THE WEATHER COLDER; GENERALLY CLOUDY g I IdIL- A6F 4hp A AL Ag fRt r t 4 4 n -- - VOL. XXXIV. No. 19 V TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOPER 13, 1923 ATHLETIC BOARD LETS FIELD HOUSE FOR UNION AI ! Lowden Thinks People Ought To Settle Own Civic Crises PROCEEDS OF EVENT WILL TO SWIMMING POOL FUNiD Go Crisis in civil government are bet-I ter handled by the people themselves than by the intervention of military authority declared former Governor Frank Orren Lowden recently, in al- luding to the collapse of law in Okla- homa. Mr. Lowden had no sharp criticism to offer of Gov. J. G. Walton of Okla- homa in the latter's calling upon mili- tary force to maintain order, but inj discussing the Ku Klux Klan battles,1 referred to the prospect of labor war with which he was confronted in 19191 GRANT GIVEN TO RAISE BAND FUNDS SATURDAY Jwyer Is Appointed Representative for Year on Student Council Added impetus was given to the pro- posed Union Fair yesterday when the Board in Control of Athletics granted the Union permission to use the new Yost Field house for the affair. The proceeds from the Fair are to- be used for the completion of the Union swimming pool. The matter of the Fair will now be referred to the Senate Committee on Student Affairs for final consideration. If the plan is approved by them, definite steps will be taken to- hold the event. Approval of the plan for raising funds to finance the trips of the band to the Wisconsin and Iowa games was also given by the Board. Permission was granted to pass buckets for money among the crowds entering Ferry field Saturday for the Ohio State game. Men passing, buckets will be allowed to stand outside the gates of the fields and on the inside by the en- trances. Permission was not given to collect money in the stands. Other business transacted consisted of the appointment of Stewart R. Boy- er, '24L, as representative of the Board on the Student council. This is in ac- cordance with the new constitutionof the Council calling for an ex-officio nember from the Board in Control of Athletics. LLOYD GERGES NAML Y RECEIVED iN WINNIPEGi FORMER PREMIER WILL fRETURN TO. ENGLAND' BEFORE PAR- I LIAMENT CONVENES Winnipeg, Manitoba, Oct. 13.-(By A. P.)--A warm welcome was givenr David Lloyd George upon his'arrival here~today in his tour of the domi;mion, BARKER TO SPEAK Health Lecturer Will Talk in Hill Auditorium on Health Education ADDRESS GIVEN TWO YEARS AGO FAVORABLY RECEIVED Dr. Charles E. Barker, noted health lecturer who attained fame as the physical adviser of former President Taft, will speak at 8 o'clock Tues- day evening in Ifill auditorium. There will be no admission charged and the. adult public is invited. Dr. Barker's visit and lecture in Ann Arbor this fall is made possible by the co-operation of the board of ed- ucation, the Parent-Teachers' coun- cil, and the Rotary club. The health specialist has been lec- turing in the East, but will come to this state and will give lectures in its j leading cities during his three weeks stay. Both Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are included in his itinerary. Dr. Barker gave a series of lectures in this city two years ago. He has I gained a national reputation because of his mastery of his field, as well as teing a forceful orator. His address in Hill auditorium during his last vis- it was favorably received, and hun- *dreds of copies of his. lecture were ordered immediately following the speech.- The subject of Dr. Barker's talk here has not yet been announced but it is believed that it will pertain to health education and especially to the 'responsibility of parents in the mat- ter of health. MILES OF FINE 13 n A ~t"' TATWTTV T during the national strike of steel workers. Illinois Strike Threatening This strike was called for on Sept. 22 and threatened to paralyze the whole business and government of 11- linois. People from the steel produc- ing centers of the state then called upon Governor Lowden for military protection of person and property. Waukegan, Ill., at that time was particularly anxious. "I commission- ed the attorney general with instruc- tions to the people in the strike dis- tricts urging them to exercise control through their own authorities,' said Mr. Lowden. "I sent out my own ex- perts to swear in special officers. People Settled It "The result was," continued Mr. Lowden, "that the people solved the problem themselves. When the strike ended I had found it unnecessary to call out a single soldier and the peo- ple had gained a new confidence in themselves, while other states suffer- ed under martial law." "Civil government in Oklahoma seems to have collapsed," added Mr. Lowden, "and any such strife is a very serious matter concerning the entire nation. I believe the success of the American people has been due to their genius to meet such crises by them- selves." STRESEMANN GIVEN FULL AUTHORITY Intense Excitement Characterizes Opening of Session by President Lobe OVERWHELMING VOTE GIVES ChANCELLOR EXTRA POWER1 Berlin, Oct. 13.