ITHE MICHIGAN DAILY WANTED-HIELP U - te .. s ..-.r ,. a.. - - . TYPE WRITERS ~TI HSCANVASSERS WANTED ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER ; COE II !I A S S IFICOLUMN "Kimberley Hills" is Ann Arbor's DlErXWodtCkHadOiv COLUMaII F Xk COLAAGM ! Ithe property is to sell lots to 75 per Typewriters. Sundstrand Adding centoftepopcs Machines, Rubber star zps. ewant some earnest enthusiasts, j Line-a-Time copy holders, and. girls or boys to canvass for appoint: Typewriter supplies. Phone 466. ! DAILY (CLASSIFIED RATES mcznnts to show the property. We wil Ann Arbor Savings Bank 13ldg. 10c per reading, line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for. do the rest, transporting to the prop-1 (Down Town) three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lin ^ per insertion. erty,closing the deal, etc. A folder Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two is rtions, 71c per Emailed before yonor call will awaken' A ROYAL. TYPEWRITER ;just over-! reading line for ,three or more insertions. White spacechre for at s'ame the prospect's interest. hauled, new rib~bon. A No. 1 condi-' rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones.As about contracts *This is strictly on a commission tion. $20. Call 2312, 713 El. Univer- for classified advertising, basis, but if you will faithfully devote Sity. "Jimmie -the-Ad -Taker"t two hours daily to canvassing, it' Phone fia) should be very remunerative. A real I TYPEWRITERS of all makes, bought, I ""-"--- estate license must be secured, cost- sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned and" FOR RENTCOSMETICSERUCE Iing you $2.00 but we will refund that rpi'd SMALL SUITE on second floor, 8.0Q ! ~ . with tefrtsaescrdthrough 0. D. MORRILL, SALSIEoseodloor,$800 l) .]l1rz hefirt alete 1e INickels Arcade double, '$6.00 single. A large dou- FA"l1 your call. I FA C 'A1, 1 AI ES JTalk it over with Ralph Sprenger The Typewriter & Stationery Store.! ,ble room on third floor. $7.00 dou- Rlemoiell 'r]1 11j11y Y in our office M~vonday afternoon be-1_________ ble, $5.00 single. Pleasant rooms. I I lr; ys' tee 3 nd.., 912 Monroe. ELECTlRO-CO)SMEj'Tic sxRVICE CHARLESC E. GALLUP CO. FO RN -Ethrasa uteorsp-Hours: 206-7 National Bank Bldg.11111111111111E[11E1[i FO RNTEihe a sit o sp-I1 to 224 Nickl's Arcade arate, two pleasant'front rooms with;4.30 P. M. (2nd Floor) CTDNSWATDt el(eed fireplace. 520 E. Ann St. j________WNTEtseleped able nursery stock during spare A LARGE FRONT ROOM; for men.('l\E time. Commission paid weekly. - Steamn heat. 'Phone 1194-M. 422 E. WATCIH Martin 1lalcer' willdow. .Ev For terms write or call Edward M. Washington. c ry dlay sonmctbz;)g tfif~ereint. Willems, 427 Cross Street. PhoneMr. tdn C r~nPOTAT.. 00\4fn I~vqt- . OS'1[TEOAt'I Ill s'IC I1AS 1236-J. _ f w 4 G OOD TYPEWRITERS at moderate rates. 711 N. University, Room 2, second floor.j REMINGTON MODEL 10 typewriter. Cheap. Win. Goodyear Co. REAL ESTATE LOST LOG LOG SLIDE in engineering Bldg. Finder please call phone 77. I OLD ELGIN watch, open-face. Wed.