.BLY I JW Sit wan :43 ti ASSOCIATEDI LEASED WIRE WESTERN ON EDITORIAL ASS TODAY 9 XXXIV. No. 104 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, .; _____r- N I Tom Lovell Composes Rare ,.. ,Verse On Youthful Follies Aft- " to orl MIUHI 9AN 1bEXtILEI ON FS ICE 7-1, GAME CLOSELY FoUGIT DESPITE LARGE SCORE OF WINNERS CAPTAIN POND LEADS TEAM IN FIRST GAME Peterson Makes Only Score for Maize And Blue Skaters In, Initial Period Led by their leader, Pond, Minne- sota's hockey sextet defeated the Wol- verine Varsity on fast ice 7-1, last night at Wineberg's coliseum. The two teams will clash again in the second game of the series at 8 o'clock tonight. Despite the fact that the visitors won by a large score, the game was fast and well played throughout. The Michigan skaters never slackened! their pace and forced the winners tol play at top speed in every period.[ Captain Pond's individual brilliancy featured the contest. Try for First Score With the start' of the game both teams exhibited an eagerness to make the initial score but many minutes of play elapsed before Pond took the puck down the ice, eluding the Michi- gan defense, and shot it past Weit-r zel into the net. Following this score) the Wolverines fought hard to even! the count and succeeded in taking the' puck close to the Gopher goal but failed at all their attempts to score. Finally, after a rather close melee Peterson guided the disc carefully' down the ice and shot a neat goal, the only Michigan score during the game tieing the score. However, soon after Pond again placed his team in the lead, scoring another goal unassisted The remainder of the period was closely fought but without any scor-, ing. Michigan's defense was at itsI best in this period, with Capt. Kahn, Peterson and Quirk playing important Darts.'Weitzel, goal tender, made sev- "My powers of poetical expression For a moment Dr. Lovell lost him- have not declined since I have been self in reverie. Suddenly he began to engaged as a merchant, but in the con-! tell reminiscences of 'his early youth trary my art of expression has in- in a style which was profoundly creased," Dr. Tom Lovell, T. N. T., touching. He also confided that this A. W. 0. L., poet by inspiration and style of expression would be fre- shoe cobbler by trade, asserted in an quently used in his work. "When I Interview Monday afternoon. Evidence was a young lad I wanted to become a being solicited for proof of his un-, boxer and slowly but surely I was abated genius for composition, he hur- working my way to the top with a riedly but graciously seized a pen and career before me. Well there was a dashed off these lines: !fellow in the country who was a When I was only twelve years old ; bounder. I had licked all the other I started to learn to box chaps and at last it was managed thatE But through a loving Mother I should meet him. In our first mix I Who asked me the boxing to stop gave him a whaler of a lickin', in our Dr. Tom Lovell furthermore con-! next one he gave me a whale of a firmed the rumor that he was writing beating, and in the last mix-well- his biography. At the mention of the 6h well-I was at a disadvantage." word biography, he rose to his feet Dr. Lovell paused and a pained ex- and began majestically striding up pression flitted across his face like a and down the room, hands clasped cloud over a summer sun. And it was behind him, chest thrust out, head up; evident, despite the gulf of years be- I and eyes flashing the indefatigable tween him and his youthful days thai and unquenchable spirit which is the thoughts of the fight brought a ascribed to great poets. "Yes," roared pang of sorrow and bitterness. Dr. Lovell, "the rumor is true. At "This book of mine," declared the present I have partly finished my bi- poet, "will be rich in my poems the- ography, and it will relate my heart ories, and philosophy of success. I sentiments, my visions, my dreams will place special emphasis on the ambitions, and all the great turning philosophy of success, so that it willi places in my life." be aguide for the feet of the young."' '3 00 LAW STUDE NTSl SUPPORHTPLNFO DISUSSONGROUPS PRESIDENT OF SENIOR CLASS ORGANIZED COMMITTEE TO START WORK MEETINGS TO BE HELD IN LAW FACULTY HOMES Goirlch. Smnderlaul and Purfee Will Represent Faculty; Committee PliAs Rules For Groups Immediate organization of the freshman and junior classes of the Law school into groups for the infor- COOLIDGE TALKS OVER RA DIO ON IFIRST PRESIDENT -- - - , SAYS IVE MUST ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITIES, S (RIFICES ,GREAT EULOGIZES WASHINGTON AS M A N OF FORESIGHT Makes Talk on Anniversary, Ing of Rotary Clubs of Found- Washington, Feb. 22.