WEATHER I, WITH SNOWY RIES TODAY Y. r gilt, wmlm"- VOL. XXXIV. No. 102 x EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1924 .4 SON AND HOBBS T TONIGHT FORl £ PLAN DEBATE "The Dover Road" Creditably,' Presented By Players Club _..._ _ ., illAN icu Or By 31ilton 1Petersoni "The Dover Rload", presentedi iy! Players club' last evening in Sarahl Caswell Angell hail, was very, well done in spite of some of the blightsi cuebyii-at.To Elwood ,Fayfield, '25, must go the credit for the success of the play. In the difficult role of an eccentric bachelor, w hiei lie acted admirably, he carried1 through niv ny weak pio-- ents.: June Knisely, '25, Margaret Geddes, '26, and Donald. Snyder, '251 are also to be complimented. The worst feature of the two hour's of action was the sight of, Robert B. Henderson, '26, attempting to display dluced by Mimes last spring. The sameness was 'too striking to be ap- preciated. It can be safely said that Players club is getting. out of the rut which it has been following much too long. 'This at least will be gratify- ing to the campus at large. Another of the things which did not strike thei audience was the in- sertion of extra entertainment be- tween the acts. A solo on Angell hall piano could never be appreciated no matter of what worth the piece or the executor was. Tire days when thxe old upright' was in its prime have long been 'passed. The ditty played by Philip LaRowe sounded flat as did the other entertainer who put in his HUGHES ASSAILS UTRGES AVOI)A N CE OF A7NY DI S- CRILMINATION IN FRA31. IN G BILL1 DEMOCRATS GAIN TWO IMPORTANT FOR~ AMENDMENT TO V~ARNER .PLAN WILL GIVE OUT COPIESI OF PLAN 1O AUDIENCE TWO NATIONS RESENT EXTEND} EARNED INCOME PENDING LEGISLATION IT A X REDUCTION SLASH House Immtigratiox n mittee JHead [ Stockl Iivideid iProfits to be subject Calls Rouimanian Conn uld. I To Regular Income Taxes cation "Imp~udent" Hereafter Wshing-ton. D. C.. Feb.20-(Pv A .I <. -r.-- ,.- - r - Affair Is Second Public'Meeting League of Nationis Association of "Resolved: That the United States talent. Why it is that would-be appearance and his voice at thxe end of Washington, I. ., Feb. 20(--By A ; x^Mbc actrswil orc temeleson n n-th scon at.Threis uc athngPJ-Secretary Hughes today outlinedP osyeoi't lse y hi ' re should adopt the policies proposed in ssetn ilYultesle na n-tescn c.Teei uhatigto congress further objections of the P)HueDmcas lse yter}h < re the Bok poets plan", is the subject to suspecing public is beyond anry ex-i as giving the public too much for its state department to the details of pend. victory on the fight on the income tax I arri be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~n deae yPo.WlimH obpaain h uinegondo oe risptec.igimmigration legislation and for- rates, continued their dive on the oA be deated y Prf. WiliamH. Hobs, each of his numerous appearances. In spite of several "faux pas" "The1 warded to the house Immigration cor- ;_"" orf the geology 4epartmnent and Prof. Earl Fingerle, W2, was quite dishp- Dover Road""(id leave an impression. ? rtstf te R revenue bill today, gaining tw'o in mittee..............p.r...t........f.r....................................................................... Preston Slosson of the history de- pointing at first, but as the play pro- i With, several more plays of the same legationi which Chara Johnson de- j portnt amendments. R~' . 