THE MTGHTG.AN DAILY UILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Acation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of University. Copy received by the Avifiaut to the Pre.-Adent until P. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdav'i EIII WALRAN ELECTED l 'S GONG-O REICHSTAGPEIDN Classifed--can't. MISCELLANEOUTS 04 !'' ;, C. Volum~e 4l FRIDAY MAY 30, 1924 Number 1791) 'o All Members3 of the U niversity Staff: The Annual meeting of the Regents will be hfeld Friday, June 13. This ill be the last regular meeting before September. Communications for the egetswill be receiv~ed up to 5:00 p. mn. Thursday June 5. Matters which eed attention' before fall should be presented' for consideration at this etng Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. Tickets for Commeuement will be distributed from the"Office of the ertary of the University, Room'3, U iversity Ball, beginning Monday June ait 8:00 a. in. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary. 'a-Amerlean Jighway Commisson' Dinner: The Pan-Americ n Highway Commision, 'comnposed of fifty distin uish- Is representatives of countries of South~ America and Central America willthgussoteBarofRenstadierobeelatheMcgn 'nion at 8:00 P. M. on Friday, June 20th. The principal speaker will be Dr. hn J. Tigert, U. S. Commissioner of Education. Members of the Faculty id students who desire to attendl the dinner should communicate H ith A. CBlanchard, 1026 East Engineering Building. F. E. Robbin'. ,embers of the Summer Session Faulties: In order to facilitate registration it is requested that all changes in the inouncement of courses such as changes in places of meeting, hours, and rstructors be reported at once to the office of the Summer Session. It is Canned to issue a supplement to the Complete Announcement, which will atain all changes. E. H. Kraus. embers of the Sumner Session Faculties: Blanks for the Faculty Directory and request cards for the Summe: ichigan Daily are being sent by campus mail to all members of the Sum er. Session staff. Their prompt return will be greatly appreciated. The Summer Daily will be delivered gratis only to those members of the immer Session Faculty who f ill out the request cardls. Will those who do not receive Wlanks and cards promptly, kindly call the ice? E. H. Kraus ympic ,Tryouts and Baisebll Cae: Because the Olympic Tryouts, held on Ferry Field Friday and Saturday, ,e not under University management, student coupons cannot be honored. Imissiotn will be by ticket only. Students attending the Michigan-Wisconsin baseball game at 3:30 Saturday ernoon ma~y enter the field by the South Gate, just below the Club I-ouse LState Street, where their coupons will be accepted. This gate will not be Teni until 3:00 o'clock. . E. E. Weman, Ass't Athletic Director. nior Ree!eptlott and Promenade, Senate Reception: Tlhe annual Senior Reception and Promenade and the Senate Reception members of the Graduating Class, their relatives and friends and to tmi will take 'place on, Saturday,' June 14th at 8:30 p. in. Classes will fm"x in front of the library at the save places as for commencement and oceed to the Prersident's residence where they will be received by Pres- ct,#An&Mrs. Atrton. After passing through the President's house they will receivved 'by the various faculties on adjacent indicated portions of the neus. There will be a concert by the University Band. Cards of admis- ii may hie obtained at'the 'Office of the secretary of the University and from SSecretary of the Alumpni Association;. In case of rain the reception will hieldi in memorial Hall. Alfred 0. Le, Chairman of the Reception Committee. F. Chester Swlgert, INE, Chairman ,Senior Promenade. riThe ®u len Fletcher Ball. the men's dormitory, 15 Sybil Street, is open for in- cton. applcations are now being accepted for the fall semester. All plications witht references. will be given first consideration. J. horih, Manager. tbropology '02: Studens in this course will meet at two o'clock on Saturday, May .11, Room '302, university High School. Colonel l'. C. Iolgoi. ithrott logy 2:- ., -.,. Students in this course will meet at two o'clock on Tuesday, une 3, at 0o'cl ock "in, Newberx'y Auditorium. Colonel T. C. llodsou. , All t tlets In Dramlng In the College ofi Eng~'neering: All1,3t10e1ts'are required to remove the locks from their Instrument and winig board lockers by the end of the examination period, June 14th. eks found unremnoved after this date will be destroyers to tree the locers the Summer Sessiton. 