-(By A. P.)- President Coolidge in a radio addressl delivered tonight from the white The Day's News At The Caipitol The agricultural appropriation bill was reported to the house carrying $56,758,513. The revenue bill was amended in the house to make tax returns avail- able to special congressional com- mittees. Attorney General Dattgherty ap- peared unexpectedly in the senate and remained half an hour in the midst of his foes. C. Bascom Slemp, secretary to President Coolidge will be called be- fore the senate oil committee prob- ably Monday, it was stated. Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana. cut short his southern visit to return to Washington to resume his work on the oil inquiry. 'Chairman Adams, of the Republican national committee, declared the de- niand for Attorney General Daugh- erty's retirement without investiga- tion appeared "absurd." VARSITY CDVHTMEN LEAVE 'FOR GAE5 Two Men To Take First Trip With Varsity Basket Squad ATTITUDE OFgU ONLEA9GUES1 SPEAKER CLAIMS NATI FALLING SHORT OF I IDEALS SAYS REIGN OF DOU HAS SEIZED AME President of Cornell Speaks Students in Convocation Hill Auditorium By reason of America's fa join the League of Nations was first proposed to congress "civilization has lost a mighty forward impetus- foi an earlier day afforded a uni portunity," declared Dr. Liv Farrand, president of Cornell sity, in his address yesterday i at the Washington's birthday cation in Hill auditorium. Dr. Farrand assailed "the of discouraging. and fatuous ity with which, as a nation, v to regard ourselves as unco with the situation overseas. matter of fact," he asserted, " no choice. To add moral humi to mental obtuseness, a high national ideal is sacrificed to ty considerations of contei politics. To gain a hearing ubviu cu nd timid n a.t a PROFE[SSORS HIT, IN STOCK SCA9NDAL Detroit Movie Company N1ears Itocks As Stockholders Protest SECURITI'ES COILMMISSION BANS FURTHER SELLING That three professors at the Uni-- versity are among those who bought stock of the 4 Detroit Motion Picture Co. was revealed yesterday when a list of the company's stock sales in- cluding the names of hundreds of men and women prominent in social, edu- TAX BILL POINT Amend Revenue Act to Make Tax Returns Subject to Inspection AGREE TENTATIVELY' ON OTHER MODIFICATIONS Washington, Feb. 22.-(By . AP)- pr be of pi fo 20 sc co ha th th its it, at 4n er ifi Sfa mn at ha su The house Democratic-Republican in- surgent coalition wedged another am-;w endment into the revenue bill today p making tax returns subject to inspect- eig ion by certain congressional commit- me tees.gi This amendment and another ad- of al discussion of legal problems is house, combined with .a tribute to roposed by a coimittee that has Washington and appealed to the1 en actively engaged since the start American people to accept the re- the second semester in formulating I sponsibilities and continue the sacri- ans. The debating clubs plannea fices necessary to make enduring the r this spring will include more than jinstitution which Washington founded. 0 of the 340 upperclassmen in the Mr. Coolidge described the part hool and next year ars intended to played by Washington in the founding mprise all memers of the fresh- of the American government and de- n and junior cl ses. f ared he accomplished the results The work of orpgnization is in the by acceliting "great responsibilities ands of a committee appointed by and making sacrifices." t, president of the' senior class after Pleads for Saerifices o class had unanimously expressed "If we are to maintain the institu- thelhan.Isy outlne tions which he founded, if we are to s approval of the plan. c outline improve what he created, we must be will resemble the'law club systems like minded with him, we must con- Harvard, Yale, Chicago, and Col- tinue to accept responsibilities, we Obia; which have been actively- op- s"the President rating for some years. kThe unqlual-J must make sacrifices," h rsdn stsn orf e clbs. therin -said. "Under all the