1gasdh ete ogi h o- aie lyr lbwl eo parmnntat8 'cock toigt n rose heseme t gintheco- albe, laersclb il b o ascribed as Impudent." Republican Insurgents who made4mit Itateta 'lc oih nfidence of both the audience and him-( firm and stable foundation. A little skoSntrClieulcnpsibetesbtttino h anrtsi Nfatural Science audtorium. The de- self. more attention in the future to the se- g~x~e~lnaahimnotxe~r osil h usiuino h anrtai bate is 'the Second public meeting of The plot was not a new one to Ann; lection of the cast and the applianceatheimlgatindaschamirmeeand of the se-icoedueratei erd ayn itfo rcticMl ln i the League of Nations Non-Partisan Arbor theater-goers. A ike play by of make-up will greatly add to what at mirto omte n oM ~ l SeneajoneragairwihkaGrrctcale nigcete Johnson, Secretary Hughes urged that ly soidl Democratic vote today to make xeiIO ~ reengh a~scttano teyer tefis 1e he same author, A. A. Milne, was pro-I success they may have, the proposed legislation should avoid stc dividends profit subject to reg- Senator Frank Green of Vermont, is Th ing91at the timie of tre address deliv-! any "iscrimination of which just om - ular' income taxes rather than to theI in a Washington hosital in a serious m Wote ,eo'by, George W, Wickersham last Ai I D O E SCj fI[~ G P plaint can be made." e Calledl at- 12 1-2 per. cent capital asset taz, andI condition as a result of being bit in thea tention to the fact tat the plan of the to extend the rovisions of the earned the headi by a ulet .fired in a atte comn Noebr ltII fl UILTEIL SiJ IIIUL Johnson bill to substitute 180 census ! ncome tax reduction between revenue officers, Ioiennwr Proessr Soson illupoldthe ~ ~ fiure a th baisforfutrequota; Republicans continued to put a fightI and two bootleggers. lieI was on his! mitte affirmative side of -the question, ! i~f' IL~lI f restrictions had" already "evoked re-+ huwexei, and Rep. Lopngwrth. the wyt!i oe ih i iewe hr While Professor Hobbs will defend thxe ULIVH O jdri i A~ I fY sentment from Italy andl Roumania,"! arty leader, declared hope was still h a trce ysosi nalyise negaie PrfsoSosoa asIl U U E l but did not amplify views he previ- held of gaining a majority to amend, and peee noi.Ammn ae eMn sisan lbrria o te mercam~ouly adexresedrearin the p Garner plan wheni the bill is staggered back and fell into his wife'sIFW( peace commission in Paris in 1919 has Chicago Withdraws When Officias,'iiyalogaa County Receives Permin anese eature of the Mieasurie. rug ht up for passage, declaring so- am al a ag udo nomto nI-Airee to Iay' ExpenIses ITo Nominate Ex- "I desire," said Mr.. Hughes' letter! oral Republicans who ~voted yester-1! the ternatiorial affairs, and is intitaely I f Athletes Goertor to Senator Colt, 'to snake no sug-dyfrteGre'pln'dmd n h aqanewihcontemporary urp- i gestions as to the basis of the quota, direct overtures indicating a desire t !I bet ean' situation.° Professor Hobbs has 1 EXPECT i'100,ATH1'LETE S 1110II DEMOCRATS BACK MOVE 'ute than to state that it is hoped voeraRpbia esr.F R ii ot m tade an extensive study of the ques-, FROPLATATE OAMMIONIBALLO that a basis will be found that will not Republicans are now studying arl liii U Presi ion and has long been interested in fFO TT FMCIA involv ve any discrimination of which ^are it vewtodeea I i entary rules wtha vriTwltoffdefeat-IDoro Interi~ationa1 politics. Detroitompaint cn'be sade." ng theGarnerplan adIgainngnan Y. W An attept hasbeen mae toDet-otFeb. 2.-'The sectional 1. Mtana, Florida, Feb. 20.-(By A.xs opaitcnbe 1e"'n.h)Gre la n aiiga o l alish a connection betwen the radio track and field Olympic tryouts for I-Formxer Governor James M. Cox, of i . E EhOOR O _ broadtasting ,station vin the "Engin- the -states of Michigan, Wisconsmaortyonn, Ill-ar; ir 'Idaa to icniad-Oio, tonight told a representative ofA U 0 AS imnar oe oldb eesr ;.enURGEig ua laxnayvoe ol e eesr plan e~.lng budi and Ncatua Science inols inst.Idaa ho n the Miamna Herald that he had author-m lgT t a ditd to make such a move " Tasks of Self Goverme at" Ie Topic Mchi auioiiibttewrkcno e teywl ehl tFryFed'le h s fhsnm