____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ THE. MICHIGAN DAILY rIi rf Cabinet M ember 0p n m V re Board of :Regents was Chauncey D- Regents, stating as follows their at- J lecture. There is no ruling against IWILI xpeow. tl seems thatMr Depew, after tude toward the question: i such a speech being given at the Un-# Fight 2s his Chief' Varie d~i1*g foreswearing the slightest inter- "Whereas, Mr. George W. Wricker-lion according to Thomas J. Lynch, enRe et in~ things political, was permitted sham, former attorney general of the, 25L president of the Union. "The 9 tospeak in old University 'Hall, and United States, has been invited by the I board of directors passed a ruling jL L(otne fo aeOe then delivered a Republican stump br- nwyoganized division of the ruling several years ago permitting' New Yc f ~discussion 'of both sides of such ques- ation of the most rabid sort. Demo- League of Nations Non-Partisan aso- the Republican club to use the Union; negro he iIiU}Vi' :d( £ lf~ r3'It) BE IEYOt'1) ions," lhe said. "When the League of icratic leaders in the state raised such ciation, and whereas Mr. Wickersham; for speeches 01' a political nature, andI i, Y1XII' , Nat ions was being discussed so much t cominotion that University autliori- s in no way interested in the ques-'this action would indicate that the nihtk --folloing Wilson's return from the ties were for ced to grant permission tinfoj partisan point of view, andi building could be used for such a il-eema or a similar speech by a Democratic (whereas, the Board of Regents has de- I ture as that to be given by Mr. Wick- round o Freshman gymnasiumi classes will' Paris conference, opponents of this po(ia edr nied Mr. Wickershanm the use of a Eersham", lie said. Queensbo bt"~iu at 3:1;i o'clock Monday after- policy tried to secure the use of Hill y~fitli~tcl ~favrisN Obligation" jUniversity buildinig for, this purpose; , City. ixoon andl will sin nediately start on the jauditorium for a lecture by iMr. James caiming that the question is of a po- EseOtcoref vkwhhD.GogeA"Ianeeoobitonnteprthialaueadteeoecnrayrmte ousofwkwhclr.eogA.M. this, an authority on the qestion. Icnsen biain ntepr iia aur!n hrfr otay 14iy. dirctor of the gymnasium, has " At ti tinie, also, the Regents refused of the Ujniversity to furnish facilities to the rules of the University, be it United States, shpmnents on which Bukare oulndfo hsyer such ermission. General questions o. pakn o n an"sidPo therefore resolved that the Liberal; have been held up through the ocu- oerm 'The first month of smore of the sent-i national policy should be discussed fsoR.FCrnoftepliclc-1cub fthUivstyfMcignpat]i allied operations in the RuhrFandistive Otol will be devoted to effiiency tests .: ". ...freely in University auditoriums."'nedprmn hnqesindcn hc spede oafle ics now have begun to move.une which 1 as.vC been arranged to test iInmyopninth Tnioritycring the affair. "Obviously tis , sion and wider interest in political+ ine ar Ov,, aThihil of all first; year men in should encourage the discussion of p vl~ nls niss utb o-adsca questions considers the ac-! suzeh " peeerie sjupnbI c n otoesa usin trolled by the Board of Regents. The tion of the Board of Regents an un-1 Daily classified for real results. Daily s iiirrin c uiilidgandchining Thse lloing peaersof eput Colecurequestion seems to me to be whther necessary discrimination