WEATHER IERALLY FAIR TODAY L 5k i ..tant ju tti ASSOCIATE] aid W FSTE ItY CON EDITORIAL AS; amx!!T . DIV. No. 178 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICK, 1 E YEAR COURSE WORK ECENT. IN LY ULU DE FOUR YEAR CURRICULUM IN NURSING ESTABLISHED On Dental College' Accept Resignation Of Bateman Staffj ,. A resolution establishing a five year course in mechanical and industrial engineering was passed by the Board of Regents at the regular May meet- ing held last night. The new course' will include some work in the new Business school, it was announced, the etire course resulting in the be- stowal of the degree of Bachelor of Science. Further particulars with re- gard to the course will be printed in the second section 'of The Daily on Sunday, June 1. Two appointments t othe staff of the Dental college were made by the; Regents, that of Dr. Leslie F. Ritter- shofer as instructor in dental tech- nic, and that of Miss Ernestine Lati- mer as assistant in clinical pathology. E. G. Burrows was appointed acting assistant professor of journalism. The resignation of Prof. John H. Bate- I man of the highway engineering de- partment was accepted at the meet- ing, and Dr. Scott C. Runnels, direc- tor of the homeopathic laboratories. was granted a leave of absence start-! ing July 1 to continue until Decem- ber 31 at which time his resignation Critic .Praises Garg's Success' For Past Year. Credit rist be given Gargoyle for a success il year, closing with. the appearance of the June number yes- tei d'ay. Practically every issue of the year presented an improved pub- lication both in written and art work, and although this last number falls below -the standard somewhat, June, issues of college magazines usuallyl do so. Featuring the "finis" Garg, is the frontispiece, "The House Party Girl," by Walker Everett, '26. Walker has done a nice bit of work on this full page drawing, and the written sket- ches accompanying them are also well done. Inasmuch as the issue is not so large as usual, and the use of morej art work, the written material scarce-1 ly is . noticeable. What there is of it is principally small jests of one or' two lines. There are a few compar- atively long articles, which are not, however, noteworthy. Gargoyle, compared to other college humor magazines, has a competent art staff, and their efforts are well represented. The cover design, how- ever, was, done by Keith Gebhart, a former student in the University now attending an art school. Also there is a contribution by James House, '23, former managing editor of the Gar- goyle. The art work is chiefly small illustrations with the typical anec- dotes.; -G. W. D. CHOOSE SETTINGS, iH WHITEMAN .N0 0H TAND0 FHIS COME HERE UNDEI AUSPICES OF ANN ARBOR BIIIANCII OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN BAND TO PRESENT NEW EXPERIMENT IN MUSIC Attention Called To Fact That Concert At 3 O'clock And Not In Eveni'.i' Paul Whiteman, in person, ant his orchestra of 25 pieces will present their sensational program, "An Ex- periment in American Music" at 3 1 o'clock this afternoon in Hill Aud.- itorium under the auspices of the Ann Arbor branch of the American Associ- ation of University Women. It is deemed necessary to point out again, due to some misconception, that the concert is in the afternoon rather than the evening. Seats for the performance are pric- ed very reasonal. y at $LO, $1, and $75. For the Detroit appearance tick- ets are placed at '2.75, while in New York the admission to the Palais Roy- , Here In Person SENTORPREDI1CTS COMING CAMPAIGN LAFOLLETTE THREATENS TO RUN AS INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DENOUNCE COMMUNISTS UPHOLDS PROGRES-IVES Statement Given.In Personal Letter To Attorney-General Ekern Of Wisconsin Washington, May 28, (By A.P.)-- Robert M. LaFollette oratorically gave notice today that he would be a can- didate for president on an independ-1 ent ticket unless the Republican and' Democratic party at their approach- ing conventions "purge" themselves of "the evil influences which long have dominated them." At. the same time the Wisconsin senator denounced the communists; charged that they were seeking con- 1 trol of the "farmer-labor-progressive convention"' called for June 17 at St.j Forsythe Says Be Vaccinated If Going Away Students who have been vaccinated for small pox within the last five years need feel no danger in going 'to and from Detroit or vicinity, ac- cording to a statement made by the Detroit health commissioner to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the University Health Service. Students without a scar however, should either be vaccinated or elese not enter De- troit, Dr. Forsythe added. Fewer