THE MICHIGAN DAILY [ "'nrairw°n'°°nn°" / rpWwr . wxr poem ,, , . II I Mid .. MIMl7I ' w i 4 _ i ,",!a W-wamom VARSITY GIVE N COACH McGUGINAND TWO STARS WHO WILL ENTER FIFTYMEN BATTLE AGAINST WOLVERINES SATURDAY AFTERNOON OA it d1 New Signals Given out During Light Serimmage With Reserves" VANDERBILT REPORTED TO BE DANGEROUS FOE Owing to the poor showing made by the Varsity in the Case game, practice' still consists of instruction in the fundamental principles of the game, such as blocking, tackling, taking out interference, and passing. Tuesday afternoon's session started off with a drill in passing, in which Vick, Parker and Herrnstein werh hurling the ball. Screened passesj were worked on to a considerable ex-j tent. A number of men.down the field were working on the defense, at- tempting to break up the formationi. Coaches Weiman and Vick had thet line at work taking out interference,l charging and blocking. It will be of importance in Saturday's contest with Vanderbilt to have the men schooled in the art of of smearing interference, as several of the Commodores' back- field luminaries are particularly dan- gerous in an' open field. hold Scrimmage Later in the afternoon, the second- string squad stacked up against the Reserves in a scrimmage on the. main field. This workout was closed to spectators. With Parker, Vick, Herrn- stein, and Grube in the backfield, and Neisch and Witherspoon on the flanks, the Varsity, gridders went through the scrubs hi ll in 'a fast exhibition of passing. While the scrimmage was in pro- gress the first team, under Coaches Yost, Sturzenegger and Weiman undertook some new plays which arel counted on to give trouble to any team, whom the Wolverines may confront. The first string men lined up with Curran and Marion at ends, Muir- head and Vandervoort tackles, Steele; Propects For a Ch'Iamipionshlp Team M (iven a Set back Last Jutne; a Four 0rnduated(In FI N IN{ A AC.\PABLE (CEN'ER sC MAiHIIEWS Bl PROBLEM Q With a lot of pep and a willingness (I( to work that was particularly gratify-_ ing to Coach Edwin J. Mather, more'J z than 50 men answered the first call for G Varsity bsketball candidates in Wat- 1y erman gymnasium Monday night. N The chances for a championship team this season were given a decided A set back last June when four of the :" 'T at{ inxmainstays of the team were lost by )U f graduation. E1Sy, last year's captain h . j and best center in the Conference, Mil- leir, a star forward, Paper and Cappon th were the four men to graduate. Paper se f . n . a.a ' y.was a tower of strength to the team I."" . : 4 at running guard as was Cappon at r I d u .s +' . F :Mstanding guard. z . ,' , < A iy, As a nucleous around which to build b I « v x Iis aggregation this season, Mather r Al SlIarpe has the veterans, Captain Birks, Kipke, Haggerty and Henderson. Captain a When Vanderbilt goes into the game against Michigan on Ferry field Birks played some good games at for- M Saturday afternoon the Yostmen will meet the best collection of gridiron ward last season. lie is a good drib- ti experts in the South. Among the veterans who will be seen in the Vander- bier and a fair shot. Kipke is a good t bilt lineup are: Alf Sharpe, regular center for the last three years, and guard with a lot of speed while Hag- t Lynn Bonear, All-American end. Coach McGugin who had an unbeaten squad 1 gerty is a forward with an uncanny t last year, hopes to ruin the hopes of Brother-in-law Fielding H. Yost for an eye for the basket. b unbeaten Michigan football team this year. One of Mather's biggest problems is a the uncovering of a capable center to Coach________________take__Ely's_ place. Hutzel and Morgan- 19 jYANKS AND GIANFS CLASH TODA Y I D ridge seem to be the best men from t y IN TIT4 0 L D SERIES OPE E8! last year's freshman team. Bth areg I N W R LD E E OPENE R I Items tall and lanky and good jumpers. How- w __________-----_ever, both are sadly lacking in exper- a Two New York clubs are again The catching department of the Am_ All indications for a successful sea- ence and will have to develop a lot G son f spedbll wre pove yeser-before they are fit to be pitted against N.ericanlegeshsWli Schang son of speedball were