ICH] . H~uSEJapan On Verge Of New National Era, Declares Captain Imamura ~LT8i Japan is on the verge of a new Ifor g eneral1 business to be back on a tor Use by era in her national life, an era of mlod- on ai n 0yasfrTko nkt iernisml and progres, which will arise Yokahama, and the smaller towns to be rebuilt. out of the ashes caus;ed by earthquake ;I"'th-siii M1ADy anld -fire and which will place her in a T hese cities, he said, will all be , 1ENISIIED 'future of -prosperity. 'This is thle be- vastly inoved. The congested dis-, lief o-f Captain- Teiji limamura of th~e l t icts of Tokio with their dirty wood ;ators will be jlilltary 'Technical office of- the Inl ; en houses andi crookhed streets are, for ba.nketw ll IAerial Japanese ai-my, who is study- or wtillbe done' away with. Yokaho- athletl: evren1ts ling n the department of automotive m"a wi' l b completely rebuilt an~d1 e, no undr nginerin at he Uiverity.11- proof Coll truaction will be used as ed. noe iedr' gln erinatothe Uniesity.I much as possibale. The bottom of To reads"- foP use, Catwin Imamura has been in this! kio bay was raised by the shaking and asketbal.l sea- country for one year,ladninSn it will be nec essary to dredge it in Francisco in the fall of 1922. He; order that large boats may 'enter the ate nlow fixed passed the winter in California aidii arbor'agan retor of ath-, this June entered the summa~er school Captain Imamura expects to return the stru~cture J at the University. The great earth- to his rnative country after finishing door competi- I quake of Sept. 1 which diEsrupted the his engineering course in the Univer- 'By the time; whole Japanese nation, killing 250,001) Slty. Hle saysa that he .likes America .as, Yost be- people and bringing a total loss of andl that he, wi th all his countrymen, ~be equipped property of $12,500,000,000, he consid- retanfIo tegret epred reral uses to ors the most terbedsse fteeredt Japan by this country_ in their 'tment intends twentieth century. ! bhour of need. "Japan, which lies in the volcanoI your gymnas-, belt has always been a cc uu-try sub- tFroslz Springs New ave served as ject to internal eruptions," Captain door athletics Imamura said. "This is especially One, Loses Room, comipletion of. true of the Tokio district which was I -___ eased for the completely devastat'ed by the last heed B~ain, '2?, is worried about s in physical; quake and its aftermath d~ fire." hwh sgigt e hog h athleics. About 10 years ago Tokio was prac- wen virtually tically destroyed by violent shocks. University. Hec is afraid that a very began laying Yokahama, which was completely an-i poor mlemory is going to handicap his eek, and the nihilated in the last eruption escapedj learning capacities. For Bain forgot informed the damage at this time. The two cities weeh ethsro h a fe lecnfns have since then been threatened four fonit by September times, the shocks reaching their cli- lie ud t showers and {max in the great catastrophe of !Dain arrived in Ainn Arbor Tuesday .s soon as the I!$Slptem1ber, 1." and 'hunted up) the robim that hie had pleted, Coach! Wife awd Children Escape. engagz edl. He stayed over night there, Captain Imamnura lives only a few and in the moyning, leaving all his -- ~miles from Tokio. Hlis w~ife and: worldily belongings, he departed to iAMP I three children were in the earthquakej take his first view. of the, campus. zone but -escaped unharmed-. Thisl Later he decided that he would re- LARGE news he heard through the Japanese turn, long- tours about the vicinity embassy ten dlays after the disaster where he believed that he had left s for the Bio- occurred. He has not yet been able to! the rom failed to bring such' a thing i oa ted 4.r,,.------------------ _--, .-.,- ,--.-,-.