cases are being reported in Detroit every day and it is thought by the commissioner that the epidemic is well under control, and will not continue much longer. Vaccinations are occurring there at the rate of 100,000 a day. Dr. Forsythe reports that the stu- dents here are responding to the warn- ings, more than 200 being vaccinated yesterday. FRYFIELD ITODAY1 Varsity Seekt Reveipe For Pre lous Defeat; Offense And IDefense Paul Whiteman One of the formost musical direc- tors in the country will personally direct his orchestra of twenty-five pieces in "An Experiment in Ameri-E can Music," an original interpreta-k tion, at three o'clock this afternoon in Hill auditorium. HUMMERI TO HEAD - * -. in U COMM ENCEMI WEEK SCHEDI IS MADE PU THIRTY SEVEN CLASSES REUNITE ON CAMPU '74 OLDEST' BAND BOUNCE, SEN] GIRLS' ;PLAY, AP 8fth Annual Ceremony Will In Yost Field House : Case of Rain Michigan's eightieth annual Imencement week will officialy Thursday, June 12. During thi a host of events will take place most being the commencement cises on Ferry field at 9:00, M June 16. In event of rain th vices will be transferred to thf Field house. The commenceme r dress will be delivered by Frank, A. B., editor of the C Magazine. The BaccalaureatE vice, according to the first ann ment made last night, will be ered at 11 o'clock the preceding day in Hill auditorium, when a Black and j Ill Be White Checkered Effectsj Secured In Waterman Gymnasium d A a f" P d i .A r e a r lb .r curriculum in healtha rsing was established The degree of Bache- in education will be completion of this tional Research Coun-j sh a research station ity next year, it was nalysis and measure-' ality will be the sub- I by the station. Some is line was done this ilversity.' TICKETS WAY BE SECURED AT UNION THIS AFTERNOON Decorations for the Senior ball which is to be held June 12 in Water- man gymnasium will be arranged in a black and white checkered scheme. Colored lights,' and fiowers will be. placed about the hall to add to the effect of this plan. . At one end of The degree of Bachelor of Science the gymnasium.nflowers will be banker] was voted to Harry Sutton, who fin- against a formation of lights to pro-C ished his engineering study here at duce a block "M," and at the other. the end- of summer school last year. end a "'24" will be made in the Many gifts and donations were ae- same way. cepted at the meeting. The Kerr '.All seniors whose applications havet Machinery Corporation of Detroit been accepted may receive their! gave a Jennings Vacuum beating tickets from 2 to 5:30 o'clock this pump to the University. $1,000 was afternoon in the lobby of the Union. given by the Royal Baking Powder William Clore, chairman of the tic- company to be used to finance in- ket committee, announced that senior vestigations to .be 'arried on ti (s women may also receive their tickets summer by Prof. L. V. Heilbrunn of at the same place. the zoology department. Throug'h the The orchestra of Seymour Simons,1 efforts of Jacog Steketee, '95L, $410 .'17E will furnish the music for the has been received from several donors ball. In addition to appearing sever- to be used for the addition of Dutch al times at the Majestic theatre dur- literary and historical works. The ing the past year, this orchestra play- Pease Laboratories Inc., of New York ed at the Frosh Frolic. The orchestra gave $1,000 for research work. La- is playing nightly at the Addison boratory equipment for instruction in hotel in Detroit. Another orchestra marufacturing communication,' power will also be chosen to play at the! and traction fields will be presented 1 ball, but no announcement has yet to the University by the Bell Tele- been made regarding it._ phone company. The dance will be held from 9 to The annual meeting of tre Board 2 o'clock. Formal or summer for- 1 of Regents will be held at 9 o'clock Imaldress will be worn by those at- Friday morning, June 13, it was an- tending the dance.. nounced. Further work to be ac- Hugh K. Duffield is chairman of the complished by this meeting will be ball committee. He is assisted by taken up at a session of the Regents the following: .William W. Clore, to be held this morning in the Regents' Donald F. Stark, Edward Maeder, Fre- room of the Law building. derick H. Cossitt, William H. Stewart,1 A. Byron McWood, William C. Kratz,. Thomas Edwards, George Dammon, i UGeorge Hoffman, .Dorothy Rockwell, USCLES ISSand Margaret Demmon. WANTSTUENTAGETSRUST CEAR GYMNASIUM Ray Ground anft Chalres Marshall, n1 real estate men of the firm of Ground Iflfl and Marshall, dealing in MuscleI Shoals property, will be in Dean Jose- A k ts ph Bursley's office from 3 to 5 o'clock t All lockers in the