.THE MICHIGAN DAILY oks and Writers tco tA 4 Wet adhlarkeDl e opportun y to .'t" and Fox News will also beC L ( "Classified" Columr Jackie Coogan in "Boy of Flanders," rather welcome th )THES IN REVIEW an adaptation of the child classic, "A'play a wider variety of . Dog of Flanders," will show at the Baby Peggy in "The Darling (4 "Are You Fit to Marry?" wil be fea- Majestic from Thursday through Sat- York" which will be siow: a ra lured on Wednesday and Thursday. or the College Nan eour twishes for a pleasant vacation. Truly Great N THE SIGHT OF GOD, by Jacob Wendell Clark. 'PubliJlhed by CovieR- 2llcGee, $3.00. Reviewed by Robert S. Mansfield Carl Sandburg calls "In The Sight f God" a "whale of a novel." Mr. andburg is, as usual, so very right ical, but it breathes a sympathetic tol- erance which could only come from abundant contact with human nature. It is filled with the spirit of the news room, where he has spent the greater part of his life. It is the spirit whichs breath-ed in "Deadlines," and made that earlier book a classic of news-I paper life. "Josslyn" will go beside it. urday. It is the usual type of a pic- Thursday through Satu da:, l:as turn that Jackie plays in, showing l evolved a combination of plaure :o him as a poor little boy in rags in light housekeeping that promi to one of the sweetest stories ever told. set A fast dace il modern kit a- "Tired Business Man," a comedy, tics. The events ladin k to Pt Kinograms. and Taylor and Lake in jy's claim for floor-Cl)ifl o a new program will conclude the bill. form an amusing scenein - and the play chronicles her t Arcade adventures from i he tim t "The Fighting Blade," a historicalI leaves an Italian port, in the han o I !1 to the nature of th subject, it .a been found advisable to admit ladiesonly matinee and night on << ',,, . :ay, and Thursday miatinee.. J .w:11 be a dmitted Thursday night Hoot Gibson comes o u. ' Friday and Saturday in a picture ('t il "I "Ioo1 k and Ladder." and in- !id o eig seen in a cowboy outfit, ii won dons a fireman's uniform. A as to use up the only available words romance starring Richard Barthelmessi a diamond smuggler. until se escapes as touse p theonlyavailble ords ~zi~ge ~ he A to ly Th stoy fl~)m te croks i New o khaP,.eew (lialaereos.Fam n Fei ror which will describe the work. Dr. Metge opens at the Arcade today. The stor, fromkherstocking" tales an Clark has seated himself at his type- sodes ofthe puritan revolution in Eng News will complete the program writer and told the world a few facts MIRAGE, by Edgar Lee Mauter . Pub- depicts one of the most dramatic em- Orpheuii Laura La Plante, Universal's about itself which should make an irn- lished by Boni and Liveright, $2.00. sodes of the puritan revolution in Eng- Nearly every mlan, woman d (Ai 't', will appear at the Orphe pression. Heredity is the main theme, Reviewed by Robert S. Mansfield land, reciting the exploits and the ro- knows the "Legend of leepy i-- :,o "The Dangerous Blonde" next of the story, and the strain of heredity I wish that I could say that I liked mance of Kerstenbroock (played by Washington Irving's great A:mrican which is inclined to free love. In this book, but I cannot honestly do so. Richard Barthelmess), a Flemish sol- classic, which will be presented at the short, "In The Sight of God" is some- It seems so consistently lack-lustre dier of fortune who gained fame as Orpheum Theater the first tlree days E vanstin, I11., May 31--Cour thing to think about. in its attempt to be modern in every the most deadly duelist in all Europe of this week under the title o "The ligious education to be give There is a great deal about the book sense. It fails to convince me that and who by circumstances was drawn Headless Horseman" starring Will summer at Northwestern uni which makes me wonder if Dr. Clark Mr. Masters is the cynic he sets out to the people's side in their fight for Rogers. He plays the part of I hahod are expected to.attract great i is not trying to lecture to the world to be. He doesn't believe half of what th'e right to govern themselves, and Crane, the old schoolmaster of Sleepy and lage enrollment, sinc on its moral condemnations. If that he has written into "Mirage," or he vwho paved the way for Cromwell's Hollow, whose superior learning made conu, 'iC offered, largely of a is one of his motives, I feel that he would never have written it. success. In view of his past