sacandidate!.i nnn~unisuccessful.I iiHo dyber n comletd lt Ueho roacas te -Q - iAddress 'tibt d at ,_Ann Arbor, May 30. under auspices for the presidency on a declaration of j I tIIIviuIu -- - r ilatA ryro h i-of the Mlichigan Amateur Athletic un-i candidacy received at headquarters of - RhlhIIL BIlE rAK tIS REH NT e tory department °has c onsented to i-o.Prrneet to hold the games the Cuyahoga county, Ohio, demnocratic; Washington, Feb. 20,=-(By A')=- Ma V11 , IIU III I! LlOFl CORNELL UIERSIT'LY b ant eseac ascaraaortedbt. t nArbor were made when agree-I party. Pressure on President, Colidge to ren~ codes ttu i u:tzet a'reached toi pay the expens- Mr. Cox said that a few days :ago he move Attorney General Daugherty was B LtT~he Difficut'.Task of Self-Govern-, Mar t ,t OHR Q MET " oa Gtusrp i e idnrefa es of al Chicago athletes who will received a'letterfrom former gvernri increased today by' administration moInint s the subject f te address tc dna Cap topinioregardo ingth a I h recent' , ot istdamn.h Charles A. Dean of: the Illinoisi Deocrats of Ohio werea united In~ their ,_,.LniaI,(yt stttent,,I P OPnc, n ihte ainAthletie club and chrarman of thie nA-;4desire to present hs (Coxs) name to AtaWieHuecnene'ls sabih ntoane oreathe ngnU! uioiim yD.Dvn-mm Wievt hc as encnutdtional .track. and field committee of! the. convention : as their choice far iing:'for a hour and a half, ..Senator Mic~rhigan Agricultural collgelaigso rn, preieto Cornell uni for' e ietCo n nin p~lan asmae ubijthe A., A. U, told Charles . Lynch, iresident.., :',Lodge, ,Mass., the refnbl rcan l o t Adee..gre n aig teIn eriy adadsiguisedapychl-wd's hi.Cnieal nterest has !seen iypresident of the Michgan;A, A. U., in a - .;and Pepper:-of+ Pena, advsed thze situttion outside the -bounds of the !gist and anthropologist. ' shw i hedbae~ste sI eepoe ovestinyetrdytht Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 20.-(By 'A. ;president of tre growing insistette at strict practical 'and ;technicatl' course ( No Univemrsity classes:will' beheld"6ther aroua'n ttepeettm. hewudspotMcia' i fI P).-James M. Cox, emocratic resi- the Capital tht Mr. Daughrty should for thxe' irst time, as authorized by :tomorrow, it eig the 192nd annivet- i anu Coiso h lnwl egvnotten Lynch had agi'eed, to see that, the f etial candidate in 1920 and former'I retire. ?the state 'bard of agriculture -meet- E'sary of George ;Washington's 'birth In} to the audlene, and those who have Chicago athletes' expenx- ses were paid. governor of Ohio, contemplates enter- The. results of the onference Was fung hero today. Students desiing a'lDr.' Farrand's :address4is the prinipial' tixes i not lreay doe s wil be skedtof The tpyouts will bring out virtually ing the race for the presidency again not apparent. The :senatrs refused gnera educatos without speciallz- !feature of the University'convocation hae vote on theplnat.this time. every athlete. of any .importance in ,this year, it developed here today. t ae n ttmetad W iemgi niern, giclue oepandi"onro h cain c _______________the, seven states. The :Illinois A. C. Twelve blank declarations, bearing' House officials wre-equally reticl conomnic or allied studies -will e en-i 'Dr. Frrandi has held his present po- of cut and the Chicago A. A. alone are ex- the signature of Mr. Cox giving his' ent. iolled in the new course with the op- sition since 1921 when he retired from Cantle peted to have no less than 80 athlet- consent to Cleveland delegates to the1 ening of the next fal term. The so his post of chairman of the cntra! [[I SA MIS DEL a hetyot.Deorai ntonlcnvnio o sVoting In Campus present will probably be associated Prior to that he achieved eminence aseswl N I 1T1 . have the strongest representation, the Thomas R. lBrannon, treasurer of the ! 