gymnasiumn mustk today to interview students who wish be cleared by June 11 in order that the to sell Alabama property during the locker room can be cleaned, and lock- summer in their home towns and I ers assigned to those planning to at- those nearby. tend summer school, according to Doc- They want men to sell them-N Muscle tor George A. May, Director of Water- Shoals property. Both men are grad- many Gymnasium. The gymnasium uates of Leland Stanford university. will be open throughout. the summer and anyone who desires a':locker will !h balo t nfin n unon. nain { A C 1 i E i Y 1 !1 l, where Mr. Whiteman plays in the Paul; and called upon the progres- Will Re Strong duating classes will gather to winter, is $25. sives of the country to refuse to par- -- to Dr. William L. Bryan, LL. D., The seat sale, which has been con--~ lU I ." U U ticipate in any movement which makes SIIOESMITII WiLL START IN ident of Indiana University. ducted at Wahr's, 'lraliam's and Slat- common cause with any communist; BOX; STEGER MAY NOT PLAY Other high lights in the - er's bookstores, and the University I Freshman Breaches of Class Rules To organization." ---- program are two baseball game vusic House, has been transferred to- Be Handled By Subeomnilttee Declaring it would not be sufficient Determined to secure revenge for I tween the Michigan and Univers lay to the Hill Auditorium box office. OF 24 Members for either of the old parties merely the defeat administered by Notre Dame ; Meiji, Japan, teams; reunion lhey will be on sale there from -ight -- to nominate "some alleged progres- earlier in the season, Michigan's Var- thirty-seven classes; dinners an >'clock untEEil the hour of the perform-ATEP SENTATIVES sive" and fill "the platform witir mis- sity baseball nine will encounter the ceptions of the several classes; ghce. Attention is also called to the FOR TWO FACULTY BODIES 1 leading promises," Sen. LaFollette Irish, at 4:05 o'clock this afternoon at sentation of the Senior Girls' pla fact that the doors will h'e closed at 'roty fivte minuors past tesed atd said that unless they purge them- Ferry field. Band Bounce. romptly five minutes past three an obert J. ummer, '25, was ap- selves, a long suffering and right- The Wolverines have been playing in Visitors will he affqrded hod ring Whteman i been meeting pointed chairman of the Student coon- eously indignant people will find. in championship form during the past in Helen Newberry and Betsy Ba the coming campaign means inde- two weeks, working thir way to the dormitories, and the Alumnae h with unique success during his tour, cil sub-committee for next year at pendent of both these old parties, top of the Big Ten standings, and (Alumnae only) at the rate of playing t full houts everyiere, and the regular meeting of the Student to take that control of their govern- should prove powerful on offense and a day. Of these, Helen New from the critics. nthl)osrh omusic council held last night in the Union. ment and make it truly represenative." defense today. dormitory will be the only one to editor of the New York ines, fom ex-!The sub-committee is composed of ISen. LaFollette's declaration took In the first game against the Irish, vide dining service. The Unioi ample, spoke of the concert as "a presidents of the junior and sopho- the form of a letter. to attorney gener- Coach Ray Fisher sent Gillingham, a nrepared a list of rooms available lkbl beuiful le of a Ekern, of Wisconsin, and was Sophomore, against the Catholics, and ing the week. Alumni meetings r a eu e -more literary and engineering classes written from Atlantic City, where the although pitching his first game for be held in the Union. ments; scoring of singular economy, and juniors and sophomores chosen Republican insurgent leader has beer the Varsity, the youngster twirled ai Register Thursday balance, color am-effeetivenesti; nus. j by them making a total of 24 men recuperating from a long illness. splendid game, inability of the Varsity Thursday, the first day of the a played as only such oart fers as in all. It handles all cases of fresh- to hit in the pinches causing defeat. week, will be given over to reg these can play it--like the meloman- mman conduct in regard to their tradi- Shoesmith, reserve pitcher, willbetion of alumni in the Alumni m ac that they are, bittoen by rhythms tional class regulations and assists sent against the visitors in today's ial hall, and.the class day exe that would have twiddled the toes of the council in its various activities. encounter, with Gillingham and Stry- of all schools St. Anthonyimsol "r Philip M. Wagner, '25, managing Tker held in reserve. i Friday is Reunion day. Alum iu caldtecTOt on og ~mbro hecucl n dadJOIN CUVJOCH The Notre Dame nine lhas been d-gst'tonwlcntnethogo Gilbert Gabriel of the New York editor the The Daily and ex-officio Jt Ds n gistration wil continue throughol Sun called the concert "one long, member of the council, and Edward feating the Big Ten teams regularly day, the ex-members of 'the V strong musical cocltai!. Whatever it iM.' Fox, '25E, were appointed mem- )-but this is accounted for by the fact band will unite, and thirty- Was, fun or fol-de col,.glorious.goi bers of the University Discipline Com- - Grand Rapids, May 28, (By A.P.)