THE WEATHER FAIR AND PROBABLY WARMER Y Ar 4kop 4.J4 t r t1;4 I n VOL. XXXIV. No. 14 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS MCCLUSKEY SPEA 1KS AT ENGINEERING SMOKERTONIGHT DISTINGUISHED ARMY OFFICER SELECTS "OUR MILITARY POLICY" AS TOPIOC DEAN COOLEY TO TALK ON TECHNICAL SUBJECT Engineering Society Sponsors Social Gathering of Year First Colonel Manus McCloskey brigadier general in active service during the war, and Dean Mortimer Cooley, of the engineering college, will be the speakers at an engineering smoker that will be held at 7:30 o'clock to- night in the Assembly hall of the Union under the auspices of the En- gineering socieety. Colonel McClos- key will speak on "Our Military Pol- icy." To Relate Experiences Not only will Colonel McCloskey tell of the policy that the United States will follow in relation to the foreign snations, but he is expected to recount a number of the experiences that he encountered during active ser- vice in the war. During the war he served as Brigadier General com- manding an artillery brigade over- seas, engaged in actual service on the front. At present Colonel McCloskey is connected with the general staff on duty'as Assistant Chief of Staff of the Sixth Signal Corps. He received his training in the military academy from which he graduated in 1898. He is also a graduate of the General Staff college, the Army Staff college, the War college, and an honorary grad- uate of the Army School of the Line. Served In Two Wars During the Spanish American war he served as a lieutenant in the field L artillery. He wears a Distinguished Service medal for exceptional service during the world war. . Dean Cooley, who will be the other principal speaker at the smoker, is expected to speak on a subject that will be of general interest to students interested in engineering. Refresh- ments will be served. during the smoker. Admission to the smoker will be free to all, members of the Engineer- igg society and an admission charge of 35 cents will be made to others. All students on the campus, whether engineers or not, are invited to the smoker. BRITISH NEWSPAPRS FAUR 12 MILE LIMIT Washington, D. C.. Oct. 8.-(By A.P.)-Expression in British newspa- pers recently favorable to the ac- ceptance by Great Britain of thee121 mile limit treaty plan, proposed by Secretary Hughes to curb liquor smuggling into the United States has caught the attention of officials here. Nhile hope is entertained that delib- erations. of the British Imperial con- ference will result in mhe decision to comply with Secretary Hughs' re- quest, It was said today that no auth- oritative indication had been repeived that such action would be taken. Additional data Js supporting the American treaty plans for dealing with rum smuggling, and the incon- veniences occasioned British ships. Great Britain stated that the for- eign office was not favorably inclined toward the 12 mile limit and searb and seizure proposal. The specified objections made are not considered as inseparable from the Washington viewpoint. In the communication to the foreign office made by Mr. Harvey, therefore, it is understood that the American proposition was explained at greater length. London, Oct. 8.-(By A.P.)-The congressional party consisting of1 United States Senators Ladd, North Dakota and King, of Utah; Repre- sentatives Frear, of Wisconsin; A. A. Johnson and Clarence Connes, which spent two months in Russia will sail for home on the Leviathan. Cheerleaders To Tryout For Squad All men interested in trying out for the Varsity Cheerleaders' squad are asked to report in the upper read- ing room of the Union at 7 o'clock to- night. With a view to the betterment of the squad, "seniority rights will be waived. A committee of the Student Couicil will judge the tryouts. The squad as it appeared at the Case game was only a temporary one. These men will be tried out again along with the other men at the meet- ing tonight and a permanent team. will be selected from the entire group present. A Varsity cheerleader, to head the squad, will probably be elected this week. Preparation for the Vanderbilt and Ohio State foot- ball games will begin immediately. New uniforms may be used at the time. FIRST YEAR MEN TO MEET THURSDAY1 Student Council Sponsors Gathering to Unite Yearlings of All Colleges FRESHMAN LITS TO HOLD ELECTIONS AFTER MEETING Freshman in all colleges of the University will assemble at 4 o'clock Whursday afternoon in Hill auditor- ium in a mass meeting under the di- rection of the student council which 1 will mark the first meeting in whichj all the "yearlings gather as a class.1 John W. Kelley, '24, president of the student council will speak, and there will also be a faculty speaker. This is the second time that the student council has sponsored such a meeting of the freshman classes. The first attempt at such a plan was made, last year with the hope that it would unite the. whole freshman