Y, OCTOI3ER 11, 193 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA'GET T 1t?; EBfU !o'clock any day this week in the office tinued from 3 to 5 o'clock this after- hie xwil engage in missionary work Varsity Glee club of the dean of women. noon, on the second floor of tcSho m the Scolaogtenatives. While at Michigan_________________________________________________ of usc.Mis1aue icndiecor he was prominent in the work of the o Mui . M s Ma d Kly ,drcoLj Wyvern society will meet at 7:151 would especially like to have first o'clock this evening at the Kappa Del- sopranos and second altos try out.T EAR The last of Dean Hamilton's first ta house. '1W S I G O aa a PCA i inCsweil Angell hall Group Tryouts for membership in the Uni- Neal Ireland, '20L, sailed yesterday FL ING A K 3will attend at 4 o'clock this aftternooni versify Girls' Glee club will be con- bn the steamer Heredis for Peru whereI TONIGHT 7.30 H TEN ORIGINAL HOUSE OF Entering women are requested to me DAVID KIDDIES with the group with which they met __________________________________________ E1~Tv RING BLDG, 940 ° Ifor the last two lectures.Ali I ,. G Mortarboardl societ-y xiii hold an! ; 7IitAlll busIiess n,,oeLtig at :30-i Prec liminatry aryozs for Ihe we- o'clo ck this evening at the Alpha Omi- mnen' eb-tinta have :been sel ect- c rn i house. Al. inemubers are re-, edIo h eaysoEciet los and ifrm; quested to be present. th ideenen omlen (in ithe canl- 1)11 inprearaionfor he ~ilbil~d h erillIbO a iboardl meeting of try-out b 'or the quad lis, picked foi:r ,the Wonien's athletic association at the thoMciindbt.5 o'cloc~k ol this afternoon in Barbour Athena and i IPort in liteiary societie t ymlnasiuin. held0 tiher elimbination. try-out Tuesday evenng nd anouce teirsqua O~ All ordier,, for gloves taken by Mor- 5s oete ecinic r-ottAt zrloardi society must be in by this urday iwrnilikg a llow Atiiitia t- evening. P'amela Prown, 2338, is erry'ocey;Ca~rieStaffo(.r,,, '24, taking ca(.lre of all ordtr5fnot can-j Florence Fuiller, '25, Aparguer it(, May, 'veTsso]. by sorority ana leaguie house '25, Clara Lgvvv, '25, Geraldine 1lastcrs, commilittees. '26, Marion M\cCully, '21. Portia Liter- ary society; Mai',e Auguist,''24, Vera ,otn interested in club leader- August, Lydia Bir,'24, Elizaeth u rann aeake oa.o~ Van Valkenburg, '26, Margaret Lord,l meetin to 1be held at 7 o'clock '26,. Charlotte ZIlagdon, '25. ' hi evening at Barbour gymnasium. The 'Independent women who will At this meeting they will b)e givens try-out Saturday are: Virginia Cronin- I l-nopotnty t inu o h 25, Joanna Dewitt, '24, Vera Radon, '24, nine week course which is to follow. ,~Verena Moran, '25, Morel Parks, '25, I :,nestina Roe, '24. Memben~rs of the University Girl's SThese women wil meet at 8 oWclo .,. Glee club are asked to call Dorothyl S$aturday morning in room .,2}2 !Wsphl r t: stpimal, '24 at 2720-R,,Ais soon as 'hall and will b)e prepared to givet I poi Bible. Each menmlbor is 'asked toj A~ ve minute talk on1 Oic (1 Pht~+5o leave word with her which part they, the Towner-Sterling bill. About 12 j sing ithe~ club. ~'Women will be selected from t'li T rye grout)' on Saturday. Jro women who have not nsye 'V------- ----- j'u(ei r'od a freshlaai advisee are asked lYlAire Rzireau t ) tea ik) cons.ult the list posted in Barbour; " Work accom.'plishotl by 1ci?(l°rli i "fmil t ' .;It as soon as possib)le. Those ,A efarc baIreau (1111,11 the Pat year I V1 1are.1 not listed are asked to sienI ~W~l b Itosetedat he niml ~ t iir ameand address on the blank -inig to be held at 7 o'clock tomlorrow '5l 1et plaeecoi with the list, for that ptur- r veni 19 at the Community hlouse, 402 pose. It is necessary that junior-s t ou1th Main Street. r1~lhO rep)ortJ w i hTould iknow w1io their fresluneu are shor andthemeet~ngrverby 745 oeothie advisor liparty which is to the take- place October 26. 