THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY _Y .,, ..a..: , . , .. ., .. ,. _ 1 II IAL EWSPAPER OFTHE IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hied every morning except Monday he University year by the Board inI of Student Publications. ers of Wecstern Conference Editorial ion. Associated Press is e: elusively en- the use for replublication of all news es credited to it or not other wise in this paper and the local news i- hereili. ed at the postoffice at Ann Ar )c~,- n, as second class matter. Special rate ge granted by Third Assistant Post- General. ription by carrier, $3.50 ; by mail, s: Ann Arbor Press Bu~jilding,. May- reet. s ditra.21.na1511 u d communications, not exceeding 300 will be published in The Daily at retion of the Editor. Upon request, ntiy of cjimw'.inicant will be re- as confidential EDITORIAL STAFF elephones, 2414 and 176-M MANAGING EDITIOR HARRY D. HEYE Editor ................. Robt 1B. Tarr 1 Board Chairman.... R. C. DMorarity ditor...............J. C. Garlinghouse Night Editors Ailes A. B. Connable, Jr. C. Clark T. E. Fiske P. M. Wagner Editor ..............Ralph N. JByers 's Editor............ Winona Hibbard Editor..............Ruth A. Rowell it City E ditor..Kenneth C- Kellair rMichigan News Bureau. R. G. lRaisaq ics Editor ...Robert B. Henderson Assistants Barley Elizabeth Liebermanfl Berlkuian R. S. Mlansfield Bi'icnell E. C. Mack B Toxer Verena Mloran Brown hlarold Moore Conrad Carl Olirmacher ette Cote llyde Perce Davis Andrew 1'ropyer Ehrlich Marie Reed Fernamnberg Regina IPeichniann Ciartner Edmarie Schrausd.r th Heath C. A. Stevens ienry W. 11. Stonemnan iglouseworth Marjorie Sweet Mine Frederic G. Telmos y Kamin ^,. R. Thai et Keil W. J. Wa? thour Kendall Ue-inan 1,Vise- Kruger BUSINESS STAFF 'telephone 960' BUSINESS MANAGER LAURENCE H. FAVRO'I ical. It the leader -clergynr prominen it was in there wei made ill it grew creep in, in the n: whv~ich h, of the tr self bega picion.J fment was posible t( the coin was originally composed of _ I_ -tllfJ l lIII llfIiilllllitIII;fitlilllt IIEIIIIUIII IJIlJIl~ltIHI 11ifIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIitII II}IIIIIIIIIIIEIJIIIIIIIIIIIIII rs in the various communities1tY f ni nen, professional men, and l bi CAMPUS OPINION - i it business men- and while Aft ithe hands of these people RATS, MI1CE, II- , _________FAIS SUPPLIES rre no instances in which it AND OTHIER WYNTB AR [!________ ___________________ use of its powers. But as VERMIN j To The Editor:-I - _________________ ___ _________________ another element began tol j This violent anti-Klan tirade that~ Outrgeswer comittdkApropos of nothing at all, the six- spordcly blooms in the editorial! ame of the Klan, outrages day bicycle, race seems to have a gardens of the Michigan Daily is with- a~dnevr hd te ~ancjonfatal lure for the sons of Italy. Read =out doubt the most unfragrant weed ue body. And the Klan it- any accouint of one of 'these thilling, ;that has blooiied there this>y'ar. -The pointES T O R E S n to come under grave sus-'prig vnspadteeioo i of view that the Daily editrial Municipal and state govern-senm pnnm iePan 0 rtr aetkni one that is lichinelli, Pizzicato, and Lucatelli. t la hnigcleemn sdisorganized. It became im fawyswnto.Tenti-lanrdtol th atkig clae e B Topen" ~ tj :o administer justice, because* The antKben appearigs areptihaeul r inf________ rts weefildwihKanthe~VI iir aiiiity ,and are obviously thle 11 judges, 'Klan. prosecuting attorneys, iDear. Jase:- Klan sheriffs, Klan everythiing. .Any- Moses~ and Elijah both said, "T n body not'a IKlansman had small chance 1 gret that I have but one life to to, of getting a square deal.foaycunr.(Wtaplge There is, of course, no place forfo ycunr.