-(By A. P.)-The Reichstag today adopted the emer- i gency bill giving Chancellor Strese- ,mann pxtra-constitutional authority to deal with the grave economic and financial situation of Germany as he sees fit. The vote of 316 to 24 with seven failing to vote. Whon President Lobe of the Reich- stag opened the session shortly after 1 p. in., it was in an atmosphere of intense excitement. The House was densely packed with deputies, the gal- leries were crowded and thousands surrounded the building. It was uncertain until the last mo- ment which way the voting would go. FEERSTUDENTS SPURN HIGH SCHOOL TRAINING BTON TO SPE9K AT ONIV ERSITY SERICE__TONIGHTi "THE SEVERITY OF JESI'S," TITLE OF PRESIDENT'S TALK S. C. A. WILL SPONSOR MEETINGS THIS YEAR Museal Program to Include Solos by Moore; Bowen Will Lead Group Singing President Marion L. Burton will speak at the first rcgilar University Service of this year at 7:30 o'clock this evening in Hill Auditorium un- der the Auspices of the Student Chris- tian Association. His talk will be on the subject, "The Severty of Jesus". The musical program of the even- ing follows: Votorinski, prelude in C Sharp Minor, and Parker's Risohto played by Prof. Earle V. Moore of the School of Music, and a violin solo by Mrs. Marian Strubble Freeman. George Oscar Bowen of the School of Music,! will be in charge of the singing. '"he University Services committee this year will present a program which is intended primarily for the campus. The leaders of a wide var- iety of professions will be chosen for the Sunday services. The following students are the mem- bers o the committee: Harold K. Tat- ta, '24, chairman, Frank H. Backstrom, '26L; Douglas W. Ball, '26L, Howard M. Birks, '24E, Harry C. Clark, '2GL, Lionel C. Crocker, Grad, Howard A. Donahue. '24, J. Kyang Dunn, '24, Leo I. Franklin, '24, Edward C. Mc- Cobb, '26L, Charles W. Merr am, Jr., '25E, Carleton B. Peirce, '24M, Her-. I bert Steger, '25, Elizabeth B. Cain, '24, Helen J. Delbridge, '24, Honor Falconer, '24, Gertrude K. Fiegel, '24, Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, Dorothy V. Mait- land, '24. 1 -E FIRES THREATEN 1CALI1FORNIA TOWNS1 Hundreds Battle Flames as Inferno Wipes Out Whole See- tinsj DYNAMITE IS EMPLOYED TO PREVENT ADVANCE OF BLAZE Pasadena, Cal., Oct. 13--(By A.P.)--- A forest fire and brush fire which for a time today threatened four or five communities in this section was un-- der control in the Gorge of Sycamore canyon tonight. Only one large par-aIly completed home on Derduzo Knoll and a half a dozen small houses were destroyed although the flames, fanned by a high wind, swept over several thousand acres in a few hours. The fire started on the outskirts of Mt. Rose and for a time threatened that town as well as La Crescenta andl La Canda, but instead, skirted the edges and turned down Sycamore ean- yon. Sometimes it leaped forward a half mile at a time. Many summer homes and cabins near Glenndale were abandoned as the flames advanc- ed. Hundreds of men were thrown in- to the line established in Sycamore Canyon to battle the blaze, and late in the afternoon when the wind calmed down dynamite was resorted to. Il[KL'RSHA iACT. Faacuii iy ('eumif Ice of Lea gue ilears Prote,'4 of crowds lining the station and cheering R JAL3 FINISHED as he stepped from his private car.i The distinguished visitor was taken A motorist can not start from the immediately on a drive about the city zero milestone in Washington and where thousands lined the streets. m lestone 5in Washing kntan From there he went to the business travel a circle of 2,350 miles back to section and placed a wreath at the Washington again over a continuous base of the memorial erected by the dustless paved highway. That this people of Winnipeg to the memory of tehrAcdainteWrdVr.H can be done is very definite evidence the heroic dead in the World War. Ile t h mrcnAtmb soi- was then escorted to Government ito the American Automobile associa- House with Lieut. Gov. James Aitkens tion officials that substantial progress where he will be a guest during his is being mad in the development of stay. The official dinner was given in a national system of highways. his honor at Govt. House tonight. This continuous section would take Laternhe left for Olympic Springs the motorist from Washington toSt. to deliver a public address. During Louis, a distance of 819 miles, thence the day