THE MiCHIGAN DAILY r #M wr ai . _. Y OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page Five) ;he School of Education (including Athletic Coaching and Admin- -in Tappan Hall. June 20, 21, 23, 24, 9 to 12 a. i. and 2 to 5 p. -in the Medical Building. June 20, 21, 23, 24, a. JIl. ~ Ua G LU oy. III.I ir the Law School ( Courses begin Tuesday, June 17),--in. the _Law 1g" u'Jtn 13, 14, 16, 8 to 12 a. m'. 'and 2 to 561p. M. r' the "College of Pharnacy,=~in the, Chemistry and Pharmacy Builil- uine 20, 21, 23, 24, 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. mn. r'the Graduate Scjioo,-in University Hall. June 20, 21,X22, 24, 9 to iand 2 to 4 p. in. Thereafter 10 to 12 a. mn. and 2 to 4 p. rn. daily 1courses begin, June 23, excepting in the Law School, as above stat- T. E. RItnukint, Secretary. qin Bursiness Administration: presentatives from Rammn & Co. will be-in my office after .2 o'clock arsclay to interview those interested in a position in the real estate s in Detroit. Edniund E. Day. Electricals: "C. A. Morford, General Plant Superintendent, and Mr. R. R. Marsh, ,n Plant Superintendent of the ?Michigan Beo Telephone Company, in Rown 274 W. Engineering Bldg., Wednesday, May 28, :1924 for tue e of employing juniors for work during the summer vacation. Joseph 11.,Cannon. Mcs 32: ek up exonu~nation Thursday, May 29, at 1 . Room 3 Economics g. C. C. EdmondA. Enlireers:,, ial assembly in room 348 W'iednesday at 9:00. 1'. Field: iaties : College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: ere will be a meeting of the Staff on Wednesday, May 28, at 4 P. M. In 10 Tappan Hall. Joselih I. Ma rkley. ,rC m n G ooy ad G orp y students, planning to attend the,- Summer Camp in Cneology and Xe'o- at Mill Springs, Kentucky, should enroll at the'Registrar's office and tion at once. Mloney should 1 e taken to the camp In the form of r's or bankers' checks-it will be impossible to cash personal checks camp region. r:i.' Ehlers, Director. ervk a Exalninions for Summer PtoSliloin4-in Detroit Department WilAT'S GOING ON All persons or societies using this I 'ulunin should Include in their notices day, hour, and place. All notices. wvitbout this data will be disregarded. WEDNESDAY 12:1-- -ath lub. iJun eJeon, room. 321, fo AnAro 13-Atehbto'fonAnro'high schools, west exhibition room,' Alumni Memorial hall. 2 :00-Senior banquet tickets, Uijuon desk.'. 3 :(Hl-Faculty Women's a ub, nursery section meeting, clubhouse. 0 :40-Board of governors dinner, U~n-. ion. 6:0(l--A. A. Teachers' club dinner, roam 316-318, Union. 4:00---(Inadrangle dinner, room 323, Union. 7 :80--Round-Vp clutb mYeet ng, roont 306, Union. TTLUIIDAY 12 :tC-wi)eutal f£cu1ty lunch,.t uon«' 1 :30-Ar;, xliilltlon front Ann rlor" high schools, west exhibition room.,, Aumni memorial hall. V-NOT IE8 Tite George Booth fscbhoia*'ship conipe- tition drawings are now on exhibl- tion in the architectural lecture room on the' second floor' of the En- gineering builIng where they nta be seen every' afternoon. UAnn Arbor's proposed bus system, on which no action has been taken, for some time, will be reconsidered next Monday night at the regular council meeting. Last Monday night, a council committee met with rpe rer-sentatives of the Detroit Bus cOimpany and~ discussed amendments 'to the I plan, andi it will be the revised plans which will go before- the council. i The original proposal was to re- place the present street car lines with flve- bus lines to serve more ter- ritory than is now coveredl by street I cars. --I Palo Alto, Cal, MAay 27.- Stanford students spend a full, hour and three, quarters each day in going" to and from! classes, according to reports, in the Daily Palo Alto's investigation. Patronize Daily Advertser s.