SATURDAY, OC'T'OBER 6, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEF SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1923 PAGE F WAWM No0 f:',. . ' fa ~ <'< \/u r''* 4: y: THE SCHULTZ GROCERY THE HOME OF PURE FOODS 114-16 E. WASHINGTON PHONES 326-328-327 .e awn Steads aid iloisemariagers WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR QUALITY WE HAVE IT ALWAYS THE BEST SERVICE WE GIVE IT SATISFACTION WE Of AiIANTEE IT Quality Aleats and Groceries Start the year RIGHT by trading here That's whatyou get at this store. Whether your purchase be but a few cents or a hundred dollars or more, you get tthe same high quality, efficient, courteous service, and guaranteed satis- faction that has always characterized Schultz Groceries and Schultz Policy. Come in today and see what dealing here means to you. ®" Service Three Phones Large Corp of Experienced Clerks Four Regular Deliveries And a "SPECIAL" for Emergencies A' Quali'ty It generally costs a trifle more, but it's much cheaper in the end. TRY US ONCE x Dependability, The "W-G" guarantee is back of every penny's worth of merchandise sold. YOU CAN DEPEND ON US Let This Store Serve ATTETTION STEWARDS Schultz Grocery Coffees A cup of coffee! Well may it be called the national beverage. The rich, golden. treasure it dispenses, wcheers, stimulates and 'drives dull care away, and Schultz Coffees are the best obtainable. Mocha and Java a ...........45c Inperial Brand at.............40c K. W. Special'................. c 8 foir $1.00 Schultz Grocery Teas,. Until you have tried our Tea you have missed much of the pleasure which a delghtful cup of tea holds. Pays -., r r It To We Sell Goods that Won't Come hack--to Customer's that Will! Buy you We At This Store hone 1500 Satisfy SPECIALS Palm Olive Soap, 7 bars 50c-one free; 12 bars 83c-one free. Ever Sweet Nut Oleomargine, per lb...... . . ..25c Vegaco Oleomargine-only the best butter tastes as good- per lb............................26c Filtered Sweet Cider ...................... 35c MEATS OF . EXCELLENCE-, -I T HE stewarts of many fraternities, sororities, and board- ! -ng houses, find Gfell's the most satisfactory place to buy their meats. Try the superior quality meats of this store today.x - - -I High in Quality-Lov in Price -I 20A. R. Gfell - R- SButter Eggs Cheese Poultry Margerine ~ Fruits Vegetables IR Wol esaler s ANN ARROR PRODUCE CO PHONE 1500 219 EAST WASHINGTON PHONE 1500 ___ Are You Getting the Most and Best for Your Money? On this page you will find the best foodstuff' merchants in Ann Arbor offering you the finest goods at the lowest prices-take advantage of this information. Make the Daily Market Page Your Shopping List III J SHAW GROCERY CO. 709-711 PACKARD PHONE 816 --- - is ' II I II I Witch For Our New Yellow and Blue Dodge Truck We ordered this especially to better handle our growing trade among- Fraternities and Sororities Supplies of the finest in foodstuffs at moderate prices to fraternities, sororiti ,s and boarding houses of Michigan, who demand the best for their tables always. Inquire about our special on coffee and canned goods. SHAW GROCERY 709-711 PACKARD PHONE 816 CO. _ r. ..r ....r I i "THERE MUST BE A REASON" Ideal OElectropure Creamery r1 COLLEGE GROCERY 516 E. WILLIAMS FANCYGROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CANDY and FANCY COOKIES COLD MEATS Open Evenings and Sundays What you want when you want it at a price you will be Pleased to Pay FIRST and LIBERTY PHONE 114 AND 3423 QUALITY DE LUXE I II El