Mr. Lloyd George announced ti hrough Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, definitely that he would go no further' Buffalo, Montreal, Albany, Boston, est than Winnipeg, it being impos- New York, Philadelphia and Balti- sible for himgto visit the Pacific more. It would be unnecessary to re- coast. trace a single section of road. Be- Eoven with his present program, he tween some of the cities alternate explained, Parliament will meet but routes over equally as good road two days after his return to England. would be offered. He regretted that he was unable to- extend his tour. He spoke in appre- Texans Seeure 7-Cent Gasoline ciation of the reception given him in San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 13.-Gaso- Canada. The spontaneity and the wel- line was retailing in many filling sta- come at the small places, he remarked, iIons here today at seven cents a gal- had especially touched him. ion. The price was believed to be the lowest in the country. i i E S { ' . I i _ j 1 t I ,' 1' Z DIETA IES IXWTllH F ILl) UNTIL REQUEST GOES TO REGENTS Opposition to the Regents' recent action in refusing George W. Wicker- sham permission to speak in Hill aud- iterim, Nov. 2 on the League of Na- ionĀ°, was voico'd when the faculty ad- ' coiaittoeof the University uof Na) tion Non-IPartisan as- sociation assemnblod at luncheon. at the, nion yest erday. At that time, the prol e=t against the Regents' decision, r:ja WI1p by a memorial committee, co;, l)mosed of Dean I. M. Bates of the Law school, Prof. L. A. Strauss of the English department, antiProf. P. Brand Blan1shlard of the philosophy de- paiment, was submitted for discus- s1011. C(';1omiIttee Iears iProtest T'hise nt-lP'. flt-Prof. .. Reeves of the political science dopartment, Prof. Cliaude f1. Van Tyne of the his- Story departmnten#, Prof. E'dwin D. Dick- inson of the Laxw school, Dean hugh Cabot of the Medical school, Prof. Francis Kelsev of the Latin depart- ument, Prof. C. H. Cooley of the so- ciology department, Dean Henry W. I Bates of the Law school and Prof. C. T. Johnston of the geodesy and sur- EASTERN GAMES Syracuse 23, Alamba 0. Pennsylvania 13, Swarthmore 10. West Virginia 13, University of Yale 40, Georgia 0. i Pittsburgh 7. Washington and Jefferson 12, Brown 7 T Cornell 28, Williams 6. Washington and Lee 6, Kentucky 6. Princeton 17, Georgetown 0. Harvard 6, Middlebury 6. Dartmouth 24, Boston University 0. Columbia 12, Wesleyan 6. Navy 27, West Virginia Wesleyan 0. Penn State 20, Gettysburg 0., Carnegie Tech 13, Carroll 0. University of Maine 7, Connecticutj Aggies 0. Ashland 7, Mt. Union 10. Deleware 14, Ursinus 7. Rutgers 10, Lehigh 0. Center 28, Clemson 7. INTERSECTIONAL GAMES Notre Dame 13, Army 7. ? Colgate 23, Ohio State 23. Louisiana State 33, Springfield 0. WESTERN GAMES Texas University 33, Tulane 0. Ames 20, Missouri 0. Mississippi College 19, Birminghamj Southern 0. S. Dakota 13, N. Dakota 6. Grinnell 16, Washington University 2. Nebraska 34, Oklahoma 0. IOWA DEFEATS PURDUE SIN CLUSESTRUGGLL,7-0U Iowa City, Iowa, Oct. 13-(By A.P.) Vanderbilt university's football team entertained the Michigan gridiron squad at Nashville one year ago, and in a hard fought game which the South will long remember held the powerful Wolverines to a scoreless tie, the only game which Michigan failed to wtn last year. Yesterday Vander- bilt came to Ann Arbor and almost succeeded in repeating their previous performance, the Maize and Blue win- ning by the narrow margin of three points, the single score of the game coming as a result of a place kick by Jack Blott from the 20 yard line. The game which was as close and hotly contested as it is possible for a. football game to be, found the Michigan eleven forced to face an ag- gregaton which outweighed it almost 10 pounds to the man, and which was a practically veteran team. Coach Dan McGugin had pointed the Com- modore squad for the Michigan game, and the men were determined to show that the result of last year's tilt was not a fluke. And they showed it, too. Kipke and Ryan Use Punts Both team found that their forward walls worked better on defense than on the attack, and consequently the game was turned into a kicking duel between Captain Harry Kipke and Ryan, with the odds slightly favoring the Vanderbilt punter. Both teams punted consistently on second and third downs so that the line of scrim- magd was changed all the time from 4one end of the field to the other. Michigan opened the first quarter by -receiving the kick-off but Kipke punt- ed deep into Vanderbilt territory on the first down. This started an ex- change of punts which failed to gain any material advantage for either team until the latter part of the quarter when Blott recovered a fumble for Michigan on the Vanderbilt 20 yard line. With the first chance for a touchdown in sight, Steger failed to gain through the line but Kipke fol- lowed with a 7 yard gain off' right tackle. Kipke added 2 more on the nex play making it fourth down on the Vanderbilt 11 yard line with one yard to go for first down. Miller, however, failed to make the necessary yard on a line plunge and the ball went to Vanderbilt on her 11 yard line 'as thq quarter ended. Blott Makes Place Kick Michigan's solitary score came in the early part of the second period. 