(Wtaplge suc anorgniztin i a ounrythe guy who wrote thfe' ad for tY suchan cganiatio in coutryArcade theatre, .which appeared in tY which aspires to democracy. The one Sna al. great advantage of democracy is that Sunday Daily.)ies ose to the the it puts everything outV in the open. It gives opportunity for discussion of both sides of the question. It gives dirty things a. healthy airing, and allows Right to speak for itself. In an organization In which its own, good is the primary consideration, and where everything must be sacrificed for an arbitrary principle, the under- lying aim which is democracy's rai- son d'etre--that of finding the truth- bas small chance for existence. I LILY FIELD In case you didn't see the ad, itj gave Solomon credit for "Consider theI lilies of the Field, how they grow..", A Voice From The Dead j one. spring evening a certain Syl- vester Popkin quietly closed the front fdoor'Kand started briskly down the street. lie was on his way tto : a twisted offspring of an intolerant,1 sensation, loving, school boy mind.. Let us view this Klan-Catholic l question for a moment in a saner' light. On one hand we have a tightlyI knit organization, ruled strictly by l a Pope. All classes of people belong1 to this organization and, they all en- deavor to further the interests of the l ,organization and those who belongl Jto it. On the other hand we have j an organization, not so tightly knit, I but in every other way analogous to I the first one, except that the central {{ head does not have as much powerf nor is he called the same title. Both organizations realize this important fact: that no one is going to . help' you unless you help yourself. Iii' other words, on this man's planet the fittest survive; the law of selec- DETROIT UNIEDLNES EAST BOUND LiteGd' 6 a. i., 1:19 a. inmand every two 'ho.; pto .:10 ' ' In. E~xpres: c a. mn., 8 a.,im. and e'v':y two imuirs to 8 ;i. M. Locals: 7 a. in.,. 8:55 a. mn. and# every two hours to 8.65 p. mn. 11 p. mn. To Ypsilaiit5 only, 11:4G 1.i. 2:26~ a. mn. and 1:15 a,.in. SLhtiteds: 8:47 a. i. and every two hours to 8:4*1 p. mi. I' Express (making lkcal Stops): 9:5 a. mn. and every two bours to $:64 p. in. '0" I TI RELIABLE SERVICE AT 'RIGHT PRICES C AF' T TYPESHOP (Over the Arcade Theatre) ertising.............. . ... T. L. Du)'ne 'ertisin ................ Perry ;1. IlIa y (eun ertising ........ .......... .. W. Roecsse r ertising ......................H. BE Rose aunts.. . . . .. . . I. 1.. liare ulation ............... ...... C, lr d ~ fication.................Lawrence Pierce Assistants W. Campbell N. V. [Tolland inie Caplan D1. L. Ireland s. Champion Harold A. Marks ni Conli~n Byron Parker is ib. lDexter A. J. Seidmnan ph J. Finn Geo. A. Stracke id A. Fox R. C. Winter ren H-aight WEDNESDAY, AY 28, 1924 Night Editor-JOE KRUGER CONCFR'NW THE KLAN 'e Daily 'publishes in another mn a communication in support the, Ku Klux Klan. The gist of writer's argument is that the holic church-a closely-knit organ- ion which mar~es abundant use ritual. . is gaining a large measure elporal control, and that the Klan [so an orgainization which makes of ritual for the purpose of ring and holding members. .is or- ized to rid temporal affairs of the race of Catholicism. Since it has ain features in conmmon with thef holic church, the writer implies, existence is excusable. he writer's argument is based on allacy: namely, that the two or- izations are in any degree coin- able. True, they both make- use of al to a large extent in ;holding it followers. But there is one rent characteristic of the Klan, ch has no place in the Church.. of secrecy. The speaker at the Klux Klan meeting, recently held Ann Arbor, laid especial stress he need for secrecy in the work- of the Klan. He said that without ie Klan could not hope to accom- h its alms. And the Catholic ch, no matter what other critic- may be leveled at it, can not be sed of securing its ends through use of secrecy. lie Klan preaches "Americanism," claims a basis in the Constitution, its whole organization is founded tproposition which is fundament- unconstitutional. The first