- Reward,' nesday night. Paul Osborn, 80L) E.1 Washington St., phone 1744-J. Re- r rE PAREN'TS of the child who took ward. the velocipede from in front of a1ils er's barber shop (N. University) SHAFRPNbtee aua c Wednesday afternoon, call Mrs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR j ence bldg. and Economics Bldg.j EXCHANGEI Has an "H" on the cap. Phone One 12-room house, with extra lot, 2019-M. in good location; will sell on easy. - - te rms. r. OST--Parker Lady Duofold fountain Six acres of land, just outside city ipen minus the cap. Call Marion limits, on good roads. Will sell for Howland, 624. Reward. $500 down, with easy payments on W RIGHT andl Ditson tennis racket balane. Icase last Saturday. Please return to Have several good farms, large and 325 S. Fifth Ave. small; will exchange for Ann Arbor __________________ city property. FOUTNTAIN PEN.TicTkels rQ do . Call On J. W. DWYER Room 508, First National Bank postoffice. Green, 119 JBldg. E71-R. 111,11111111fifI111[IflIIIIIituti'allIII( j . lacnnra..,... Jl~vY1'iL~i.2JJLtJitulum J4L LtJi Auy dent. Can be paid for by work in home. Phone 2315-M. 521 Walnut Street WELL LOCATEI+D nice warm suite suitable for 3 or 4 boys at $2.75 each Phone 2850-W. LARGE SINGLE ROOM. Quiet place 318 East Jefferson. FOR SALE' Same day optical service. Arcade Jeweler and Optometrist. TH-REE ' RUNSWICK-BALKE COL- lIender Pool Tables. Balls, Cues and Racks. 'Good Condition. Excel len. Bargain. Phone 1146. FOR SALE or rent. Good machines at moderate rates. Room 2,x 711 N. University, 2nd floor. FRONT SUITE suitable for two or three 'boys, or married couple, no other roomers. Call 1479-W. 520 E. William. MUSICAL B3ANJO-UE-Special during October sale' $6.00. Come in and see it. Uni- versity Music Douse. SLI ID1E TROMBONE--A good used In-. strument In brass $500. Just the thing to start on. UNIVERSITY MU'SIC Ho USE. CELEBRATED C. F. MART IN 'MAN- dolins, guitars and ukuleles. The best toned and easiest playing in- struments macb. 'Sold by Scha- berle and Son., 110 S. Main St. WANTED Young Women to work part time at ,the telephone offce.-Meals at cost" at the company's cafeteria. Miss 13.+ Edwards, chief operator. Cor. Washington ,and Main. UPPER CLASSMAN desires room-° mate. Large steam heated room, one block from campus. Call at 512 E. Liberty. Phone 870-M. WANTED-Tickets for 0. S. U. game. Call 1525-M immeiately. WE CAN GIVE a bright, energetic *student employment selling insur- anlce during his spare time. An op-- portunity. CHARLES E. GALLUP CO., 206-7, National Bank Bldg. Phone 808. SED CRS. USED CARS- Studebaker 6, 1918.........$100 Studebaker 4, 1918.........$150 Overland, 1916 .............$100 Ford Sedan 1921...........$300 Studebaker Service WASHTENAW MOTOR CAR CO. 207 E. Washington. USED CARS SALE. From $25 up. Fords, Dodges, and all makes. ALBERT M. GRAVES, 119 W. Washington St. Open Sunday A. M. FORD SPEEDSTER motor in A-i con- dto.Price $50. Call BidwellI 1199-R. CHIROPRACTC Dorothy B. Lowry CHIROPRACTOR. 