I' I i'E l MIC..HIGAN DAILY TAURSDAY, OCTOBEI~R 4, 19i' TO L. J LAD FREH E ~~t1v4 II1feXiiangcd al Seconds ';, d'.A. le -eplti4Ji1to be "oeld 'loiiilit RII{ AI WELLS TO BE er, Grad.,; Stewart R. Boyer, '24L;, ling hovered on the brink of (l*eat Ray A. Billington, '25; John G. Gar- at the hands of the ;girl fro-nitie linghouse, '25; Harry C. Clarke, '24; West, who excelled in the shorter John S. DeTar, '25M; Kenneth B. Bab-} shots. cock, '26M; and Frank M. Vreeland, Miss Edith Leitch, the Cnglish play- Grad. er defeated Mrs. 1-1. Blumenthial, o ' INew York, seven and five: Ni% .e. 13. jVanderheck, of Philade 1lhia, won front ALI SIRU G INNR 3Mrs. Jack Renwick, ofr dod N. Y. 3 an(d 2. Miss Elvin Jone", , Chica- r nrP A~lIP Ifgo, won from Mrs. K.. 11. Barlow, Liii I!Pennsylvania, 1 up; M~rs. E. If. Coss, - ' LI u PjiyijuOnS ir Baltusrol N. J.,,defeated IVMrs. Georg- _-- iannan Bishop, of Br'idgeport, 6an Rye, N. Y., Oct. 3.-The victory o 5. Mrs. Dorthy Campbell, Itiur(i, Pi., Iwon from Mrs. Normal IC. 'I'oler e, N Miss Alexa Stirling, over Miriam 8 and 7 Burns, of Kansas City, the Western I , Champion. at the 18th hole; Miss' ITeed ,1Fi fty 14omen Glenna Colleus, five metal score in de- I1Y G feating Dorothy Higbie, of 'Chicago For Social IWork and Miss Edith Cummins' seven and sxdcso vrMs uryFut of St. Louis, were the high spots to- Fifty women are needed thi- year day in the second round play for the to give regular aid in social Work at women's national golf championship.C the hospitals, and in addlition, le Despite her fine playing Miss Stir- will be an opportunity for th s- .:>i10 can give occasional hours to do temn- Alpha,]V To 7o dr meti n; thmeet ing thef mlomll- year of college w ork are eligible, and ] l e e ti l ,14al h u h e p r e c is d s ab ,itino r q i e .A p a N u D in o cie y w ll ho e i ter ste iIth wo kiaelore ule me ti g a 7: 0the annual rj 1 requested t attendI a mneeting at 5' night in the alpha Nu rooms on 01 ~ lOl(( liNV.8 h o'clock this afternoon in room BNew- Ifourth floor of Uiest l. " of'' l~ih Ke, thE cole berry hall. IMiss Dorothy Ketchum,I solved, That a two-thirds voeo ziI e e~ipfo eaigSc- head of the social service department Jury shall constitute a verdict. Y.1_r, - tear11)01' of univetr:ities. at the University hospital, will speak. final cases,", will be the subject .or ____ ____ READY!. WHAT? Te hoFunlain Watchi for Opening Tlb Sludenit Chriian ,Association «ill 11o(1it second Freshmen recep- t ion at 7r 'clock. tonight in the audi- t orium o :f Lanel hail. All first year men who tened the first meeting ep.22 and lf L other first year men Nvho. are interestedl are invited to at- C"arleton Wells, Grad., Michigan Stae olf champion, has been secur- ed by the S. C. A. and preceeding the teneir.al meeting will deliver a short t-d1 as will Captain Harry Kipke, '24. of the 192a football team. The problems 'of campus life that co front the first year men who en- icrste university will be thorough- ly dis:ctissed, when the freshmen will he div,dedt into groups under the leade~rrsh ip of fourteen upperclassmen, 'liosewhoare to take care of groups DonaOld . (Chubb, '24; Louis M. lDex- ter, '214; J. K. Dunan, '24;, Robert D. HoEr, Gnat, ; Carltoni Wells, Grad~; Egiwrt It. Isbell, '26L; Lionel Crock- Pro ves TteT Enls Barony Long Unclaimed I-egu lar work consists of one or more debate. hours a week, and consists of teaching This debate is monopol'rd b elementary subjects to children, play- members of the law class, all ofth ing gms readting, and writing let- ' debaters being in the Lawte'ro~ ller. for those who are unable to do The affirmative is made up of IP~ so oemeves.Brumbach, '25L, IE. V. Lamnber r,5-on, _________________ 25L, and H. A. Paul, '25L~. Thiey WI l be opposedI by W. L. McEachern, '4 ' Lailx- Want Ads always bring good TIM. S. Rhodes, '25L, and F. 11. AilJ', I resells.