THEI 'MICHGAN LA1Y PAW SI V Tins A TIlS f; OSES N LASSIFIE ICLOSES COSES GCOj AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 PM Spanish Throne Threatened fly R vol fiist News From( 7 7 x±*n Sri xtrnrlr xxrn z srrin a nvor a t, tl f h P 1 r I)AILY CiLASSIFIED RATES fo0e per reading -line for one or two inser tionas, 9c per reading line for1 three or moxe insertions1 cash in advance. Minimum, 3 lines per insertion. Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, :I I per reading line for three or more insertions. White space charge11 for at same rates. Classifieds charged only to those having phones. As>k aboilt contracl s InrU tO.OS*S-A. A.S ,S a *A.Jtig nz.. 40r CM66111CU i UYCi I71ll ., 4Jininde-the Phone FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM-Fo4r win-' _dow; window seats, two built in -closets. Suitable for two or three men students, teachers or married] couple. 1110 Oakland. TWO ROOMS AND A KITCHENETTE furnished $10.50 week. 110 North Ingalls. TWQ ROOM SUITE. 'Half block1 from Campus No other roomers. {' $8.00 per, week. 213 S. Ingals. Phone 3050-W.1 A LARGE GARAGE for one car. 511 Cheever Ct. Phone 516-.. A VERY DESIRABLE newly furnished -room to be shared with a congenial student. Phone 2717-M. 925 S. State. SUITE FOR TWO, three blocks from camnpus. Sleeping porch. Excel- lently furnishd. Reasonable. rate. Call 29'99. ,FOR RENT-Large front room, steam heat. Phone 1194M. 422 E. Wah- lngton. FOR RENT 11. Three room sand bath, heat and -water furnished, three blocks from campus, $50 per month. 2.. Four room apartment dear Univer- sity hospital, heat and water fur-- nished, $50 per month. 3. Six room apartment on South State Street, steam heat and water furnished, $65 per month. 4Six room brick house two blocks from campus, sleeping porch, steam heat, heated garage; possession on1 or before November 1st. $65 per month. 5. Seyen rooms and bath, slepingt porch on White Street, $85 per month. 6. Eight room Colonial on one of the best residential streets in Ann Ar-' bor, large sun parlor, two built-inI tiled bath rooms, 'double garage;1 Wpossession at oce. all 14r. Newton with CHAS. L. BROOKS 215 1First Nat'l Bank Bldg. " Phone 315. Evening 206- BEAUTIFUL SUITE J or two or three studnts Convenient t campus : and hospital. Price reasonable. -Phone 1686-R. 711. E. Ann. A PLES ANT DOUBLE ROO 0M ;,congenial family. One block from campus. Call 694-. -BEAUTIFUL SUITE for light house- keeping for student and wife or in- Istructor and wife. Newly decorated 711 E Ann. Phone 1686-R. Reas- onable. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apart- i.;ments, new and modern, suitable for! couple or four students. Resn -able. Call 1131-J or 2977-W. SINGLE ROOM -One block from campus, sunny room, running hot water. Only two roomers. Call 'Sering 396. SMALL SUITE on second floor, $8.00 double, $G.00 single. A large dou- ble room on third floor. '$7.00 don-- ble, $5.00 single. Pleasant rooms.l 912 Monroe. P960 TO BUY 8-10 rooni house. East of j Main St. Dox A. GI. TO 'BUY a m-el loz lg ' slide rule. Call Lyons 27188lbetv ween a.5:80 andi 7:00. S..TDE11NTS WANTED )to .',,11 (1vencl - able nursery sto-k during spare j Stime. Commission paid weec.tkly.j For terms write or Eflaril -=.I j.Willems, 427 Cross Strect. PhoneI 1236-J. 1 L 7 l r m 'fT A 'tv t't - ~_ L . .t . . ._..:. FHarvard-H-Iarvard. Lampoon has d e- St'ided to take a turn to the good. Clean humor will be the outstanding prin- *ciple in this year's policy. This is not an'attempt to lead reform on the campus, but rather an attempt to be original. 'Support from the gradu- ates Is desired and expected. Falb =- Sophomores defeated the class of '27 in recent fence rush. Only a few freshmen were able to reach the 'fence, and fewer still hung on. The sophomores 'also took the wre-gtling event. The freshmen fought hard at every turn but were' outclassed. university of Kentunyi- The Uni-I versity of Kentucky: basketball build- 'i ng is rapidly, nearing completion. Aj great deal of difficulty was experienc- ed in l.ayintg the found~tionn as" the site is over a swamp of some years' rstanding. The 'building probably will be completed in January provided the foundation is found sound. Princeton-Dr. 19dwin W. Kemmer- er, one of the more prominent of theC Jtr e (l g sWc,.)(tworV ws on o r aa u er' o g sS. C. A. library rearranged.NE The library itself, which includis N ) money for the new million dollar stad-- th~e latest in magazines and in leadihng l mi are being given- attention. The= ne wspaners of the country w as given stadlium ought to be completed by next p'articular attention. -fall, according' to university expeceta- "In short," said Mr. I-I. C. Coffmian,, tions. the executive secretary,. "Lane hallj ______ -has been given every possible atten- HOME OF S.' G. A.1 tion that would make it a better place' The IS ItE D ZC OI , ATE iDo al students interested. in its wet- Lane hall has been redecorated deri- ;" Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything ing the summer vacation. New paint- quickly. Av ings wtYere placedl on the walls, the I Patronize The Daily advertisers.I1 Read ~~II~ COWLLCOAL 1 (1 ' , f (' E C ,, Kentuky- Egg and -Lttrnp West Va. Egg and Lump Pocahontas and Coke 1 MEDIATE IDELIVERY COMMON AND FACE BRICK W IU A - i itnt ebr .t 0i11C. ' Art1f s J OAa3rber Shop. 717 No. i-I from a six months tour of South Am--i versity. erica. Dr. Kemmerer was one of the The tig A1bQ. committee sent down to the Republic P-O~ E 81-Fl n 20 GIRL, CASHIlER for C( rs,:br:a. Noon Saihtrn si agr of Columbia to straighten out the de- I adevenin 2---m- ~ l fr according to recent dispatches from plorable financial tangle into whichl Office - Cornwell Blocks trustworthy lrei.:>on r.>o.lio afe- Spain. Revolutionists recently ar- that country had fallen. tei. I rested at San Sebastian the Spanish ___ -- j ~~minister of foreign affairs, Santiago Wlest -Ocor-pdgsf- S'IT1D: [' rPwith -