THE MICHIGAN DAILY CIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE MIEEIS1TY (W NCH IGAN )lihed every .moning except Monday . te niv,"r fit-./yar by the Board in to of Siudnt uhli.ations. nhers of Western Conference Editorial Iatic.. sociated Piess is e, elusively enm to the use for republication of all news tches cre dited to it or not otherwise ,,d in ,him pairer and the local news pub- threin, ered at the postoffZce at .Ann Ar')cr, as second class matter- Special rate stage granted by Third Assistant Post-- r General. scription by carrier. $3.W; by mail, ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- Street. >nes: Editorial, 2414 ano 176-Mi; busi- q6o. ned communications, not exceeding 300 swill be published in The Daily at iscretion of the Editor. Upon request, ilentity ofdCom iunicant will be re- d as confidential. EDITORIAL STAFF TrelephIones, 2414 and 176.It 'ANAGING EDITOR HARRY D. HOEY Editor... ...... ..Rob- , B. - Rarr rial Board Chairman. ...R. C. Morarity Editor..............J. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors Ailes A. B. Connable, Jr. v C. Clark T. E. eFiske P. M. Wagner s Editor...............Ralph N. Byers en's Editor............Winona libbal rd c 1ditor............... Ruth A. Rowell ant City Editor.... .Kenneth C. Kellar for Michiprn News Bureau 4R. G. Ramisay atics Editor.....Robert 1. 'Henderson Assistants e Barle Elizabeth Liebermann Berkman R. S. iMansfield as BieIcell E. C. -lack an Verena Moran Brown UIarold Moore J.Conrad Carl Ohimacher dette Cute Ilyde Perce Davis Andrew 1'ropper d Ehrlich lMlarie Reed Ferna eberg Regina Reichmann Gartner Edwarie Schrauder tli leath C. A. Stevens iHlenry W. 11. Stoneman ing llouseworth Marjorie Sweet lline Fred eric . Telmos hy Karmin N. R. Thar eil W. T. Walthour Kendall Hermian Wise h Kruger BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 900 BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVRO'I tisin............. .E. L. i)nne tisiu ....... ......Prerry M. ayden tis~ung................... ..WV. Roesser tisi ......................'H E. Rose Iuts ......................I L. I.. ale atli ........... ............C. Pu dV ation...............%..awrence Pierce Assistants 2. Car,.pbell N. I,. 11 olland ie Caplan l. l. e lad Champin A arold A. Marks Crni!i41 Myron Parker MI Dexter A. J. Seidman h f. Finn Geo. A. Stracke A lox R. C. Winer FRIDAY MAY 30, 1924, ents called too liberal. It is hardly , .w . /., ,. . probable that Dr. Fosdick will join I a church so steeped in fundamental G dogma as to discourage the expres- sion of opinion? It is plain that the 1924 assembly w NO CLASSES has dodged the real issue-it has not TODAY definitely taken a stand against such1 men as Dr. Fosdick, and it has not We think it should be one of they enunciated its approval. The most duties of the Rolls man from now on that it has done is to make overtures to warn his customers when there is possible which may lead to a con- a holiday more extraordinary than1 promise instead of a split in the the usual Saturday and Sunday. To ranks of this great institution. Much flt dti v m in it at depends on the decision of the head of New York's First Presbyterian church, but on the face of: it he would have nothing to gain and every- thing to lose by joining because he would place himself open to more criticism than is now possible. Thej general assembly should be com- mended for its handling of a difficult situation. It is now necessary that the church as a\whole evince toler- ation of a kind which will make pos- sible a broader influence than is at) present possible. ' THE REPUBLICAN SPOKESMAN It i becoming evident that in go- ing before the voters of the United States as a candidate for the presi-f dency, Mr. Coolidge will not be able to present himself as the nominee of any single party. As yet Calvin Coolidge has not been able to assert his leadership over Congress; and" this disaster which has overtaken the supposed leader of the Republicans is not due to any unusual wickedness on the part of Congress. For as long a time as anyone can remenher Congress has been anxious to overrids any President who did not first over- ride it. Mr. Coolidge's present position is neither usual, nor extraordinary. Cleveland, Roosevelt and Wilson made the office of the chief executive sup- reme during their periods of service. On the other hand, in recent times, Taft, Harding and Coolidge failed to make their influence felt and con-. tested with Congress to no avail. The first three men were self-made, ris- ing on their own merits; the second three were products of , the Marty. It seems curious that political parties shculd humiliate men whom they have succeeded in installing in office; eveb. more curiously, it seems that. the party will allow men who made them-{ selves to run it. But 'perhaps the man most deserv-j "ng of sympathy for being hard hit. by the recent actions of Congress is he who must act as an organ voice in celebration of Republican harmony Juring the coming elections. The Re- publican keynote speech at the na- tional convention in Cleveland will' have to be a masterpiece of diplo-. macy. a el] ,We tthe top. More, From South America Ali querido Senor Cowles:- "Como?"