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October 05, 1923 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXIV. No. 11






Elaborate Plans Laid For Entertain.
ment of Opera Members By
Alumni Bodies
Carrying the eighteenth annual pro-
duction of the Opera this year into five
of the largest cities of the East, as
well as to nearly all the Middle-West-
ern cities formerly covered, the Un-
ion Opera will follow the most exten-
sive and representative itinerary that
has yet been drawn up.
The Opera will appear this year in
fifteen different cities, and will be
played three times at Detroit. One
hundred men, approximately 70 of
whom will be engaged in the cast
and choruses, will make the trip. The
committeemen, who will assist in the
production of the Opera off stage will
number approximately 30. Two Pull-
mans and one baggage car will be
used to transport the men and prop-
erty engaged in the production of the
musical comedy.
The itenerary for the 1924 Opera, in-1
cluding the names of the theaters at
which the production will play, and
the dates on which it will appear fol-
lows: Friday, Dec. 14, Toledo,
Keith's theater; Saturday, Dec. 15,
Cleveland, Masonic auditorium; Mon-f
day, Dec. 17, Buffalo, Teck theater;
Tuesday, Dec. 18, New York City,}
Metropolitan Opera House; Wednes-
day, Dec. 19, Philadelphia, Academy
'of Music; Thursday, Dec. 20, Wash-1
. ngton, D. C., President theater; Fri-
day, Dec. 21, Pittsburgh, Schemley
theater; Saturday, Dec. 22, Cincinnati,
Emery Auditorium; Monday, Dec. 24,t
Indianapolist Schuiert Murat thea. I
ter; Tuesday, Dec. 25, Chicago, at a
place to be announced later; Wednes-1
lay, Dec. 26, Grand Rapids; Regent
theater; Thursday, Dec. 27, Saginaw9
Auditorium; Friday, Dec. 28, Flint,
Palace theater; Saturday, Dec. 29,
Bay City; Washington Strand theater;
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
Dec. 31, Jan. 1 and 2, Detroit, Orches-,t
tra Hall.
Plays One Week Here
The Opera will play the week of
S Dec. 3 at the Whitney theater before
starting on its schedule. I
An unusual enterprise was decided
on when the Union made plans for thec
appearance of the Opera at the larg-
er Eastern cities. In these cities
alone the production will be shown to
many thousands of people. Here, as
elsewhere, the alumni bodies plan en-I
tertainment for the Opera players. t
Vienna.-(By A. P.)-Reports arex
the army, fearing the Bavarians may
use Tyrolean territory, have massed

Dean Henry M. Bates
Dean Pates, of the Law School, as
honorary chairman of the University
League of Nations Non-Partisan as-
sociation, has actively affiliated him-
selfkwith local and national League

ponsors League

Berlin, Oct. 4-There is reason tc
believe that "passive resistance," un-
les constantly fed with new fuel to
keep it alive, will, in the course of
time, die a natural death.
Such seems to be the case in Berlin.
French wines, which were boycotted
after the occupation of the Ruhr last
January, now are offered in whispersj
to known patrons at some of the first
class Berlin hotels, and are displayed
in show windows of lown town wine
stores. Even French cognac is served
provided it is asked for quietly, at
many of the bars patronized by for-
The signs "No French or Belgians
served here," which appeared like
magic over all Berlin almost as soon
as the French troops set foot in Essen,
have disappeared from most first class,
cafes and restaurants.

TO 1;E('lIE wv'A T A )ON FOD HE.-
(dNG4 WORiK ON ( 17ZES'
NYi il'S hO)ME
Catholic Chapel on State Becomes
University Proper3y on
Novemir 9
Further progress in the expansion
of the University campus, perficularly
northeast towards the hospital, will
0soon be definitely under way when the
committee in charge of the building
Iprogram decides the date on which
ground will he broken for the new
medical building, at its meeting this
afternoon. With the hospitA, the en-
gineering shops, the physic builing
and the University Uligh school well
a dvanccd towards completion, opera-I
tions on the medical hu ildin- are ex-