laws of God and ed success of the clubs there, in man there is no other way.". ct, is declared by seniors to be the The address was delivered by the mediate occasion of the movement Preisdent in his study in the white' Michigan, although upperclassmen house and was made by invitation of d for 'some time ifelt the need for the international iotary clubs, iem- ch extra-curricular activities. hers of which recently asked that the To rold Weekly Meeting President deliver an address today on The meetings of the. chibs will be the anniversary of the founding of eekly, continuing >this year until Rotarianism. ring vacation. ight juniors and ('ails Independence Complex ght freshmen, it is planned, will be "it is not possible to compress a embers of each group, every man geat life into a single sentence," Mr ving- one argument on a statement ic tlfinoasgesnece" r Coolidge said. "We look upon Wash- facts assigned by theenior advis- ington as the exponent of the rights ofI y board and the faculty. Two men man We think of him as having es- ll argue on each 'ide, although next tablished the independence of Amen- a. it is planned to introduce var- ica We associate his name with lib- y in their aligpinents. Decision ill he rendered on the law of each esty gandfreedom. We say that he w as a great inifluence in the adoption se. and on the merits of the pres- of the constitution of the United tations. Stafes.' All these are centered around It..is -planned to .hold the.:m.eetings the principle of self gdvei'nnent. But otheieomef of the members andin when we examine the meaning of in- e-.offices.o various facLb i T ty men in dependedne, of constitutional' liberty o- Law building. They will she al +and of self government, we do not find -ether informal i nature, although'that they are simple rights which so- e forms ofrcourt procedure will be ciety can bestow upon is. They are served. Briefs will be presented by ieer canpbestw upon us Te are eches will beexpected: The m m-m| er They have to be arn-y rs of each clubv however will have edt e the pidhg fo The ~ rgh t iterogtean te isarise only 'from the discharge of our eo right to interrogate and the dis- .obligations one to another.,, ssion after the arguments will be -e ee. fleets Faculty Fa-vur i; The faculty of the Law school has (!Arrr'CES AM pressed its approbation of the pro- ctN by appointing acomTtitte[e of fac- tvmp to te-npr in an advis- a eral pretty stops of Gopher 'tries for cational and business circles iI e- opted byar opening or: triona and ouestns icles in Dz the goal. troit and Southeastern Michigan s corporation tax returns to jnspection wi Show Strong Defense made public. The professors who of state officials, regardless of wheth- ye MIchigan..again played.4Atrong de- bought stock are Prof. John H. er the state imposes an income tax as iet fenisive game In the. secnnd pe'riod ,'Brumml,:of the journalism department, 'the law now, requires, developed the. wi with Reynolds and Quirk making at- Prof. George I.. Jackson, of the edu -n;mayor controversal issues of the dgy cay tempts to score. Youngbauer stored cation department, and Dr. E. L.;i The Republican stand served to de- en a goal from scrimmage for Minnesota Whitman of the den'tal college. i feat ,an amendment offered by Repres- and Levi,' Michigan, gave the victors While officials of. the company, al- entative Moore, Democrat, Virginia, in their othei 6int in this period when leged to be in financial lifficnlties which would have opened personal as the he kicked'the puck into his owi. goal fought to prev?14. a ; an oil further well as corporation returns to state th In the final period both teams in- sale 9f the stock in this state by.or, officers. It was lost 122 to 74. tog creased their speed, with Michigan der of the ,ichigan Securities com-. Additional changes in the revenue the trying hard to cut down 'the Gopher mission, creditors continued to swarm !bill were tenta'tively. agreed upon at oh lead. In the final ten minutes Gustaf forward to press their claims by liti- . meeting of some members of both Sp son, Bagley and Higgins each shot a gation and nportunity. Creditors parties of the ways and, means co- be goal in iapld succession, making the have been informed that all obli- mittee. These would increase the th final count 7-1. gations will be paid immediately fol- state or