-so my French prof in- quired of the feminine element in the class-"Why is it that America should be the home of Beauty, when, in- stead of the beauties languishing in towers, dying on kisses, and otherwise following out the Old World drama- they of the Madonna-like faces swear proficiently, and choke their male courtiers in a bank of cigarette smoke...." Wicked man! senor-ah, wicked as Satan-and double-eyed, for while one of his eyes frowns the other winks! 1 Thus does Europe entangle America in its butterfly net of criticism.. For myself-I believe Woman should be put up on a pedestal, provided we have a step-ladder to reach her.. Jungle Picture There's laughter in the tangled jungle When has died the heat of noon; aAnd you can hear it in the night-time By your little cottage near the black lagoon: Monkeys swinging in the tree-tops, Monkeys laughing at the moon! They're like a mob of playing children Like a human circus crowd; Their jolly frolicking and humor ~Almost make the alligators laugh aloud: Monkeys swinging in the tree-tops, Monkeys laughing at the moon! I Oh, they're the laughter of the tropics; Their gayety holds frenzied sway Beneath the mellow yellow moonlight When to roost have gone the parrots gay: Monkeys swinging in the tree-tops, Monkeys laughing at the moon! ARGENTINO When the Argentino's stuff came in through the mail, it was beautifully embellished with little dinguses over the n' in senor, but we have no a- rangement for making such a mark with the linotype machines, so you will justhave to get along as best you can, dear people. William Jennings Bryan has been elected vice'moderator of the Presby- terian church, we hear. Well-here it comes-it's about time somebody was trying to stamp out the horrid doings of this sect. Whitman 1 Paul rushed off the stage, half trans- formed into his street garb. "One moment please" remarked the suave ROLLS reporter "I have a question, Mr. Whiteman." Paul stopped. "Certainly certainly. Only a mo- ment, however." Our pencil was poised. "How do you pronounce your last name, sir?" "W-h-i-t-e-m-a-n, with the 'i' pro- nounced like 'eye.'. It is never no never pronounced with the 'i' as in 'it.' That is so odious to me...." "We though as much" the suave reporter answered taking copious notes., "Splendid splendid" was the portly leader's brief reply. His coat, shoes and socks were off. Time was short. "One thing further. How do you like Ann Arbor?" Paul rubbed his chin thoughfully. "Well, the town isn't so much, but the audience was splendid." "Thank you, sir." The socks were completely off and we discreetly re-I tired. Next to the dressing room. Ross Gorman in role of piece de resist- ance. "Hello Ross. What horn do you like best?" We have just been and gore and IIiItftlt 1 IIItlItjlItutlla;ilii11lii0lfl tHili1wIi'i iiM tk Ii i i !9EiEik:Eu iittltltittitkltl ii went over to hear this here now Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra. We ob- ject to this deification of Paul to the extent of capitalizing the person- G O L Fd al pronoun 'his.' However, he had a jolly good band - of boys. This lad G orman raisAd hell on all manner of recondite horns;___________________ M. Pingatore was satisfactory on the I banjo. Oh rats! _ __ TRE Mr. Jason Cowles ~---- _BOT ENDS OF THE ACONAL . CAMPUS OPINION"""'"""""",e1rt; imt BA) BUSIESS 1 ETROIT T11110 LINE) It has come to my attention before, EtAST .OUN. and is now brought to my attention 11 levery two bo.n to 9:10 . again so strongly that I cannot re - res: a. ., 8 a . and ev' I uICiCdi frain from bringing to your attention twG ;j0rs to 8 r. M. the fact that Michigan men are un- Locals: 7 a. m., 8:55 a. im. aDO C ouad lucete I n e tey have taet nd consciously doing their school an i- every two hours to S.5nyp. Vm. efy rpeidwoud likto en dit in a field with the hardest kind 11 p moTf-pl butnl,11 b 1--qe tfoallyielding bhe est ulI'at jury by their treatment of high school i . . p ra 1 f. - tny the utimate i .p. Mreturns5 