6 six T HE MICHIGAN IDAILY 1"Rl),IAY, OC7TOBER12,192 40roooo-o- E {llUII. aew 1 I -0 000%01 cc N, : rx'm L 2 ,r u} + 1 1,10 T W RS AS g F1 s 1 d ,.Fib Y ' 15, F A MOM i 1 F' VANDRBIT IL ARIVETODAY FORB~ ES~lT IT H L INES WEST COS' TEXPECTSBIG YEARLAE~'hPOVSFAUEO ON GRID;STARS ARE IN FO M nngi mi inn r- nlam Team Aceomnhied By Barad aml 89 Students; Expect To14 W~iIn (tamne Tomuorrowv TVA I~fT Y 6sQ~~U ) D) L {.lU L D ON Z Vanderbilt, flootball team, b mud, 80 ly the same 11110111) in tomorrow's ga.me. The only changes which seem at all likely will probably take place in the line. Every -man who dirt slow weaknesses in the op~ening tilt bas shown some improvemnent during the week of training which has inter-- vensed andi will probably be given 'a c(ballcO to display it. Allarion, Curran rooters andl all will land in Alin Ar- and Neischt will have to fight it out bor tis. aftrnoo, 1'aliaatori'to< z~ for tine end posit ionas although itj ~~C1iOl, t gem likely that AiMarion and CurranI of the most inmportanxt inter-,eetioflal will have first call. There is little games of the se a:on to be played t-0- to chees e ramong the. three candidates morrow afternoon on Fe rn' ield bls'- 'ifr the Winag xositionts aend i Neisch I tween the Commodores and the Wol- 1Shows the fight that hle did during the course of last season he may be used verinies. In his old place. Three fourths of the Vanderbilt stan- The tackles will prob~ably lbe Muir- dent body will be on hand togecther' head and VanDervoort with Steele, with one of the best bands south of S lau ghter and Hawkins to choose1 M D in. T suthrnamong for guards. Slaughter, whoI the Mason-Dixon lie hCsuhr got ridl of scholastic difficulties just football machine has been,,pre paring three dlays before the Case game is for "tomforrow's contest since the first rap)ily rounding into shape andl may -dlay of the training season andl is con-- i1be given the assignment. ]Mlott will fidenat of a victory over Michigan. undoubtedly take his regular stand in the center of the line. Mieligai Aliso Preparing I The backfield will probably present The Maize andl Blue squad will not the samne appearance that it did at the be outdone as far as preparation is opening whistle last week-end, al-I concerned liowvever. The work of tihe though last minute changes may be Varsity on Ferry field during the past made thlis afternoon in the final signal week has been evidence of that, fact.. drill.. Uteritz, Steger, Kipke, and Mill-1 rlvery mhan who showed -aflaw in last er are the likely choices for positions Saturday's gamze, and every man who behind the line while Parker, Herrn- entered the game did, hays beeni driv- stein, Grube, Vick, and Rockwell may en hard in order to overcomxe his i- !be seen in the fray before the finalj c ,. i 4t F h A ' H '4 K"..ri,. "' I''4 yr .. ; G t , " rF .. i 4 ^CA f Sy' yy , k i i w k a ' 4 f 51J. , . ,t} y x ! . r_ ai i 2t _ _... . .t3f r 1 'y . i S1 y { d j. . a , {N/ .: Elenmets . hee aeila e s of one of his best end, by tl eoatclegnesa the UnvrjD uraadIooesrrob n Yesterday afternoon's practice was a off by the time stated, the delinquentsj promotion of Ferenz to the Varity: sity of Michigan, last night held its A. B. Quirk. rep e'tton '-i those which have takenj will be dropped from the tournament.' squad. The work of Ferenz at end so first meeting of the year in tie Engin- Broderickz and Goodspeed vs. Fely' plane every afternoon this week. Thle - impressed Cachtes Yost and Litte erig building. The purpose of the ;and Benedict._ tacktles and giuards spent the earlier In the all-campus doubles- tourna- that he is now being given is 01)1)0--; ueeing was the election of officers Kiause and J. Reilly vs. W.Geh-j pars( of the-)afternoon diming -t Baku jnent the following .delinquents must tunity to make good as a Varsity man for 1il coing year. rn an d(1aidt.I wrhile the atterp]tedl to carry the, ball play their matches off by 5 o'clock,' As the