'O'clock. Student." of sociology and I c;oNtri'sztors to the Coninunity fund AlfrtePnBlei iro 51) eciallly urged to attd. Ale(onmmitee oitePnI lei ,.____ 1,101ali ill moo t at 4:30 o'clock this aft- The Complete Project for the .Standard Oil Building New York City T CARRI RE andl HASTINGS Architects AIDISINCTL"new tnec saprntifrhtcua thouPegNw hidtesintodyAciecsaeeeinigi masses - the great silhouette, the profile of the building has become of far greater importance than its detail. There is a new vigor and ruggedness even in buildings which are conven- tionally classic in- their detail. Masses mount upward, supporting the tower, accentuating its height. The new architecture is tending toward great struc- tures rather than multiplicity of detail. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organization, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. OTIS. ELEVATOR COMPANY Offices in all Principal Cities o the World Lt. Royal will give a short talk on aviation, and explain his course of flying instruc- BIG ATUJIE PICTURE Will ui-, thisa,; ii--; st while. Come early as onlyi Qrta in -AISO- I 4~j was= owl ,_ t . ti. ;j ' . . , ,., .. r I NI C 4 s'. ti t I E t c; iy in a S ark ling Photoplay- fro .the snabbvs story' :' - - .5 Arcade-inme of on," { Lionel Barrymnore. -Majestic --Viola Dana in "Houg- 1 -"'edlLips." Wrth - "Down to the Sea n Orpheuml-"'Vhat \\'iv; s \ant." Vnitley - To row D Wolf I lopper, r d te Ci ' andSullivan f: 1 'ro oera !(-emI p.'Llrinl he ''aThe MiL~hdo."r Str(My, Oct. 13, Maiyobson larr el y,"e I i IC C _ ffr i l sy^ s." el--oo,in hiBarbour gymnasium. CCAll Junior women are a~sked to pay llhe Jutnior Girls' play tax of $1 to a; -,.presentative of the class fromt 2 to 4 a J ~- ~- i1 i; . s f, i F I ' ' ' 3 / -. - - ! , 1 d , :a . . . , , f 1 \ / 'I _ Pe'IL x4 iS r A G E ",- th a t tic k le d v F iv e Millio n P e o l le . /ite b Rita Weima Directed by rx Harold Shaw r !~~l~ 1t '11 ,Fine Supporting Cast Tom Moore Nola Luxford Sidney Dke Gray Arline Pretty Francis Bowers George K. Arthur 717 1I1~ JS~ nda fotOe e **K: i- i I~ A AM , ' i ' ,.f ' ;, . r,.... ~ r + 4 i _ .4 r , 1_ - ,' f , :" /f t ; , r, . , ° ji' .,g., t i ". / f d ' .1 + ' lk w ti : yid a RR The Correct Lines in o o, - " . t ,. Ckj i i + / 9:. . . fi% " ? , , f f { t t , , i : , n, :, 9 ,; ' :3 , '' , ,;, , J i' ' ° ; 6; f.. it t _. ' , I \ r 1, BRILLIANTLY' pie. -a t1ri.zed, fascinating story of the stage-e Unique and wm_ ~ n charm Behind the ~e ~L romance of a C CJ Bzy the author of the highly accth:im-ed book "Footlights, " 'and of stage-life stories that have entertained millions of readers of The Cosmopolitan; and The Saturday Evening Po, S"T TIhe soft flattery of luxurious furs-what woman doesn't love to t:'c> b~t of a clicker beneath her chin, or draw the rich folds o;' a l.-e wrap close about her. Tbese are time costume dreamis that tis i5 Se~ -it buying opportunities. The fur wraps, jacquettes, coats and scarfs on two-day display (today and tomorrow) are all from the William H. Miller company which is well known as one of the most reliable fur firms in this country. rflic styles are thoroughly authentic and only the finest pelts have Been uised. Th's event is as much a fashion showing as it is a value oea lon and wouien will enjoy a visit to time Fur Section if only to famniliari e tl eniselx'es with the new style innovations. "' wl s1 L -ALSO )_ ANt 'N ARBOR FVxITE S OVER Mi GI T BART AND SAX ON In a Brand New Program fN f N14m V T"%'ri7 V ~T nt'rJ0 A M n~f4LV~qrDA I I!V1Fvi r i Y111 "a RVI zjt r43.Ii A