t. Lci.tar-tan1.averageii, athletes. I am glad to say, however, ItuPrtn E c: tear. an Verageaability. that the facts as herein set forth are Limiteds: 8:47 a. m. and every two V' e a=e an originating and distributing Bond House- true in the minority rather than in hours to : . . oer ten y s o the majority of instances. Express (making local stops): 9:51)tr To my certain knowledge Michigan and every two bours to 9:50 We give a salesman every educational advantage and hs lost at least three exceptionally antacurn has my ct lan twee p. : .dd ur dve" to his own ambition and desire to learn and t,-,nnp :5 a i.,3219a. in. good athletes because of the treat- 72earn. ment they received while here as f ou think ou are bett th h aguests of fraternities. Only last w eek _atrne__i _ _Advert ser. - Ad_ of h ard f o rk and aty a n opoertuan y t e average, not afraid one of our fraternities refused to en- ardworkandWant an opportunity to demonstrate it with tertain any of the high school ath- an organization that is expanding rapidly, write to salesman- letes unless they could entertain the ! - -A --^ager at our Chicago, New York, Detroit or Grand Rapids delegation they felt contained the most * *.. T. F.%. likely bunch of athletes. Should a 4 5 6 7 9& B) fraternity put itself before its school? 1i 12 13 14 I 16 17We, now , ertles,Inc. I also know that the best freshman 1ad1pd20i2Bd.,Gad apd athlete on the campus today caine 2N Y k G almost going to an eastern school be- Cago ew or Detroit cause of the treatment he was given i '. at one of the fraternities here. I prefer to remain anonymous for good and sufficient reasons if I may, and offer you this hoping to see The \ Michigan Daily render another good service to the University as a result of it. I might also say that I am a * fraternity man and helped entertain' 1fl! some of the high school boys lastR1c l week. -U. R.O.o y I °; -THOS. P. HENRY, JR. PLAY hARD, BUT FAIRt chigan welcomes today the out- ding athletes of the midwest who contend at Ferry Field for the r to represent the United States i athletic capacity at the Olympic es in France this summer. The' ersity fully appreciates the privi- accorded it to entertain these and to witness the feats of those will defend the athletic laurels ur country in competition with vorld's greatest athletes. er since the days of the an- Grecian games from which come modern O!mpics, they have been rded the greatest athletic event ie world. Political enmities, na- il intrigues have been forgotten .e interest attendant upon whole- athletic competition. In order rry out the spirit of the occasion, who compete in the tryouts here y and tomorrow should forget omparatively petty college rival and unite in an effort to choose nm which will best represent the middle western section of the md States. The true spirit of smanship will make this pos- is only natural that each uni- ty and college should wish to epresented' on the team that es the ocean, but this Is obvious- possible. Those who are chosen d be regarded as carrying the s of all the schools represented today and it is only with this in the minds of the competitors spectators that the best choice be made. TiE CHECKER-BOARD e Presbyterian church in its in-1 wisdom has decided to ask Dr. - Emerson Fosdick to become a er! At the last session of the 'al assembly held Wednesday, eport of the judicialhcommission, uipreme court of the assembly, j tdopted which provides in efliect Dr. Fosdick, a Baptist minister, be asked to enter the Presby- I church and "thus be in regular onship with the First Church w Fork as Anone of ts ns"I HE WAS A MUSIC LEADER OF THE PEOPLE To the dismay and sorrow of count- less thousands who were his admir- ers, came the shocking news of thej death of Victor Herbert. To the many who had become acquainted with the man and his work came the feeling that again a man who was contributing something toward the betterment of humanity had been snat- ched from our midst; and too, there came the sympathy for a family which had lost its leader. Victor Herbert was the true leader! of the popular music writers. It was due to him more than to any one other person that the taste for music of a kind intermediate between the classics and our insipid jazz was placed into the possession of the American peo-' lIe. It was due to him that a host of semi-popular music composers, some of whom have given to posterity. small bits of musical charm, have set themselves to work for something other than a pecuniary return. They have received a certain amount of in- spiration and encouragement in watch- ing the musician Victor