fl~~onr "I f ~ 19 You are the same woman i rectors believe that a larg
II W Hyou were last month or last year. 'Be tryouts will be present.
vyROourvsel~1I f and be a gentlewoman." Thseodadcmi
i f~~~oc t. indpedet n
Auioru o arhCawllAgelO 1USES TO COM
HalFilled Ito):har 1Lectue,. d,.,,..
By Yro~~~dent A l fl wn \\wbowU I k
i ' ~~mile hikr' U)o( e r-a honor poln t. 11~I 1i? FRHf
PACE i Tl l R t
"TEST F TM) r " S \VTon en's Athletic s iVcflwill i 1U1 I i IJU I11 I.
TOPIC OF IA'SIIIlN(I rUALN le.tve tit 9 'clockl this niorrhing
from 11jarbour gymnasial . Class teams are not the
"Nothing in the world is finer than to compete for hionors in
a clear-eyed, courageous, intelligent Monilrrs of the cabinet, of the Uzi-? fall. A silver cup is. g
ygentlewoman," President Marion I. iversity Y. WV. C. A. will hold thceir an-l,
Burton declared in his talk to a large nual fall house parly this tool, eil !.w'1~elt h in
audience of University women yester-= at Whitmore lake. Plans !,n! interhiouse tournament.I
day' afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell lions for the p}resenti year will be ta?- ment itself is a new fe,
hall. He appealed to the women to oi un at tijs time.j introduced this year by the
have these qualities by standing tho'hsca dctin l
"test of tradition." "rnufofilar ones in basketball hav
"Keeping one's balance is the first Al oewowihtsgnufr
requirement of the test. Doing thatI tenniis tournament sliold do so .before heretofore. This is the fir:
will demand poise, and calmness with }tis noon on t he bulletin board in l~ar- 44
which to approach experiences. Meet 1 bour gynasiumn. al
the test of adaptability," the President- ----
urged. These are three or four at-! WOMEN °TO TRYOUT
titudes which a member of the Univer-
sity'may take. She may think every- F DEB E TODAY' I-
thing on the cam pus is wrong, but inh en it wlT e ar to e ve S e
may think everything is right but IIndependen~it women will be given a In the Mou q(71italins
President Bu4o egd e ob I'; chance to tryout for the Ohio-Michigan Bro egdhrt ed:-rm
allusioned. She may even attempt toI debating . (riad at 8 o'clock this morn-I l
remake it to suit her own ideals, but ing in room u'02, Mason hall. The di- I l ie in the
here the President urged yielding re-I
sisanc. Te nwcoer illsoo ge :actors desire to select the best irate-, cabins of the
a totally different intellectual view- real availab~le on the campus for this lwes
point, even -doubting the whole worlda debate, in an endeavor to enable the
which will show that she is alive and Michigan women to prevents a recur-
thinking.I rancee of the defeat of last year.
The test of integrity is the most j "Resolved, ThClat the Towner-Sterl-
funidamental of all tests. Transition l ing, bill shoulAl be enacted," is the
tries intactness, self-repect, reverence' quest ion of the debate. As this prob)-r
for personality, individual health, good l cm of education is of special intere At
sportsmanship, and a fine sense of to the Wonmen on1 the canhus, the (i- I
;e number of a trophy has been offered in any s s .lllpll ltlll 1i t1ill111[1161i1E1qrt. e : " :. ; i : :i it ° @ii 9i1=E6 il4A
frtewmnanMisElyiex!ration tryoutI pecting a big turn ouit at the first IE
Literary' so- practices. =~.
ld Saturday, Interleague house and dormitory ::.:::::.::i: I1_
games will be played and the win nim"- . -
team will then challenge the hous('
that wins in the. intersociety. ga mes
WI to play for the silver cup. This trophyv
will be engraved and is not toheel
Ifrom year to year by the house winL
Iuning it, but is to be the permanent
THUNY i possession of that house.
Letters have been sent out b~y fh -
e only ones lathlletic office to all houses on the,, _=
hoky hscampus explaining the' details of the oke-hi
tbttournament. Sign your house 111p nowr
,otingt0bj on the bulletin board in Jirbour gyM
team in the iasimim.' ________
The tourna __________
ature beig "Jimmile the adtaker" sells anything -
department quickly. -Adv. -
vebeen held R a a tA
st year that. SAT E 5&IthlTi PVihi '
best repair service on aYl _k of i waC~mes ire carry on-e
LAST TIMES - of the best lines of fine j !a y In Ann A11..
Wle wish to announce the opening c; a np s epilm~1 ilt urstore by--
v~t-EYE SY'IF-C Z" 'ST
MA YA DE n r. Wickens is a graduate of onei of . and best optical colleges
known and has the ability to give ye h~ g .service in al11 your optical
needs. Glasses can be. deliverled the sanxk ay thee anmina ion is made.
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Felt Velour and V elvet Hats
Cozad Styles at Moderate Prices
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m t~~91 CosmopolianC on ry
Ir .. and an all5Aar ce
Due to the success of the Auction of Oriental and Chinese rugs already held ~s
and the demand for' more such sales the AUG11d IONS will be continued daily1
at 2:30 and at 8 o'clock in the new mainfoor store. °
Connoisetirs are peased with r; a
Lovers and Caiil fl iMMS of Oriental and Chinese rugs are delighted with-iths:
collc Lion which wi-u prsonallx selected by Mr. K. S. Jaingotch, who is an
expert collector of aniitile and sewn-antiu- pieces. Many rare masterpieces-
such as Kim ir, Ii' cre, Zili Zultani, cic., arei' ttufd ~in Ithe collection. -' " ; - , ' .
th I u A Mghty Dr, 741201
Europe's Gilded <bA KSt
Ifyo have any desire to own and use an Oriental rug now is the time to buy ( lt~ _
o 11f1lc-A ,1rjnIRIitfully I -saged in ui nparai elea ; 2 GYXkr e;, o
it, for every oeo hs ,0 euiu icswl esl taion to theL- in Paris, ANice and A/o~c Cafrl.
highest bidder. ic tensstisunqulld peces benattoy.Associated -y --the story of ti e ma.,)1 %LtEe-o°IIt~!rince
Do' n hi neu le o)oItnWyVith the -i-~ Lubimolf and Alicia, th e mostf~rmous beauty
ie Cinema
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