inheritance tax and impose a cuf The line-up: lowing the sale to distributors of the gift tax. What rates will be proposed fr Michigan Minnesota. company's first and only film drama, was not determined although the Quirk...........R4W......Thompson "Mary". Frank L. Talbot, president schedule advanced recently, by Rep- Kahn..........R.D.........Mann; of the concern is at present in New resentative Ramseyer, Republican, ,ex Reynolds... .....C. .....,Youngbauer York endeavoring to effect the sale. Iowa, to make the maximum rate on jec Beresford.....L.W. ......... Pon' Officials of the film company were the estate tax '40 percent; applying to ull Peterman.....L.D......Gustafson directed Thursday by the Securities the amount by which the net estate or Weitzel.........G.........Berquist commission to appear in Lansing of a decedent exceeds $10,000,000 was be Goals: Pond (2), Peterman (1)). Monday to show cause why their lic- favored by a number of those who Ed Youngbauer (1), Badgley (1), Higgins ense to sell stock in this state should conferred. ga (1), Gustafson (1); Spares: Michigan: not be canceled. An effort s beinsin Levi, Lindstrom and Todd, Minnesota, made to secure adjournment of this W Olson, Higgins, Badgley.. -! hearing .until the completion of an iTm the A.sp ____________ audit of the firm's books by the A. spilIdUW I1LUr~ 1 IV. Ehrman Co,, public accountants. , of Although additional suits agalist the lot BRITISH DOCK WORKERS film company arebeinsgstartedfnot u VCBEBIY__HURL FICB R 1 all who sold stock in the motion pic-_ba ture company haye lost faith in it a.s Washington, Feb. 22.-Marked dif- of a business organization. One Detroit ferences developed betwe'ei Republi- m woman who sold, shares to her friends can senators and republican national Is London, Feb. 22.-The confidence and fellow club' women declared that organization over the question of at- 'pa felt yesterday of an early settlement the company is one of the most prom- torney general Daughteryrs retire- a of the dock strike changed to renewed ising business investments In the, ment from thp 'cabinet with the attor th fear- today when it was learned that city. b ney general, himself, continuing to y the decision whether to accept the defy those who would have him re W( terms which the employers offered signed. Chairman Adams of the re- ly had to be referred to the strikers publican national committee inform-: themselves. 'iiiLally experssed the view that demands S The delegate conference sat nearly !nof administration leaders in the sen- vi eight hours today without arriving at [LSS. ate that Pres. Coolidge rid himself W an agreement and then decided to ad-" EE!r L U theattorney general without hear- s journ until Monday, in order to con:- Ing were "absurd" and he is known co suIt the men. It is hoped the dele- Word has been received by the geo- to have communicated that view to the gates will be able to return from their logy department that a plaster bust iPresident. Later in a formal state- respective ports on Monday with of Prof. Thomas C. Chamberlin, the ment he gave notice that the republi- c mandates for acceptance, but this by distinguished geologist who recently can party organization would insist C no means is certain as the big meet- retired from the University of Chicago 'that Mr. Daugherty be proven guilty su ings held in some ports today showed! has been presented to the department !of wrong doing before any sentence co a determination to accept immediate here by the Board of Trustees of the be pronounced. payment of full two shillings advance. University of Chicago. 'Unchanged in their .opinion by the --Arrangements have been made for announcement , of the party organiz- s the careful packing and shipping of' ation view republican senators went c L RESPONSIBILITY the gift, which will be placed upon a ahead with their plans to support the fc suitable bracket on the walls of Res- move to bring about an investigation ... sell seminary room with acollection of the administration' of the attorney of protraits of . eminent geologists tigation introduced by Sen. Wheeler, There is grave responsibility throughout the. world. Democrat, Montana, was apporvedit whih ess o or Unierit in Professor Chamberlin is probably during th~e day by the Senate auditii the most distinguished geologist 1p and will be called upon !discugsionE