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October 12, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-12

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Aw A6F





Tonight's Lecture First on Program of
Oratorical Association for
Present Year
"Organization of Government" is the
topic upon which former Governor
Frank 0. Lowden of Illinois, the first1
lecurer on the Oratorical association
lecture course program for this year,
will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill
Saved State Money
Mr. Lowden was governor of Illinois
from 1917 to 1921 and during that time
is said to have introduced new meth-
ods of state finance that saved the
state large sums of money. Previous
to being the state executive of Illinois,
Governor Lowden was in Congress for
six years serving through the fifty-
ninth, sixtieth and six-first Congresses.
As a member of the Republican party,
he has also acted on the national exec-
utive committee and at the last con-
vention was one of the most promising
candidates for nomination for the pres-
In addition to being known as a
statesman and politician, Governor
Lovwden gained prominence as a pro-
fessor and soldier. He was professor
of law in Northwestern university in
1899 and the year before that was
Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Infan-
try of the Illinois National Guard.
Graduates from Iowa
Governor Lowden graduated from
the University of Iowa in 1885 as vale-
dictorian of his class and was given
the same honor at the University of
Chicago in 1887 when he obtained his
L.L. B.
He is said to be a speaker of un-
usual power and personality, and a
man whose thoughts on future changes
in the methods of administration of
our government are well-worth hear-
Single admission tickets for the lec-
ture tonight will be sold for $1, while
reserved seats for the entire series
may be purchased for $3, $2.50 and $2.
Dr. Charles A. McMurry, '87, profes-
sor of elementary education at Pea-
the principal sneaker at the first meet-
body college, Nashville, Tenn., will be
ing of Phi Delta Kappa, national hon-
orary education society, to be held at
6 o'clock tonight in the Union. The
subject of his address will be "Build-
ing the Curriculum."
He will also address an assembly
of the School of Education at 4 o'clock
this afternoon in room 203 Tappan
hall. Following the assembly the sen-
ior and junior classes will be organ-
ized under the direction of the Stu-
dent council, and election of officers
for the coming year will take place.
Professor McMurry is the father of
Kenneth C. McMurry, assistant profes-
sor of Geography in the University.

The elder McMurry is one of the pion-
eers of educational work in the coun-
try and has written many books deal-
ing with special phases of educational
method. Among his works are "Spe-
cial Methods of Geography," and his
latest book, "How to Organize a Cur-

Speaks Tonight

Lincoln, Neb.,, Oct. 11.-Peti-
tions to place Henry Ford's
name on the presidential pref-
erence primary ballot as a pro-5
gressive party candidate at the
April primaries were filed some
time ago. Under Nebraska law f
a prospective candidate's name
is placed on the ballot if he fails
to reject petitions filed in his
behalf. In a letter received by
the Secretary of State today, Mr.
Ford's secretary does not reject
the petition.
Dictator's Power Goes to Chancellor"
As Ebert Gives In To
His Demand
erlin, Oct. 11.-President Ebert to-
day gave Chancellor Stresemann au-
thority to dissolve the Reichstag if the
Authorization bill, giving wide author-
ity in dictation of measures for eco-
nomle -rehabilitation a virtual dictat-,

Coach Belleves Scheme Would At-
tract Student Support and Raise
Necessary Funds
A petition seeking the use of the
Yost Field house for a fair to be
given by the Uuion for the purpose of
raising funds to complete the swim-
ming pool will be presented to the
Board in Control of Athletics at its
regular meeting Saturday morning.
The peition will be pre:ented by Tho-
mas Lynch, '25L, president of the
Is Ideal Place
The Field House is idealy suited for
the use of the Union in the presenting
of such a fair as is planred, accord-
ing to Lynch. It is large enough to
accommodate all of the student body
on the two nights that it will be given
and the large number of seats will al-

Faculty Opinion Varies On
Ruling Against Wickersham

Prominent members of the Univer-
sity faculty yesterday expressed theira
attitude toward the use of Hill audi-(
torium and other University buildingsI
for the discussion of public questions1
by qualified speakers.
Consensus of opinion seeimed to op-
pose the University ruling which hasi
been placed in the %melight in the
past few days by the refusal of the
Board of Regents to permit the hon-
orable George W. Wickershan, former
United States Attorney General to
speak Nov. 3 in iill auditorium under
the auspices of the local division of the
l..eague of Nations Non-Partisan asso-
1isemsiion Esse'ntial
It is felt by several of the men in-,
terviewed by The Daily that anything
that will encourage intelligent discus-
sion of public q;.estio's by the Univer-
sity community should be encouraged.
On the other hzr) two members of
the faculty feel that to permt even a
man c i Cslini : tc speali on a.;us-
tion of political moment would open
the door for a coatinmous stream of
"stumip" orators, wishing to air their
views in University atmosphere.
Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, head of the
Latin department, believes that Mr.
j Wickersham, or any other man of
eqlugl prominenceshould be permit-