New. York, Oct. 4.-(By A. P.)-
Professor Navarro, of the Spanish De-
partinent of the University of Pennsyl-
vania, and his wife, have been ad-
nitt(ed to the United States after be-
ing detained at l1llis Island one (lay,
it was learned today.
The reason for the detention, com-
minsioner Curran said, was that the
quota for Spain until July 1, 1124, was
exhausted in September. Professor
Navarror, as an educator, was admis-
sible, but not his wife.
Commissioner Curran wired Wash-
ington asking that Mrs. Navarro bej
admitted. An answer was received
from Washington Tuesday admitting
Mrs. Navarro in accordance with a re-
cent court ruling exempting the wives
of exempted individuals from appli-
cation of the quota laws.
Military ('ourt Removed; Headquarters
State Less Than Dozen Troopers
On Duty
Oklahoma City, Oct. 4.-(By A. P.)
--With the court battle between Gov.
J. C. Walton and members of the Ok-
lahoma Ilouse of representatives halted
until next Tuesday, citizens whose at-
tention has been fastened on the con-
test; between the executives and legis-
lative branches of the state govern-
ment tonight turned to matters which
had been forced into the background.

C i ty Ordinance Is
Unworked Gold Mine
"It shall not be lawful for any per-
son to go upon the lands of another or
upon the right-of-way of any rail-
road company, or to climb, stand in or
upon any shade, ornamental or other
tree, situated, being or standing with-
in the limits of the city of Ann Ar-
bor, for the purpose of witnessing any
football game, baseball game, or oth-
er athletic sports or games whatso-
ever, or any fair, show or other en-
tertainment whatsoever,, without the
consent and permission of the owner
or occupant of such lands, right-of-
way or the owner or proprietor of any
such shade or ornamental tree."
This legal jumble means, when it
it dissected, that nobody can watch
the teams play without paying, and
it is an ordinance passed by the Ann
Arbor common council in 1893. It is
estimated that if it had been steadily
enforced from the .date of its enact-
ment, Ann Arbor would now have
enough money in the treasury to pave
all its dirt and gravel streets, open
up Pontiac street, install drinking
fountains on every street corner, and
build a municipal golf links.
Probably the reason for the law's
non-enforcement is that it caused
riots and generally disturbed the
Prominent Facultly Members Spoiisor
Move for U. S. Entry lnto
Promotion of interest in interna-

la1'iCT ('I EIS FOR
Senior La. StdE&ats to Reballot
Next W Wek; Other Classes
v ole Soonl
Organization of the classes in four
colleges in the University was begun
yesterday with the election of officers,
The men elected who will officiate in
their respective classes from this date
on until the end of , the school year
are as follow:
Idterary Officers
Literary college. Senior class:
Walter K. Scherer, president, Dorothy
Wylie, vice-president, Marion Taylor.
secretary, and Lincoln D. Jones,
treasurer. Junior class; Cass S.
Hough, president, Olive C. McKay,
vice-president, Margaret Beal, secre-
tary, and Ronald T. Hlalgrim, trea-
surer. Sophomore class; George R.
Snider, president, Ruth Rankin, vice-
president, Alma i\lilier, secretary, and
flarry B. Koenig, treasurer.
Engineering college. Senior class;
Irwin P. Stegmeier, president, William
K. Saunders, vice-president, Henry J.
Corsette, secretary, and R. W. Pres-
ton, treasurer. Junior class; Edward
M. Fox, president, Charles W. Merriam

