be Intelli-
gent." Reverend Fitch will speak at
5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and at
7:30 o'clock Thursday evenng in Hill'
auditorium. -
Coming to Ann Arbor with a rep-
utation earned in his work among
Eastern students, Reverend Fitch will
lecture on a subject that he con-
siders timely and that his experience
has taught him is popular with col-
lege men and women. Tomorrow
night he will speak on "Inherited or
Acquired Religion" and ThursdayI
night his topic will be "Leading thel
Crowd, or Following It".1


come effective 'n the ]
cording to University
All investigation thu
in the nature of an
the opening of any act
inite legislation in the
stated yesterday by Un
Plat to Make kndiwn
mens of Me

definte action before the official enrollment period
sit~y authorities.ends. Last year the total number of
rge number of
ve eonsest1ntly students enrolled in the University on
the chart for Nov. 1, not including the Summer
led to a probe cession, was 8,618. The total num-
ith the possib- her now enrolled is five percenti
measures which greater than that of last year at the
e remedial. closing of official registration.
Lion Yet In practically every college where
the system us. figures are obtainable an increase ov-
rnity averages or last year at this time is shown.
art which will The I'terary college at the closing of
the fraternities the registrar's office last night re-
I,,, measure, off- ported a total enrollment-of 4,782 stu-
ttending more dents. Last year there were 4,568
its has been students registered at this time and
t eertain to be I the previous year the figure was 4423
tear future, ac- This shows a steady gain in this de-
authorities. partment of the Unjversity.
s far has been In the College of Engineering and
inqury without Architecture a slight increase of 11
ion toward def- is noted over this same early period
matter, it was The total reached here after Satur-
iversity author- day's and Monday's regstration was
1708. Indications are that the final
figure will be about the same as last
,year's in this school..
LBThe I4aw school reports 280 students
enrolled, an increase of 63 over last
year. Deflnite figures have, not, yet
been obtalnpd from either the medi-
C I H10 1cal or pharmacy college so last year's
Sfigures have been used to add up the
total. Early reports are that they are
litest Develop- a labout the same.
edical An increase of 41 is noted in the
school of education over the enroll-
men of last year. This year 229 stu-
p dents have registered at this date
NS OF STi.'rpvI while in 1922 the figure was 188. The
dental school reports 331 students reg-
Murton, four stered and the graduate school 236.
the medical I The nurses training school- has been
th f medicaincreased this year by five with a to-
heit iphgal tal of 214. The new class is number-
the principal oed at 77.
(o mwhich will The Summer Session this year wa*
, the largest ever held with an enroll-
:Monday, Oct
ment of 3,050 students. This is 250
of the commit- more than attended in 1922. This fig-
le to the people nre cannot be added to the other to-
'nfoimation i tas until it is determined how many
Sproblem,, a ll' students who attended the school last
co-oi5rItion oi sunnmer have entered the University
cal authoritier th's fall. -
cticing physic- It has been estimated that the to-
ns of rei:hiing tal number of students who took
t w'l bc1 made courses in, the University last year
efs other than intramural and extramural, was 11,-
c, pted by the 450. This figure includes the 8,618
id tendorsed by students enrolled in the various col-
ities. leges of the University on Nov. 1, the
r's to Afend G00 students who entered for the
o.s50rs Ulli)'er second semester, 820 men who studied
"8011 and Pros- in the extramural department and
resent the Uiii- those enrolled in the Summer ses-
ter members of sion. This year if the five percent
he: Dr. W. T., increase so far indicated is inaintained
whose tervi ox- I the total figure, which cannot be cal-
3. Jackson of culated at this early date, will be
erm expires i well over the 12,000 mark.
sh'uys of Graind
lies unt l 920; According to Registrar Arthur G.
Hall the increase does not denote
of 1etroit w110 anything unusual but is merely a nor-
and Dr. Andrew mal gain expected in the development
whose term s of any University. This slight in-
crease has been going on - steadily
h m Ci nofihe snce the fall of 1919 when the fresh-
ron almen class of the year was crowded'
with returned war veterans.