Herbert, and the man Victor Herbert. They have seen what could be done, even though one does not measure up to a Beeth- oven or a Mozart, and they have pro- fited. They have attempted the task, and have worked and won. Although the man has departed, he leaves to us many works by which he will be remiembered.. Like all men of attainment, lie is one with whom 'death only brings a change, not an end. Many of his compositions will live for at least several generations, and it is possible that not a few will survive the storm many more. The type of music which he has given to the world is for the most part of a desirable kind; it is of a nature that appeals to both the musically learned and the laity, for it is easily under- . stood and appreciated. Victor Her- bert passes in body only. -( f"A PAUL WIIIThEIAN, a review by Ro- bert Hende'son. -Jazz is a sublimated America; it is America: an evolution of the can-can and Alexander's Rag-Time Band, in-' sinuating, undulating, fast to cyclon- ic, tremendous, and worst of all, out-! rageous. To say that you dislikedj [Paul Whiteman's concert would be [ridiculous, placing you in the light of an embarrassed snob; the vital fact is that it was impossible to re- sist his program with its subtle, com- plicated rythms, its maddening sen- suousness, and its barbaric, sophistic-I ated throb. Jazz, as Paul Whiteman plays it, is not only popular; it re- presents the coming symphony, the in- evitable American music of the future. The first three numbers of the con- cert were examples of the clang-and- brash syncopation of a dozen years ago, the kind of jazz that is still be- ing exlsloited without exception on the Keith vaudeville circuits. As mu- sic they were terrifically noisy and chaotic and horrble, but in the final analysis it is this same mad clatter that brings down the house, setting it yelling and shrieking. The remainder of the program, how- ever, turned to the climax of the ex- periment, and at many points verred into exceptionally beautiful harmon- ies. From such purely popular num- bers as "Limehouse Blues" and "JLn- I ger Awhile" to the adaptations of "Chansonette" and "The Volga Boat Song" there was a consistent skill of technical workmanship. The idea that such jazz is obvious and simple was thoroughly exploded. Whatever you may think of Paul Whiteman's musicians, you must admit that they possess the highest technical skill in scoring and, even to a greater de- gree, in the dominant rhythm of syncopation; as players they are worthy of a symphony orchestra. The final numbers included Victor Herbert's "Suite of Serenades" and George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue." The Victor Herbert piecesI carried the style of the modern Ameri- can orchestra with its predominance of muted brasses, saxophones, and the stacatto banjo to an even more complicated field, now entirely weaned from the necessity of a constant fox- trot tempo for the dance floor. One by one all the conventional effects of the conventional, twisted sounds of a jazz band were introduced with STRAWHA TS AHBANG Prices 2: per cent off right at the top of the season..The tend- ency toward the popularity of he cool and comfortable Pana pia Hat forces us to reduc hi1 -price _of par entire ,do 4& oJo- ; traw, Jfats 25 per ent right at the start of the season. Every hat fresh from the nkers and the latest to be had. See 's For Your PANAMA -HAT Our prices are RIG1hT because 've scure the wovw latsdi- rect front the impoi'ter5 and block and trim them in our own factory. g Notlce. We do high class work in cleaning, bleaching and reblock-ing straw and painmiila liatti. We Ilse no0 acids. We do regular factory work. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Phone 1792 (Where I). U. R. Stops at State) dau IIEll- 7 2 04w "SOUTH U N -VEI1SI TY,, Refresh Yourself at Our Fountain with COOLING DRINKS DELICIOUS LUNCHES ICE CREAMS and CONFECTIONS -! Talk over the game with your Pricaces at the Palace. I..t . ,, , wt f 'SenioFs: Hiave your c-lc- engraved Ly us. ti and I -.K1 Idiom Emblem* 5 I A pause. "Well, I've always aspired to play' the mouthorgan, but I could never master it. The easy ones -come first, you know. Ha ha." S"Ha ha" 'we responded. "Well thanks Ross." "Quite all right. Tell the boys they're all right, too." Colonel Hodson, grading maps for his Anthropology 32 students, became the center of a bustling mob. Tnat was because the students wanted to A COMPLE TE line of Michigan pins, rings and charms at reasonable prices. A piece of ichigan Jewrysuch as we carry would make an appropriate graduation present. I - "% i