these times of moulding the Plas- America today, if not in the world. and .a vote next Monday, Agreement ti'c Youth; to maintain a spirit lie was a graduate student in the was reached to have the investigat- University of Michigan in 1868-9. ing committee sele .Led by the senate. of tolerance, truth and service. He received the Ph.D. degree here in; Senator Wheeler -will support for Jimmie supplies the service and 1882, and the degree of LL.D in 1887. the chairmanship senator Brookhart In view of the fact that Professor of Iowa a member of the LaFollette I I oovious anu um a step a, pation in the World Court TO MEET PERDUIE TONIGHT; vociferous repudiation of e OWA FIVE MONDAY NIGHT1 brotherly relation to the ans ed League of Nations. Two men left on their initial journ- Predicts Entry In Lea ey to another Conference school as! "We shall of course, in members of. the Varsity basketball take our place in such a Lea squad when Coach Mather and his co- ified it may be as experie dictate. We shall do so, horts embarked last night for their with loud and voluble .exj second invasion of the West this sea- deceiving no one, of our dela son. our immediate involvement Due to the ineligibility of Cherry less than that of sister nati and 'to the injury sustained by "Hoopy" clear to any observing 'mind Birks, Coach Mather was forced to partake of the world' confus choose two men to complete the uota j Dr. Frrand's subjects was hosetwo n t cap ettrte qotaficult Tasli of $elf-Governn of nine which makes the trips. Joe the principal pat of his ad Landre and ,Ienrick, both guards deoted to ipa parison of t were accorded the honor. "Landre'dvidth the Pmir s f me made the trip east during the Christ -withthenlrl .. 'fAmer mas holidays. The list of players on ernment. Ile depl'ored the the trip i as follows: Haggerty, Kip lapse of all the idealistic ke, Deug, Doyle, Henderson, Mge ood wliich he and others expec e, eg, ye, esonthe outgrowth of the Great Mogaridge, Landre and Kenrick. the ote rat , .. proneed the past-war reac Lineup iUncertaii chief obstacle , to tranquillit The team 'will arrive at Lafayette " Torld" this' morning resting all day for their' 'Ve look abroad upon a F hard game with the Boilermakers' t- political, economic and soci night. Purdue is in second place and upon a Europe dominated an a victory tonight will virtually place ed by emotion of fear. Nati Lambert's five in a tie with Wisconsin: ousies have been revived wit' for first place. ed intesity. Hatred seems Whether or not Michigan will face er every generous impulse. s ve y men Lo co-pnaen c uk- y capacity, consisting of Prof. Her- rt F. Goodrich, ch~airman Prof.. dson R. Sunderland, and Prof. Ed- r N. Durfee. They have been meet- g with the senior committee of hich Ronald F. Ryan, '24L, is chairs an, and will continue to act this ring. as advisors to th senior beard- control, for which the present seu r committee will form a nucle s: The separation of the 200 men who ave already volunteered into clubs 16. each will be undertaken by -com- Lttees of, the three Law school class- today. Detailed rules will be spre- red by another committee tomorrow' 4 uuvvEu I u ui i ul t I U.Uu Defeated by a score of 12 to 3. the Ann Arbor chess team, captained by Prof. L. C. Karpinski, mathematics department, bowed to the team of the Detroit Chess 'club yesterday after- noon hi"the Faculty club. The visit- ors we'ere aptained by Mr. Stolzem- berg; chess champion of 'Michigan and strbg bidder for higher, honors at recent national chess congresses., The Faculty club gave a dinner for the visiting palyers and the defeated, team at the Union at the conclusion of the games. nd announced to the clubs early in e week. It is planned to have state- Fox, ents of facts ready by the end of the ' Will Address Jwish'Students1 eek and law arguments will probab ' be started a week and a half later. aut Ste. Marie, Feb. 22.-Seven local olators of the state prohibition law ere sent to the state prison at Jack- on by Judge Louis H. Fead in circuit ourt yesterday. Harry R. Archbold, '02L, was re- ently appointed by the governor of alifornia as one of the six additional uperior judges for Los Angeles ounty. Rabbi G. George Fox, of the South Side Reform institution of Chicago will address the Jewish student con- gregation here at' 7:30 o'clock tomor- row night in Hill auditorium. He has chosen as the subject of his talk, "The Spirit of '76, '61, ard To" day." This will be the first meeting of the congregation this semester. Washington, Feb. 22.