- that the Conference coaches, bent on classes, the oldest being the cla or just plain galumphing, it was wine mittee. Charles W. Merriam, '25E,; The 136th Presbyterian general as- capturing the Big Ten title, have beenI'4 and the youngest, '22, will g that needed no iash. Mr. Whiteman and John A. Sabo, '25, were appointedI sembly today voted to instruct the xperimentingnwith youngce tl. -uraersTe Alumnae will meet in the has some amazing musicians under members on the Senate Committee on .on tkhe non- nforence tiltsg him and he shines out as an extraor- Student Affairs. These men and the T 'hw rk resbytery to take up wi Tie remainder of Michigan's lineup I ilten will speak, as well as Binary well-rounded artist." president of the council will represent !DrHarry Emerson Fosdick the ques- will include all of the regulars, al- Zelner Dow'ing and Miss Paul Whiteman's program will in- the student body on these two faculty iftion as to whether he will enter the though Herb Steger may be kept out' Sanders. elude many of the song successes committees. Presbyterian church. of e in the Bke -m I The class day ceremonies 'w made nationally famous through his I The council decided also to make ar- The assembly adopted the]report of sustained in the Buckeye contest. conducted on this day. The Engin records, including the popular "Lime- rangements immediately for the use its judicial commission, the supreme McGereney or McGrath will pitch for class will hold its program a house Blues", the "Shanghai Lullaby". of Hill auditorium for pep meetings court of the assembly, which, in effect Notre Dame. Senior benches, the School of " n,"p tinvited Dr. Fosdick, a Baptist min- The Wolverines will face the strong cation at University High Schoi "Chansonette", and Whispering." which will be held prior to the three ister, to enter the Presbyterian church Badger squad on Saturday at Ferry the Literature college, "on the Cnerenc.e otba slyed hee "and thus be in regular relationship field in the final Conference game of nis," The first baseball game REPORT next fall. The possibility of a pepkihtefrtCucofNrYrkhesan.Mhgn'cacsfr meeting for the Illinois game s with the first Church of Now York the season. Michigan's chances for Meiji will be held in the afte aWsWIdiscu]sed. Fo lowing the ac- as one of its pastors." capturing the highly coveted title will Thire will be open house at l4 tion of the council action will be lthtBDrWillamrT. Mewr1 pastor of rest upon the outm of this t Cook, Helen Newberry, Betsy to a M m~ M Bour and Adelia Cheever houl OFFET CROAINtaken to reserve I-ill auditorium for ( }strorkeiaCeee hu Of FLET COPORW N ( wich one of the leaders of the liberal ele- ICONGRSS PN S LQUR, f the night of September 22 at ment was denied the right to sit on he afternoon. The Alumna tame President Marion L. Burton will td gON GFngineers will hold their ba Washington, May 28.--(By A'-- deliver an ofcial welcome to the the board of missions of which hei at noon. has served for 12 years. Dr. John I.f' ;aaniiinirr Officers of the Fleet Corporation told students at the beginning of the newF asrn fookyna din iSchedule Conflicts the house committee investigating the school year.FBU I UUVALt UII A conflict in hte schedule w shipping board today that' Albgt 13. Joseph J. Finn. '26, was appointed fundamentalist, was elected in his1e Friday night, when, at 8: Fall, as secretary of the interior in as a member of the rooming commit- IM ace. Cr g o heretical utteranshington May 28.