class, and encourage a spirit of cooperation with the council as well as acquaint the freshmen with each other. The meeting met with such success last year, that the council is repeat- ing the meeting this year. It will pro- bably be made an annual affair for all freshman classes. After the speeches, which will take probably half an hour, all classes save the freshman literary class will be dismissed. This class, under the direction of a committee of the stu- dent council, will nominate and elect their class officers. Class dues will be collected as an aid to the class treasurer, all freshmen paying their SPECIAL TRAINS TO RUN TO IOWA, WISCONSIN GAMES RAILROAD COMPANIES 200 STUDENTS TO SURE PLAN DESIRE IN- RATES FOR TRIP; IOWA $20.30; WISCONSIN $15.16 6 Reserved Tickets Attainable at ion; Sale to Continue Sev- eral Weeks Un 1 i r Rates for the special trains that will carry Michigan students to tChe Iowa and Wisconsin games on Nov. 3 and 17 were announced yesterday by the Union which will have -charge of the specials. Reservations for the trains may be made now at the main desk of the Union. Special emphasis is laid on the fac that the trains will not be able tc run with the special rates provided by the railroad companies if at least 200 students do not sign up for each trip. The opportunity for students to signify'their intentions of going will remain open for several weeks. Rates for the Iowa special are as follows: Round fare trip, $20.30; low- er berth each direction, $6.75; upper berth each direction, $5.40; drawing room, $24.00. Rates for the Wisconsin special on November 17 are as follows. Round trip fare, $15.16; lower berth each direction, $4:50; upper berth each di- diction, $3.60; drawing room, 4$16.50. WORLD SERIES SCORES TO-COME BY UNION WIRE New York, Oct. S.-(By J.P.)- The respective chances of the Giants and Yankees are being discussed tonight by the usual van guard of players, writers and fans and estimates come from the thousand and one base- ball corners of the continent. Everyone has a different opinion of the weaknesses and strong points of the teams but the gener- al 'lopinIon seems to be that all the dope'will be turned upside down. Union to Have Wire PRINCE DELAYS GOLF GAME TO HELP WOUNDEID SOLDIER I Ottawa, Oct. S.-(By A.P.)- The Prince of Wales, plain Lord Renfrew as long as he stays in Canada, is keen for his golf, but keener for the welfare of returned soldiers. An incident came to light to prove this. While riding yester- day in a taxi to a local links the royal visitor saw a crippled veter- an accidentally pushed from the sidewalk by a crowd, eager to { catch a glimpse of the prince. Lord Renfrew ordered his chauffeur to I stop, picked up the veteran, spool: I hands with him, and departed. tPRESS CLUB HOLDSL t E . BusIness To Be Parily Given Over To Decide Future Policy PROFESSOR BRIU31I TO PRESIDE AT MEETING t The first general meeting of the Press club will be held at 7 o'clock tonight in University Hall. The ob- ject of the meeting will be to elect officers and plan the work of the club for the corning year. Prof. J. L. Brumm of the journalism department will preside at the meeting until of-! ficers are elected. A part of the meeting will be devot- ed to deciding the character of the club. Last year some objection was raised because of the fact that the organization was a luncheon club.I According to tentative plans lunch- eons will be held only once or twiceI during the year, and the rest of the meetings will be held in the evening. Regular meetings will be held once or twice a month. I All students in journalism are urged 1 to attend this meeting. The club was1 thought to be exceptionally success- ful last year, and new members are invited to participate in its activi- ties this year. An announcement was made in E. G.j Burrows' of the journalism depart- ment classes that the meeting would be held at the Union, and attention is called to the change of location. 1THXEXPERTS' ASSEMBLY FINDS NEW PRINCIPLES. Army Officer To CO MISSIO P19N .Dscuss "Policies" OFCH ORHOCE [AUDED FOR COMING EA BY LLOD GEORG N R.O.T.C. UNIT "NOT TOO LATE FOR EXPERTS ('. C I. CRAWFORD, 'u i, NAMED TO DECIIE GERMANY'S COIMANDING OFFICER CAPACITY T PAY" OF UNIT SPEAKS OF GRATITUDE INDICATIONS PC INT TO TO CANADA IN ADDRESS RECORD ENLISTMENT Says Situation Approaches Nearer to Chaos as Reparaction Decision Yew Officers W ill Take Positions at Is pat Offn"ic First Drill to be Held ls P~ OffWednesday Montreal, Oct. 8.--(By A.P.)