'll~fi with the applied science division es- professor o psychology andI anthro- ' to be 1I N iCLA nI i IL SIICKschools and colleges throughout the Cuyahoga county Democratic eecu- B lo C e~ &tacois din two emrs ofu tebordit flof the lueriy anofaColoradd.nHe is c middle wet also will he well rep- ive committee.{ will be set apart as a separate depart- io h nvriyo ooao l eive resented, as will many of the Michti- -__________ In the heaviest (ay of voting sot munt. eeal recognized as one of th 1 as th Wasinton D C. Fb.20.{B A fr i te efeenufar roiinio theringReferendumth bar moonistngis'ohibitionoray it P)-nnoReublncm et rSenat aid Anloergnzones.ate telhlftes! i ADDRESS final count at the end of the dayj the innovation is expected to increase 1mose sic nuiaose.o onemo ary ewit he has hoad transactions in Sinclair are :paid will be turned over to the BUHTOluN IWILL H RS showed that the dry bad continued to !-enrollment, and it may change, some- i-- ties w 'il stock furnished the one sensation Olympic fund. Michigan's Olymphic ](( r {(( ain on the modificatonists, wile what, the schools scholastic complex- ' nnaaaaiNn ur five e today in the oil scandal, quota is $15,000. Most of this already F l t UT 1l000t mrg tary Ieadthewbodmdtalsoauthoried the es 11(111111 MIISIU NLIlthe' Asslerting that there was no law has been raised.' _____ The actualfl.. figures II11###200 atrhecos.o]Tabhentrdaoautcobinedfive-year-! pmm i ari't hS against one i i position buying and However, if Ann Arbor proves the huculfgrsa h coeo tbiheto obndfv-eri'has oengetc, eto orEkishidhiuces'i.holItIntuliey President Marion L. Burton, wil ad-i balloting yesterday were, supporters course for women, leading to a home jUVfl yILUbRLropeths wa prpsey ilin t g bfoe hethat no less thanr $30,000 =ill be turn dmles all first yea men o the Un-: of iht wines and beers 1552, of en-i economics degree and a trained oil oimite allntll oall about ohis e vrt h udb i~a .A est tagnrlmeigt eforcemieat 1407, and of repeal 443. ;nurse's, certificate. The extra year -- tr trnatosiUhssok hc e,'.: held at 7:30 o'clock next Tuesday The total numnbler of votes cast so far! will permit the students to receieve Dr. Richard M. Olin, health commlis- ing a saidwer muh sallr, han hos in It s blieed te gine wil a- night in the Assembly hal of the is now 3372, local .officials annoutnc-1 nurses training in a Lansing hospital. sioner of Michigan, addressed mm et ishesofeerlte compa ok nrcies rc tlat10Mcian athletes' Union. It will be the second time this ed. last night. The campus-booth will ' It also approved a six year Course for !hers of the Washtenawv County Medi- ' of 'th Th ol omite toknore .gi from the University of Michigan. M. year that President Burton has ad- be continued today, it was said. 'students desiring to combine voter- cal society last night at the Union on' tio o hs ubicstaemntbu mm-A. C.. Michigan State Normal college. { dressed a meeting of all freshmen. He "We believe that every member ofi inamy medicine with either agiclture the subject of ;prevention of poiter ' At bers said unofficially that he would not the schools in the M I. A. A. and from h as not yet announced the subject of" the faclty and every man and woman orapidsinemn h sho hlrno h tt took be invited to app ear excet at a public Detroit. !his talk. in the University has an opinion on- For the past few months Dr. Olin ha ; tens esinadthe ate"tePomleio -- The meeting, which is to be, held this important question' said one of 'Santiago Chile. Feb. 20.