proved yester- (g ready to fight for premier baseball leaguers has Wallie day afternoon on south Ferry field Conference competition. Lynn Boinar honors today. As was the case last hero of the series of 191wSnyder, when all of the teams reorted for the Palmer and Doyle, the best guards year the interest will be city rather Gin the ill e ca. first half of the afternoon's gaines. from last year's freshman team may I and should report at the gym not later than sectional. Followers of the na- Jodg e reiving en. aThere was perfect weather for an af see service on the team before the sea- y ( tional pastimne, never thelgss have fo Judgeg Landiso hasites come all the way than 10:15 o'clock Saturday morning. inpfcte their ,nteret in this iter -fhom Chicago to witness the opener temnoon of speedhall and very little son is very far under way. Palmer is The first five to finish will be awardeds trhThe high commissioner of basebal physical discomfort was ecoun ees-g theaters. city clash and have bought up al will throw the first ball and the series as the games took place. The results but like Hutzel apd Morganridge, he tickets to local theaers.available seats. ''he new Yankee Sta- Ixwill beron te it balway. A hererdiow Will be on its way. A record crowd of the matches are on file at the In- is sadly lacking in experience and has dwum will be finie to overPllay "ng s expected for every seat in the big tramural office in Waterman gymna- a lot to learn. Doyle is a good guard C0islwhen the umpire's dPlay.a isYm sium as they were received too late in also a good man at this position and !AGECA H UNTS hutd Yankee stadium has beenBa. s ea Teirty-two thousand rush seats will the afternoon for publication in the Mather is in sore need of a god ThisyearI's series differsIfrom thoss be sold a few hours beforethe game Daily. Sfthe past. th teams will enter u Following 's the schedule for today Of the sophomore forwards, Cherry with lineups of cripples. Manager up Tbuhe seill be queikg taken and tomorrow: 3:15 o'clock, Alpha is undoubtedly the best. He is a fast flgiso h ake swtotu.Th Stadium has a seating capa-!ac a c ble forthe Yeank al Piout Tihy of 6,000 but a cowd of 70,000' Delta Phi vs Delta Tau Delta: Lamb- man on his feet and an exceptionally C YOIG PRPARES PRaTEcpES FOR is limpine with a sore anki p a is expected at the openr. With Babe da Chi Alpha vs., Phi Kappa Pi; good shot. Cherry hung up a brilliant UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Bob Meusel, outfielder suffers a like Ruth as the shining personality of the I Phi Kappa Sigma vs. Theta Xi; 4:30 court record in high school while play~- E injury. John- icGrar also has his players and Nick Altrock, baseball's o'clock, Delta Sigma Pi vs. Zeta Beta ing with Grand Rapids Central and ig worries for Pep Young, Giant out- great comedian, t fmoiansgawait~fo'the Tau; Cygnus vs. Beta Theta Pi; Trig- was picked as the best forward in the t wtarmn breezes adtego~od Nwoul vs. Delta Tan Upsilon. Tursday sate during his senior ya nhg East Lansing, Mich., Oct. 9.-Monday fielder, and Jack Scott, the Giant afe ite gooe' Newaternoon will see the folloingteamsa school. dr ayear in highd M in ithraesfengfmhadcdsYork sun to put the finish ol, for the; school. Hildrbrand, Reese and Mui- was chiefly a day of rest for the Mich- i pitcher are suffering from hard colds start the World Series of 1923.o t pposed: 3:15 o'clock, Sigma Alpha pus are the other sophomore forwards s and the lineups for the teamis re- gnA ie Mu vs. Theta Chi; Pi Kappa Delta who seem to have the makings of good t igan Aggies. main problematical. Oct. 9.-(By A.P.)-Jack1 vs. Phi Signa Delta; Psi Upsilon vs. smpmayers. After general limbering ui exercises There is little to choose between Cleveland, Oct. 9.-(By A.P.)