11..IT. Miller. In final elimnation, those whose last names begin A to G will go to ural Science Building; those whose names begin H- to P will go to Rooma Law Building; those whose names begin Q to Z will go to West Gallery, mnt Memorial Hall. A Franklin Shull. j A~ jt~ruim~or ocitiesusig tI.% IG ARGAIN in Shzrubs, Roses, and Vins tis eek Wemust move all Berln, ay 9.-Ludig allan,~c~u~n~Ia2I~d ii~hideiiither iot;,,;twtk in our nursery. Prices:;halif i nprcoialsl ladeotdathes leced dy, tugandleaha ll ng cs o l ii' -;istntofshe etchtagidii eategvvilioreg hisdatamil bedisrglesd.., 8101H t'aul Loede, socialist, who failed to r0- 1A~U TR ciethe vote of the clerical !anti--;( 1,. aidn toun &Fifth peoples party. Herr Wallran. who ______I________________ :stands onl the right wing of his, Marty.1 12 :(0-Iaw facuilty lunch, Union. a 1 r~~~rOL 1CE Gth?.CEY, 51"'. Williamns f o rmierly was Lord IMayor of Coloagne 'I :14-013 nip lefryout, Ferry 'field. OCISi~aS ~l~as n vn and was the last iinister of thei tenr nde te Ipeialreime -1:30-Art exhibition fro...Ann Arbor, I high schools, Nvest exhibition room, , ----------____________ - 1 Alumni Memorial hall. ;CAL L AT PARLOR millinery for fine' millinery, Also T1eckla under mus- G ln vwhich must be seen to be ap-! RIEYTluncheon, Union. I .3-lymlpic tryouts, Iferry field. SP1'1A NOTICE TO STUDENTS All st de ts wh inen w rkng 3:3!) - MYIcit gan-Wis:consin b laseball I am paying the. best prices, from 3 Alsuetwoinedwrigm, Ferry fied. $10 for suits call 1677-W , or bring for- their board and room next fall f;:00--Board in ('ojtro: of Athtleflics them to 203 N. Main St. D. Mordsky. are urged to hand in their names dinner, Union.Suefou now to the employment bureau of FACIAL HAIRS{ the University, in Dean Bursley's of- x;1lltfi. l,tn+. PrnsnvajI t 0 iI I '1 HELP US WIN See OLYMPIC TRYOUTS! fire in University hall. According to Mary L~. Stewart, as- sistant to the dean, who is in charge of this work, there is a long line of students every fall. The task of the bureau will be: greatly simplified if these students would leave their names this spring. DRAMA (Continued from Page Four) maze of intricate melodies and rhy- thmns, but even in spite' of this con- TI a George Bootb seltolarsbitp comipe. tition drawings are now on exhibi- tioni in the architectural lecture1 room on the second floor of the En- gineering building where they may be seen every afternoon. 26 Freshmen Are Given' Numerals FLECTI:OLYSIS I:IAECTRO-COSMETIC SERICE By appointment only Phone 1167-P RUGS SHIAMFOOED or dust clea~aed Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, Phone 50. TYPIST2 with YEARS of EXPERI- ENCE give the most satisfactory re- us. RIDDLE'S BOOK STORE, No. 11 Nickels Arcade. 'ir Blu-maize BLOSSOM' SHOP, Twenty-six freshmen twere award- ed class numerals in .baseball by Coach Mather for efficient work on the diamond this spring. The for- fusion the piece .was weirdly comn- tunate fresh, are as follows: Edgar pelling and 'strongly 'su~ggestive in a Davis, McNarr, Kelliher, Fisher, vague way of a, kind of. primitive Stagg, Palmer, Maas, Sponsella, Moff, negroid 'splendor: to do it full justice, Ryrholm,, Harris,; Johnson, White, like any modern composition, it must~ Raniford. Terman, Puchelwartz, H-il- debrand, F roeh'mke, Appold, Filloon, be hard nd e-herd.Lampe, White (A.B.), Spangler, Rich, Mlany were surprised by the peeu- Sommers. The above freshmen nmay liarly laconic attitude of Mr. White- receive their numerals and sweaters