Oklahoma Governor Orders Use of
Armed Fore to Preyen: Ses-
sion of Representatives

Oklahoma City, Okla., Sept. 24.-
-(By A.P.)-Adjutant General B. H.
Markham tonight was ordered by Gov.
J. C.. Walton to "use all force of arms
necessary" to prevent the session of
lower house of the Oklahoma legisla-
ture called for noon Wednesday.
Citizen Soldiers Ordered Out
All citizen soldiers of the state be
ween the age of 21 and 45 were di-
rected in the order to hold themselv-
es in readiness "with such arms as
they possess or can obtain" to come to
the assistance of the sovereign state
of Oklahoma when qrdered to do so
by the governor."
As a precaution against any attack
of the legislatures to meet elsewhere
than the house chamber at the capitol
the 'overnor also directed Adjutant.
-General Markham to disperse the
meeting at "any other time or place
in the state."
Governor Determined
With issuance of the military order
all doubt was removed as to the ex-
ecutive's determination to prevent the
house's session which has been called
by his opponents to consider his im-
peachment. The adjutant general was
ordered to use all military force of
the state if necessary to disperse the
- Governor Walton reiterated his
charge that the proposed meeting
would be an unlawful assemblage,
"dominated and controlled by the so-
called invisible empire."
"The troops will be ordered to shoot4
to kill, if that is necessary, Governor
.Walton told newspaper men. "I hope,
howeversthat no such, measures will
-be necessary."

Vanderbilt Plans
To Come En Masse
Just how many Vanderbilt students
will journey up to Ann Arbor from
Nashville, Tenn., for the game Oc-
tober 13, is difficult to conjecture, but
an estimate by F. K. Girasty, student
manager of the Vanderbilt team;
places the percentage at four-fifths
of the entire student body. In a let-
ter to Homer Heath, general manag-
er of the Union, Mr. Grasty stated
yesterday that there would be one
special train from Nashville, and pos-
sibly two, and "that by some way or
other four-fifths of the Vanderbilt
student body would be in Ann Arbor
to see the game."
Shuter Arrives Here; Starts Praet'iee
Machinery Mov-
Tryouts for the cast of the 1924
Union opera, the eighteenth annual)
sho', the name of which has not yet
been announced, were called for late
yesterday afternoon by E. Mortimer
'Shuter, director. Mr. Shuter arrived
in Ann Arbor yesterday morning from
New York where he spent the summer,
and by afternoon had the reins of
the coming show in his hands, call-
ing for men to fill some of the 18 po-
sitions in the cast.
Singers and Comedians Needed.
Singers and comedians are partic-
ularly needed this year, .and the rea-
son is not hard to seek. It is ru-
mored that the show will be taken
to New York and other eastern cit-
ies, and is to play at the Metropol-
itan Opera house in New York, and
theaters of similar reputation in oth-
er places. Inferior singing and com-
edy would be disastrous, and men
must be found to take the singing and
comedy parts in the cast.
Good stage comedians are not nec-
essa ily "funny boys" on the street
or in the house, it is pointed out, and
some serious minded individuals of-
ten make the biggest hits on the
I stage. Mr. Shuter 'points to Fred
Stone as an example of the latter
Careful Tryout to Be given
"I want to meet men who believel
they will make good comedians on the
stage," the director declared, "and
not those who have a cheap line of
humor." As to singers, Mr. Shuter
desires men with good voices, trained
if possible, but he is not looking for
the raw type of entertainer. "Every
man, whether he has singing, acting
or comedy ability, will be given a
careful tryout. We are still in neAd