pected to commence within a few days.
Vacate in Accordance With Harding Will Occupyl) Entre Block
Adminttistratton Erection of this important unit will
AgreementI be made oil the trianytlar site at the
inter Section of Washtenaw and 1;,a-si
GO "FINANCIALLY BURI)ENSOME" University avenues and the structure
ONLY RIEASON '31ADE PUBLIC will occupy the entire bloc' from ilh(,
corner clown to the engin~eerng ho~ps
Stresemnanini's Inability to Hold Washington, Oct. -4.--The resigna-- As a result of the appropriaions of-
Majority Leaves Sole Lions of Ambassador Harvey at London the slate legislature last spring, there
Alternative and Child at Rome submitted for pri- is about $S89,000 available for the!
vate reasons and under an agree- work, which, it is estinated, will re-
PRESiLDNT EBERT MST ment reached with the Harding ad- quire a year and a half. i
DICTAT NECESSARY LAWS -ministration have been accepted, he committee headed by Prof. John
marking the first change in the diplo- SThepard, supervisor of plans, will also
Berlin, Oct. 4.-(By A. P.)--A con- matic service since President Coo- determine the date for starting workI
stitutional dictatorship is the sole al- lidge took office. on the new nurses' home, the recentr
ternative left to President Ebert and Ambassador Harvey will quit his 1 gift of Senator James Couzens of De-
former chancellor Stresemann, in post about the first of the year and troit through wlio.-e generosity $600,- 1
view of the latter's inability to com- Ambassador Child, who has either 000 is ready for expenditure on thel
mand a 2.3 majority support in the left or is about to leave Rome for the building. The home will be located at
Reichstag, political observers here be- United States, will not go back. the corner of East Ann and Four-
lieve today. None -of the other ambassadors or teenth streets north of Palmer field
Experts in constitutional law who ministers the state department said and west of the observatory. Con-
venture to discuss the parliamentary have any similar agreement limiting
situation growing out of the resigna-- his term of service so far as is known. tio wil p b ,
tion of Stresemann's coalition cabinet The only explanation of the two time this month. SenatorC (ouzen's
because of the socialist's refusal to resignations, given, were that-in both gilt to the University is only one o1I
approve the "authorization law," be- cases the ambassadors had a few several donations he has made to
lieve the only alternative left to months ago reached an agreement various iistt itt ions for iurses homes
President Ebert is recourse to the with President Harding as to the tie most notable of as other gifts
prerogative allowed him by paragraph length of time they could continue at being the large home for nurses ad-
48 of the Constitution. By the terms their post. Whether they had de- joining Harper hospital i lietroit. t
of that paragraph as interpreted by ferred their retirement because of' Toi1 ,Wand o. thimrd
Dr. Hugh Preuss, who drafted the President Hharding's death until Aside from the new Lawyer's club
constitution President Ebert must dic- President Coolidge should feel that whi<.h is ]eing built on South Uni-
tate such laws and relief measures as they could be spared was not dis-- versity avenue at State stroet, it hae
are demanded by the economic, finan- closed. In both cases there had been been announced that the devlopu:"ntI
cml and socipi situations. intimations, however, that the ambas- of the eampus will be aliro.t euteirelyt
The situation today gave no indica- sadors were finding, their positions in the area bet ween le o1l campusr
tion that Dr. Stresemann would be unduly burdensome in a financial way, and the hospital. 'onseq uently, Mon-
able to count on a dependable work- and they felt that they must give roe street will he the perman'nt