and a flag- runein,t lbe ginvchnntintheein allow biinggpeker"or Put essorleture Rgnshveaotdthe pini- rant violation of the prposes to 'Yilii111I69 ar neetsfille ienul of oth intei nvrit ulig,"Poesrpie of selection which is the best suit- which this institution is devted"i' I(1l1I1R1!1Illl((lill cmpr, d h r uto oh iesRedsttd."Tee snodob ta ed to the end they have in mind. It( It is probable that sonic auditorium, of __ickeshamfalinto____iscass,_ -WITNEY gTHEATRE ST i'=courd r. Wickershamhfailsrintoythis.class ould appear to me that no subject Iin Ann Arbor will be available for the 'I suywihD.Mythat he is well qualified to speak au- should be barred even though it hap-- dOmn isuhtaitwlptal il ha o nnd utha twl u altoiaiey on such an important enod to be the moment involved in ... . --- _ inen t m ltr i thgoyoair i teh isu.partisan politics. In fact, every such eI bu n poss ]eribe n t heeron ten. qy u p rt igei~ ustion is discussed in the University ¢ AI bt t 16 ble condition .~~ Arrayed in opposition to the above- hals. a y s b e ti ~~e ..,...........................e....-..... faculty who support the action of the filr in which aysbetY icseo Flowers Oo. ear oard of Regents. "si There are men who are incapable ojllfK19 S ID I ~ EC ~ C III[The fact that he is almember of ; eprtfmn, n ofinetheioohthe AtdI oldtheaithatore tmhatoueso IToud eatiy gretatths House decorating for parL:_s Governor Watlon's cabinet, named by question. "It is an unfortunate step,: ought to be barred. On the otherE,^., thovrortbereayfstt, our specialty th gvenr o esereay o tae but necessary. For ift' Mr. -Wicersham hand, a, really thoughtful presentationS (Contiuedl from Page One) has not prevented Col, Richard A.1 were allowed to speak, they wuould I of any topic would seem permissable I id which is fully exem SnefriopsngWlnadhs have no valid excuse for excludng the In the end it seemns a question of thePH N15 ifled fro its operations.( martial law rule during the ltter's first Jackass of a crank who cate nan rather than the subject."I It Ought to) bo appn t now to fight agahist the Ku Klux Klan. along and tried to air his vews." Shrley W.Smth secretary of the Co sisr 181 all citi Znrr that the peole of this i Professor Wenley a"'i~t~c tha Mr!IUniversity, yesterday stated that the Co snr - " atl e ill not rux oenly subnit to the O 1JZ1E30'WJ''7V ickershiami would doubhtless, have action of the Rnts is based on aI irntimle ,tile, persecution and outrage- ® I something of sigifican.ce to say, but Ime>licy of logsadn wt nv 'Ioriisb% Seas now by mail orders filled in order re 011S iolcar-o of a oddognz in r+y7 y 7g g g declared that in principle the Regents'ity authorities. Exclusion of speeches, by check or mfoney order, together wv~ithi foddoanztn1 71CdiAIV1 P wee dinArihtphig, f( l (t)cll61F. UNIVERSITY e b' I- ies--lowr floor, $.00; balcony, X1.10 which operates in the (ark: and whose wredongthe ta s antr rmalUiesI~ served. iieuiber~hip is secret. Radical and re-t urinsoa.saeondisiuin ybligshsbenaUvriy ligiros b loU'"y and mobi violence are Stamps commemorating the late gadantfa tt-ondr -~ uldirmngs yhasbena n iversuity,- _ . ,"i9iil@l13@i~ili6tllililti11il~~8 Hftfink t le when practi'ed in the President Harding are now on sale at 'ritias imaerati ttheteve r u irny earn s andHil uiI.............ItlIIl"~lljl~hJIItnIII:I~c open---they becomne traitorously andI the