man in his conducting; the majority, by reporting to the office of 1Larry trained in the usual military, smiling; Tillson at the Yost field house at any effusion of the average jazz-master,{ time during office hours. Swere frankly irritated by his bland, dlisinterested manner. Oan the other Ca ps and (douwnts Available hand, standing in the center of the Sno asadgwswihwr ! ordered from the George Moe Sport stage as a huge, imobile globule of shop and weret not called for have hiumnan white lard, he represented a b~een returned, but those who wish very subtle imitation of his com- tt .. intl nfo mme ceen Full soles a specialty. 0. C. Andres 3222 S. State. FACULTY MEMBERS See "digested facts about Ann ArborE Hills" page 20 Sunday special edition of The Michigan Daily. PIANO-Will loan piano for use dur-' ing vacation. No charge other than dIrayage. 1000 Packard, 1499-W. Patronize the Daily advertisers. 213 E. Liberty St. 5 Nickels Arcade i i I I Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.- i. ° . m I _ OF EVERY KIND- W E SELL T EB u o k, B H I C , D Z N U ~ R THEUA D O D O .A R Fo nALLTH LEDN MAS ain Pens- EVERYONE WARRANTED. ;i W 4-J11LUIJL L1.7 G111 1Vi 1f1.1111111Gi14R;t11C U.L patriot, Balief of the Chauve-Souris,. can V(160 50 by reordering them next. Poised, for all his size;" he calmly,'Wooe,. indIifferently~ ruled a striking coraixin- - ation of individual artists and a fairly" frantic audience before him. Again ;f SENIORIS lik~e Ballef, he turned out thze .cost amnazing noises with the ama lng ease I R.eturn' the Michigan Dally of the perfect dilletante. f subscription cards hefore { the excitement of graduation is I WAH R9 BOOKSTO R New York, May 2.-Prof. Michael lupin was awarded the Puftzer pri7ze of $ 1,000 for his autobiography, "Fromun Immigr ;ant to Inventor". Patronize the Daily advertisers upon you. Thlen you will' be as- Isured of getting your Daily next j year. I Cir~ulation, Manager, They Michigan Daily. I K.'{ II 5 t A _, , Rni Co, Wisdom NotCO'rncrcd In h CasRoom 'Tis often found in ev er y day life. ie who selects his gifts before the rush is showing practical wisdom. We bave added the famous old English line "Yardley" to our care-, ffully selected French items in 'Toilet- Goods. and are prepared to help many to happiness. 'We have not stopped with 'Toilet Items. Many needed articles for Medi- cal friends have been secured. Store for J'enr--ain at Washington II Ingbeers : rC. R. Dooley representing the Standard Oil Company of New York in my office, 221 Engineering Building, Tuesday, June 3rM, and wishes r'view those interested in positions with this company. 11. C. Anderson. nIcs 351: e final examination in .this course will be held Thursday, June .), :-12, 41 I r i i #t! it I r. Horner's sections=-Room 101 Ec. T. Williams' section-Room 101 Ec. :r. Cahow's sections-RHoomn 205 Mason Hall. 'r. Paton's-Room 102 Ec. W. A. Patoni. I ity of ,Michigan Rlandt: rnouts for the rest of this week are as follows: Friday at 12:45 for c tryouts'. Saturday at 1 for the Olympic Tryout and Wisconsin Ful~l dress uniform with capes. 1 orm of. all men not on Commencement List must be checked in with ent to Asst. Mgr. White at Headquarters on Wednesday afternoon, 1924. Arthiur Hlartwell, Asst. Manage~r. Glee Club: funds to all members will be made between 1 and 2 P. M. Saturday, Carl. B. Schoonniaker, Manager. ince, JP.terary College: e presentation of excuses for ,bsence will terminate this week. Arthur G. Hll, Registrar. I5x: e students in Spanishi5x cani have their final blue-books Saturday g' from 9:30-11:00, in Room 106 'S.W. I NEW STRAW HATS Apply wisdom and nress. W1e will.gladly help. get happi- $3 Others at $2.50 to $6. oo G. CLAUIDE DRAKE D0RUG and PRESCRIPTION STORE All the new colors, the new weaves, the new shapes awit you here. Hats t hat will keep you cool on the hottest day. Smart looking, all of them.. All are marked at prices that are ex- ception ally low. Phone 308 4ORQJ ENGIMNER PhOTOS TIDE ALUMNUS I 1 11 I II - C, * II el- ,_ x