606 Nat. Bank Bldg. Office Hours: 1-6.I Phone 401-J. lDr. Carrie C. Classen 510 First Nat'l Bank ldg. I Phones: Office 1636; Res. 2451 j Hours by Appointment Dr. V'. S.AMlS Phone 321_-F-i G1f Fist :Nat'I Bank B ld1g. Iflours: Y9-12; 13- AN INSURANCE solicitor. Reply fstating phone number for appoint- ment. Care of Michigan Daily, Box. M. and C. COLORED PORTER to work for room, board, and salary. Plione 1525-M. PORTER to 'work for board; also stu- dent to care for furnace. Phone ].525-M. E. NOMA ILB IE (of tho 1Detroit FRHR Conser atory of Mulsic). Teacher of violin, piano, harmony. Studio 307! FOR HIRE-Cars and drive yourself. No. Main 7t. rroleflhlinc 611-M: Phone 1S3-R. i u N ICONCGERTSI - OF EMAIINGV ICKETS. - -S - AT ! iERUT SKOO O MSI Y44. - CT. 6, 8-3 SOYW W !r Innounces the opening of w r Wasb--Iienaw r r r r r r r r r 'TONIGHT r r Y1 W r r r r r r r Special "'. fter the Game" Dinner, 1.25 M ME\ NIA r r Kindly phone 2925-M for resevvations r. r h e House.o the Blue Shutters" 11!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1l11!!!!11!!1!!!1l1Sl 33 !@7!!6!!!I!!1l16!!!1!!It!!!!1!!1!!1!!t I.. ifs RErSAIRCOD 6"I7--CocQ Iii.-SidO Rmis nIainM~i ei Alest' -1iiiik 'ISy Dvie t h Nether 'World (Gluck) in French Maria Jeritza 12 inehes-$2.00 : IJ ~6370--Slavonic ;ilamee No {Ii pI LA4yevoma ch efe7.1 'St one . IIae 3 1 a d-ivelsler) Jaseha Heifetz 12 inches--$2.00 1932Thee VOCAL RCRS BlyMra 1.9132-lar~e houasanIYears Ago BlyMra I;It's a Lot Bologny Billy Muirraiy 4,11469-1,Vill Rogers _'oriaintes Henry Ford l i Presileiit'Will Roger : (l i ~Will Rors Tells Traffjic ('ifefs iHow to Direc t'TrafficIy 10 dinches -$1.00 Will Roger E:1912-#Silver Thiremis Amon;; thieGld Henry Blurr--Peerless Quortc IilWWaII You alnd I were Younmg, 1"Iaiges esQat~: 1 9131-Iy Pa1l John Stee V 1114 a. G'irl tl+, t Men Forget Henry Burn 19l.00--Tiat Jtig BlIh~~atin--Fox Trot Tennesse Ter I i) Sobbhin' Bi,.aes-hlo Trot r'The l" lenon.0felhestra of Chicago lf1912 )-Oh Strsi roa---3Iedley .Fo x Trolt 1 1 The Crect White Way Odchiestr. I SouiIbern M1elodies-Wahlz The Troubadoutr. New Records Everyv Fridea -S c h aeb ere&Soa' j110 South Main Street __-- It, 1 11 ,earn to Dance al for tidl rosh Pots and Farcel 21 ost Laundry Overalis and Coveralls. TWO S1TORES State Street Main Street NEW ACADEMY, OF DANCING HIURO N STR f:ET-*W.EST OF STATE SlIZitN1~v' Be-ginners' Clis for Ladies and tGentleenm Opens Tuesdlay, Octoaber 9thi Fu~roll Now.Clas'hi uesda y and Thursday Evenings, 7-8 P. M. !UI~aiON', $5.00) FOR TE'IRN .OF 12 LESSONS Private L~essons by Atppolutment Assemblies Wednesday, 5-10 p. in. Friday, 9-1 p. in. - SAturday, 9-12 p. in. - I Y ;. I TICKETS AT t t z' C 4 4 FIRE INSURANCE It is decidedly to the advantage .of the individual student to carry his own fire insurance, whether in a. rooming house or Fraternity. We can show you why. CHARLES E. GALLUP CO.,' Real Estate, Insurance. Call 808. PFOUTA]TINT TPFN'#S SLATER R, OOK SHOP PHONE 78S d ~YOUR NAME engraved on fountain ' ens, metal pencils, etc. 25 cents' each. On all purchases made at 0.1 SD. Morrill's, 17 Nickels Arcade, free of charge. FOUNTAIN PENS of nationally ad- vertised makes cleaned and repair- Sed. Your name engraved free of ,I i