--Sec- retary flughs' proposal made nearly a Appointments to Cadet officers in year ago for the appointment of a the R.O.T.C. were made yesterday by commission of experts to determine commisson's eapts to detrne- Major William T. Carpenter, profes- tions was capacity to pay repay- sor of military science and tactics. Giorw declared by David Lloyd These appointments will be in force George tonight to be "absolutely the during this year. _ Jarles D. Craw: best hope of settlement of repara- ford, '5ws apoine t. Cade tons.''" ford, '25, was appointed the Cade Tio." rrcolonel and commandaing dfficer of The former British premier made the unit. He will be assisted by the dispatches from Washingtpn which following men who will compose the I stated that American administration field and staff. Robert A. Granger, I officials believed that it would not be '24E, Lieut. Colonel, Warren G. Cory- too late for acceptance of the plan. Col. Manus McCloskey ell, '24E, Major, J. W. Hostrup, '24E, The statement came after he had de- Colonel McCloskey will be the prin- Major, H. C. Curl, '24E, Captain, M. livered his first public address in cipal speaker at the engineer smoker C. Libert, '24E, K. J. Fairbanks, '24E, Canada in which he expressed his to be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight at first Lieut., M. G. Markle, '24E, first gratitude for the resolute and unhes- the Union under the auspices of the Lieut., IT. S. Van Vlect, '24E, second itating part which the Dominion play- Engineering .society. He will speak Lieut., D. D. Wilson, '24E, second ed in the World War. on the subject of "Our Foreign Pol- Lieut., G. W. Misner, '24E. Commenting on Secretary Hughes' icy." Company A Personnel plan Mr. L1>yd George said "In my Company A, composed of Coast Ar- own opinion this plan is not too late tillery corps men, is commanded by for consideration and it is absolutely HOIIP1I. L. Kaiser, Grad, Captain, R. AK. the best hope of settlement for repar- UINDIIL Super, '24E, first Leut., G. F. Wilcox; ations. Of course since the plan was WLIULU '24E, first Lieut., P. A. Smith,''24E, 2nd first broached the ability of Germany ni 1 rr Lieut., C. M. Hanford, '24E, second to pay is much less. The greater the I-Il LI0BI j Lieut., N. G. Demoose, '24E, first Sergt, days the closer the situation ap- Company B also composed of Coast proaches chaos. I hope that serious Artillery corps men is commanded consideration of this plan may be tak- by C. J. Koester, '24E, Captain, J. M. en up even at this late date and I re- Michigan, Mmiuesoa and Chicago Detwyler, '24E, first Lieut., D. B. Ap- peat that it is the best hope of a hold Out Against Act of Athietec led, '24E, first Lieut., R. W. Seymour, settlement." Eligibility '25E, second Lieut., B. Yawitz, '24, ----second Lieut., J. W. Humphrey, '24E, Men W ith Cars SENATE APPOINTS FIVE first Sergt. FOR DEGREE PETITIONS Company D composed of men of the W anted To M eet Ordinance department is commanded - A resolution, referred to the Senate by W. C. Wardner, '24E, Captain, G. Vanderbilt Team Council by the' Board in Control of C. Fowler, '24, first Lieut., P. D. Athletics, recommending that no ath- Parker, '24E, first Lieut., H. M. Pres- ton, '24, second Leut., J. F. 041son, Cars are wanted by the Athletic lete, playing on a Conference team '2, second I ieut., F. H. And s'25, Reception committee to meet the Van- and transfering to another Confer- ,first Sergt. derbilt team when it arrives in Ann .. frtSrt Arbor Frina when it Tris inAn eice school be eligible to participate Company E, Infantry corps unit has ArbocFriay ,afternoon. This sort of welcome has never been carried out in athletics, was voted down at the G. IC. Weitzel, '25, Captain, as com- for a visiting team, but the commit- monthly meeting of the Council, held mander, L. B. Stokesbury, '24, is first tee wishes to try it this year. All yesterday afternoon. Lieut., M. B. Parsons, '24E, first Lieut., men who have cars available are urg- This measure, which was passed at M. E. Oliphant, '24E, second Lieut., ed to turn them over for this pur-' J. A. Reed, 25, second Lieut., and R.. (sto trntheovfer for thisd prm a meeting of the faculty representa- F. James, '26E, first Sergt. 3 to 6 any afternoon in the Student tives of Conference schools by a 7-3 Company F also composed of In- Activities room of the Union. vote has been referred to the faculties ! fantry corps men is commanded by The Vanderbilt team will have its ! of the several schools, and if passed I R. D. Merriam, '24E, Captain, I. S. headquarters at the Union during the by a majority of them will become a Martin, '25E, first Lieut., T. C. Schne- stay here and will both eat and sleep part of the conference rules. The irla, second Lieut., R. J. Sipe, '24E, there. All communications for mem- three schools to vote against the mea- second Lieut., D. B. Chubb, '24, first hers may be left at the student activi- sure were Michigan, Minnesota, and Sergt. ties room. Chicago. Company G is composed of men A special train carrying the rooters The Senate council also appointed from the Signal corps unit and is com- will leave Vanderbilt Thursday night, a committee of five to receive peti- manded by P. N. Young, '25E, Cap- and leave Ann Arbor after the game tions for candidates to honorary de- tam, C. F. Whitney, '24E, first Lieut., Saturday night. It is