I TUE WF.ATH. F&R PROBABLY WARMER TODAY LL Sirt i.Irt aut ~1Iuitj ISection One 1 XXXIV, No. 180 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE, FIVE C UORTON TO PLACE COOLIDGE BEFORE LL 31AKE DEBUT IN NATIONAL POLITICS AT CLEVELANID ON JUNE 10r, RESIDENT LEAVES FOR rA SHINC.T'.N T'OCONFER I SU3I3INEII DAILY WILL STIARUT I 1PUBLICATI1ON ON JUN'\E 4- T.1he Summner Daily will be p)ub- f ished on June 13, 14, and 16 slur- Iing the commencement exercises andl will begin regular pnubli-- cation on June 24, according to Robert G. Ramsay, '25, Manag- ing 'Editor of the Summer Daily.j. IThe subscription rate is $1.50 for the season.E All students who will b~e enroll- 4ed in the summer session of the f University and who want to workt Ion the Summer Daily are asked1 to call Ramsay at 2040 or Mans- Ifield at 396, or to report at thei Daily office in the Press Build- injg on June 24. Tryouts for the Ibusiness staff are asked to call Clayton Purdy, '26L; or report to I MIDDLE WESTERN cSTARS SELECTED FROMFAST FIELD jWORIDi'S RECORD) IN 40041 METER HIURDLES BROK(EN BY ILEY OF ILLYINOiS A. C'. MICHIGAN MEN PLACE IN OLYMPIC TRYTOUTS~ Ilutijiard Wins Broad Jump With Leap' of 2 feet 8S icles; 'l'akes Second In 100 JMeter Run. GIBBONS WINS ON 1.0 ROUND BATTLE VIC'TOR FOR C'iIA3PIO NSII1i OF THE WORLD) CARPENTIER UNABLE TO KN OC K OUT IRISHMAN G~o By; 'rake Heavy Punishimenit In Finial iMinutes Immel Granted Leave Of Absence; VASITY BASEBALL TEAM TAKES CONFERENCE TITLE BY BEATING BADGERS S BOX SCORE t, Official Announcement Of Acceptance To Be Made Tloday .Ilils I Ithe business office in the t~ress By W. H. Noitemuan Washington, ?Way 31, (By A. Y.) I Building on June 24. FryFilMa31-teesfm ---Selection of Marioan L. Burton, _______________________terrmildle-West were hesenfoh president of the University ofth ideWswreconfrte Michigan to place the name of final Olympic tryouts this afternoon ('allvin Coolidge before the Rie- I I I PlIk in the finals of the Central A. A. U. publican national conventions Was VY trials. definitely announced today by W, UU Ul5 L IU Riley of Illinois A. C. repeated hisj W~lloniM. Btle, he4 o tI feat of a week ago when hie smashed ; Coolidge campaign organization. ! l I tiro world's record hield by Frank -f. LU ILomi in the 400 meter hurdles. Last A.P.)I UIweek at the Missouri Valley confer-1 Washington, May 31, (By A..}-o nce meet he equalled Loomis' record Dr. Marion LeRoy Burton,. president Bovrfi Andi ROOM FTo Be Cheaper 'Thani of 54 seconds, anti today clipped 1.9 of the University of Michigan will Current Prices Ini AnnI Arbor seconds off the mark when he finished probably deliver the speech nominat- I ;says Bathes in 52.1. Snyder of Ohio State, winner ing President Coolidge At the Re- of thle Penn Relay high hurdles, was; publican National-Convention in Cleve- DONOR IS A1,71HOR OF SETj ()F,' a close second while Loomis of Michi- land, June 10, according to an a.n- BOOKS WN COJP ORATION LAI gn fnse r.egtyrsbhn nouncemnent today by William M. But- the winner. lerthe oolige cmpagn mnage. "Te fWhite, h-.nky Indiar, aistance run-1 le, heColdg cmpig ange. iTe Lawyers' Club, founded by V. ner, of the Millet A. C. won tine 10,,000 Selection of the University presi- ~TCoK.'0 ...'2 ftemtrgidfo oreo hcg dent, for many yearn a friend of Mr.NW CokA. ThCis1inscrip oftion i ntefnlsrtctfe h w a Coo lidge, is understood to have been NwYr a" hsisrpto s;o+h ia tethatrtetohd,1 virtually agreed upon by those in t engraved on a tablet which has been kept pace for 22 laps. The two lead-f charge of the Coolidge campaign and erected in the interior of the new Law ;cirs lapped the rest of the field onl the a