-(By A) ' Girls play, "If I Were July 1922, had refused to renew a con- tee which handles all disriutes that anD writing were made on the floor Two prohibitions investiatios of- ill be presented at the r tract with the board for purchase of arise between students and landladies. against 'vastly different character are to be theatre, while at 8:30 orclo( governnment royalty oil in Mlontana j A representative of the landladies ''conducted this summer by committees Band Bounce will' be repeated and Wyoming, thereby forcing it to league also sits on this committee of congress...I udtorhum. The benefits of tl obtain its oil elsewhere entailing a which is under the direction of Dr. [I MBRIack from a prolonged illness, Sen. mr will he given to the W loss of millions of dollars. Frederick Wahr of the University Couzens, who started the much debat- League fund;- The testimony was given by Joseph rooming service. In the past thereed inquiry into -the internal revenue Saturday, Alumni day, will be E. Sheedy, vice president and M. D. has been no representative of the stu- U UINIU UUUIIi bureau, announced today that he -or to Aluumni reunions, a b Bowen, manager of purchases and dent body on this committee. planned to ask the senate revenue game. reunions of the alumnae supplies of the Fleet corporation, in Chairmen of' standing committees bureau committee to convene again dormitories and sororities, Soul resopuse to questions. The latter de- himno tndn-omtesIg tesadsrrteSi baredsqommnand" t toe EAU N for next year were appointed at a re- after the political convention, employ caption, nromenade, and Ban dared that "overyt at the cent meeting of La Sociedad His- able counsel and go to the bottom of; cent in the evening. boards command" was brought to panica. Gladys Beo Allen, '24. "I conditions in both the income tax and Sunday will witness the Bac ea pnM.Flwhsusuntyto be chaiman of the entertainment prohibition units. Inate sermon in Hill attditorim committee members brought out enter- committee; ofpn Waldeck W. Ievi,'2Eis Two hours earlier the once power- i meeting in Lane hall of a ed into a contract with the Sinclair i chairman of publicity; Wayne E. Sha- ful house committee on alcoholic liq- interested in Christian work- terests for purchase of te . wacker, '25, will have charge of the uor traffic held its first meetings in campus. Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, '75, former I lecture\ committee; and Ethel R. Co- five years and instructed a sub com- Tickets for all events of dean of the Medical school here, is hodos, '26, will be chairman of the mittee on which the outspoken wet mencement week will be disi FA BOC PIPREIelement will have no representation ' rrom- the office of the Sce F P making a week's visit in Ann Arbor. membership committee. toeport tthaenexnress on a hSecre h) ht ph-o ie Vniversity, room 3 Un _-.isag.._.. :HU ~ ~1 ie ait o rhiiin to is __ ..._.....hea.,.nn+.n.:.Monday.._ Jun. 1 E i ,k G . . t t r Final Whimsies Appears Today Whimsies, Michigan literary magaz- ine, will today make .its last appear- ance- upon the campus- for this year. The issue will contain a short story by Donald Coney, '24, one by Ann Pedgrift, and a poem by Gingerich. beI a le. t nTO _O LUI .le J I P yf8 a fee to the treaurer. EXCLUSION PROTEST YT N[RO 1 N Washington. May 28.-Official word of Japan's protest against'exclusion (i egislation was still lacking tonight in SUBSTITUTEREIFBL - Washington, May 28.--Actual pre- paration of a substitute for the Haug- en-McNary farm relief bill has been begun by some members of the House4 and Senate farm bloc who are con- vinced the measure sponsored by the agriculture department cannot be en- acted into law. Details have not been worked oumt, but those interested in thie move said the alternative would be in shape to be offered if the McNary-Haugen bill is defeated in the house or if passed, stands no chance of receiv- He is staying at the Union wttit s wife, stopping' here on his way to time! University of Iowa wyhere he is to lecture during the summer session up- on epidemilogy. Dr Vaughn is a graduate of the University, having received his Master of Science degree here in- 1875 and I is Doctor of Laws degree in 1900. He was dean of the medical school here from 1891 to 1921. . COURSE WILL BE GIEN IN' GENERAL DIAGNOSIS CHAIRMAN FOR GRIDIRON1 IhPaul L. Einstein, '25, was named chairman of the Gridiron banquet ofj Sigma Delta Chi, national professionalj fraternity, for next year at a meet- ing of the organization- last night. The' Gridiron is an annual affair given by Sigma Delta Chi in which proniin- ent men are "roasted" on the "grid-j iron." Iwide variety of prohibition topics. 7STATGME TOGRIFFITHt I Minneapolis, May 28-A formal pro- test against Ohio State's 11 to 2 vic- tory over the Minnesota baseball nine; last Saturday at Columbus on the ground of "incompetent and unfair' I umpiring" was sent to Major John L. Griffith, Big Ten commissioner of ath- letics by athletic director Fred W. Leuhring. hail hezinning Monday, June The schedule to Saturday, 'ollows. The remainder of ti nrogram wil he published to THURSDAY. JUNE 1 Sl'iri Registration Oner ""ni Memorial Hall. Clas n rograms given out up 8 Class Class of 10:00 A. M. Dayv Exercises, LE 1924. Room C. Lav PROGRAM President's Address Presentation of Class Mem