campus substation of the post of- jpreato agis h airing" o iu isi'uedi.hs rui wickedIly so when hidden behind the five. They will be sold in place of the views nt in harmony with those held On Snle tudent opinion ont{ I u-1mnia iak"rglrisefrtomnh moeby the State.aglofsuetoionnth un-Auex1ca mak."I rgulr isuefortwomonhs ore1-l1e also nointed out that it was en- iubjet was voiced last night when The house was called to order b~y The commemorative issue is finding tieyi"codnc ihtecso the Liberal club passed a resolution at I). A.Stovall, representative from great popularity with collectors over oftepsadtatteolee~n~nouncing the action of' the Board of tet ieyi codacKihtecso /i" { hecfsw County, who was chosenj the country, who have been putting o ed the athfuo the only RE AIRIGrHTon ni i ap:urity bioor leader at a caucus lastte wyi uniis O)~i niight., The issue is the same as the Wash- grrick Popu at. SH INING I A few inuttes later the senate1 ington issue except that the late pres- Xis i£dlik the a ic wo. Best conveted anid both br anchxes then ident's pictures replaces that of Wash- fallow' who aoia~iIs ~Oct Seats $1p0 We Clean All Krinds5 of Sb i i'ecos'~etI aure-v4dhrrs 0cngto $.50"Sat. plat. 50c 10Io23LLIER Y TR E le te for ajint sOSSioui to j o-;igton and the ink used is black. Mrsg ro ILL mAY'iSHE House leaclirs pnlan to proceed im- j'government with the engraving of the ThiusclCmdReurP mnediately with impeachment proceed-'stamp and also with the first stamp l ;VitJh (Cst IncludingPomtndC recs c' ilsagainst the ,,ov(rnior. printed in the issue. TIfF FO! Rt MARX BROTHERS K_____________________ LS K. O.'Is 7I0MER SMI TH ork, Oct. 11.-Harry Wills, a mvyweight of Newv York to- ocked out Homner Smith of Do, Michigan, in the second a 15 round match In the rough stadium, Long, Island st, Oct. 11-The Rumanian 13nt announces discovery of a lot to assassinate the' Premier ministers; many persons are rest. classified for real !results. LJRDAYOfTI fI 13V~ y~ ,cived when .accompanied self-addressed envelope_, and $51.65. All -seats re-~ OCKING A T'CLEANING CS PHONE 1568-j ,ic , - ; y: ;;,tip , . ' ' ' " " 4u , : ; ,, ' ; ' a a _ y j : i . 1 f i y 1 . a 4 4 ? : t a-. " '1 , \ e r_ r. y r . P"} k _ k Y d r :+ f; : ?f r' $J:'y rvS 1 i 4; f I { :, w y '44Y _ '" F7 i '' i 'r. -j . f ,t a.' t:. s " ' ;w @ r ' L _ Cr= ?w , F 'r P ; , r M1,j 9 y R : f r n. ". r 1'e ? 11 1i 6 j g A J b ;. 'rC x; i 1 y a : a ti J .t',7 , I I1 R; ,; r t N1 - ,.3R ,i. . i ' 1 ' .. ' , ax EN AG U 'OF THE HIGH .RENT DISTRICT1' OU. AND SAVE $5.00 T~ $7.50 difference between Main or State sree street as compared with our. Ash.ley Prices, is $5.00 to $7.50. .e can show you style and quality coats and lots of them.. Corduroy coats made by Patrick, overalls for sli.op work, and high top shoes for the enin ieer ind forester at prices that will save you dolIars. will r III{ II IIC!II IC:111 1631!1 r NAIII ' 116131 '' 3113331 t!l, t IL.... r it 311381 I !111111 ILMIII "il!:! I:If L, IIIIN h iill ILIIII ! I1MI".I 11111111 I I!lhil 11941 I IL M,. 81!!11 Oh'I! 113!;11 1131313 I"^'1 Iic!;i! M^'q I HIIII! j 811111 Ilil:!I ti A1811 1!11;;! -11 ...II uo!q t'n;ill Ilifi',f 313131 A,!111 '. 111!111 ' 1 81ia1 63 L q V.I Jftl;{ 5 I 111!111 Jil I'' II a? Mimi ,u;al f f ! I M!nli II~iil II r . !:.dll I!i!ill Ji . 