American people are astonishingly ig-
norant of European affairs and all
questions of national and international
policy, and any move to inform them
further on any question is worthy of
sympathetic consideration. This lec-
ture is not an attempt to secure votes
for any particualr policy, but to in-
form people on a question of para-
mount importance in world politics."
Hobbs Opposes Ruling
In accord with this view are Prof.
W. H. Hobbs, head of the geology de-
partment, and Prof. T. I1. Reed, of the
political science department. Profess-
or Hobbs, although an opponent of the
League of Nations policy since its first
inception by ex-President Wilson,
thinks that Mr. *Wickersham should be
permitted to use the hall. "Univer-
sity buildings should be used for the
(Continued on Page Two)

Governor Still Contends That Klan Is
Root of All Trouble
in State
Oklahoma City, Okla" Oct. 12.-
-(By A. P.)-Plans for holding a
court of impeachment to review the
official conduct of state executive
officers moved forward today with
the convening of an extraordinary
session of the legislature called by
Governor 1. G. Walton to consider
the entire ilu Klux Klan legis-

Frank 0. Lowden
Former Governor of Illinois, will be
the first speaker brought here under
the auspices of the Oratorical associ-

Bursley, :Densmore and Kelly
Combined Meeting (Of Al
' Freshmen
Gathering for the first tim
class this year freshman in
women from all undorgr
schools in the University as
yesterday afternoon in Hill
om to hear speeches given by
A. Bursley, Dean of Students,
Densmore, of the public speak
partment; and John W. Kell
president of taet Student (counc
combined meeting of all Lf
classes was called by the
council to further class unity
all the new men on the can
hold the freshman literary cla
Hugh K. Duffield, '24, a
chairman, opened the meeting
troducing John W. Kelly, '24L
dent of the Student council, w
ed to the new men regardin
men discipline and a genera
spirit. He asked that they co-
with the sophomores in upoholt
traditions of Michigan andi
plea for a strong class spirit
distinctions caused by frat(
other affiliations.
Gail E. Densmore, of th
speaking department next ta
the subject of scholarship. 1
was one for Phi Beta Kapp:
ants as opposed to those whoc
the other way in scholarship
a fictitious fraternity that h
"Kappa Beta Pli " )ean
then spoke on "Playing The
He asked all of the men to;
the University and make the
their life here. lie assured
his support in their work as
uals and as a class.
The results of the freshm(
ary class nominatinsfi held a
combined meeting of the new
as follows. For president, T
- ornberger and Alvin Tol
vice-president, Helen Reece a
Kyer; for treasurer, Leslie Lu
Dain Ederle; and for seeretar
lis Haeknle. and Mary Barr
election will take place next
a date to be announced later.


