5, 192,, 6, 1923THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.... BURTONTO AL ON LEAGE5VL J clui~cy 1or -First 'ji TFoday 3 ' ' in 'i~iil I ~trt iie(l Mas 11ar;i nI1 ")( ,,@t', 5i1b otdean,17from 4 j 1 o o 11'rl:i;aijur £;gyn)niUiln1. 111; l)EJII TI? *I TO V~~IISII S ;A XX 011011 hO wish to take a ten BUIl?~.: A MA I~N ~ i lke to C1rn. h;ono£r poin ibfor the o1ens (A.:ieie ssc3Ciation will The value of the *Women's league on Ie eat ;) 'cl Saturday rng ro t iI hrbooir gymnasium. the campus 'and in the life of Univer- sify women will be discussed by Pros- mbsoftecbn fthU- ident Marion I, Burton at the annual i tyY\C. A. wvill hold their an- meeting of the leagu~e to be held at 5 J]imitil t;;;so pauty this week endl~ o'clock this aft ernoon in Sarah Cas-at\VOlulllk das -nd disonI s- ,vell Angell hail. All womren in the ye 0I~~ar wijI be tak- University, are urged to attend since cyiitst ; '" .z thisp kenewillll t beo-! la~'e wil be rno imeeting this aft- President hssoknepcilyt!w-enoyo oen interest-ed in doaing men,. Plans for raising nmoney for I 1 -; 1:_: , ~v.hu o nero Michigan League buildIing fund t ine wr ong date was given for this year will be taken up briefly by H1(ee otr; Delbridige, '24, 1resilent of the league(.I- A change in plicy from supporting IBDW os Ahires, Oct.4.-Public pro- various small functions to managing testf of io (keisio n given in tihe Demp- large affairs has been decided union, t 1, ' ar Aoused(1a)1new here to- the details of which will be explained (lay wbe 100oi01pictiires of tihe bat- at the meeting.- The work to be clone jtIe ri ited int he, irot tine. by the commnittee of the Undergraduate Campaign fund will also he considered.I 1 I UAMPASN COMMITTEE WILL MEET TUESDA9Y D lefinite plans for the league Cain- Ij paign, which is to be carried :git by the Central Campaign committee of thef Alumnae council of the Alumni asso- ciation, are to be formulated t a meet- ing of that organization which is to be held a~ 9:30 o'clock Tuesday, Oct. 9, at the home of Mrs. Henry Carter Adams, of 1421 Hill street. ' At that time several people will be appointed to take charge of the na- tional sub'-committees. Hereafter members of the committee wjill seet "every Tuesday to discuss the work of l'the campaign. Announcement of plans "'andl appointments will be made in The Daily within a short time. Chicago,- Oct. 4.- Gasoline prices are due to rise shortly, according to "W. H. Gray, of the American Oil Men's association. Daily classified for real results. Mortarboard Sells Gloves For .leagufe Mortarboard, senior women's lhon- orary society, is starting a canvas or the sororities and larger league homi- es today for the sale of gloves for the benefit of the Michigan Leag;ue building fund. The gloves are, of im- ported kid, and vary in style fr%)m the gauntlet to the 16-inch glove. The colors are white, black, gray and tan, and prices range from $2.50 for theI short three-buttbn length, to Oi5 for the 16-inch glove.I All orders must be in by W , dnesdlav night, Oct. iG. The gloves -rill he ready for distribution to the pur..has- ers on Nov. 30. The sm-aller league houses or individual buyers may place their orders with Painia Browi), chairman of the sale, b)y callinug23323.1 This is the third year that Ivori a --- board has sold gloves 1for the benefit of the league. Last year over $11,0 was contributed to the fund throuigh this medium. Daily classified for real results. 0- L 1 I C) TODAY AND SATURDAY ,; wY f 5 1 Sa .r 'Im r.v .jx ti Mad - ..... t.: <..: . I ,SENIORS!. Michiganensian photographs must be takcn before December I st. Make your appointment NOW, to avoid the last minute rush. XluniniePs Elcets Officers For' YearI Rosalind Freund, '24, was electedl president of Mummers Dramatic so-? ciety at a meeting held recently.. Madeliene Mc~urk, '24, was elected vice-president. In order that room may be made in the organization forE new members, each memiber will bae requiredI to signify whethr he in-I tends to be active this yeair ornt Daily classified for real results. INEARLYT WHA T? The Afor Fountain NV c h for Opening IN'ai C~lySpeaks 11 - '' ' ;, s'. r. r . --Mang 00000011, -IN ADDITION- 'fOH SISTER" A Mermaid Comedy H{)l)(IE PODGE -- NEWS - ORCHESTRA GRAY doSo L. Liberty Gai nderstand P h1 o t o graphs finished fron your 'Ensian negatives makc highly acceptable Christina gifts. 11 For appointment phone 303-W Read 'The Daily "Classified" Cokm ...r. ~ . .1+.. rrR."..p ... .... ..r.r rrrt ... . e. . xn~~ Fresh Shipment Just Received STATE STREET ro yin min Y FPr1 5 % ~-~w._II pFI' : . ------_. _. 01~? 4 ri'' C hI2 Daly &t 00C- r .3o'clock I ORIENTAL and CHINESE RUCGAAUCTIONS will continue daily at 2:30 and 8 o'clock in the new m ain floor)tre. Th-e opening auctions were attended by large crowd:; who found,. the store ohun with large rugs of untold beauty and filled with the (inest collection of a.ntique and semi-antique pieces ever brought to Ann Arbor. The DisplAay.7is _Like Fairyland" "It's like Fairy-land," one tplcc SC1 lC-; er sa, l. fAI i l d, the dazzling array of soft, lustrous rugs li -Le< '1 T ratiful coloring, i se lkeF i~ land! There is no loner any reason vh 1y 0i-ieii Q ru ' customers sol ecnie to the wealthy class, for many of 1Uje rug rr. S (Ad at the auctiQns were sold at price less than the pice of gosod domestic rvtg3. "Buy at the price you wish to pay" The auctions held have been a succlcss. 'h"Ie following ones are certain to be. Don't miss attending thei . You will want to take advantage of this opportunity to buy Oriental rugs at the price you wish to pay. Ji d a'f YZ om r" 'wM .-vx [evGn .+R ns. ;iT .vs~+ ' 1fI . ,:. sa,.ks.,sw~rscmaeaK-,"-.r..w. .- ssiav .., ,."«-rr .. s-: ,.-w"r;ar.-, *man. w=. .rt,: i