not known grees. Men eligible to receive the de- K. M. Sifritt, '24E, first Lieut., A. N. whether the team will go on the spe- grees will be recommended by the fa- Fenton, '24E, second Lieut., J. 0. cial or not. culties of the various departments, Coates, '24E, second Lieut., and F. and they will be voted upon at a later J. Goellner, '241, first Sergt. . date. Cooper Comuands Band The question as to who should pay The Band is commanded by L. C. the salaries of instructors in phy- i Cooper, '24, first Iieut., 0. W. Steph- sical education, the University of the ens, '24E, is also a first Lieut., M. M. rAthletic association, was also con- Maddin, '25L, second Lieut., L.R. Pres- sidered. ton, '24E, second Lieut., and P. S. ---ICalkins, '24E, first Sergt. Traverse City, Oct. 8-(By A.P.)- The first drill of the entire unit Approximately 5,000 bushels of good will be held at 3 o'clock Wednesday apples are going to waste daily in afternoon. The place of the drill the Grand Traverse region, fruit deal- r has not been selected yet but It is, ers here estimate. The wastage Pobale that it will be held in front equals the amount disposed of in lo- of the R.O.T.C. office. All men both in cal markets. the basic and the advanced courses Farmers are receiving 30 cents a President Marion L. Burton will be are required to report for this first hundred for their elder stock and 50 the principal speaker at the celebra- signed to their companies and the a bushel upward for their shipp tion at ocloc tomorrow ght drill. At this time men Will be as- a bu ud or the sprin Lane Hall when the Chinese students oflicers here named will take their stock, but do not find the price at- of the University and their guests will i, edia tractive enough to warrant picking up I gather to comteorate the twelfth tions. lost fruit. As a result fallen apples a er oe he The manual of arms will be the are allowed to rot in the orchards, in Tir e Chinese t ubfD principal part stressed at this drill many cases hogs being turned into the 'troit il also aid in the program and with manoeuvers coming at a later orchards to eat the fruit on the more than 25 members of that organ- time. At the present time there have ground. to n ar epe s o jorn been 118 men enlisted in the first year Shippers, packers and cider plants iAnn Arbor. All members of tue Chi-of the Basic course. This is the larg- are working at full capacity trying to nese StudentA c who ae C I esi number that has ever enlisted at care for the crop, but have more the entertainment, are also expected this time of the year and as the num- fruit than they can hope to dispose to be present along with prominent her is increas-ng daily it is probable of. Buyers say the matter is sim- guests invited from among the deans that the enlistment records will be ply one of heavy overproduction, the and professors of the University and smiashed. Enlistments from men who Northern Michigan apple crop being student leaders wish to join the R.O.T.C. will still one of the heaviest in years. Arrangements are in the hands of be accepted. j-- Miss Vera Chang, '26, social chairman Fight 'Traffic Violators of the club. iSENIOR LAWS TO Flint, M1ich., Oct. 8.-(By A.P.)--I which began last Saturday and still ! ----y was in progress Sunday night, hund- Election of the president of the reds of persons caught violating new rTjTsenior law class will take place at 4 parts of the traffic ordinances were or- o'clock this afternoon in room B of dered to report for arraignment to- the6lawkbuis g At this time the tie morrow and Wednesday. It is esti- { the law building. A hstm h i ibetween Rowland Butler and Clayton mated by police offiicials Sunday night Berlin,. Oct. 8-(By A.P.)-The Jennings, which was the result of that more than 500 would be arraign- Reichstag tonight gave a vote of con- the election last week, will be voted ed Wednesday alone for failure to fidence to the Stresemann cabinet upon. obey the new stop ordinance. against the German nationalists, the Play1 by play results of the 1923 dues will be given as a means of iden- World's Series that starts tomorrow Geneva, Oct. 8--(By A.P.)-Tax tification a ribbon to wear on Friday: in New York will be given out in the payers all over the world may event- which has been set as the day when ! billiard room of the Union. Play in ually be effected by the findings of class dues must be payed. the big games starts at 3 o'clock and the taxation experts headed by Pas- results will be given out in the Un- quale Goroma, of Italy, who assem- TflYnIT Iion shortly after that time. bled here today under the auspices of GEECLUBUio sot atrh t .ldeeoArrangements for the special ser- the League of Nations. They will con- I vice have .been made through the tinue investigation into double tax- T Union so that a- wire will give the di- ation and evasion of taxation begun rect results of the game as play pro- some time ago by distinguished eco- grosses. The results will be an- nomic experts including Prof. E. R. A. .