ing support even if he were assured attention to their personal affairs. s c thIer oundar of the umiersit y
of the votes of the German national- There was no available word tonight P roperty. The 'heta [Jlla Cii fra-
ists in order to relieve him of any as to the successors whom President ternity house at, the corner of Stab
apprehension or feeling of insecurity I Coolidge might appoint. At the state and, Monroe streets a ill not, in all
so far as accounting for his steward- department it was not admitted that probability, le needed for froin five tc
ship to the Reichstag is confiremd. It any steps had yet been taken to ten years and the sime Oilhi(' to thm
will become necessary for President sound out the two governments as to tiiiitg house occupied by the Dolt:
Ebert to lecree an extraordinary die- suitability of possible appointees. tAlpha1Epsilon fraternity. The Cut-
tatorship protest as provided by par-
agraph 48 which would permanently ting apar1ments at I i same corne
relieve Dr. Stresemann from the shift- will not be purchased by the Univer-
ing approval or permanent hostility of sUV IB LUD MATS city, is was learned. . .
the Reichstag. Expansion along South Umvers
R - Dis advancing rapidly with th1e opera1
PUNSU lUll IUUlIM tion on the Lawyer's club 'continum1
hows accordinig to the seliedaito xwhich con-j
ites Shows mplates its it "'e"s for occum -
Organization for their first program o ,in , tobe-, 11)2 . The-site of 0ir
lhanges In Polk y was gotten under way by the Comedy clab, which is the girt of an un:aia
club in a meeting held last night. nounced onor, is two blocks on Sout
Two plays will be presented on Oct. Iniversity avenue lroim State sI reat
"complete the Union Swimming pool."c to Tappan, an am-e of over seven acrej
Such an enterprise is, to say the least w17ein Sarah Caswell Angell hall. exclusive of Cakand avenue which
laudable. All power to anyone thus "Sweet and Twenty," by Floyd Dell. has been closed at that point for someI
working for the good of the student and "The Dreamy Kid," by Eugene time.f
body. May frosh and grad alike within O'Niel. The entire vest, rile of State s!rmet
the year besport themselves in Ann ; During the meeting, at which Prof. mh nItg
from the Unioiin dawn t rofo i2-,avsrddrctoro h ;toa l*rl il th e ilnte-
Arbor's artesian waters through the J.aRaleigh Nelson of the Fnglish degational church will sn he in the
medium of the Union pool. But be- possession of tilhe- University. The
ware, Chimes, of forgetting promises. club, and about 20 members wereCathoichapl at the cornr of Jeffer
ware, Cathoicecnameselat theecolnysofaJdffer
A concise statement of Chimes policy present, the names of the plays and son street, which ther 1uiver~sity pur-
constitutes the opening editorial. Ex- the persons to take the roles were chased last spring, w ill be evacuatedr
pression of sane campus opinion is en- announced.,,NOVemr 9 ano even nally razei t
couraged and freedom from censorship The cast for Sweet and Twenty ohtain the site of the n. adlministra-
enlarged upon. will include: June A. Knisely, '2...
enlrgd uon ICrosby Rees, '25, L~. 0. Palmiter, '24 tionbu_ ldirg. The nvirhbom'ingt prop-t
With such a promising start it is Certy of tie Zeta F:i Iraternity will
sad that Chimes seems so soon to ex- and W. W. Spanagel, m25E. also be acuired i the near future
perience a very evident shortage of The following members willd t1ake T site of Nedw rry hall and the
. Why, oh why must the lack roles in "The Dreamy Kid": Madeline st of newbero hail he
.ateilJ.W McGurk, '24, Theodosia Burton, D.jvacant lot next to it, willhu
be offset by the use of a printed Poli.Ey 'EJ lum.tely for the building for tlal
Sci. lecture and a dry historical arti- Pk. L. Snyder,25,and izabetJ for li
Pike,'24.lepartmuent of .Journali--m.
cle on fraternities? Better far an ex- Pike,,'24.ork eg isl
cess of editorials or more pages of Of the build ngs now under con.-