-Fifty-seven Americans will receive approximately $1,000,000 under the first group of their opponents tonight with the same seeyhr neiec.Mt lineup that started the last two games advantage appears the limit of st is uncertain, but it is expected that manship and of political out Henderson will again get the call. The Idealism in international relatio: remainder of the team will be the not to be discerned. same as in past contests, with Hag- Calls Prejudice Disquieting, gerty at forward, Doyle at center, and "One thing is certain and th' Deng and Kipke at the guard posi- that the way out is not to be fow tions. terms of reparation adjustmen atnu to ny political boundaries or balameE Captain Guillon will play the pivot power. The only hope lies in a position ton Pardue, Wellman and recognition of certain simple ft Robbins will play at guard, and mental principles of action and o Spradling, Tavis and Cramer will soth peisnaI and national. handle the forwards. Spradling was world situation demands a fresh in great form against Northwestern.prehension of the truths that caging eight bash',As and three fouls ringanrenlace destrinction of m Guillon wil!also;prove a source of ial 'waiues 'except indiustry and its crry as t- htAiy center is one of duct. that liberty and justice are the best me'u at his positioa. in the the ideals tobard which mankind Conference. Although stopped fer strive that democracy entails the most part by Michigan in their last sonal responsibility and .service game, he made three successiv bas that peace is impossible without kets from the center of the court in or and generosity in internationa the final five minutes rf pliv. lations." Both teams will play their best Turning to domestic affairs hand, as this contest may prove the Fa'rrand declared that, "The mos turning point fbr either team. -Michi- quieting phenomenon of the tim gan will strive to win both games on the outbreak of intolerance and the trip, as this will place the Wolver- reign cf prejudice which seen ines close to the title, while Purdue have seized cthe hAmerican pe needs this game to maintan her high Congress and our legislatures Sposition in the standing. the scene to fanatical attempts I act into mandatory law group 'Daily Radio Will judices of every type. School T colleges are the objects of ins: rans i To Night attack, Under the appealing ____of patriotism there is demand Michigan students, as well as the teaching of history which shall thousands of fans scattered around derntoour vanity even though en the country, will probably have their -inconsistent with the fact. MIS first opportunity to hear the details ° ed"conservatism insists that biolc of the two most important confer- science shall sinpress the conchu ence basketball contests to be played or the implications which the p I tonight' when The Michigan Daily' ?search for truth has made log i broadcasts its regular game program inevitable. The church is once from Station WCBC beginning at the seat of a denunciatory confli about 11 o'clock. The fact that both plsited out'of all proportion t the Michigan-Purdue and Wisconsin- hsignificance and the chief effe Ohio State games are to be played which must be to repel the very under Central stawidard' time will de- D which it is so desirable to at ley the work until that hour, it was P Dr. Farrand was introduce announced last night. Station WCBC h President Marion L. Burton. Re transmits at a wave-length of 280 thur Stalker pronounced the Moscow, Feb. 22.-Austria has given awards by the mixed claim commis- oviet Russia recognition de jure ac- sion on claims growing out of the. ording to advices received by the sinking of the Lusitania. wteign ofice here. KUR FROM KAMPUS KENNEL4 KNEARLY KILLED BY MAR Let us hope that the campus dogs will read this article and heed its warning. Yesterday one of its number narrowly escaped death as it was chasing an auto- mobile. In a very ungraceful ' C C II HEAD NURSE BEMOA SCARCITY OF ST The inquisitive reporter in search of news approached the head nurse ,of one of the wards at the. University hospital with his usual question, "any news, excitement, or students confined here?" G 1 WDE NT$