roles this him the idol of girlish hearts and vnced or graduate grade,w has done it well. He has taken a The story is one of a man with an is far from the type of work he has whose love for good food caused him tu1t by men who stand out a plot of more or less strength and wov- overgrown sense of honor which been doing. Concerning it, Barthel- to decide to fall in love with the s lis fiel. en into it the facts about heredity merely causes him to lose his fortune mess says, "I love the type of young wealthy and beautiful Katrinka Van--- and that little something called a to protect another woman's name from American I have been playing, but I Tassel. A Century Comedy, "You're V'1"Oi ' ev to Itp Clromosome which makes us what we the assaults of his own wife, and then,- are despite environment. It is hard I never interferes further with his var -_-- at first, perhaps, for th'e reader to be- io anaours. Ikhas too many, a - -- - come accustomed to Jane Towerover they are all too easy to be convincing. and Staggering Smith and their neigh. The book palls upon the reader, the bors. They are strange people, but only visible support of the interest they are just the people with whom being "wh'o will be fall in love with to work toward the end toward which next?" Kirby is a rather revoltig Coop- ad Fox m. newest um in week. ses in n this versity Interest o the an ad- will be s lead- /ould yeu mind telling the boys in your Home Town that our rep--c scntaves will cover all the leading states during the Summer time. If they will let us know their home address- es, we will Le glad to advise them just when our representative -m will e in their City or in the nearest City to their homes. Na uxenbrg &Bos. 4 1 Broadway, New York City BRANCHES: U63 iBroad Strcet, Newark, N. J. I",'.I D ~'H' 231 Water Street, Exeter, N. H. ~~~ I K - Dr. Clark is striving. They are raw I caracter, and it does no heia material,-particularly the neighbors, book at all when he wins the affec- -for someone must be left to do the tion of the only decent woman in the philosophizing and the biological story. It seems almost a mistake to study. kill her, and yet I can understand In the book we have the curious why it was done,-she was too good for a -lace in such a work; like Fal- coincidence of a triply repeated fall staff, she became too much for her -from moral grace on the part, of three! auth-'or t adecmotbyadi women of the same stock. 1r. Clark +ato to handle cofortably and in, would give us to understand that the keeping with the rest of the novel. chomosoes tos tnranporters of The conclusion is highly disatis- chromosomes, those transporters of fying. It fades out flatly to a mere family characteristics, were respon- nothing when the welcome words sible for the consistent action of the "The End" blaze forth at the bottom three, the grandmother, the mother, of a page a transitional as any other and the heroine of the book. All in After closing e book their youth glanced lightly at wed I felt inclined to find out when the lock, and all in retrospect felt that thenet installment of the story would urge had been sudden upon them, and appear', it was so completely uninihi- indomitable. The story is convincing. ed. Perhaps I merely cannot under- It rings true and takes on the form stand such gems of lierary work, but i of a pleasant text book of heredity. I feel convinced that there will be The experiments of Staggering S xith y are involved and detailed. The life by the book. of the backwoods community is ac- Perhaps the best thing about the curately described in such a way that look is its title, "Mirage." The plot the reader cannot help but see the fits the title well, and the title also eugenic hopelessness of it all, fits the reader's opinion of the book E. C. Dudley, in his introduction to after reading it. the work wonders if the story willar d i attract only the transient interest of the time killer who reads or if ita will find a deeper place in the mind of its readers. I will not predict its reception, but I will add my fervent (Continued from Page Ten) hope to his that it will find some in- honeymoon on a jury trying a girl telligent response to its deeper sig- for murder? Neither would we. But nificance, the laws of heredity. A mnhi Betty Brown, the heroine of "The who can write a book which is at once Woman on the Jury," a First Nation'ii cleancut, interesting, and vastly in- picture