troops on the border.

Military law under which they have tional problems with the aim of in- jr viec-piesidtit, Fred M. Freeman.
theyprolem wih th ai ofin-secretary,-and A. M. White, treasurer.
lived for three weeks has become mil- ducing the entry of the United States Sophomore class; Hubert G.rGoebel,
itay law in name only. into the League of Nations s the pur- poe a u i ee
Passes No Longer Required -hpuesidNent,aHarynacDuff, vice-presi-
In Oklainoma City, the military court pose of the University League of Na- dent, Clark Brown, secretary, and
that was convened to investigate al- tions Non-Partisan association, whose William H. Heath. Freshman class;
leged lawlessness of the Klui Klux plans were announced yesterday. Thomas R. King, president, Harley T.
Klan has been disbanded and military Bates Backs Movelient. Bell, vice-president, A. Iee, secretary,
?orce has been removed. Military Dean Henry M. Bates, of the Law and Foster A. Iall, treasurer.
headquarters have been abandoned and school, is honorary chairman of the Law School. Senior class; Row-
persoms appearing on the streets after local association and was a member land Putler and Clayton F, Jennings
midnight no longer need passes, of the organizing committee appointed tied for president, Oneita Emmons,
Likewise in Tulsa the sole- remain-, last June. John P. Dawson, '24L, is vice-president, Frederick C. Gielow,
ing activity of the military regime is chairman, and Prof. Brand Blanshard, secretary, and Anthony L. Oswald,
the court of enquiry. This still is in of the philosophy department, is see- treasurer. Junior class; Victor J.
but guards nowhere else are retary-treasurer. The . committee Vorhees, preident, Itussel R. Hayes,
to be sebt gheads are John W. Ross, '26L, mem- vice-president, Carl Enggass, and
In authoritative quarters it was debership, K. F. Clardy, '25L, speaker, iloiert V. Rice, treasurer. Freshman
(ie that s a 1ntr and Marion B. Stahl, '25L, publicity. class; William J. Wilkins, president,
c arentless than dozen troop- Prof. Robert T. Crane, of the political William Cole, vice-president, Egbert
e aen ovrnirty ialtn Tulsad Al- science department, is faculty advis- Isbel, secretary, and Thomas Lally,
thmough Governor Walton declined to- j er of the study group, which will ar- rsirr
day to reveal his plans, followers ofrtreastirer.
the situation inclined to the belief erange a program of study of the
that the military regime is rapidly nial Cobes dur nh m- - ental school. Senior class; Glen
hawt national problems during the comng '. Young, president, Arthur D.
dinawing to a close. It has been known'y a .G a a ep ei et W r e
that the executive has been preparing The organization, which was started limn, vice-president, J n Ki 1
himself for the supreme effort of his last spring under the leadership of I Moyer, sereta°y,1nd( cOlon B3. Kinset,
political career. Ralph M. Carson, '23L, former Rhodes eniE-sBrnardL
CourtBiattle Expected scholair from Michigan, is a branch I oonan, president, Ivor L. lein, vice-
Pointing to the executive statement of the national association of which president, Wesle . hayes, secretary.
last night referring to the election former Justice John H. Clarke of the andM ax B. Purdy, tieasurer. Sopho-
which lie had called for September 6 United States Supreme Court, is pre- Imore class; Robert S. Wilson, presi-
to resubmit a constitutional amend- sident. In addition to the study group, oent. Edward J. Guenther, vice-presi-
ment empowering the legislature to which will be composed of a selected dent, Jos ph W. hurba, secretary, and
convene at its own call as an Im- number from the student body and Ruth 11. Mountain., treasurer. Fresh-
peachment body in which he declared ! faculty, the local association plans a man class; Walter Blair, president,
"in the next two months will be fought bureau '-of student spealers to be Hugh A. 1loss, vice-president, Harris
the most historic battle in history" ob- trained through intensive study of the- L. Wilson, secretary, acid Enoch A.
servers tonight prophesied that the League Covenant and to work in co- Yates, treasurer.
entire removal of martial law would operation wit hthe public speaking de- Senior law student will meet again
no one of the governor's first moves partment among the cities of the state next week to reballot on the tie vote
to increase his political strength. and before University audiences. for class president. Elections in the
Governor Walton declared that no Procure Speakers oiiher classes that have not yet or-
cases of mob violent in the state have Att'y-Gen. George W. Wickersham, ganized will probably take place in
been reported for two weeks, indicat- a member of the cabinet of President the near future.
ed that he believed the situation was Taft, and of the present Republican
welt in hand. i national organization, has agreed to
I speak before a University audience g ,jg H JJ5SECOND
early in November on the subject of
MAN'S SIRT TAIL the League. A series of speakers of
RIGATS HELD VALID wide reputation is also planned, to r R E S 9N 8ECEPION
RIGHTS FIELD VALID address Ann Arbor residents and Unm- lE hviN BljrlN
versity students interested during the
Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 4.-Can a course of the year. WFISi ANID IPEE (GJVE SHORT
man tuck in a wandering shirt tail? A faculty advisory council.has al- ' TA I 1' ON "TlE VALUE
That was the question. j ready been organized, composed of oF GitaIp"
G. S. Jennott, of this city, stood at President-Emeritus Harry B. Hutch-
the door of a local cafe, his shirt ins, Dean Henry M. Bates, Prof. F. . The Stuolent Christian association
tail hanging unceremoniously from Kelsey, of the Latin department, Prof .hel it econd Vreshmma reception at
Beneath his coat. Discovering the dis- Claude H. VanTyne, of the history ieI 7 01)'celock lai-t night in the audi-
crepancy he started to tuck it in as department, Prof. C. II. Cooley, of the
t'orium of Lane I fall. Carleton Wells.
ieveral women arrived at the door in sociology department, Prof. Jesse S. .
an automobile. Reeves, of the political science ole- (b'ao. andCI harry Kiphe, '24,
Patrolman Helton arrested him for partment, Prof. Clarence T. Johnston, ; otmeedelivere ashort tlkat the open-
d isorderly conduct. of the geodesy and surveying depart- ing of the meeting on the subject,
Blut Police Judge O. E. Wilder de- ment, Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson, of the The alue of CrouPs."
i Foumrteencii pperclassmnen who were
cided the question, holding that one j Law School, and Prof. Oscar J. Camp- rph
of the inalienable rights of man was bell, of the English department., i in charge ox the groups of freshmen
involved, and dismissed the defend- that were formed had dinner together
ant. at 5:20 o'clock and discussed among
themselves the subjects that were to
TURKEYM90 M D REPUBLIC Ibe talked over in their respective
WHERE "0" WHEREroups Problems of campus life that
UNDER NEW CONSTITUTI ! confront the first year man were the
t opics employed in the main.