Need of Individuality in Expi
of Definite Truths Is
Another year of University lit
into active being last night as
dent' Marion L. Burton r
friendships with former sti
made new friendships with ne
dents, and delivered a message <
come and a word of advice
students in his address at the o
convocation of the year last n
hill auditorium. Thousands of
hers of the University packed il
with the eager anticipation that
such an occasion, and were ]
into an awed silence as Pr
(Burton spoke in a serious vei
I cerning the responsibilities an
sibilities of University life if o
possesses that essential c
The assemblage arose with a
cord as the President came E
stage accompanied by John
'24L, president of the Student
ell, and John A. Bacon,-'24, ma
editor of "Chimes". Precedi
SPresident'saddress, Bacon o1
the work which "Chimes" hq
accomplish in focussing studen1
ion, and ;Kelly explained th
council will carry ont in the t
campus organization for -
things in the University this y
Defines "Spine"
Before explaining what he n1
"student spine" President Burt
ceeded to tell what it is not.
phasized the need for mod1er
all things and a sense of humc
must not be too full of "spine"
he defined "student spine". He
"What is spine? Backbon
makes a person stand erect lot
ually and morally. It is not sup
quiescence with whatever s
person may think. It is not
obedience to the demands of
popularity. Popularity is a
goddess. At is rather a stead
lingness, coumtteously but firn
defend one's real convictions
oppose public sentiment of re
ment when it is wrong. It ri
decision of character. It n
calls for ideas and judgments
enables one to act upon them.
gives a positive note to an i
ual. Most persons can be-clt
as negative, neutral, or postiv
person of spine makes it ,pe
clear where le stands. Morec
f has stability. The man who ha
is a person who is actually
what he knows ought to be d
is character. If we could g
t students we would have a d
, University. Knowledge is ab
primary in life, but most
trouble today has arisen not 1
men do not know what they o
i do, but because they fail to
accordance with their knoWlet
Nations Need Truth
r "The most casual observer
r that civilization depends or
The business world would cell
- a day if men of affairs lac
- quality. International affairs
s are a staggering illustration
- truth with which we are deali
o Ruhr situation would never
- nations had confidence in eac
if they would do what they kn
ought to do. When we come
derstand that every naton bh
and is willing to do what it I
right our trdubles will be ove
the world is only an enlarge
the University. Just so, stui
in the long run will depend
t spine. In your own individ
o cerns, in the larger interests
ei pus affairs and in the life-1

- fluences and friendships gE
~ here you will find that clear
0 mistakable character, requirir
n age and backbone is the thin
which we must depend."
The speaker then discussed
of and aspect of the situation,-
s that many forces both natu
n artificial make for moral c
e of the spine and that partict
student days corrective ineas
e available. He stated that c

President Mlarion L
SOT faculty members of
school, and five prom
physicians compose
members of the Joint
Publeic ealth Educati
hold its first meeting,
ttcl Slnl Pojn. lcsAs 8, at the Union.
Governinealt Sells Pro e.t r The avowed purpose
i erPlant k tee is to make availab
I M ^ lat of the saetate scion tific
regard to their healt
it is believed that the
the Universty medi
Washington,P with well-known pra
Washmgton, Sept. 21 (}y P)-- n s h es
Hfenry Ford's much conti erted offer itnsis the. Neat ema
to buy Muscles Shoals was upset to- thisendl. No att olit
day when the government sold to the to incl monatelany ,ei
Alabama Power company' the GorgasI me prumoss ln an
steam plant, a part of the property, ath medicalItrofession an
a price of approximately $3,500,000. othem scientific ant hori
This development forces a revised DwehJUnot and Pr
offer from Mr. Ford if he wishes to Dean Cabot and Pr
bid for the remainder of the project. Sundwall and Hende
Ile previously had informed congress. ident Barton will rep
the unless the Gorgas plant was in- I versity, while the oth
cluded in the sale his bid would not. the committee will 1
hold. Dodge of Big Iapids
Political observers who had expected Pires in 1928; 1 r. J.
to see some connection between Mr. Kalamazoo whose t
Ford's offer and the presidential boon 1927 ; Dr. F. C Warn,
which bears his name predicted today RiapilBs who holis of
that the next development would be 1r 1. E. larrison
considerations in the coming session will serve until 11925;'
of congress which possibly might do- P. Diddle of Detroit
velop into something bearing a rela- for one year.
tion to the coming pre-convention cam- The Committee also
I M'ieligan. Public I lea.l
paign. er It. M. Olin and rcI
Sometime ago the war department other M.aOlind o
notified Mr. Ford that the departmentsothe statewide orgy
objected and the judge advocate-gener- as the.Michigan Dcnt
al of the army had held valid its-
contract with the power companies
which required the government to concelos, educa ion
either move the plant from the power ing suggestions by An
company's land or sell it to the com- at the summer session
pany. ' ity of Mexico, propose
erected at some n
Detroit Now Has point showing Abrahta
"ig as w""h "en
$5,000,000 Hotel monunent to be hl
tions by Mexican and
J 7l +, n;+ Cn~+ 9d_-Rir, ) -no_ children.