1!111!1 yyyy ,,,fi LlJ Mill ni "n tI11L'I III:I!I i,.!nl II hiRU i '33371 IG=J! IIiL'll i 1111111 if f 018 !1111;1 i III(ii ! IiiNil 1;9113 8fill llil!II _ :" I!INiI f LI~II ,I I [li!f;I 31818 I II111 I j Ii !!11 u;ull I o!an uum 9rui i i!um ! eael nu!u IIICB 91111 ! Jllill 131131{ 111181 !!! 111631 IlAfif I'Oip 131;18 !!11!11 uiin 'MI!I ;61!1 1,13131 {333111 131361 ILIIII BOUI 1!133;1 811!;1 1113113 1!INII it j 8!811 , fa0!I - ---'--_ ----x,61 - ---.. .-.._______________________________ Iiiiii' I 1111111 A''I R A II IIIII Hear SOUSA Ci.TI1A ANTHer SUS and His BAND ,'1___an1Hs1AN (John Philip Sousa, llti14 Conductor)-- (John Philip Sousa., Play His Latest. Conn- Conductor) 'filu"' positions: eF Play His Latest Comn- lll101 "NOBlLES OF ThEi AN ORGANIZATION O 10 MUSICIANS peSit :ns: rl MYSTIC SHRINE"iiii (New) WIL"~7THE GALLANT ;i "THE DAUNTLESSWI L PLAY IN HILL AUDITORIUM 3SEVENTH"°h * * *111.11,1 BATTALION" (New MO DA ,OC O ER 2,1N1IIECMPS "CAMERA STUDIES"_____* * * * (Suite) .---.- "U. S. FIELDPI /tee yyy j} 'q JARTILLERY" iiii :x s* (Suite) ,s I'-fIr !I IL I/V!1 ift 11.RIM*W*N "ATJ THE MOVIES" u "LEAVES FROM MY"SBEAD11 NOEBO"(Suite) "When SOUISA'S BAND played the other d = y inn a large new auditorium, 20,340 peron0SUR" 1 *** crowded into the 'hall at two performances. 'he receipts fci' the day were said. to be over n* * "EL CAPITAN" $17,000. COMRADES OF AI *'*x THE LEGION" i~i "DING COTTON' "Let all of us who have despaired of the a frtistic mom'ale of the American people take :x *x *u *x *k* hope. For Sousa's nmsic is always whloleso me, always invigorating. He frankly omits "BOY 'SCOURS" i~l! <E * x been one of the finest influences in American life. F I" ,0 "SEMivPER FIDELIS" "Do the American people appreciate and enjoy the quality of this sturdy stuff? When Mrh ft* *il *'EIVICBL 1 (Mr DogheDei $17,000 conies out of one c:Lty in one dlay for' this purpose, it looks rather as if they did.'-- E L"I""'ll Dg)-Editorial, Chicago Post. EAL"I~IrI "TH-E STARS AND SOUSA'S Band Does Something in Msi c That No Other Oragnization, No Matter "THE THUNDERER" ~ S''TRIP +S FOREVER" What, Is Quite Able to Accomplish. No Othe r Band, No Orchestra, No Anything Gets Quite*** (The Greatest March the St~r That This Joyous Body of Players P rojects As a Mfatteir of Course.-E. C. Moore, "LIBERTY LOAN Ever Written) Chicago Tribune. MRH M A R C H " l.. li IN THE SAME SERIES !h'l' ' - llfl NOV Tu r ther Tine Cto certs Will leGv NO .12-MICHAEL PRESS, distinguished Russian ORCHESTRA under VICTOR KOLAR. Violinist-Conductgr, will be soloist with. the DETROIT JA .2-R H RS TUC ,enueAmrcn ' SYMPONYORC ESTA uner ABRLO~will be the soloist with DETROIT SYMPHONY WITSCH. ORCHESTRA under VICTOR KOLAR. DEC 4--RICHARD CROOKS, eminent American will FB 8-R n R.JSFLEINRs 'il be te sloit wth he ETR IT YMPONYsian Pianists, will give a recital of two--piano numbers. i1u s GOOD COURSE TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT SCHOOL OF MUSIC $2.00-$3 .00= $4.00--$5.00 "' 1lu TICKETS FOR SINGLE CONCERTS WILL BE ON SALE ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 1 5-$0.50-$1.00-$i1.50-$2.00 CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary U II L -- =~= ----..--.-=~~=,: ZE F r- . i r"°:: x ; a " q ' NC' ' }},}: rr '3.r J f Ks'i i a s . j , x,., ' , , _ .. ': , Ul 215-217 SOUTH ASHLEY STREET Between Liberty and Washington Streets Out of the High Rent District lis i THE SPIRIT OF THE TIME 7 KX T IW mirw I r 3 Arb I ortv ^C A /i Aal e; I I b