Charges Political InfluenceE
To Keep Project From
Ills Control


I 1S11C 1 :11M~ldl1V1 toY1 LU1 lu UL tel ous niversity uilings orth
orship) fails to command the neces- low a number of townspeople and istuse noverrety pui nsao tus
S Isary two-thirds majority in that body. alumni who wish to witness the event ;sfion f cret heoad que - ALAO T TO CONNACY
to' do so readlily. jlions, and feels that the Board of Re- PLANT WITH COMPANT'Y
After this was announced, the Reich- t s e h ah gents will reconsider their action pro-
stg etd hefis prarah f h Spaces beneath the balcony of the
th voted the first paralb25tgraph of the ithiaiting this lecture. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 11.-(By A.P.)-
Authorization bill, by 253 to 97. Feild House will permit the use of a "I am heartily in favor of permit- Henry Ford's offer for the purchase of
en as( a heb etnh blasa al w a e th rbuilding. These booths will ei !ting Mr. Wicersham to speak in Hill the Muscle Shoals project in Alabamax
en a d up fort finlv the etraspiewbe Nam-etebd y fraternities andts olier I auditorium," he declared yesterday. is still before Congress and will nott
a ae spaort ef t the etg amber. campus societiesin iresenting ther "The speech is non-partisan in char- be withdrawn, Henry Ford said today
auditor-- Adjourned to Satthicrday I side shows ano similar80., atsccord-st acter and is purely informative. The in a statement, his first public asser-'
dJosephAy ing to preliminary plans now being tion since the sale of the Gorgas plant
Jail This left the body without a quorum f ue t hom e ins at te rto the Alabama Power company.
Gail dE. and the Reichstag adjourned until formulated by those chare of therLMr. Ford charged that political in+
y, -241, iSaturday, when a final vote on the bill Floigfv[r.d lo IL L It O L fluence was brought to bear to keepl
y, t4L, Following favere 1 action of tho flue-
il. The s'Board in Control of Athletics, the him from obtaining the plan and these
reshman The Authorization bill, as approvedwre "same influences prevented a vote in
by the Council of the Reichs and pre- fpojecth Uiversity fapro the house last spring" on the sale of
amongjsented to the Reichstag early this week case that the sanction of both these Muscle Shoals to the Ford Motor coin-'
spus and provides:bodies is given, the fair will probably Su-perier, Wis., Oct. 11.---A serious pany.
ss eef- "The government of the Reich is an- he held some time immediately after fire was being fought by forest rang The automobile manufacturer as-
thorized to take, in financial, economic the return of the stusents from the ers and a crew of farmers in the sorted in his statement that he was
sting as and social spheres, the measures which Christmas holidays. I vicinity of Solon Springs late today. not anxious to obtain the plant in
by in- it deems necessary and urgent, re- Yost Is Favoraile The fire developed in the afternoon connection with the Ford Motor con-
, presi- gardless of the rights specified in the Coach Fielding H. Yost last night when a 25 mile an hour wind sprang pany. He said the Ford company had
ho talk- constitution of the Reich." expressed himself as extremely favor- up. Several farm houses are in the all the water power needed and that his,
g fresh- The authorization does not extend to able toward the project. "The main Iath of the flames. only interest in the Alabama project
al class the regulations governing the hours of thing-is to finish the pgol,'' he said. Rain which began falling here was to furnish cheap fertilizer to Ihe
-operate labor or to decreases n pensions and "It's a shame that a school like Mich- shortly before noon saved the settle- farmer3.
ding the allowances. igan hasn't a place where the stu-- ment at Garyfarm in Douglas county.~~
made a It is provided that the bill shall be- dents can go in swinmiug as a reg- Last night the fire had completely sur- W ickershan Holds
with no come law on its promulgation and ex- ular thing. What we ought to have rounded the little settlement and cut i
ernal or pire with the present cabinet, or at here is a building with at least four off all communication from outside. No Position I n
the latest, in any event, by March 31, big pools in it to let all students swim The rain today stopped the progress
e public 1924.,! who will want to, but this Union pool of the fires. Partisan PI-oultics
iked on --- will be a good substitute."
Iis plea{ "And not only that, but the s ir~ Lansing, Oct 11.---Reports of i- George Woodward Wickersham, who
at aspir-1811 OF E mingteam must have a pool for their proved conditions in the fire swept has been refused for a public ad-
often go actice", hie went on. "When Coach sections of the Upper peninsula came dress the use of Hill auditorium by
towards Brown took his swimmingr teaolhm aowt to the state conservation department the Regents, was born Sept. 19, 1859.
e caled to Chicago last year I told flm that today. He attended' Lehigh university from
rsley he ought to take out accident ur Houghton, Dickinson, Iron 1873 to1875. He was engaged in busi-
Gae."___ance on the boys for fear that some of and Menominee counties sent mes- 87ss fortHeyaseadrindth
get into SAFE BLOWING BELIEVED CAUSE them might drown because they hadn't sages declaring that a shift in the degree of Doctor of Laws from the
most 01 FOR )EATJS ON SOUTHERN had any pool to practice . I wind was driving the forest fires University of Pennsylvania in 1880.
thiem of, PACIFIC TRAIN Kepa o aigafarfrte vriyo
hmA Fw The plan of having a fair for the ay from villages. A thick blanket Ihe practiced law in Philadelphia from
mvi-urseoraising the necessary of .smoke overhangs the territory' 1880 to 1882, and then went to New
Redding, California, Oct. 12.-Train fund is advisable and one of the bes' they said, but it was coming from
n liter- number 13, the Sthern Pacific rail- methods that could be used in the ross the Wisconsin border. They ork, where he engaged in the pro-
m lter- ni:. alifria ct 2.Tai upoeof aiig h ncs ary he sohnsnthorderiThey18 o182 n hn ett e
fter the road's crack San Francisco express opinion of Coach Yost. "There is no r te-fession until 1909. He was Attorney
m it 14 men were shot and killed. The reason in the world why a fair like Iretsived r herty damage, the blaze General m the cabet of President
[heodor train robbers Just as it emerged from those planned shouldn't be popularI being confned mostly to dry leaves Taft. He is now a member of the
lieooetanrbbr utINw oklwfrTo awldr
Ic; for tunnel number 13 in the Siskiyou with the students, as well as help to and sashings. ew York law firm of Cadwalader,
nnd Jean mountains on the California Oregon furnish money for that pool", he sa1.d. The only discouraging report came Wickersham and Taft.
[tler and line this afternoon. Three train- "There ought to be a big attendance from Ontonagon. It was to the effect Since serving under President Taft,
y, PhYl-I trainment were shot and killed. The on both the nights that it is given that conditions are bad, but consid_ Mr. Wickersham has held no place in
at. The mail car was dynamited, the charge i and with the aim of putting something 'aerably improved over esterday. All partisan politics. Until 1909 he was
week at killing a mail clerk, and looted. The across such as those in charge of it, the fires, however, were said to beI vice-president and trustee of the New
robbers escaped with an undetermined would have, there ought to 1)? enough i under control. The only property York Association for Improving Con-
amount of loot. money raised to make a big difference damage reported was the loss of dition of the Poor, and the New Yorkl
in the amount needed." buildings and piled up logs. Institute for the Blind. He was press-
San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 11.-The Must ROaise $20,0 _ _dent of the American Prison associa-j
A ni nan one mail The purpose of the inioin spon- I-_ q -' -., a1 X ,Ax.7-7 ition in 1920, and is at present chair-