tenet inerican government is obediance ho law; and the basis for the con- tion of the 'United States is indiv-'t , liberty. Yet the Klan attempts to g about obediance by extra-legal1f hods; it takes the law into its hands. In spite of assertions, to contrary, this has been proved and again,- in the various Klan ages ire Texas, L.ouisiana, and amra. There are instances on re- in which the Klan has attempted1 nforce the liquor laws by taking[f ;ed violators out and tar-and- iering them. In many instances K(lan has served out deserved n)un- I There, has been a lot s1aid of ae about our staff of music critics that Is in itself not entrely. pleasant to listen to. But after all, it isn't every- one who can be both "agood pr- former and ;a good listener. In te words of another,sa word to the'WrisO- and sio forth... At the rate which Varsity lettersl are' being given out for any and every activity, it will soon be a mark 'of distinction to be able to assert that one has never been in possession of such a letter. A VALLEY OF GHOSTS The situation in the Rubr Valley. is coming to a climax faster than has' been expected. F~or more than a year now, ,the policy of the Germans ',in thedsitias ,been one of ase+ resistance. Reports froni Essen not Only describe renewed rioting in the vailhy, "but k. e that the1 Krip wgrks 'wll loe .dow, hrowiig ¢. 0,10 workers out of employment. Big J concerns in Horde, Dortmunde, and Bochum are also contemplating clos- ing down. With 600,000 individuals e lmhaed to be out of work, and many of the Ruhr towns feeding thousands f meni, women and children who are almost starving as a result of the existing 1 strikes, the new number that is to be jobless will swell the ranks- of the unemployed to a new danger point for the Ruhr. Going thus' from bad to worse unless certain actions are taken at once, a panic 'will mark this valley 'which will result in starvation to thousands. While France haggles over her pro- ,blem; of who shall be the net Pre- mier, and while, Great Britain looks on with a sparkle of hope in her eye, and while the United States pertin- ently extends the Dawes' plan, the SRuhr situation is paid comparatively little attention. It is given very little (attention as regards its internal strife.. fIf nations think of it at all, it is .only considered as a plot, of land which should returned to the Germns. Perhaps if the Ruhr were returned to Germany, or some plausible com- promise were established between France and Germany, the situation in the Ruhr would clear up. Perhaps, if the Dawes' plan were accepted, a halt could be brought about to the existing condition. But 'the Allies , continuing self-centeredly, are put- ting off the acceptance of the plan, and thereby true peace until the few radicals in Germany who are against1 it, will, by stump speeches win the public over to their side. Wkatever plan is pursued should be carried out immediately and effect- ively. The Allies have been allowing France to bungle with the Ruhr long enough and 'they have been allowing1 Germany, to carry on political In- trigues against the French long en- ough. No matter whether the blame isl placed at the door of France or Ger- many, the fact remains that thousands of people in the Ruhr are suffering needlessly because two nations aret now caring on a ,laissez-faire policy1 and refuse to come to some agreement. Our ball, team on its reet trip carried the honor of Michigan high' and above th" shoulders of it op- . ponents.. But then, that's what might. be expected of 'an organization com- posed of. athletic cream. The Japanese exclusion bill may be I th bezinnin*- of somthin~' infnitly ] ; 7 ; one, of his favorite dishes, b.y the way. FiJe was very nicely. dressed and I 7 think quite happy, as he was whistling a tune he had Just heard on. his r'adio, sung by Mrs. Baxter~ Whortle- oerry at station WT-.' It was, a very~ pretty tune and] very nicety Indeed. had she sung it, 'he thought to him--: self.