THE MICHAIGAN DAILY .... M .. ., ._ I MENCEMENT 'Uicry' Leagiie RHouse Reun11ons; I '- ' lI tCame, Featurfe Satulrday FETA'ND AN S 1A SWzr 'IVI ENAI)E ALSO SCJIED)LTLED hec remaier uof the sohdule of its f'or Commencement ,week the p art of which was printed in yes- ay's isue, is concluded below. Saturday, Jujne 14. Alumni Day egistration contin~ues throughou~t cday.r 8:30 A. MT. reakfast for Senior Nurses, Nurs- Dorm, itory. 4:00 A. M . catal Alumni Reception in-the Co- B'uildingiall day Saturday. 10:00 A. MT nnu a! Alumnni Mleting in Hill Aud- iumI. 12:15 P. M. lumni Luncheon, complimentary the University to visiting alumni. ved in B~arbour Gymnasium. 12:15 P. M. W" Club Luncheon at the Michigan on. 1: 30 P. M. Alumni Mass Mieetinig in Hill Aud- u1. 2:00 P. M. Adelia Cheever House Alumnae ting: at house. 41:00 P. M. lumnae House Alumnae Associ- n meets at Alumnae House. 4: 00;P. M.. aseball Game, Ferry Field, Uni- ~ity of Meiji vs. University of a Claims .Discovery BAR ELECTS NEW STAFF h. Seniors, - Dixon, lDunn, Salzmatn, Callahan, "Van Talkenburg, Parks, Ford Chosen 31Y"lDISTRIBUTE LECTUTRE BLANNKS REIESTRATION WEEKJ Election of the officers of the Cara-I torical board was held at a; meeting '!tuesday, according to Millard H. Pry- or, '25,, president of the, boad. The 'following ,will hold :posts, next year; officers, William C. Dixon, '26, vice- jpresident