-A v. t S 3APL.ElNE SYRUPON iY PAN- CARES, WYAFFLES, FRIED MUSH Larry Miller Presents I~ 'SIX )f I oI 11 with Recreation: eexainnations will be held Saturday ice of the Department of Recreation. qualified to take these examinations Thursday, at 11 o'clock. morviing, May 31, in Detroit I will be glad to interview at my office 205 Economics A. E. Wood. Phil Diamond iual business meeting and election of officers of the nursery section ~acuity Women's Club at 3 o'clock today in the club house. All mnemn- o urged to be present. Margaret C. Lloyd. 1leglate Debating Class: emembers of the class in Intercollegiate Debating are requested to Room 302 Mason Hall on Wednesday afternoon, May 28'1'at 4 o'clock. - -G. E. Defusmore. C0o11110): elast meeting of the Representatives of the Hlonor Council' will, be ed., May 28, at 4 P. M. in Barbour Gymnasium. 1,1111s R .Beattie,'-Secretary.. ma Meeting: ere will be a meeting on Wednesday, May 28th., In Roomi Z 242; N. S. iP. M~. Electionm of officers and other important business will, be Alden F'. Roe, Assistant in Baeterlology, will talk on, Rabies. Make nt to be there. L 1. R. Wagener. h Club: M Aay meeting of the Research- Club will be held on Wednesday; May 8 1P. Al. in the Histological Laboratory. The following papers will ented: )litical Developments in the Netherlands East Indies" by Professor ayden. 1.e Character and Distribution of the Terrestrial Permian 'Deposits in . Eutope" by Professor E. C. Case. e Council will meet at 7:30 P. M. T. H. Hildebrandt, Secretary. Engineers: roduction Series-Recital "1Idylls of the King": o' last program in the Play Production series of plays and recitals, presented tonight at 8 o'clock in the Auditorium of University hall., ins fromn Tennyson's "Idylls Of The King" will be given'by students ie courses i Interpretive Reading. The audience is urged to be seated clock. The usual1 single admission charged- will be made.- R. D. T. Htollister. It Organ Reeitjdl (omitted): :organ recital will be leld this week. The next recital will take rednesday afternoon, June 4. Charles A. Sink, Secretary. . . 11 for all Companies and Band. Assembly 3:00 P. M. Complete Uni- ill he worn. s will -be the last formation' for the year. Uniforms, Band: Instru- books and- pamphlets and all University and Government .property turned in on or before June 2nd. This includes advanced uniforms his semester except those who graduate this year., Lost articles must 1for, before clearance can be obtained from the Treasurer of the pity. Mlen who are going to camp are authorized to retain their uni-= Fdesired for' use on social occasions and when on pass while at Those going to camp who have not been vaccinated for 'Typhoid and ox must report at the Health Service at once for this purpose. Wmt. T. Carpenter. ta Kappa: ore will be an important meeting of the University of Michigan. Chap- ?h-i Beta- Kappa at 4 p. in., .Thursday, May 29, in Room 205, Mason The attendance of as many members as possible is desired. J.H. Hodges; Secretary. Season. ot 1924 at Pleasant View " scoOnU5ED CAR-5 There's no secret about our reason,"for taking such ia 4eep intetest in: Used Caii owners. , We realize that every owner has many friend,"--and that s ome of those friends are wing to follow his advice in the mnatter of cars. -,Good Valtue 1920 DODGE SEDAN. Good mechanical conidi- tion. Finish, good $395: 1916 DODGE TOUR- ING. Verygood prun- ning order. $125.. 1920 BUICK 'TOUR- ING. Good, mechanical condition. ,$250. Il Clark's Lake NEW PAVILION NEW HOTEL ONE HOUR FROM ANN AR~BOR BY PERFECT ROADS, Grand Opening - 4 7 PASS. 8 CYL New cord tires. OLDS. $235: Dec rain Day ANN ARBOR GARAGE 206 W. Huron St. Phone 1101 The Daily "Classified" Clun AFTERNOON AND EVENING 1! . WAH R'S Bo ks OF EVERY, K~ID-WE SELL THEM 8Y THE PIECE, D+ ?E11, IIUN'DRED, AII I