'izations . Mch
tal society.
ell fat iho ;-
minister, follow-
merican students
n of the Univers-
es a stat tie to be
iorthorn border
i nLincoln clasp-
nito J1 arez, the
t from coiitribu-
American school

Professor Scott Tours Europe
Professor Fred N. Scott, of the rhe-
toric department, who was married
last spring to Miss Georgia Jackson,
of New York City, has obtained a leave
of absence for one year. Professor and
Mrs. Scott are touring Europe now,
and plan to spend most of their time
in England, France and Egypt.
Rumanians Rifle MallI
Bukarest-(By A. P.)-The Interna-
tional Postal Union has warned Ru-,
mania she may have to withdraw un-
less able to prevent the robbery of
foreign mail; it seems postal employes
know when American currency is in
letters and are tempted to rifle them.

A number of important additions to -Ua me 'or the as a n LaIk bi a cial
the teaching staff of the School -of of men for the cast nd a broad call
Music were announced recently by is being issued so that every man
Charles A. Sink, secretary of. the will come and tryout."
School. Ora Larthard, a distinguish- Candidates for the choruses who
ed 'cello virtuoso, has been engaged were chosen last sprg by Mr. Hoyer
for this department. She is gold are asked to report to Mr. Shute
sometime today after 10 o'clock. Mr
mealrauatey of the New Elad Shuter will also be in his office af-
conservatory ant has had several ter 10 o'clock Wednesday and Thurs-
years of experience in concert work dar 1n or to 'pas duy and it s
and teaching, always with cons'c- day in order to pass upon candidateE
ands seachnawfor the cast of the opera. Those pre-
oussuccess. senting themselves are expected to
James Hamilton, tenor, for several be prepared to demonstrate their abil-
years an important member of theb r ity in some way.
voice faculty of the School, who has __y __nsm__way._
been engaged in concert work for --------------
the past three years, will rejoin the
vocal staff. During his absence from Bridges Favors
Ann Arbor, Mr. Hamilton has sung
in practically every state in the Un- Freedom In Art
ion, particularly throughout the West
During the past summer he travelled
over eleven thousand miles and vis- In spite of his advanced age, Rober
ited 126 cities including Chicago, St ; Bridges, England's poet laureate, wh
Louis, New Orleans, Pasadena, Los will come here in December as th
Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City receipient of the scholarship in cre
Portland and Seattle. ative arts, has maintained an ac
The unusually heavy enrollment, tive interest in $he field of literatur
not only of students who assemble in England, on the Continent and i
from all parts of the country to spe- the United States.
cialize in music, but also University Two of his papers have appeare
and high school students, indicates within the past year in The Nort
that the staff of instructors will all American Review. A discussion o
be exceedingly busy. Director Moore "Free Verse" by Mr. Bridges wa
and Samuel P. Lockwood, conductor printed in the November issue i
of the University Symphony orches- 1922 followed by another paper in th
tra, will both make announcements same jieriodcal last June.
shortly regarding tryouts and rehear-:j In his discussion of free verse, th

Detroit, dept.24--( ty . [.)- e11
troit has a five million dollar "ho-
tel" for the homeless. It is, strictly
speaking, a sleeping "hotel", for no
meals are served; n'ewspapers are
used as blankets, and there are no l


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