PAGE FOUR IMPRESSIONS (Continued from Page Three) And your others are too busy hustling to head the animal off. I don't kno about your "down-and-outers," your patient- looking negroes, your " ean white." I think there's ror vio- lence and injustice here and more popular indifference. And less patiet resignation in the victims. Mentally, I think there's little to chose. You think you pay much less deference to tradition. Yu don't need ever to pretend to believe in shams. But I fear there is more mass-thinking here, tmrseuneonscious oedience to ties instincs of the ierd,beerenorganie- tisn. I feel less originality. Your hest novels are English novels. The Movies are yours. I doubted if I should see a good play here till I saw that the Michigan Repertory Theater was coming. The English stage, by the way, is pretty bad at the moment. It has more or less recovered from the war. There is the "Everyman" at Hamstead, of course,ties "Old Vi"; ties humblelshome of Shkepeare in Waterloo Road. There was a tempor- ary "highbrow" revival about a year ago. As many as a dozen Shaw plays running at a time And Drinkwater's "Abraham Lincoln" drew full houses to the Lyceum. His "Robert E. Lee" was running when I left. Barrie and Milne and Galsworthy struggle their several ways against, the predominant inanity. It is good to see the good light being fought here in Ann Ar- bor. The intelligence of the average English-speaking audience is surely higher than the average producer es- timates it. But I digress. For the mid'dling sort of people in Anerica, life must be a very fline thing. You have all sorts of opportunities. You have space and air and freedom. Many of the shackles with which we still wres- tle your forefathers have thrown off for you. Many things fell into your laps which we beyond the water dare not even hope for. You must be pre- pared for a kind of envy-for a stren- uous pretence that many of the grapes are sour. It is a pity that more of us do not come to visit your shores. To the few who do you are very good. You must try to be patient wih the youth of the Old World if you detect in them a seriousness; a frontal elevation you do not quite understand. On the whole wes do not take ourselves seri- ously. I know one visitor from Eng- land who takes his Mission, and per- haps himself, very seriously indeed. but, you see, we young people of the Old World have gone through some very difficult years. We have some almost insoluble problems to face. We feel responsible, and with our sense of responsibility, with our ser- iousness goes a certain sombre pride. This paper began with tetetst of intentions. I end it with an ueasy feeling of quiet. Have I let myy thoughts run away with sty pen? Anyway, I am just as tired of playing the role as you must be of hearing the Privileged Spectator say his piece. For I comfort myself with the k nov- edge that by the time this appears in print the Privileged Spectator will no longer exist. He hopes by then to be. enjoying the greatest privilege you can give any man-to be an active part of a great organization. YOUTHI MOVEMENT Continued from Page Two) victory of democray are the educat- ng forces of at least the forms of dsmocratic governnment, teoselsfalen ation of the reactionary (student) youth from the people at large, and perhaps most of all the liberalizing influence of athletic sports. The ele- ments in favor of a victory of reac- tion are: tradition, preponderance of influence in the administration of jus- tice and academic life, a powerful and unscrupulous press, and a well- organized and hitherto highly effec- tive monarchist propaganda. Inertia works in favor of reaction; national distress is likewise its ally. In point of numbers alone the Democrat and Socialistic youth are not. at a disd- cantage; in influence and resources they are seriously handicapped."-Mr. Lasker's conclusion as to the effect upon the Youth Movement of this po- litical antagonism between these two powerful extremes is summed up as follows: "I do not believe that either the conflict between the ideals of na- tionalism and internationalism, or (Continued on Page Seven) THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 192? ._ _.. ,. ®...s.^ , o" a a Where they serve everything that you want, when you -ant it and at prices you will be glad to pay. Dinner served every evening, orders should be in before three o'clock. Orders for Sunday should be irr before Five P. M. Saturday. Tea served Daily. Open 11' A. M. to 11 P. M. PHbNE 951-W. ON THAYER, Just Back of Iill Aud. ----------- Socia FunctIOns Demand faultlessly laundered dress. A smart turn-out for the more for- mal occasion rests largely on the accessories of dress. You will find here the daintiest of complete services--everything won- derfully washed and ironed; and returned, ready to use. "The Laundry Worthy of the Name"