-Jack Delta Kappa Upsilon;' 4:30' o'clockp Calisthenicsrunnin around the and a short signal drill, Young sent the two teams. The Giants have the Price was regarded one of the best Zeta Psi vs. Chi Psi; Alpha Rho Chi track ag19night r wrkuil be his first string men to the showers strongest hitting infield with the tckles ever developed here. He was vs. Sigma Alpha Upsilon; Alpha Rho h and light floor work will be 1 with the promise that real work for the Yankees a slight favorite in the out- a member of the champion East'Tech Ci vs. Delta Sigma Phihanded the athletes for the most part 1 Wisconsin tilt at Madison the last of field department. If Pipp remains out eanm which travelled to the Pacific Friday's games will be published for the next week or two.1 the week would begin Tuesday. of the game, Ruth will be shifted to coast to play Everett, Washington morrow.1 Punting absorbed major attention. first base. However, the Yankees re.. high school in 1920 and was picked Bucknimaster to Weresent Briiain 1 Practically every man on the squad main the betting favorites. Such was as an all-scholastic tackle by a num- TtLondon, Oct. 9-Lord Buckmaster '1 who has ever done any booting cane the case last year but they came out her of writers. irst a oswill reresent Great Britain an the 1 sinst -:ad ,dubls tnnis torna- in for critical inspection. Hultman, on the short end of the battle. Miller sint wll 'cloeuat 5o'clock tor~ ConnYsion of Jurists to Review the Beckley, Neller, Lioret, and several Huggins, the little leader of the Yan- Lansing, Mich., Oct. 9.-(By A.P.)- 1ae of Nations' Covenant. LasnMc. c.9-B ..-row night. E+very contestant not hay- ____________________ more took a turn at sending spirals kes, is tired of having his team the Scores of persons were endangered j ing his match played will be dronpp down the field. tavorites. Every time the American Sunday afternoon when Mike G'Con- from the tournament. Erratic kicking has held the Aggies league chanpious are doped to; win nor, of Bay City, piloting a racing carNR back in both their early games. Both they turn around and disappoint their at the Lansing Fair Grounds, crashed Alth NEAnRIee Neller and Lioret, neither of whom has following. Te genius of the Aiier- through a fence. O'Connor was tied in the fraternity c-oss-coen y been figured as a punter, looked good. ican league continues to think that thrown 40 feet, but escaped serious e, but few of the have turned out After the first string had been sent1 his champions are destined to . injuries. Five thousand people twit- io ,lractiee under the direction of in, Young gave his reserve material a John McGraw, with nine major league nessed the accident. CoachSuliva nde the farect taVIT strenuous workout in getting aay Ipennants under his wing, knows his thereSullivan. cesides the fact that i strenuouss rorkyut inghgettrngfawath- iusere are nm any capable ireshmen en-' punt from scrimmage formation. outfit is ready to fight hard for the Muskegon, Mich., Oct. 9.-(By A.P.) tered n, this year's harrier contest 'Working against alternating teams of series. pitching choices have not been Warren Ackins, 54 years old, of Fruit- all men who do not train will be bar- iunlain freshmen, the Varsity squad men sent fJ tport Township, died Sunday in at- Tare from the meet in order to prevent off punt after punt and travelledownweatheratempting to save valuables on the se- accidents which occur when ne who under them in an effort to nail the starter. He has Scott, Nehf, Watson d for of his burning farm house. are not in good physical condition Watchfore r trtr ehs ct, ef Wton#Te oywas found in the ruins, comp ete.____________________ yearlings before a return was possi- and Ryan all ready to toe the slab,dyn nsm ble. but the final seletion will probably With the exception of Captain Morrie be between Scott and Watson, who Taylor, every man on the squad was have been going great guns of late. in shape for work Monday, no serious Hoyt and Bush look like initial men injures having developed from the in the Yankee dugout. If Huggins de- Lake Forest game. cides to start Hoyt, McGraw will most likely start Artie Nehf, who seems to Patronize The Daily advertisers, hold the horseshoe against the Yanks. A Sport Snap Shots (11y-jackhIKeene) A Whether or notthe Giants make three straight from the Yankees eMends lupon whether or not Joh_ cGraw is a better hitcher than essrs. Bush, Pennock, Hoyt, Jones nd shawkcy who will do the hurl- g for the American leaguers, writes enry Edwards, veteran Cleveland cribe. Of course, Ryan, Scott, NeIiV, Me- uiillan, Benthey zild WaIcS Soii r own