-The ca--Ibeen conducting a state-wide goiter certa of the audit of a number of brokerage"T71 under the auspices of tie Freshman' the men handling the ballot ye'ter- i'inet headed by the young Liberal, Jose canv~s. ;game firms now in progress bo0th in Wash- Wil Lecture On ;Activities committee of the Union, will dlay, "andi we intend to give thema Mara, has resigned owing to difficultlet A general discussion by the society ' The Ington and New York. g ~ ~, give" the men who enteed the Uni-; every possible opportunity to eprss in (ar'rying out the compromise be- followed Dr. Olin's proposal that all! sucht ~ e~ca~ lisoly.verity t te beinnig o thepreent t."tween the parties undemr which the cab- ;salt sold in the state should have a;cso The senator'sverify tstatementin of revealetdt t Tha i he senator whosntreeae ; semester their first opportunity tc - -- mt was formed on Jan. 31. definite iodine content for the prven- ficials th aone ioth eg oiter.hoseem'eci o apason the records of J. P. Benk-;' Dr. Nicholas Al. Alter, of the Miedi-,heat' President Burton speak. Quarterdeck, honorary naval engin-Linfgotr and amd Co.. a New York stock broker- cal school will delivemr a series. of ' .dolowing the general meeting the cring society held a short businessj Coach George Little spoke last night' -f- uth .age firm, which were presented to the weekly lectures on the "history of freshmen groups will hold their regu- meeting In room 302 of the Union i at a Father and Son banquet at Bell- n' CUi thinki cmiteysedyiexctvss-Medicine" throughout the present lam' meeting's. At these, plans will be ast night. Vile. Fl'1h fU~il Idtfl jffl' condu' cmmn eysera.neeutv e LLCL E semester, according to announcement madle for this semxester's activities andi IUIIUIUU tolera made yesterdlay, afternoon. Dr. Alterj various athletic teams will be organ- f 1*(Tarnn nrr' ll great ChiagotFe.of hiisam Gibbs will give the first of his lectures at lied. poz r o v S '. n'o a u ldf1 Vl n r~ j l elI .,d o l n tFon u t pa t of h 7 :00 o'clock tonight in ti-e w est am -;__ __-_ ____ __-- -t os ca p i n f r t e De o r tc p o i phitheat e of the M edical building , his - - -ThE Appntiatioominationrdby rodiogheFan-usubjectpabearingnuponthdevelopientspoint. nompnation.nsy"rOnoFriday- subjictgberFngm'pon de2,latmthe inniveroit2,oatMichinian.sitcon- Twoelpapei'sA onetof thenceChemicalipoint. noxnes and,1willhave a transmiitting tescece'fmeiin.7'Clse 7 ©i ht: 0ocok'a-ovoaino h n-vocation, elonf gs to.ra the ' est.academicRglainsI Rsirton ive btheosi noneMedical -students and others inter-,C oe1 'lc.acnoaino teUi ib flf fagetUnversiy Prof. R. Gesell of the physiology de-te eettnstaledrn hsnvistdecetnoI.atteeeddreDnvitdltoettn:s r.istWe gather foril b helainy-Tilrauitorsgatogrforeany urpsesto l parmdnSoanmtheothr1 "ome n-t Angeles. lcue.Hssbet r xetd Ti ket applications for' the 1926 itm at whih Dr. Livingston Far-W official Relations with the Soviet" by lectures.,__Hissubectsareexpected____p sure but never does, te niversity to rove a valuable supplement toi Soph Prom will be0 given out fom' the rand, Pesident of Cornell university,moetuypsntiisralsec Prof. E. S. Brown of the poitical s c- moretruy peset toitsrea as eonce department,nmade up the programn Chi FAST 'WOMEN, some of the courses In medicine. last, time from 2 to 5 o'clock thxis, is to be the speaker.'' thuinu (vhen we thus meet under ac - of the Research club, which was hedI 1 afternoon at the booth in the lobby of For many years t has been custom- dmcasie.B hseetad atngti iehsooia ao THESE CO-EDSthe-n--".Appoxiatey 20 appi ay for the University of Michigan to by~ our presence at them, we testifyfo ~ y ,,,Eations are still available, an equal observe Washington's Birthday with1 to our abiding interest in the purposes toy.Ca H i'. I WA TH C OUNCIL 1)1) nmerI ' l be gvnPofessor Brown is exchanging here, Cm T you lhda million. doas it ume aig araybengvnfitting exercises. A .tradition whichm