now showing at the Majestic .structive deserves the plaudits of a Theater, was handed the fatal sum- grateful world. At last heredity is mons, together with' her husband, just properly and comprehensibly set be- as the marriage knot was tied, and fore the general public, and has ceased instead of going to the railroad station, to be known only to the few elect. their taxi, ornamented with ribbons, tin cans and what not, carried them to court.. The courtroom was crowded; Intense the hundreds of spectators were tense with excitement. Everything was quiet. JOSSLYN, by henry Justin Sujill. The prisoner, a mere girl hugging a Published by Covw.1Mc1(ee, $2.0, Iaby in her arms, awaited the verdict Reviewed by Murchison Mabie that would udoubtedly spll her doom. Suppose Hamlet were living today. There was but a single ray of hop Suppose he-hadl serpedow r for her-on the jury there was a wo- Suppose he had stepped dlown fromo the pages of his book, and taken a man. Briefly, the theme of the story place in our modern civilization, our is this: there is no sacrifice too great world of factories and machinery, of; for a woman to make for the sake of speed, progress, efficiency. Suppose love. And "The Woman on the Jury he were put in a position of respon- made the sacriie. sjbility where he must make decisions Completing the Majestic's early --big decisions-daily, almost hourly. week program an Imperial Comedy-- What would h'e do? "mOn the Job," a new Aesop Fable car- Life, in Hamlet's time, was coipar- toon, and Taylor and Lake, two charm- atively simple: the world didn't go ng misses in a musical program, will around so fast then. But it proved too be presented. much for Hamlet. Yet the world today is filled with Hamlets, men and women I MAY to whoni Decision is something to be . K.3L T. A. T. F. S. abhored, people who toll on in their 1 niches, hating, fearing,.dreading the' 4 .6 7 ., 1 rough-and-tumble scramble for exist- 11 12 13 14 le 16 17j ence which we call modern civiliza- 18 19 2 21 22 23 24 Arthur Josslyn, in Henry JuatinIz Smith's new book, is one of these. He REVIVAL OF THE in Hamlet reincarnate, Incurably ro.. "antle, a dreamer thiough andPANAMA HAT through, yearning for the poetry in By laboratory test the Panama Hat life, he finds himself almost against is found to be the coolest to say I his will the city editor of a big news- 'nothing of its being the most com- paper, probably the last place in the fortabe hat for summer wear. This weild for which histdisposition fits probably accounts inore than any-I him., H'e is exposed to all the cruel- tiing else for tie revival of the Pana- ties of a great city; the rotten side ma and the fact that it Is being worn, of 'Tife is shown him every day. He this year by the best dressers at Palm' learns of the ruthlessness of that great beach an other resorts. ime m forceĀ° which keeps our cities expand(-porters report an unparalleled de- forc whch eep ourcites xpad-nand t'or the Panama. The following ing, ever e:panding. From his desk are laboratory tests of temperature he gets a birdseye view of life. And, Itaken after wearing the Panama, Sft idealist that he is, he tries to inter- Felt and Straw Sailor in the sun for pret it all in thi light of his "happy- two hours: Ville" philosophy. Hils struggle to Pa acoet tmeaue 7. reconcile reality with his dreams, his Pam oost,t n p a ,.. futile struggle, with his ultimate Soft Felt next, temperature...86..0 breakdown, forms a story which rings S true from beginning to end. We clean, bleach and reblock Pana- Your Vf :. /, Q -'' 4 ' ~ d @l61'0, i' Sefore I Next ~ ... y'ip " ., 1 t -r 0 -1117JqA CII-I.." w , Year - z lc y- Review the handling of your laun- dry this semester. Are you satisfied that it was done in the best, the most We ask you to consider our laundry service. It is convenient, it is econom- ical (our large student trade proves convenient, and the least costly way? Then make your next year's phns. this) over 21 years of specialization has taught us the best method. Time Noe To Prepare Ft r Vacation Phone 2076 or 2077 THE UO 0 Corner Liberty St. iAnd Fifth Ave. Although "Josslyn" is primarily a ne-character novel, threre are certain inor characters that stand out vith artling brilliance. Mercer, thm ir-I mas, Leghorns, Bankoks and all kinds of st'raw hats according to regular factory methods. We use no acids. We do only High Class Factory Work. 1111