First Issue Of Ch
Decided C
Chimes is out! Heralded from the '
opening of school as an issue in which
innovations were to be made, much
was expected and much received-
'From cover to cover this, the first
Chimes of the year, is decidedly a.
good Chimes, a Chimes above the or-
dinary. The editors are to be compli-
mented upon their success in intro-I
ducing a change in policy without
sacrificing an iota of proportion, bal-
ance or value.
Familiar illustrative figures in time-
worn attitudes are as a rule uninter-
esting, even boresome. So many thou-
sands of pens have depicted the blase
upperclassman and the open-mouthed
wondering yearling in proximity en-
couraging comparison, that unless of
unusual merit such illustrations ne
longer draw attention. It remained for#
Angus Babcock, '26, to clothe, with
painstaking attention to detail, these
characters in their conventional gar],
and then render them acceptable by the
very quality of his work. Did he suc-
ceed? Try and read Chimes without
first glancing at the cover and thor-
oughly enjoying its evident cleverness.
No one reading Chimes can ever
after fail to recognize President Mar-
ion Leroy Burton. His full page

movie stills and football cuts. Onef
or two more short stories would have
contributed to filling up the space and
would have been much more enjoy-
able reading.
The stories that were printed are
good, as is the play. A little more
length would no doubt contribute much
to the value of each but as such things;
go they'are well up to standard. With
two exceptions all the poetry is from

Otl'lltiOni, flth e is ry lI 1g school
will be entirely finished withmn two
nmonths time a{ cording to Pr eSrt
OF MOLOM O is being Wheor enet icsllyaltogh
no defint~e date has been set for it;-
,, completion. The hospital, mneduahl
The substiution of "TheMollus-~school and numse' home iii be ready
for "Mixed Marriage" as the last bill for use about 18 onths henec, pro-
for the performance in Ann Arbor, to- vidoing the work gods torw'ird as n11oW
morrow night, was announced by the planned.
Michigan Repertory Theatre today. In cnnection with the mlany adlodi-
There have been so many calls for a tions to th land holdings of the I11ni-
repetition of this brilliant comedy that versity it is announced that tie arbor-
it was thought wise to give those who etum i will henceforth be known as the
missed "The Mollusc" a last chance Nichols arboretum in honor of the
h,-nfo ethe Ann Arhn rnn cos I donor of a large part of the 90 acrmes

photograph facing the editorial page the pen of Sue Grundy Bonner, who.
is a masterpiece of lights and shadows by the way, is in her first year on the}
on the human countenance. Whether campus. More experience should pro-
or not a picture of Prexy is necessary duce reading even more enjoyk bleI
in Chimes, there can be no doubt that than her contributions to this issue.
it is a good one. Other features there are, maintaining


has my little dog gone? There .s
but one way to find it in Ann Arbor.
We can recover most everything ex-
cept a fraternity pin that has "stray-
e]." If you have lost anything else,
r A T

The next general reception for al
. Constantinople, Oct. 4.-(By A. P.) I freshmen who are interested in th
-The new Turkish constitution will !. C. A. will be held at 7 o'clock the
provide that Turkey be proclaimed a following Thri solay and the meetin
republic with a President elected for 1o' the 14 upperclassmen in charge c
a period for four or five years, it was groups will be at 5:30 o'clock nea
learned today. Thursday. Those who included as th
The national assembly will have leg- I leaders of the groups are: Donald I
ilative nower only, the excultive (Chhh.'24 " i K.iunn '9'4-To


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