for which our institution was stab- fo h oenetdprmn ftig wgmil re '~' than Itkl-y1vworr'y 'out. '. began with the Law school has been lished and is maintained, namely, ,.s Qus higanm will enter the 8t4 dship campaign which is b :ed on among the greater col nerica for the relief of Euro nts who are on the verge of 01 n. The report made by Eg shell, '241x, chairman of a c 3e of students investigating bility of Michigan students ek his drive was unanimously 0 by the Student councilf e first move of the council tot the campaign on the campus ppointmenit of the investia ittee to handle the e'xecul of the drive The complete ct oe with. additions which will h e, of the drive is as follows: '. 1, '26L, chairman H. . Hoey, aging Editor of The Daily, L tf, '24, Business Manager of ',T .Lnh 2LFrsdn Union, H. C. Clark, Presiden tudent Christian association, B Steger, '25, captain-elect l all team, Helen J. Debride,j :dent of the Women's ,League, hy' Jeffrey, '24, Pesident of' C. A. All Students to Help, ecommittee is to meet .today the campaign whereby ei igan student and faclty; m nay have in op~ortunity' to"A to to this fund. Up to the pf ime what work that has 44010i in in the drive, ere h, en :ividuals and not b rthe tudi Atively. ny Eastern'tcollegs 1hae a :ed liberal sunma to fe uppor lu'opean students. Harvard ty hasUpledlged $,0'as ua'n su m ; smith YColee g' lief q udpo~dea'rWhen the'caCp gd has weg iven $,00 and n schools ave cbn~rbuted 'iml somne'tases ix Eutrropean nivrt it ha beenm foud" that tud4 't enough drothes toattend c cept in shilfts. ,The deprela rrency has-beon such that t1 At buy either foodi or clothii Old Clotlies Wantted .- deal with this situation old i 1 be collected among the tud sent abroad "as well as mo clothing will go through ther channels of distributiomn as e food which will be prcha the nmoney collected. Kiteb been established at the unive vhich give the students mneals vents each in American mones ing the three yearsin i tident Relief 'has 'been opera s gypplied "to the studens ofj more than 2a,000;000 "meal! lost pen student and haiesdsh nearly '50000(r arti~ls of c6 end 70000 books.Mchigan will be able" to contibute AZIn ese ways;' Deplo'es Poor Spirt the meeting last nigt the'cou a definite stand' on what 1 d -"the, poor spirit 'shown b3 in few students at the baset last Monday night." zcouncil deplored the ,fact , a disapproval of the referee's 1should be exhibited that the felt it necessary to call a bled rl on the stands. The cou r -wished to appeal to "ti ing students, who hold such't Ict by an unruly minority as ble and unrepresentative of mass of Michigan students prevent any such reoccurance razzing tactics." zIndiana game was lost bay A foul shot Was given' ie's duce to the stan6 protes -eferee's decision ehaps he winning point of the inese College' Seeks jTeache; ton Christian C'llege of Kw South China, hras set inCa to the Burauof Annnntrn .you to 'death. You are indeed lucky in not even having to worry albout securing a position, for the u'nanmmous'y adopted the fav'- orable r'eport of the committee investigating the feasibility ofr Michigan students cooperating in the nation-wide Student Friend- thi',n V',,nA awhinh ,ishainrn' noarr,- Theappicaios my b file Ou , akn heUniersty a. and left at the booth immediately af- wvhole, and eachx year we gather ont ter obtaining them or they may be ' this occasion as one body, to conmem-;c returned by mail addressed to the orate appropriately the first presi- Soph. Prom, Main Desk, Michigan I' dent of our country and to listen to 1 edlucation and whatever has to do with the pursuit of truth, and the develop- ment of 'intelligent citizenship. I beg, therefore, to express the hope that at the Washington's Birthday