- tion is the governing ;ne- organization has a ver'y long time, thes law of life.' realized it for other for only I must explain right °here that if there were one thing about Sylvester that stood out above all others it was his tender heart. He was above A~l kind to animals., Now as Sylvester was sauntering gaily across the campus (I might as ' well adnit he was enrolled in the U of M) his eye was caught by a 'nearby Engineering bench. "There is " mo hurryabout. the chocolate,,marlh-; Wallow alnonund4ae'with" cherry on it," thought Sylvester to himself4 cP~haps if, I rest, ,a while I shall bud" enjoy-; its thre btter for ntqip Now it so happened that a certain 1 toad who shall be nameless saw at a glance that Sylvester was the sort ofi, fellow who was kind to anmal, s; naturally he hopped toward D~m teagerly, thinking to sit beside im -on tie bench. But of course Sylvester h ! ad no means of guessing the toad's pleasant intentions-in fact he never 1even so~w his little unknown chum. I'o §yfveste'r sat ownq ite' heavily on the toad. However, it w eas not' long before Sylvester.,rose, ;thinking something 'might be amiss., "Oh dear, you poor Ilittle creature," lie wailed, when le' saw the plight of the poor toad. "Had I but known, I should never have sat on the Engineering bench." So Sylvester wept bitterly over the fate of his little friend, and -after looking at him sorrowfully for a while, decided to give up the idea of the cho- colate nmarshmnallow sundae with a cherry on it. Instead he walked slowly home and listened to his radio ffor the rest of the evening. -, 'Unle Mflt Perhaps You Will Think This Vulgar Dear Ja;on:"- When I saw the,:sign in a window' in the 'Arcade "Knickers 1-4 off," it reminded me. of home where Shatz & Co. put out theft annual sale sign, "Shatz's Pants are' Down Again." There. is no' bunk~ about this. The sign was annually displayed in Find- lay Ohio until ya few years ago when Shatz went out of business. He sold the goods too cheap, I think. J. J. M. H-erel's' kiddy send's us stirring ac- counts of the spreading of our fame to Hastings Mich. We find in a marked, copy of the Hastings BannerI the full story of Cowles' encounter] with M. I. P. A. bennies, together with a silent judgment in favor of the Hastings outfit. Great thing, famre. War seems imminent over the ques- tion of where the' "original village blacksmith did business. Seven cities hung out signs about Welcome to Ver- on,4-4{oIn'iei'>was born here, utwe. never cold see that- "The village' B acJksith'; was .such a beanet' o :a pdeza t nerit any such racket. if the- nat ons~jq ';teworld we live in are really so hot about fighting we can suggest lots of better occasions- How about a rumpus over the birth- place of the original George F. Bar bitt? Or how ahout the U.S.A claim i i 4 I "I k.# . r 1 . I: a few years, that is,-as an org;aniza- tion.' One; group derives .its powe through.- 1. Fear of the hereafter. '2. Exercising' ritual and superstition on the ignorant. 3. Rearing its young in the atnios- phiere of the church, not only in the family, but going so far as to seg- regate them in parochial schools. I 4. Consciousness that they have tc stick together in order to help them-I selves; consciousness that in union there is strength. The other orgqnization derives its power through the realization that 1. They mwt organize and combat arfotber gr'1R whose ideas and ;rac- 'tices are r'~pugnant, that promises , if it continues to develop as efficient- lyas it~ is now, to gain control of and the world. ~And the members of this grouip are> also affected by ritual, ceremony, and robed hokum, just as the members of the first group are affected. TPhe whole business is a clear~ case 'of °What -s sauce for the goose'..." It is- the natural, proper thling for un- organized Protestants to view w~ith alarm the encroachnments of an or'- ganized group whose members at. pire- (Continuied on Page Five) nearby sweet sbop, where he proposed to purchase a chocolate marshmallow i Al~-mnd sundae -~withna ciherry. in i---------- I - Price of Straw Hlats -reduced 25 per' cent at our store righ-t-at 'the start of' the season. Growinx o -alt of the cool and comfortable Panama tlthe ctan., Pring your Panama in and have is Rte-conditioned (Cleaned, Blcacl eci and Reblocked with all new trimmings). FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St. Wh'fdere D. UT. I. Stops' at State .