-~~ nounced in the billard room and will Seligman, of the United States, whose Tryouts for the University Glee be posted upon a bulletin board in report on the subject is constantly' club whose names appeared in The the same room. being referred to although not always! Daily Sunday are asked to report to A special wire that will carry the agreed with. George Oscar Bowen, director of the events to the billard room has been The conference already has reject-I club, at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the; installed by the Union electrician so ed some conclusions of the economist upper reading room of the Union. that no delay will be encountered in Iconcerning the income tax and agreedI John M. Russell, '24, wishes to veri- giving the results to the students. on the principle that the income tax fy the eligibility of the candidates I should be collected by the state as f at this time. The Glee club is short of Report Cemetery Poorly Drained lbonicile. first tenors. All men who can sing Paris, Oct. 8.-(By A.P.)-Brig.- This new principle was applied to tenor voice are asked to report with IlGeneral Cornelius Vanderbilt and the treaty between Germany and the men listed for tonight. Martin W. Littleton, who have been Switzerland and approved last week. Sophomores and juniors who are in- conducting an investigation into the It stipulates that the income shall be terested in trying out for the Glee conditions at the Belleau Wood cein- paid by the respective cities, in both club managership should report af- etery where many American soldiers countries, along the frontier region ter 4 o'clock either today, Wednesday, are buried today, made public their co mma ne fontier res-o or Thursday of this week to room findings. pctive of their citizenship. 308 of the Union. "We found" said their statemento "that, due to the removal within the !-- Choral Union Wants Tryouts I past few months of 1,500 bodies it be- Baseball Scandal Further tryouts for the University came necessary to remove and confis- Choral union will be held from 7 to 8 cate the location of those remaining. Reuwed I S t o'clock tonight at the School of Music. This necessitated in laying out the,__ f1 ( t ER The membership of the chorus is noti yet completed. There is a particular! need for men's voices, it is said. Mem- bers of the Choral union are entitled to free tickets for all Choral union concerts this year. Renexis i Irates Contract cemetery on entirely different lines, which was done with great haste, so that the unfinished roadways and (rainage make the cemetery only par- tially accessible. I S. C. A. Anounces Meetings The Student Christian association Pittsburgh, Oct. 8.-(By A.P.)- has decided to hold its cabinet meet- William McKechenie today signed a y ings in the future at 5:30 o'clock contract to manage the Pittsburgh every Thursday afternoon at the home "Come What Cards Might" "He'd play the pack." We do not wish to encourage card playing, but. take this as the right way to look on life. .But why lake deuces when you can get aces? .Do you want the best service in advertising? Call TTftHU5TT, Piratesfor another year Barney Drey- fuss, president of the Pittsburgh club announced today. He also announced that the Pirates next spring would train in California. For a number of years the Pirates' training camp has been at Hot Springs, Ark. BUSINESS TRYOUTS WANTED The Michigan Daily needs five Sophomores or second- semester Freshmen to work on I of Hal C. Coffman, executive secretary, 1101 Olivia avenue. The discussions will be around the dinner table. The next meeting will be held at 5:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Flint, Mich., Oct. 8.-(By A.P.)-- Announcement was made today by lo- cal officials of Durant Motors, Inc., that production is under way at the Flint Six plant of the new Durant factory group, on the south side of Flint. Figures on production and the number of employes were not made " ti mrh f .Q+of h e na hni n New York, Oct. 8-(By A.P.)-The scandal which surrounded the Chi-! cago White Sox and the world's chani- pionship series of 1919 was brought into the Fuller-Magee bucket shop in- vestigation today when Arnold Roth- stein, who was prominently mention-' i ed as a gambler at the time of the series, was a witness before Harold P. Coffin, referee in bankruptcy. The scandal was mentioned almost as soon as Rothstein had taken his placeson the witness stand. At the f reference to it Rothstein became an- gry and several times joined in wordy tilts with William Chadourne, the at- torney representing the Fuller cred- itors who was questioning him. The referee had to warn Rothstein at times because of his answers. Gompers Speaks at Portland Portland, Ore., Oct. 8-(By A.P.)- Samuel Gompers, president of the ( A ,rieon Tndn ertion hf' Torali ina .{ 4 i a Rarvarian'a nPATAP nartv ^ anrt tha