THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~~1 ;: : ,...........,o.., LASSIFIE- ITHIS COLUMN: CLOSES- NEW CLASS BECIN- INING TOMORROW I ~AT 1:00 P. Al.. (Glee Club Gives Extra Concerts. IADVER: DAILY CTLASSI o'f 12c per reading ee cr more insertio harged only to thou{ --.- #. 10c per reading line for one or t three or miore insertions, cash in advt£ "JIMMI 4the Classified Colun Closes at FOR R ENT DOUB~LE AND SINGLE room. New house, shower baths. 334 E. Jeff- erson St. DESIR3ABLE single room, private, family, _ wo othe~r roomers, reason- able. 706 Arch -St. Phone 2615-R. ONE BEDROOM and living room with two carpets for married couple or two students. 514 Catherine St. LARGE ROOMING house with stu- dent furniture and room rented. Call 617. SINGLE ROOM, steams heat. Plenty of hot wrater. 3:,1 Thompson. PLEA SANT SINGLE room for a girl. 120.9 So. University. Phone 1217-M. FOUNTA IN PENS A NEAT job of Gold Leaf embossing on your Fountain Pen. 25 cents at RID1LR'S PEN SHOP 302 State St ANTED HELP DE A NEWSPAPER Correspondent ,vith the Heacock Plan and earn a good income while~ learning; we show you how; begin actual work at once; all or spare time; experience unnecessary; no. canvassing; send for particulars. Newswriters Train- ing Bureau, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE $10,500 House THE BEST house we have seen for the price. Southeast. .1). Garr & C. J. Treinmel 17 Sav. Bank Bldg. Phone 441-F-i Evenings 3034-Rl. ORANGES. Carload Florida sweets, direct from grove to consumer., Ann Arbor Team track, s t St. Oen' Sundays. $2.50 bushel or 76c per peck. SP lE"TN DID VA LIE We 'have parties wishing to sell their e leven room lhouse, Iicuding stu- d tA furniture at, a ver low figure.~ This property must be sold quich-' I3e well located, near, cam1pus an: hospitals, every convelnience. Pri~ce $ ,500. Small palment down. Tel. 345. Evenings 259v-. B=G VALUE ON TOILET PAPER 4 large rolls crepe*.............. 25c 31800 sheet rolls tissue ........25c 1 2600 sheet extra fine tissue . .. 19c 1 Carton (4 rolls) A. P- WV. super- ~fine ................ ..$1.89 THE HOME SUPPLY STORE Phone 112 Free Delivery TYPE WkITJNG ________________. E_ After giving a performance at the TISJNGUW i Chicago Intercollegiate contest which IFE RTSstanding, the University. Glee club!1 line for one or two, insertions, 1l1c perletysrayaenon ora w- ne. White space charged for at same daftyetrato afeanoandforaamao. tehvn hns s bu ~tat The mien will return early tomorrow mo isertons 9c er eadig lne fr morning, leaving Allegan immanediate- wo iserion, 9 pe reainglin fa, Ily following the recital, 'nce. Minimium, 3 lines per insertion. h lbgv eia tteAm B Ad-'Taker" .Tecu gv eia tteAm It o"Clock Noon, Saturday. ory in Kalanmazoo last night uznder ______________________________th~e auspices, of the Lions club of that WAWTI~Dcity. The -men will leave for Allegan WAN- this afternoon~ and will be guests STDNT -o-slswok-hi-a For pupils of the ward and .high at a dinner given in their honor before bTUENT o ae ok Pi a schools. Eight one-hour modern class' their perfornmance at the Allegan high beworked in Ann Arbor until vyaea- lessons, $5.00O. school auditorium. tion paying you cash commissions l3nolNw daily amounting from Five to Ten C hrEnoll veySNow! E sin See t Dolr perday. We have somie ~ct good Managers Cide' ls vr audyo positions open forj ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Eight one-C ve R j'1 2 summer vacation for the ones thatCo e F r, make good. Write Mr. E. G. Sch-j hour classical class lessons,. $5.00. mieg, 310-11 Charlevoix Bldg., De- Adults' Class every. Monday and; Selection, of the cover for the 1924' troit, Michigan. Friday night at 8 o'clock. Michiganensiari has been made, lit1 A GARAGE to rent in the neighbor-I 15 Modern Class Lessons, $5.00. was announced yesterday afternoon ° hood of Thompson and Packqrd. Dancing from 8 to 10, P. -M. Private! at the 'En sian office. The cover this Call778-. lsson daly, othModen ad Clss-year will be of grain. leather finish Cal 77-R.lesonsdaiybot MoernandClas-with, two gold seals. One seal" Will be A ROOM-MATE for neat agreeable ical. mounted on the front cover and the mad, student. Private home. All- TERRACE GARDENS other on the back-bone of the hook. I conveniences. Dormitory, 5 minutes Because of the; large number of walk from campus. 