THE MICHIGAN DAILY w to koko ho '0 w w ho%*,40%0%OW406% ------------ wM/% M THE MARKET PAGE , - - I .....ww ------- ,.O.w- LA " h w w -, - 60%w*s%0p%0% un+ THE SCHULTZ GROCERY THE HOME OF PURE FOODS 114-16 E. WASHINGTON PHONES 326-328-327 SATISFACTION I' I lk. __ ,, o Until You Have Tried Q A L I T A Few Old Bill.Spud Says:E "When you bud from a concern which has an enviable reputation that R it has established by years of con- v sistent regard for its customer's in- terests, you are sure to get satisfac- tory treatment and the utmost in . value for your money."C of Our Saturday and Monday Specials "Electrlopure You Have Neber Tasted i00% 8 bars Palm Olive Soap ..........................50c Kalmazoo Celery,per doz. . . ....... ...40c Fancy Sweet Potatoes, per bushel ........... ... ...$1.40 10 lbs. Soap Chips ..............................$1.35 Eversweet Nut Margarine, per lb.... .... ......25c Creamery Butter, per lb. ............... ......48c Fancy Apples, per peck..........................45c Attention Stewards! We are in position to furnish you with No. 10 size Peaches, Pears, sliced, grated and salad cut Pineapple, Pitted Cherries, Berries and Vegetables of all kinds, for less money than you are able to duplicate them for anywhere. Convince yourself by getting our prices first. Pure Jttilk Electropure is: Absolutely germ proof - Our electric process guarantees that. The one safe method by which milk can be purr- fled and still retain the natural taste. I- 4=r s- r=AE O r- P. ' FOrST H- 12wageCN Casre (lmi lcas i: 5rrem r Buterr wIr Brnd ww lrg Brak. _... r (OrbetCra r I - :AV NoCedtYoUDl orders will be taken r Everything will be S Carry. Milk URDA I'Sieof ma OUPi~l A better keeping, safer milk lION Let A This Store Serve SCHULTZ GROCERY - COFFEES Our coffee is absolutely the'finest to be had. The blends are made from large fancy roast beans, which in every respect are the absolute limit in coffee perfection. Just try it! Mocha and Java at ..........45c Imperial Brand at............40c K.W.Speal.......................U0 3 for $1.00 SCHULTZ GROCERY TEAS Good tea is symbolic of happiness and conviviality. And made from one of our delightful brands, is all of this. Try a pound today.; Pays. It ELectropure Products: Milk Cream Cheese Butter To Buy II I IDEAL ELECTROPURE CREAMERY . . . .. S . . .. 5C Grown Brand) 3argains To o Mention You We At AXI This Store PHONE 114 Satisfy OUR TRUCKS DELIVER ANYWHERE IC . MEATS OF SHAW GROCERY CO. Ii EXCELLENCE- 709-711 PACKARD PHONE 816 0 THIS Suppliers of the finest in foodstuffs at moderate prices to fraternities, sororities j and boarding houses at Michigan, who demand the best for their tables always. Inquire about our special on Coffee and Canned Goods The stewards of many fraternities, sororities, and boarding houses, find Ofell's the most satisfactory place to buy "their meats.Try the superior quality nieats of this store today. th and there veries, No I ifrom our s elf-serve, Cas High in Quality-Low in Price , . . ;,.... 4" ' fr SHAW GROCERY CO. A. R. lmGfell 709-711 PACKARD You Can Save $ Our Store Prices Will Be C To the Quick PHONE 816 220 NORTH MAIN STREET PHONE 393, COLLEGE GROCERY 516 E. WILLIAMS FANCY; CROCERIES FRUITS . Butter Eggs Cheese Poultry MargerineE Fruits Vegetables Wholesalers I-r VEGETABLES CANDY and FANCY COOKIES Follow the crowds and you will why. Remember this takes place on th of the Big Game, the 20th of Oc COLD MEATS Open Evenings and Sundays What you want when you want it at a price you will be p aI.3cpf to Pf.. Come in and we will e x p l a i 11 . I