Ignoring for the time recommenda-
tions of Governor Walton that his pro-
posed regulations of the klan be con-
sidered immediately, House members
at the opening session authorized the
speaker W. 1). McBee to name a com-
mittee of investigation and impeach-
ment to enquire into all offenses
charged against impeachable state of-
isTo Announce Committee
The House recessed until tomorrow
afternoon when the committe is ex-
pected to be' announced. The Senate
recessed until morning. The sessions
today were short and were largely oc-
cupied with the routine incident to or-
ganization. The officers, agreed upon
in caucus last night, were elected.
Oklahoma City, Orla., Oct. 11.--Gov.
J. C. Walton called on the Oklahoma
legislature today to enact an anti-Ku
Klux Klan law to save the state from
the disaster lie says it faces through
existence of the secret organization.
In his address, read for him at the
opening of an extraordinary session
of the assembly the executive charged
the klan with responsibility for hun-
dreds of outrages and punctuated his
remarks by Iaying before the law-
makers transcripts-of altestimony
adduced by military courts of inquiry,
which, under his proclamation of mar-
tial law, investigated mob violence and
masked depredations in the state. He
requested the legislators to examine
the record and then publish it.
"This all powerful and most de-
moralizing 'super-government' is un-
dermining the very cornerstone and
foundation of our government and
sapping the lifeblood of our citizen-
ship,' Gov. Walton declaed. "It must
Oither be killed or the government it-
self must finally give way to anarchy
and revolution. There is no alterna-
tive or middle ground."
Asks Protection
The governor reviewed at length the
chain of events which have kept the
state in turmoil for a month and con-
eluded his message with a plea that
the legislature immediately pass a
bill, which he himself has prepared,
"that the people may be protected for..
ever in their person, property and fun-
dam ental liberties."
"The conflict between the visible
and invisible government must be
brought to a close with a complete
victory for the visible government,
or Oklahoma will face indefinite tur-
moil and strife, the results of which
are bound to be disastrous," he said.
"This invisible, insidious and ter-
rorizing empire represents in an ex-
I aggerated form, fear, falsehood and
(Continued on Page Two)

. y.

engineer ani nrema iauot it
T clerk of Sofuthern Pacific train No. 13,
Portland to San Francisco, were killed
today by an explosion on "he mail
car while the train was in a tunnel
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 12.-The bottom I near Siskayou, California, according
has dropped out of the mOtor ship to a telephone message to railroad
Kennecott, which struck Monday night headquarters here. The explosion
on the rocks near Graham island, and was a 'supposed safe blowin;.
the vessel is a complete loss, said a- According to the Medford, Oregon,
message received here today from the agent the train was held up in the
coast guard cutter Unalga. tunnel at Siskayou, California. En-
The Ujnalga wirelessed that she was gineer Bates, Fireman King and
taking 65 men o; the Keimnecott's to brakemuan Booknmfiler were shot and
Kethikan,r hile Capt. John A. John- killed and a number of people wer
son, master of thme motor shipnIidC injured lie reported.