season progresss i is not at cLe-teat Royal, who ha been Coffin and W. Hloard vs. Mitts and past them. - During the course of the( Saturday afternoon: Gre nsfreni-Box-'Ial unlikely that other- men of the Re- conducting an airplane passenger bus- tknson. i practice Baku suffered, an injured an- , ,19R v.Hishia-Gon, serves will be given the chance to nesi n ro o h atfw E .EuradV .Vohe s keas a result of a twisting tackle.M ti-ate, 14,v.Pwr show their stuff as mnembers of' the 31.8 sivshmnGos 97 eeks addressed the club on the os- lrmis pund Snodgass. The extent-ofrhisrn3uryRhassnotobeensibiltis of aronautical engineering,' Siekand 3roson v. Starr and determined but it will probably keep nseold, 1114M; Murphy-Albracht, I is ta.icusntedlilisofhe'r- oI r IYesterday's practice for the Resrves u'musigtl diutiso hepo odiig. him out of -practice for several days. 1040, as. Shaw-Ossnbruggen, 1482M;; consisted in a scrimmage for the new fesion as well as its alluring future.; Mason ad Iazela vs. Black and or so, aarber-Hicks, 1324J, vs. Ml'ilder-part- and untried men against the freshman Lie~teant Royal announced his inten- Buniam. Wile the linemen were being per- nr, 1p6fi; Watts-Siowinski, 7098, vs.' second teanm and some intensive tak- tiom f iving lessons in piloting to IMil vs. 131M us. fected in their art thle"backs were* Schuster - partner, 2093R; Bremer- ing and blocking drill for the rest of those deiring them. - being instructed in carrying the ballIVhelr 1201 EastUnvrty vs p te sud Fisher's men have not yet William W. Bishop, librarian of the and running back kickoffs. Latter in Md',Ot10-noicasae-ivest ettw- sedyo teatrontesudwninoastein-Kaufmian, 825W; Harrison-Seitz.1 developed the best form in clipping Mard c.1.A fiilsae nvriylf onyeerlyo a shecretessoon the rularfntild ad19 v.Ken-reig,91;O'o- men and it is in this usually unnoticed, ment says fighting is on again in Mor- lusi nes ti to Chicago. lHe is ex- scesesnanterglrfedanio.cC. p(.crt to return ie first of net week. the stands wer e rid of spectators,'- (Continued on Page Seven) j hgycr~ed while the coaches gave out new sig-- rI ws es uy l o rods nals for use in the Vanderbilt game. 1 Frshmn Fotbal o e couldNP Practically Samxe Lineup ......- kill this Although the team which entered There will be no freshman foot-j the Case game last Saturday afternoon! ball practice this afternoon, Oct.1 showed a great, need of finish the 12. E. J. Mather, Coach. I coaches will probably place practical- j,___________________ I MLtiM L: Nb bI U HUMVLE N 114 J) PennoeIcla Putup BrlllianIt. G nw eball c stari of stars, iio ihad come in Box for into hi,. own and fourght the end( of ffanatile rainboWv of world seiies fame for jx\_lnhihe had sought before in vain. 5i'i d AN I.hiI I, '<:( I rTru;,,, Ruth earned, his spurs ais a WA~D AD E ME~ELEAC -pitcher, hanging n11 a record of 29 WALLOP C IRCUIT 'i' iurs1scoreless innngs in hampionhip r play that will stand; but it was at- Nev York, Oct. 12-Babe Ruth buig laurels that the greatest home cI-gossed -with mlighty tread the times- run hiter of all times was seeking hold of world series glory tjiat has Iand hle ganed them today. No matter swha he (does in the rest of the series been bar-redl to him for two yeas. his place among seri-es iminotals is - Driving out two thundering hlome I secure. nunm thrusts in successive. innings, a I feat nxparralle lin c haxnponshv )BOX' SCORE baseball histor-y, Ruth -was tie dyna-' ~110 in t4e powerful attac k that en-I B R 1 ~ abled the Yankees to turn'i the tables!WitAf--------- 0 0 1 0 on1 the Giants, caplture the second gamne Dugan, <;b----------.4 0- 1 1 3 0 of the series by a score of 4 to 2 and Ruth, rf--------------2 2 3 0 -0 sqluare the count itlii the world title R. Meuse, If-------4 0 1 4 0 (0 holders in the 1923 struggle. Pipe, 1lb..........3~ 1 1 13 0 0 i * Ward, ,2b ..........4 1 4 0 j Firist up in the fourth inning with car ,c.....401200 tile. score tiedl at one0 all tile great Scott, ass------4 0 2 0 Ei 0 slugger- put the Yankees into the lead j Pennock, p-------- 0 0 0 1 0 jwith a terrific, towering blow that ---- - lauded atop tile second tier of the right-----------------34 4 10 27 14 0l Field grandstand and started the down- fall of Hugh McQuillan, Giant ace., (ANT S Another' i--u i was scoxred in that torrid Ai. 11 0 A Ti, inning but oni his next tull-niat bat, fi Bancroft, ss-------..4 0 0 0 6 0 the fifth the Babe cradled oiie of Jack Groh, 3b-----3 1 1 0 1 0 . entley's southipaw slants into the l riscr, 2b---------..4 0? 