on the Giant roster as pitch'r;; it the )asebal public knows thgt Ohn McGraw, himself, is eth" renl ant hjrrler as it is he who sign; o' very bail pitched by Ryan, scott, chl, and the others. Ini 1921 and again in 1922, it.,;ip i eared 4.s if the 'Yankees were blessedl ith beeter pitchers than their rivals ut the Giants won the two series. Again, this year, it has looked as .if e Yankees were the better equipped ith 1)ox en but that does not mcan Ley wil have the edge in the world eries. Giant pitchers have allowed G !: uns this season while the Yankee urlers, in practically the same num- er of games, have allowed only 51;9 unners to cross the plate. But, whenever the Giants engaged in crucial series, it has been noticed cGraw's pitchers, or rather McGrav ghtened up. For instance, there was hat series at the Polo Grounids when he Giants took four straigiht. Again, here was the recent series at Pitts- urgh where the Giants took three in row. So it was in the world's series of 921 when the National leaguers won me clash after losing the first t wo ;aes and again last year when they von the only four games that went to decision. Judging from the scores of thce iants this season, McGraW's aggro- ation is one of those teams that has a labit of havin g one big;- inning i hich it scores enough runs to win (Continued on Page Eight) ANDY _15 NEVER HAD VICORYOVERMICHIGAP N If Vanderbilt should defeat the Wol- erine football warriors here Satu- dy it will be the first time that the ommodores have ever been able to anquish the Yostmen. Eight games have been played, Micl- ;an winning seven while last year's ussle resulted in .a scoreless tie. Back '1911 the Commodores came close to ictory, Michigan winning by the close core of 9 to 8 in one of the hardest ught games in Wolverine history. and Hawkins guards, Blott center, Uteritz quarter, Kipke and Steger halves, and Miller fullback. Commodores Dangerousr The report iCoach Sturzeneggerl brought back from Nashville is any- thing but encouraging to Michigan supporters. The game is bound to be a contest of the closest sort. Once the Vanderbilt backs get into the open1 field, things generally happen. Cap-I tain Kuhn, quarterback, and Reece, halfback, are particularly elusive. In the Vanderbilt-Howard game, which McGugin's eleven won "under wraps," Kuhn took the ball on the kickoff and raced through the entire Howard team I for a touchdown. Reece also made an excellent showing. However, McGugin promises to show brother-in-law Yost something he could not boast of last, season. The innovation is ia line- plunging, attack built around Ryan, a 180-pound full back. Ryan is reported to have been injured in Saturday's; The past scores: 905--Michigan 18 906--Michigan 10, 907-Michigan 8, 908-Michigan 24, 911--Michigan 9, 913JNichigan 33, 914-Michigan 23, 922--Michigan 0, 125 Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbiit Vanderbilt Vanderbilt 0. 4. 0. 6. 8x 2r 0. 0. game, but as "bear stories" ,are quite the expected thing before 'an import- ant game, the Michigan rooters are' certain of seeing the plunging south- I erner in action. Win or lose, theI Wolverines will know they have been f in a football game at six o'clock next Saturday evening. FROST HARRIERS 'WILL HOLD RACE SATURDAY IORNING Coach Sullivan has been putting the freshman cross-coutury squad throughJ light work-outs three tunes a week, and the squad is getting into good h shape. Tje regular work-out will be, held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Al race is to be held Saturday morning, the distance to be decided later. "Sul-I ly" says the race will not be 'too long! or too strenuous so that those who arei not entirely in shape may compete.i All freshmen who intend to enter the race Saturday should not run Friday, 0141, '1# ;; f FLYING TALK T'ONIGHT 7:30 MdNEiNG UBLG, 3-40 Lt. Royal will give a short talk on aviation, and explain his course of flying instruc- 4. ' ilili lilii ill#Iiill fi li fil l Ig |II IlllII1111H IIIgijIII111111111111lllIII11111IiIiIIIIIII ii11 SWEAT Specia. sHIRs Basket Ball Shoes -165 3.O Pair Gym Classes start Monday, etober 15 OUR LINE OF GYM EQUIPMENT IS COMPLETE Pants Shirts Supports Socks Shoes