THE MICHIGAN -DAILX ,s ad- 26, a.t 11 pro- ures is tee inj being' of 'the e, andr fast wil tak~e place at 6:30 o'clock inI o'colck Monday evening in the parlors gir the morning at Wesley hall. Installa-; of Barbour gymnasium. cIa tion a~nd full initiation will be held at an( 'o'clock in the. afternoon at WEesleyj Senior society will m~eet at 7:30 to hall and a formal dinner will follow o'clock Monday evening, at Betsy far- of at Barton :dills Country club. Dean hour houise. wil Jean Hamilton will be a guest of the ___ evening. Snosadjuir r etigteIh Toe introduce Kappa Phi to the wo- eior n uir r etn h !men students the sorority will be host- proverbial good example for the uin- the ess at tea from~ 4 to 6 o'clocki Friday, I derclassmen in the tennis tournament. Oct~. 19, at :Wesley hall. Invitations; The seniors, have all played o ff tFha 1 will be issued to the Methodist wo- first- round and only one of the junior men on the campus. On Saturday the1 Sets has not beendecided so far. The local chapter will entertaini at lunch- i semi-finals an~d finals promise to be eon for those members, of Epsilon closely contested, according to the re- chapter of Ohio State university, who1prsothpogesftetun- come to Ann Arbor for the game. of the r girs ohetourna- Officers of the Nu chapter of Kappa, nout. areSef exception allyl good players,- Phi. are.: Margaret Stair, president; and the one who .comes out on top will_ Ellura Harvey, vice-president; Dora jHave well, earned the. itle of champion Dodge, sect etary, IRuth Carson, trea- of the campus. surer. Miss Ellen More, student di- rector of Wesley hall, is sorority, sponsor and the patronesses are Mrs.1 Archery is becoming more popular !EdardKras, rs.H. B. Earhart,; as the plans for. the, tou~rnamnxt in Ewad rA.StalMrs.that sport are nearing completion. The I - ~ 7 TUE AFFI _______________ 232 Nickel's Tryouts for first sopranos for the DAILY: FOUR UNT University Girls' Glee club. will be kheld from 11 to 12 o'clock this Waffles and Coffee - - m~orning, in the School of Music..Wt rofil asg SThe Landladies' league will meetBao- - - - with Dean Jean Hamilton at 7;,30 e with the highest scores in the ro~= 'sses will be entered in this contest N ad rivalry for the honors is expected "p ibe k~een. This elimination process fchoosing the , participants, which ~ ill probably be used, will facilitate ttters and make the competition a and fought and exciting contest form ' to start. 11,I IIII UIhJI bird, ike Me 11 ,fecllbw Cho atrods ST4J~RP INYWUEIE, J ~ il EAT AT REX' T1U~ CI B LUNC 71~ ArborI iIIMNt [IL MIDNIGH 111111 - - A Quarte I"'l or Swfts1Pemiu SLE ThrA-fivHeCentsU -lt TAILOR-MADE MEANS CORRECTLY MADE The T io-But- ton, or the Three-Buttion Model Coal is the correc "thing for t iis Fall and Wintr- 14J' REk [st Stu- d here z~ Mrs. Nicer of a Pitts- break- bu;c .ommw.. A lent r /-.. I ai A 'eautiful Showing of Pattern Hats Velvets,. Metal Cloth, Felts, Velours, Dance Hats, Fur and Meta Cloth, 'hats draped with veil, various other coinbina- tions;. Hair ornaments, fancy flowers. PUY ,ie AR,& HINTL- 328.South Main Styles in men's clothes 'change more and more rdcpidly. pe aranecof thle four-button coats, .and lhe,,present good, three-button models When you buy tailor-mrade clothes, you buy clothes that fit perf ectly, because they are tailored to it youx; you buy clothes that wear satisfactorily, because of the eAelence of the materials used,; you' buy cothes that~ you like, because you can select the p attern'that pleases you. And in addition, you buy clothes thatl are tailored in te prevailinf modcls, w'hich assures you of good style. W. itness the disap- form of the two and TAILORS TO MICHIGAN MEN p , I $DOUG LAS ~ I /N - ' - 7PLAYIING - s.WHOLE WEEKI. YOU* wil be more than pleased with our food and service iinRi Ip,Ij Id wiiI 'I'll' Read The Daily ":'Classified" Coun ead the at Tuttle'rs Lu'nch Room 338 Maynard St., South o© A j" tic I- 7ES German, Greek, any- Corona makes alll keyhoards. 84 or 90 -the latter equipped~ eras5. Pgyeerse move- languages like Y~idi- 110 URILL el's . Arcade 1anld L. C. Smith. . ,writers..... QUTALITY HATuCANt- Wait QUALN4IT- 'HT AN EXC~5TELED INU QUALITYCIEERG TY C Y E E RGON DISPLAY AT ------------ S 40 Wo %o IEATS, p. t. ' EATSH These, Rugs Will Wear r We have no special &ihes - e-ach dish Cooked to please 'and satilsfy you. Everything when you want it at a price you will be pleased to pay . is a spcial. No lute to make a beautiful silky rug when ,new, only to sweep out soon. During display only, will, present discount 'of 10 per cent be continued, but permanent prices arej remarkably low, quality considered. The maker stands behind these rugs. "Merrick-Fette"' Chinese rugs will be on sale in Ann Arbor permanently. I could get you 'cheap Chinese rugs, but I' carry ONLY THE BEST Speciail accom odations being made to take care of out-of-town people in for the game. 0 PllyLittle TaShoppe JUST BACK OF HILL AUDITORIUM ON THA'I ER{ ONE QUALHYIPOTE Come in 444 see small rugs whlich have had hard usage many years, and have been w'ashed as one washes a rag rug, and are still beautiful. .:i..., ._._._ ,. , . ; ,. .. _ t ,. S :. OWW -1 040 ...c~+. .., :NIORS We Make PhotographTs- for the, First' MICHIGANENSIAN in 1898. ~Let 'Us TakeYours., Call 961-M 'o v w-0.0-ot ho 4 0 %e,.# 10! .0 wo 4 ip - . w - - - - - - A -'',4~' 77 ............-.....4Y_. -- a_................._...._ -- .. ............. ............-"__ _"__ ..s... .......... ............ .... .. .. .. ......-._. ______--- - - ---------- - ____ .. .. - 51 to, the eta' ! , { , A Alk r. .: - - - r Ammoftsww - M o '- wm .m WW -N--RM Mr ME"9b mm o)wmm