-. fl-rnhi r ' Maion isSet 2-Gov 'rnor Robert IKnode '23, first basenal WILL _.Ca !n ^^ar, p )iflt.d ,he i11 iiricfor the pat two f "'e c niemor "-ftheDoreO on~s , hs signed a contract with Major William iT. 2Careteraie'gntoff' ; th( ieriyo Wso--Ceveland-lAmerican League club coast artillery, has been engag;ed by) 5 fl fi a '11.Cc rdnce ih 1'the provisf!ins;1t w i play with tha"t team next y mnsrtoofof thle P w npassed by theii; re- -nt leg~i KInode was in demand amion o1 the University to undertalhe the ad- ltr.Lau em n minstatonofthe department of AMd-J rih' ew membenl~rs arno: rS atror fer"; f'rvu several. It is repot itary Science and Tactics, filling theJhi.Cahdemak oned r-----------____________ place left vacant by the resignatioui of rgn rmthe Ninth congress5ional1 IMajor Robert -Arthur, who will leaive isrtto erenthefr r; shortly to take up' worli in FortAMo-n- inrdC cmac'it~y ltre surer roe. - ';hlp ^ton.r )pointod ilregent. -a ltlr ,, fo Major Carpenter is a graduate of nl I!tlbr;adJonC ~m t the engineering department of the - n antwc, aointe Irege - University, of Kentucky and rceived at-lage his first commission during service 1in Und tr hC eDow law, the (Board if, the Spanish American war, servin egnswilnmb' 7 ebrs n j1i 1iw,,r17there as a second lieu.tenant of engi,-n- ('In ding one r "geit Ifroml each of the I eers,1 and sergeant imajor. H l e tlevcn c cgesioa ic,, n;°;ie t:, our appointed a first lieutenant in thde an- rg~t-tTmg;adtoe-fj- tillery corps in 10-7, and captain inI the residnt f the uversity andi the 1914. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in ]statec superin:tfsenden of piublic instruc.- the national -army in 1918,. and was'-:tion. 'The~ law provides thrat at lea st- appointed a colonel in 1918. AS two me1cen s of the 1board shall -be colonel, he commanded the 59th artil- fa ~r and two > htfll 1c eng'agedr in Turn: lery in France, and the 1 eavy artiller-y 1MIMu' trades.' of the sixth corps. 1 He comnes here from thieuniverst1 1I't eRutil-It'"ei of Kentucky where he was cmad Tmqoe et 3(1yA. P)- 1ant, of cadets since 1920.- Major C ar- Jams 1;. t1 p]i1g, of hspmn,"ha,; penter is one of the lead . g o mcers Ibeneitcresdet,]Ith esingl most o shlongs for 21 -omplete and ur 1)1 L11 itearl1iv w Ut)is (Ut\ VUlllIl lsib lIAe, to the training of reserve officer, training corps which are stationedZ in the educational institutions through- out the country. lHe is eligible fort service onN the general s taff of time army, and has been recomxznendled for service in the arm~y wanr-collegeoGat Washington D. C. Daily "Want' Ads always bring good results. -year of the akeSuerir ining in- Mtiuteatteanmmeighdno umntly at i'itin;, lJinln. Othe'r Mich- 1I 0gai lmen elected arc%: ~Vice -president-s, \Vilfm 1.SehIAcLt, PainesAlo0, MA Va'. ! . ;eilandall1, Bessemer; man- Taers, James Wall2 , pIlrn;iverand Frank Cani . s,0'In 11Mountain; cta- inr,. .opi, ruxod e, t retalry, 0. J. Youllgblu1t1_, 3I,1]('Pe ning The next meetng wi)Lbe held on the Ma ::rquette iron rne thle-minute stock of furnih] for men. Come and get qualnted. -ii .: .---- ........ ... ...... Remember tWhen You IWant w - the Best OrderYour 1 aI Our standard of f has always been- Dependable wool gvive wear and 'stu- nmerf troll- commiunicate tdirectly with ruemn. In speaking of the reconstructionI work and future of the country Cap- tain Iinamura said, "Although we have suffered great losses we will see a new Japan arise out of the chaos of destruction. We will now have to build from the beginning. Everything will be modern and it will change the country intb a more advanced state." During, the sumnmer Captain Imia- itiurai made a tour of the Ford factor- 1 es in Detroit. He said that they were the lIargest- manu~factu1ring plants he had ever seen next to the Japaneso armny arsenal in Tokio. This building, ! he said, contained the majority of supplies and ordinance for the army, all of which were destroyed. His estimates of the time neces-, sary for Japan to -re~cover from the I earthquake disaster are three years I to light.;kAnd so Wednesday night he reported the loss to the police and asked their aid in locating his wan- dering domicile. fThe room was located somewhere RM- V E on, east Ann or East Huron or some - thing like that, he remembered, but that wvas -all. The police placed him RM d~ in temporary lodgings and started out. Now Bamn has got the room all becat- ed and placed. He refuses to be lost: agafin. aI:UIN .kA Scouts Receive Xe w Lodge Cbe-yenne, WF t yo., Sept. 23.-(By A. IT)-iBoy Scouts of Cheyene have 30E IET N X RAED FtP: what is declared to be the finest scout ~ 30E IET 1.ADNX RAEF EiR lodge in the world. It cost $2 0,00 and was the gift of Harry P. Hynds IPH NE2941 -of this city. It is located in the timn- liered hills above Big Sprinigs, near I here._- I W)itc& 311S 5 HABEIIRDASHERY in the camp ecessary to to house course. In . ._ _ . ,. ... A } s a ra,,.hed a FOR SALE0 'AT