formal statement to, that effect is club which now is 'in progress th ieaond ilsieo'li anticipated before Mr. Butler leaves cnsrcto, ago K. of C. was third. rrhe time was fror Cleveland tomorrow. i William Wilson Cook was admiittedfatben leshntw mius ' slower than the world's record. i The friendship between the P'resi-+ to the NewF York bar in 1ss Fi.le has D~oolittle of Butler .college won the 1 dent and Dr. Burton dates from 110 been engaged in active p~ractice in 3,0(00 mieters ruin leaving Isbell, former1 when the latter became President ofI New York City as the general counsel Michigan runner and conference two- s Smith college at Northampton, Mass_! for the Postal Telegraph-Cable Co., mile champion, 70 yards in the rearE Mr. Coolidge's home -town. During Commercial Cable Co., Mackay Cloin- b one!l pitintelathl the seven years of Dr. Burton's ad-' inercial Pacific Cable. Co., and other la. ickof omrOhoSaesa ministration at Smith, his friendship :corporations.distanckman ndformer hofStte 1star With M1r. Coolidge was formed whirl:h "His work has been chiefly in cor- dis0 t cross ancwinyyerther10- t has lasted undiminished vvhile Dr.' poration law, organizing and directing 000 meaternofs heountry r ter-pi Burton has held the presidencies of ;the great corporation's. IHis llmto-st hidayIafeoll nsh.a(ate(a thie University of Minnesota and the oncdchasractcristic is 1his intelle~i- Hbehd obell. ia ok nes .. Univrsiy o Mihiga an Mr Col-'ualquality, Hle possesses an interest- I rst in the broad junip- with a leap;r idge has become President of the , ing and extensive library and his 'dl- of 2 4feet, 7 7-4 inchles. Jones of I.t Michtigain City, Int., May 31,-T9111 umy Gxibbous, the rugged Irishmuan of St. Pmaul, was givent the referee's de. ('15101 over Georges Carpentier, Idol of France, following a ten round fightl in Fit zgibbons sky bule arena here this~ afternoon. Gibbonts was the agressor through. out the fight. The Frenchmnan, who fought a mau'te ,ful battle against the world champion at Bloyles 't'hirty Acres in ?Yew jersey, wits only a shuaqoi~v of hIts former self. He show- ed only at intervals his cunning which characterized some of his battles. Tisconsin AB3 Tangen, 31)........ 3 Dugan, rf.......... 4 Goss, 2b........... 4 Aschenbrenen, c ... 4 Emanuel, ef........3 Christianson, p ... ,3 Johnson, if .........3 Ellingson, ss....... 2 Steen, lb.......... 1 Coleman, lb....... 2 Ruether, p......... 0 R 0r 03 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 U0. 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 PO) Z 1 1 1 1 23' 5 1 1 0 1 4 1 0 4 1 4 1 4 0 0 0 0. 1 1i o Ii 0 1I 0 0 0 . i if iI s D e a CHRISTIANSON IS DRIVEN FR THlE BOX LN EIGHTH NNI\NG [JABBY FANS 11 BATTER! IALLOWING ONLY _2 HI' XKipke Knmocks Home Ruin, Scoring 'i Men Ahead of H-im In The Eighith ByF Ralph N., Byers In a game replete withi thrills with the pitching of Jablonowski outstanding feature of the gai Michigan's Varsity baseball teamc ched the Conference championship Prof. Ray X. Inume l A member of the faculty 91 the public speaking department who has# been invited by the president of the U'niversiy of Southern California to spend a year there at Los Angeles as dean of the School of Speech which is bieing organized.' He Yeas been granted a leave of absence by the Regents of the University of Mich- igan. 29 0 2 24 12 4 3l 1!ichi : n !Giles, 2b........ . Kipke, cf....... (Bachmann, If ..... . Blott, c........... Haggerty, 3b... Dillman, ss......... Wilson, lb.... Steger, rf ......... AB R 3 2 5 1 4 1 5 0 4 1 3 1 4 1 4 0 1-1 1 2 1 ,1 2 1 1 P0 3 2 { 2 11' 0 2 7 1 0+ A 1 0 0 1 3 ., 0 0 0 0 (0 0 0 the sf field wisce been Jabby . u~itea Mates. uring the past win- version flas been writing, particularly ter. Dr. Burton and his Wife. were ini the field of corp~oratioin law." guests for several days at' the White Law Corporations in 6 volumes, now House. ini its eighth edition, is Mr. l'ook's prin- cipal work and is th'e most widely utsed President Mfarion 1L. Burton left -authority on the subject, The royal- Ann Arbor yesterday for Washingtton. j. ties of this 1bo0k were donated by the Dispatches from the calpital indiicated author for the endowment of the Nlich- thliat he will accept the proffered honoir ijan haw Review. of placing President Coolidge in nom- Construction work on the Lawyers' ination at the C. 0. P. convention. cluib has been pi'ogressiprg rapidly and but no statenient of the reasons for it is expected that the club will be his trip was given out. r s(dy for occ'upancy by September 1. At the President's office it, was A pplications for lI)ed rooms and dining stated that he has so far recovered hall seats will be taken in the order from his recent illness as to be able of seniority for 1)th the dining hall to make the nominating speech. Hie and roonis. Places for 50 students has been confined to his homie for flow in the class of 1925 literary col- nbout a month, going' to his ofmee lege will be reserved in the dining onl ocasinaly o tke ar offin hall. These students are nowv enroll- portant business and last week it was ed in the six year combined course in announced thiat he will have only a I letters and lawv and will be freshmian minor part in the Commencement ex Ilas next year. ercises. D ean Henry MV. Bates of the Law ____________________school has estimated that the cost of A. C. wasf second while Northarup. a Mticigan freshintz.n,' took third place,, '!quailifying for the final to be held at Boston.1 In the finals of the 10i me'ter semi-finals Hutbbard of Michi-'l gan took a second, inches behindI Washington of Chicago. The .time,a 3 10.7, was faster thian any 'which has;c .been made' n any preliinary heat. The 1500 mheter run gathered to- G 'geth-er t wo of the greatest middle (his- i ance runners in the world, Joie Rayt } fnd Ray Nikei' of the 1. A. C. Jloie! Ray started the race in second post -. Ilion andI kept his plIace until the mid-; 'dle of the second lap when his team mate headed him. The two meen ran even until the final stretch when t Bluker left Ray ten yards in the rear. crossing the tape in 3 tnin. 58 9-10r sec., less than 4 seconds bjehind the Iworld's record. Kennedy, Notre Damce'sa great innler, finished fourth behind t tWharton, former Illinois star.. Ray Smith of Michigan, leading t high jumper, clearedi 6 feet four and one qutarter inches in a jump off for a third place in the event eqluallingt the first place h~eight of Osborne.,t 'P'his is one half inchm better thanc Smith has ever done before, and he a will be favored to place to in the final tryouts as a result of his m'ec- 3licimigan 'Takes 'Thirdl jRay Watson of I. A. C. lived uP tot expectations when lie won the 800's .meters two yards ahead of Cusack,' University of Chicago freshmanitein-t .ke of Aichigan coming in a good third. a IWatson.'s time, 1:52:2, was only .3a seconds behind Meredith's wor'ld rec- t Michigan City, May 31--(13y A.P)- f aboosup.., 42nr 0pee A telegramn was read from the ing -IL J PA ESE- -- - -i best~ 2'~0 from Jack Dempsey challenging theA Ij 36' 9 1427 9 iIwly wi'inem' of the Carpentier-Gibbons fightoIlv taking place here this afternoon. The( Score by' innings: fliits, i'ing cleared for action at 4:15. The ( 123' 456 789 the of 3"'R T S U M T E fight, round by roundl, follows: !Wsosn -0000000 ta Roqun