508 Elm St. Phone 241-,R No. 22 Wuerth Arcadt sales, this year it has been possible to Phone 336 8-R. {Open Daily 10 A.- Nl. to, 10 P. :if. have a. much better cover than in pre- I vious years, according to Thomas- G.: R4peat Sales by Rep eat Advertising i The sucecessfril business must be built OSTE OPATHICPt'1Y SICI ANN DR. IV. S. MILLS Osteopathic Physician 1616 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 321 F-1. TYJNE WRI1TER IIEPAiIriiQ ALL MAKES. Agency Woodstock and Oliver typewriters; Sundstrand add- inkgImachine, Line-a-Time copy holders, rubber. stamps, ribbons, cushion keys, type cleaners and sup- plies. Machines rented. ANN ARBOR TYPEWRITER EX~CHANGE. Phone 866, downtown 616 E. Williams. CHINESE RUGS' MERRICK-FETTE Chinese Rugs on display in Koch and Hene window. 302 S. Main St. COSMETIC SERVICE ZIP TR f1'ATMENTS 'guaranteed to remove all superfuous hairs and roots. Resident or' office calls. Phone 2567-R.t FOUINI. APIECE OF 11TO(G LOST DUR- I G )TA1F\ . E GA E. FOR IN- FORTIJItN CO 1M-NICATE WITH IGE01.GE CIIAPN~A-N, ST. MOANS, j iICIU1AN. Brulsh ('o. bps a m~ost. attr-active ofer to mak~e to students~ desiring, to, make real money th,2 sumx~mer vacation. Try our Spring Vacation approval trip and be, convinced. For particulars phone 233-J. E. 1B. Abbott R. 4J. Click 1. 6 Daily Office Openr at 336 S. Division St. Read the Wan Ads IM Special breaik- fast served Sad=. unlay morning froi 7:M, to 11. Jlnckiheaotc Cakes, Jones " D lairy Farm Sausage and Coffee. 70~ E. Uniersity. PMione 3.:1 31 Want Ad's Kindel, '24, business m-anager of the, 'Ensian. The material to be used in the cover will be of the highest qual-: ity obtainable.0 Washington. Feb. Zi21 , oniination ~ of Henry P. Fletcher to be a-mbassa- dor to Italy w-as confirmed by the senate late Tuesday., "JIimmiie the adtaker" sells anything 'quic ly.-Adv. f MUSTCAL1 KEEP PHYSICALLY f-t by the daily} use of Walter Camp's Daily Dozen on Records. Complete outfits sold by Schaeberle & Son. upon its. aptitude to sell to the customter more than once. saime Read the Simpulicity endure. The greatest point about simpli city in.Advertising is Rep- etiton-Consistent Advertising Pays. Mnagement, Finance, Product are the I, ,. How to Finance Your Homfe H-ow many people understand that they may obwn thei own hoine or build= their own home with an equity in the same as little as thirty-three and one-third per cent and that a Building and Loan Association will furnish the remainira sixty-six. and, two-thirds per, cent, .taking as security a first mortgage on the premises which by. its terms calls for a' modeslk monthly payment of principal and intereslt,' which - payments, if faithfully made, will clear off the indebtedness in. about twelve years. W e Pay 7% to Membaers on Savings The Michigan -Muta aing Association 1, cornerstones of usiness. Good Adt , verb slag , wor ks in, conJunction with tese prime essentials Qf progressive 1 r business..-P rocuring :repeat sales s good managemnt. and repeat adver*. (Under State SuperTiIon)11 701 Nat'l B#4k BiIding, Ai, Arbor- tising will procure repeat sailes, thereQ fore repeat advertising is good man-r br 000. - I TheNewest Rdi Receiving Sets, at Eberbach'sI These sets have' detnonstrated their superiority. 4 They are daily proving 'their capacity for great range, selectivity and perfect clearness Come in and. hear them demonstrated The. Eberbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. YEAR BOOKS, FOR Fraternities, Sororities, D ormatories t FOR BETTER PRINTING AT LOWER RATES, SEE US agemen.. The Copywriting Dep trtmenit is the nxercha'fs 'represgentative, on "Th~e Daity." .Let them plan a Cons1istent. aderti sing catmp aignefr youu. The D0ROP "W?", AND SE us. Okear Arcade Theatre. rmAr Setter: i jpeon p - _ , Downtown Convenience Nlhen yu reo Main Street drop in and try one of our Michigan Daily / --