1 f 7 l 1 f .1 '] INCREASE OF SCHOLARS MARKED, SAY AUTHOR- !:. ITIES IS Chicago, Oct. 13-(By A.P.)-If the boy or girl whoformerly "quit school" at the end of the seventh or eighth grade is not actually becoming ex- tinct his ranks are being decimated annually, according to reports cover- ing an, average ten year period com- piled from the office of public instruc- ton in ten central states. The percentage of increased high school attendance for the period was taken as the medium for estimate. The average increase figure for the decade was found to be 95.4 percent, with ex- tremes ranging between 1,000 percent. the figure reported by Oklahoma, to J i , ,7 Washington, Oct. 13.-(By A. P.)- The Atlas Petroleum Co., which The shipping board announced today operates a refinery, announced here conclusion of leases of the immense today that because prices had manip- army piers at Brooklyn, N. Y., to the ulated without regard to cost it would Atlantic Tidewater Terminal Inc., maintain the price at seven cents un- and those at Boston to the Tidewater i til the market became stabilized al- Terminal company. though no profit was made. New York Post Praises Work, Personality of Robert Frosts Robert Frost, who held the creative the insp'ration for 'The Birches', 'The arts fellowship in the University for Hired Man', and 'The Slide'." two years, and who is now a mem- "Our people on a summer evening her of the faculty at.Amherst college, like the charm of Robert Frost's per- is a favorite with the people of hs I sonality and his informal manner of section of the country, if a recent j taking us into his confidence. He was article in the New York Post is a going a long distance toward educat-' criterion. I ing us into a genuine appreciation for "He has never been unwilling to; the real literature he is giving to the know us in our own towns and vil- world, and which he takes great care lages," the article reads. "He has shall please :and satisfy himself be- read his poems to us in our little fore it goes away. Infrequently, in- churches, and from the talks after- deed, does he allow a poem to escape hward saround our own firesides we to his publishers. bave come to lbelieve that he Efies us "Once his reading and talking end- for other reasons. He has taught in ed, there was the usual human flut- _ -I hn -~-- a o nn+ hm Mos+ of 115native 40 percent, that of Iowa. _ Oklahoma Shows Increase While the figures do not unqualified- represent the increased proportion W S of grade school students entering N'igh j schools-the factor of increasing po- pulation applying largely in newer mi KAO ATW states-they do indicate that the for- mer gulf existing between the eighth Enid, Okla., Oct. 13-(By A.P.)-All grade and high school gradually is be- stores were flooded and numerous res- ing eliminated. idences were partly submerged by a In Oklahoma, according to a state- nine foot wall of water which swept ment issued byLuther Russell, state through part of Woodward, Okla., to- high school inspector, the increase in day when the North Canadia river ov- 11 years from 1910 to 1921 was from erflowed from recent heavy rains, ac- 6,125 to 62,021, or 1,000 percent. Fig- cording to reports reaching here over ures supplied b ythe department of crippled wires tonight. education of Kentucky set the in- Scores of persons are said to be crease from 11,856 in 1918 to 36,000 1made homeless although no lives are in 1923-an advance of 203 percent. believed lost. -while in South Dakota the total num- Excessive damage has been caused. her of high school students in 1922. ----_-- 119,683, represented a jump of 162 per- FLIER, WILL MAKE , PAR1ACHTTE cent from the 7,509 enrolled in 1912. DROP AT BARTON DAM TODAY Ohio Director Gives Facts Vernon M. Reigel, state director of James Stone. of Miami, Florida, who education for Ohio, gave the increase flew to Ann Arbor yesterday, to at- in that state as 120 percent, an ad- tend the Vanderbilt-11lichigan game vance from 80,609, the figure for 1912; plans to make a parachute drop this I to 178,705, that for 1922. afternooteinto the field adjacent to Voicing the belief that the showing the Barton