2 2> 60 lower right field stands. That blowv Young, rf----------.4 0 2 0 0 2 was tile climax of the game; Yankee!E. klemwl, lb------4 1 2 4 0 0 victory was cinched then and ther-e, jCuinninghamn, f ...3 0 0 1 0 0 for it proved merely a formality to, Stengel, cf---------.0 0 0 .1 0 0 cari ;y on to thle finish. Kelly, 11)----------.4 0 1.i16 1 0 rIt was spectacular triumph for the Sny de, c----------4 0 0 3 1 0 Yankees, whose punch muastered John! MQuillan, p ........1 0 0 0 0 0 McGraw's strategy and gave them theI Bentley, p..........2 0 1 0' 2 0 fir st home world series victory they I Gowdy ........1 0 0 0 0 0 have known since tile fifth game of ~iJackson ...........1 0 0 0 0 0 the 1921 championship, a spani over, - - - - whch eight defeats andl one tie have 1 Totals-----------.35 2 9 27 17 2 been the disastrous portion of the *Batted for Cunningham in -eighth. American league chtampioni. "Batted for Bentley in ninth. It was a brilliant day for Herb I___ Ffennockr, 'fragile left handler, who I Score by innings: twirled the Giants into subjection in Yankees ........0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0-4 maasterful fashion. And Joe Dugan,- Giants .......0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 fleet footed third sacker whose mar: veloas defense play brought him re-j Two base hits-Bentley, Dugan. peatedly into the limelight. H-one runs-Ward, E. Meusel, Ruth But, over and -above the outcome of, 2. the game, the brilliant cogs that fit- Struck out-By MQuillon 1, by Pen- ted nto the winning Yankee's ma- nock 1. chine, it was the day of days for Ruth,l Base on balls-Off AlcQui lan 2, off Pennock 1, off Bentley 2. Of -Hit by pitcher-By kentley (ten- Streeyt OfRome i nook). 4 Rich In Treusure~ Kubl? plays-Bancroft to Fiselh to Rome, Oct !. - E .cavat ions in ;It's tx-e efieny to use Daily I Rrruus ancient learling street, Corso Cas sIefieds-Adv. Enmberto, hlave brought to lighit many ! - pleces of. ancient Greek and R n an ______________ Isculipture. Voitr ti 1 ia archesy .;f~ood inl the CorSo :n ancient turnes, + and many frag ments i~lz3eatthed (urin-, FLY ING tile iniprovenlets ti a4; are being mpade to the thsorouaghifarere ,ethougt to b.> INS r U [CTION- portions of tiese ariches. In the Via - PI nbi~cito, there are traces of a- gre:: t; imnperial palace dnd the walls of an 'Mo17n begin t one- til1f) a cors. ancient tenmple. At tile Pazna. a Crin- Irici at field, PasCkarrd street s hu~n column from the Tenple of 'ml liy 4- 1ts -Neptune. In the Va Catravit a, two Iancient colunmns wvere unearthed and asnes 5ard also fragmenrts from a nedievalI f churchl. _ y . m I 0 0a."'W-% -SWEAT SHITS $01.65 .. _,., t { U jjlHj -^-^ W t Special! Shoes Pair F7l-iher and higher the ileage guarantee ifl tires has climbed with the imn- provemnent of recent years. In Neckxvear sim ila-cr genius has resulted in Re si lio which must make good OR WE WILL. It demonstrates its exceptional worth by exceptional wear. The special bias-cut lining BANISHES the wrinkles, makes it knot smoothly and smartly and confers upon it a longer lease of life. -For these reasons we }proclaim (RESILLO) th-e "supreme achievement of scarf dom." Stunning new creations in the new model are now on view. U "+; 4 f '-F C t : 1_ Gym Classes start Monday, -Ot. I OUR LINE OF GYM EQUIPMENT 15 COMPLETE Pants Shirts Supports Socs Shoes i i I E 1I