soring the fair is to aid in raismn' the

necessary 20,000 neo&d

to comple91


man of the New York Prison associ-

the swir
the larg
of "the
and fle
Field I(
why th
help in

o~f this n'-pu, were fp''srsi for

years in raisig mi;qney to Tokio, Oct. 11.-Officials of the navy
ct the Union building and lt , department stated that although the
that ther inse w Jupanese navy loss in the earth-
pesenactrstructue.coiti~n toquake and fire;woee considerable, they
present structure. With the think the naval power of Japan was
ed numberciof s tdes 1 not weakened as a result.
addled facilities that the ne w The warships Amiagi, Mikasa and
ouse offers there is n) reason Nal a, the latter a light cruiser under,
e event cain not be a decided construction, sustained the most ser-
the raising of the nec('ssary inus damage. The total damage to theI
in the opinion of those who are three vessels is estimated at 11,000,-
the fair. 000 yen $5,500,000. The construction
'f the Naka has been suspended.
nel Sivn2esNaval institutions destroyed by the
earthquake and fire include the naval
Job For Fat M en technical laboratory, the hydrographie
office, the medical college and the
-land, Oct. 10.- (ByA.'.)- powder magazine. The Yokohama ar-
in, the.Engi s.( ma. .)-l senal, while badly damaged, will be
ing the English channel ks a repaired immediately.
n 's game, Carbis A. Walker of _ _

European Authors And Artists
Search Inspiration In America
New York, Oct. I1.--(By A. P.)- imspiration.
While stage and concert platform pre- Prom France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
sent the culture of Europ, to New ! the Scandinavian countries and even
I Yorkers, the city's bookstalls are clut- Russia, come lists of translations of
tered with foreign books and maga- books by Americans. Magazines vie
zines which bring back to its native with each other in translationp of the
hearth the influence which Main Street American "classics" and of the work
and Broadway have had on the Old of younger men who have helped in the
World. renaissance of Anglo-American letters
Current publications from the Eu- which has left its niark throughout the
ropean capitals lately arived in the reading world.
book shops of the city indicate that Poe, Whitman, Cooper, Iarte, Haw-
Iyouthful writers and artists, and even thorne, Melville and many- other
many-of those who already had American writers are represented in
d linzr l f a l'fo rn t fhn vi -)p* a r. t i L* i nnr- lu n iv ivr i rn rar1.



There will be a meeting of the
argoyle art staff and try-outs at
the Gargoyle editorial office Fri-
day afternoon at 4:30. All men
or women interested in doing art
work for Gargoyle are requested
to be present at this meting.

eight other members of the crew had
remained at the wreck.
jI The Unalga stated that time Kenne-
. cott lay in Kano inlet a mile inside
Hunter island at the south west corn-
er of Graham Island.
3- - - - - - - -_
Mexico City, Oct. 11.-The spat with
Venezuela is not important enough to
M warant a formal statement the Foreign
Office announces.



Appointments to the House comm it- a' a



Student publications at Michigan have, on various occasions,
made an important issue of the efficacy of "campus opinion."
The Daily reminds its readers that a page of editorials, dealing

tee of the Union for the coming year"
were announced last night by Thomas ICleveland, who swam across Lake-
Iynch, '25L, president of the Union. Erie this summer but failed to negoti-
ate the channel, said in explanation of VA
Ralph Hummer, '25, will be chairman I Lfail
of the committee for the year. Asist-ha re.
ing him w ,ill he John Br'omley, '25, "I was in the wiNat o r three and on01e-
Ainen howell, '26, Kenneth Seick, '25, half hours," he said, "it was so cold it
antI Freic 'trueK h '2 penetrated my muscels. After swie-
Members ofie other Union commit- lminig three miles I became delirious ! wN
tees who will act during this school and then unconscious. - Dr.
>year were announcedl Tuesday by "It's a fat man's job--arid only a , en

---- -

-achieved tame botore te war, are tians ations lateiy arrived tram Paris,
turning to this side of the Atlantic for Stockholm and Berlin.
Younger writers enthusiastically,
-8CLO O The former chancellor spent fifteen proclaim their debt to America and
minutes with President Coolidge but lyricize the power, energy and youth
is understood to have explained at th,' of the New World; their literary
_1outset of his conference that he had achievements reflect eager consump-
/ashuington, Oct 1A I laid aside political interest wOen lie tion of everytling Amei'ican.
Curl .oseph Wilhelm Cuno, form- l gave up the cha ellorship early inrrBook>s of mdsicsshowathst composers
chancellor of Ger'many and now I August. The discussion between the! have been using Amneircan Indian and
thnrnnnl o 4n -TP t ~ resident and former Premier then American negro melodies as the basis

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