dam. in h-s state was particularly good in During the past summer Mr. Stone sview of the strongcallof the many hns made many drons in different veying ldepartment---received the re- eRyan punted to Uteritz who returned port of the memorial comrnmittee and -The University of Iowa football 0 yards to his own 45 yard line, and de(cided to submit the protest to the f team, playing its first Western con- the Varsity started an advance down Iloard of Regents at their next meet- ference game of the season against the field which was not stopped until ing, Oct. 26. Feeling that publicity as Purdue, won this afternoon, a touch- the Wolverines reached the Commo- to the details of their protest would down in the last quarter and a goal dore 8 yard lne. Here the opposing now be discourteous to the Regents giving the HaWkeyes a 7 to 0 vic- team held staunchly and Michigan lost the comitte decided to withhold the! tory.three yards in two plays. qn the information until the Regents them- For the first two periods Purdue fourth down Blott came the ough with selves have had ai.opportumty to re- seemed to have the upper hand. a beautiful place kick from quite a view it. cIn the second half Iowa carried the difficult angle, the ball sailing square- (he conmitie' erher than to ball within the enemy's five yard line J:j between the goal posts. say that the Regents' action was re and Fry carried it over. Fisher add- From then on the game remained ettate Mesurs f cing re- ed the extra point with a place kick. what it had been in the opening per- re taie fMeasures or securing rep- iod a kicking contest between the ofsntaevecacltyopiun hef-two punters. Neither team was in ture policy o excluding political Indiana Downs Northwestern, 7-6 t punttrs. teishreamt was in s )cakcrs were discussed. It was an- Indianapolis, Oct. 13.-(By A. P.)- any posion to score although Mich ro-nc d that Mr. Wickersham's Ann Indiana defeated Northwestern in a I igan was once forced back into the Arbor appearance would occur Nov. western conference football game shadow of her own goal line. A break 2, regardless of the Regential ruling, here today 7-6. Marks, a sophomore, of the game aided the Maize and and the committee is now endeavoring ,was the individual star for Indiana, Blue at this, for Blott recovered a to secure a suitable place for the ad- scoring a touchdown after an 80-yard 'fumble o? one of Kipke's punts on his dress. run, in which he outdistanced his in- own 42 yard line and the Wolverine Wenley Defends Attitude terference and straight armed the leader immediately punted down the Pursuant to the many expressions Northwestern safety man. Wilkins field out of danger. of fac-ulty opinion which The Daily has drop kicked goal. Steger a Ground Gainer published,, Prof. R. M. Wenley of the The big feature of the game outside philosophy department sends the fol- Yale Rolls Up Score, 40-0 the high quality of punting exhibited lowing communication amplifying his New Haven, Conn., Oct. 13.-(By A. was the playing of Herb Steger and recent stand in approving the Regents' I P)-Coach Tad Jones' Yale eleven Jack Blott. Steger was the most con- action: rolled up a 40-0 score in defeating te sistent ground gainer on the Varsity "Everything said by my colleagues University of Georgia team here today both at receiving passes and carrying who dissent from me is true. Never-Iv y GY e ori the r toayd the ball. Time after time he would theless, I continue to support the Re.- inSthe herners in all periods except tear off yardage on end runs or off gential ruling. As bad luck ant i the Serne in Geriods exce tackle plays. ' Blott was in on'every int esecond h I tacklegetoswnwasdo 'playing for posiion' would have it, four of their nine first downs. play possible and three separate times the League of Nations did become a recovered fumbles giving Michigan the (Continued on Page Two) I ball. His work on defense was of the Illini Whip Butler, 21-7 (Continued on Page Six) S. (. A. Conducts Research Work Urbana, Ill., Oct. 13.--(By A. P.)- The Industrial Research Committee Two touchdowns in the fourth quarter Forestry Faculty Active of the S. C. A. has formally adopted gave Illinois the necessary margin to Three members of the faculty of a pokey in carrying on its work win from Butler here today. Harold the forestry department were engaged which is much like the means em- "Red" Grange, fleet Illini halfback, in forestry pursuits during the past ployed in both Detroit and Chicago. ran through the Butler team for both'summer. Prof. Robert Craig was The group las decided that they touchdowns. chief of the timber survey crew in the shall meet once every week under an I Columbia national forest in Washing- , I 1 i )' Z f