-Adv. ? Central 'lithe (Shaw Time)1 -l, "~tE Clianibor of "Commerce Week Days Sundsy. -I 6A : 4 5 P - tl t. -V "4 5 a . [ , 445 P. tm. JAS, . H ILLMOTT -Tlopri-t,)r Ph~ne o~i-M Adrian. Mich. YEAT AT REX'S Ii 712 arbor Street aer State aiadPi csl(II#'~ _. 1' necQ" ..J _ , , ._ _ . _ r O pen*ngs in a desirable) - Profession Consistent with its time-honored policy, the Insurance Compan~y of North America, has created a number of desirable openings in its orga za tion for college trained men. This oldest American fire and.flma rinle insurance company was organkized in 1792 by the founders of American inadependence. It enjoys close contact with American business and enlists the services of progressive men. -~"-'d INQUIRIES-ARE INVITED, } Wrti g- Fir-MHarin°tutpoab-Tours--arcel Post, cMq Insurance Company of-' North Amica 4 3rd &.Wa~lnut PHILAELPHIA C ti , r .. _..,. A new, sport oxford for campus, links,; court or veranda! Soft tan buckskin apron and side panels of calfskin artfully combined for servis and comfort- John Ward Sucppi Soles of cruderubber --TheSeapuit, and many other new models, wil be shown by t. C. P. Lathrop at CGEO. KY ER"S Llefle-& Nissle' 'Evorybodl's Shoe Shop, 4 Doors South' of Liberty St.--on Main St. Have-the Right "Dope" in Young Men's Spring and Summer Oxfords A- I Quality Plus Reasonable PVice TO'NIGH~ T, besides the particular movies, there will be three prodluc-I tions at once for your selections: Masques will present three plays by Constance MacKay, "Gretna Green," "The Silver Lining," and "Ashes of Roses" in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall; the Class in Oral Interpm'etat~on 'w ill ;give seleecinn~i fromn Tennyson's ,idyls of tlhe Kin.- in University Hail; and- the SeniorCls of the Anin Ar'.)or high school will offer Laurence 11ou45- ' man' "Prunella" in Pattengihl Audi- torium; all at 8:15 and all very charmhing combinations of sentimlent. "LILIES. OF THE FIELD" A Review 'by 'Mr. Jason Cowles The critical perspective is decidedly warped by such young ladies as Miss Corinne Griffith, who, as the adver- tisement says, "co-stars" in this fillum with Conway Tearle. Still, there were things- in the pic- ture we had seen before: the woman the heroine's husband' marries after his divorce, for instance. She was the familiar cinematic type-a pas- sionate little hoyden who hated her darling little step-daughter!, and. jumped on the photograph of the win- some Corinno, when she found~ the! child playing with it. I- The touch- we thought we were go- I ing to like Best in the whole show turned out to be nothing at all. - Cor- inne getat.;wtelegram that her little darter is, dead,' and it is brought in by a boy with-a raincoat. It would have 'teen a. superb touch-but a, minuite later the' heroine went oi$f on j' one of these expeditions into the storm that hieroine's are always makn-- turning up two minutes later at the l door of handsome Conway's apart- ment. I don't think I make myself Vl~a H I OH BOYS! Iii Get a par Of our' I SoftCalfskin Brow n Mccasin V7a-nl Oxford3 a With- ! Crepe- Sol s. at $6.00 , ____ 1r, O 4G ~ , _ _ ; , i _ C; R 1 _ , 4t r- r' o" ' .. r Sao : =COME Down Town to Our Store and Save a Dollar or 'Two on Oxfords $9{ fts Dvawnem,-~'axcCt ~mamm~~imu i Because of our rapid service, our patr eves: Pe g'et best nt have -noticed onag settta piedo. -bm vere te foo0'ds at lo~vest costs.--1 I