* '25L. < >!hv cisih for real results. r___ _ I II I-.,'4 : ----TODA Y_- ONL.Y "Lwul-- HOPE llAXLJTON CONIiAI) NAGIEL VITA NAL1DI LEW COD)Y 1--Comedy, ?---oNovel y, "B akib fte" 3-New' -----I '4 . xx >PtrSEWTEDby f. : r } } Y JF9SE L uaIK o.v Julstory .._r .-, .LL_ . .. r rA r _ . a . "WAN A. HOME"9 OF l'irimiinal Poljimj Blood Lines 9 2 _ a I her I ": 'l; e?"gip,1 "4, 1 i 'S14 K. a .. ji'ilihiganT Nlake.t5your Room Cheerful WROUGHT I RO0N $4j .95 Comlete with paper parch- ment decorated shades 'These attractive bridge lamps of wrought iron 'with al ad- jus table sockett and standard, omiplete with artistically deco- ratedl paper parchiiefit shades, will make your room more pleasant. I .F8.j'DAY AND SATURDAY The TILL ttng Itomance of the Virginia Mills WITH IBIG SUPPORITING CAST I, A IL- ...,.."., ...,... .. .s..,. \VIID e -Le jiit received a new shipment of these lamps l>r pol(a pi:hiritys so great th at we urge you to select yours * inti, I.'l. Th''e praie is very low-$4.95, -- TI-lItD FLOOR- NERL REA DY! Read the ant Ads Rion. J01111Cecil. The'it on. John Cecil, formerly first S ecretary in charge of the British em- bassy at Prague, has assumed his new duties as secretary of the British em- }sassy in Waslington. F-re is' regarded as an expert on Egyptian and Arabian aff airs.I WHAT? ,. , . , r . . ,. s: :- , _ The, Ar: Fonain Watch for Openiig 0 I a !I C k, h . vatre . ..wu...___ _ . ,..._.. I I TDH FRIDAY SATURDAY I I4 I Jew Records Heree THEATER 49c Regal double-faced. phonograph lviii play Your them f 1(), [a; ~:111(l JmI toIll %)3y iMtammly's Arms fOA; IhalPeanuts ~Wav~uVinl ieiilcky Tit IBighloude MIammia Slow' 'Ie r 6 b l oi , ii I { r"lics ~'4dng'iRose loiw,,lody's Wrong Lo~e (~y le inl is Calling You) - ~ ( MilIll te Siamese V'- Ow l te Ye! We Have No Banaf Blues, Pa a cdfo tch Your ~Step G r; li-newYou Thiell as I Know You Now ~'ml~rfi ii"Back to lDreamltand ( ,a=. Your,,elf a Plece of Calie 'Q}-: o--N orai Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox 'trot Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox Trot waltz Fox Trot Fox 'trot Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox Trot y, NO W PLAJYINI . : --INt-. E -.. aAaall aia'1" 1 aN OI~NtW I-ILA . NFW 5IWWW~W ~ 'HI f " ' I a~ IL f.k ' J -~ 4 I 1 3" { Comedy Solo Comedy Solo Tenor Solo Tenor Salo Comedy Solo Comedy Solo Tenor 'Solo Teinor Solo Tenor Solo Tenor Solo T'he "Tdo" Model w as made this store known for great s: phonograph values The Brun.swick "Tudor" has made for us more friends than any other phonograph. Its extreme popularity is due to its beautiful design and artistic cabinet work, linked with the characteristic Brunswick beauty of tone. The cabinct is of an. attractive two-toned finish and has all the B~runswick exclusive features, The Tudor model is truly &',Standard ,,in phonograph values'. American Walnut-Mahogany 1"Not to see and hear the Brunswc. Tudor is to have missed the best in phonographs" STOFFLFETC PHONO SHOPS 1 10 EK. Washington Street and The Brunswick 0'Tudoe r s t t -i ;. ., I I: i ' ; ,J * Kr , }y , L , 1111 . h f, .r ' ;' ro4% . :. . s li,? .-e"Ma 'V~oderiiOgle 'Ie vilI(Tisa;i( and WarsFrom Now fi tlie ,c of kenfucky I I ECONOMY BASEMENT i I1 It 1