THE MICHIGAN DAILY ., . ,. . 1001 w111nbe intedoanAp Ii(1 = JcgFi; din c rLawr ri~nc~i ffenrty lxha .one oflUi2 iow studns I y o wl egalelro n le nth Lw hal sat withtell emesait ii fleorrofft La scool, Lplicatn i ion f r.edrooms r bluebok p laper and lsli c n, uip onfpaae les i 1class. the home address, selit Ann Arbor atddress . I be reserved inl the dlinn students now in the class he literary° college who ar in the six-year combIdnined er's and law andl he:ne sh_1an laws next year. t was also:( estimiatedc by Dei t the bwird for three mea; 111d not :exced sevel-Ido -k, and ,would poal s. Both the dnighal idence will be(, equipped in sible way and superior bra ng; accommodations willk eel, he siaid. y' range from- four to five veek. It is th1ough71t by De;~ t the final prices; will h( at below the c°urrent pri4 A.nn Arbor at the present til rot. C. 0. Davis, of the St .cation, ihas been invitedl to diepar.itment of pub lic iim O .Iahotia to g tive a uires bef ore the high sobh am es to bheln.d in connect" wchen; E'ol'ies of Oklaho: reok Ia., par- of the cool of 195 Calt. Erest A Lehmnn, o theticiularly stressing the need for re- th esn o enroll- Gra air force, is now on hris way ers, and certain types of newspapers I ~omo the ruyssee n aveon. ~onse n bckto Germany after having an- and magazines against the average i 'Leowvi . eIu seim , '6 h 5i wilb angied for the delivery o the zeppel- chigheschool student, aaccusidng hlachmd0: in /rt-3 .to the 'United Sae ,, a-selfishness, conceit, sordidness, la'U-chageefdte FeshAircamiatedBlec-e a an ats crdnc wih he erailespeceness and idvularity. The question-I as chairm~an and spoke concerning the trimmtings). da a (lay treaty. He will -pilot it to the Unzited ar o hc tesmmr a hs aii.TeFiaiscuAasare lasaSae ih nAeia rwi ,. ned w ( afile oui b the diffe(,renzt sta- to furnish transportation for the boys 01ar tn wt a meiancewii -denfts ranonymousily.; to and from the camp, July 5 to 16. 1 uhgs.Amiong tire other conclusions reachi- Where I Ctn d theed, based on the vote, were: that the I "imie the adtaker" sells anythingI th etnin nTf hardest subiect in the curriculum is; quickly.-Adv. oar( and IH nbV11 mthemattics and the eas.iest English, be~~ tun,5I ~i md thatit f emost valtuable subj et is do(lxlars ds C, hacussl,-ion and ?morecat(teTin G et L k an Bae omkn d'acerhat pulsl ike More than 450 courses in History, English, e sonme- Chicago, May 26.-Major Frederick to be i1e : responsiblility and t"ru~Zooy oe agaeEoois cc leve1 Martin, lost 11 days in frigid Alask'a; it: to (leveloj) "personalil~y". and that are given by corresponidence. Learn how~ mre" and prevented from continuing theE the throe leading things that make a be applied on your college program. Catalc round the world flight, will be feted Ilboy popular are athletic ability, schol_. furnished on request. Write today. sn in Chicago and is expected to arrive r5ip, n a good appearan ce, an(,*!~nbr~tp Here TusaonhswgtWahIthat the three tihings that make gilrls -I Gt t ing)ton. A fleet of airplanes from Ran-' popular are appearance, good sports-95ELSAL toul, Scanute field, which hie formerly According to the pumr e commanded, is expected to meet as___mary___fe__ special train which will be proided -puils have conspicious health ail- by the advenurer s club of Chicago, inents brit 40 percent of them do net;- chool of more than 100 miles north of here. lect or abuse their bodies, late hours by the SagitAv avrMjrMr being the chief cause of ill health or 3trctentin's mechanician will accompany nerbekon{u c e of three him. fhat the mosti'egrettablel practice:i r'con-.___________ among boys in the school is sniojcina'D n inwith and that amiong il steueo 3 fth arx May Re Jjeinterred 'oI etg'. tat hem,'is theoIseand r.a. London,-The Soviet delegation in daing eirusfActor tending to undI~er at Dur- London has petitioned the British go-!I mine mcorals in the school is the :I.Che tstce te on .Tune vernmaent' for 'permission to remove prese icc ofa few lowa minded indi- Heis top- the body, of Karl Marx from Highi- I vidu'das, that a couirse in morals wold . eatr A senior gate' Cemetery, 'where he was buried be)(' greatly appreciated b1y the major- in 1883, to Moscow, for interment in ity of high schnoolpul. Red Square, according to the Daily Amnong the other cntents of the' Press. It is believed per mission can, book; is the offici al roserofthe.,- S ('nly be given by the Mlarx family. se(dation;a proeedings: o'fLthe Coznlnis- p} ®oos "JmmsI oifihigherr'eductiCIo 1w iii-. Tuttle's Lu. thrdae el ayhn;lds~mnedto~ ad r 338 Maynard St. _ lquickly.- tadtarsll ant iga c redi ting an ~lis t;of a cnetlite(1 ,n 'Un1ie- [jstitutionls; proce'edings of the co,- ._________ lecture Patronize Daily Advertisers.=Adv. mnissioh on secondary edu;,cationr, %which W L .BIT I N C UOL . B a d g e r o f t h e c h e m i c a l department will, attend convention of Canadian tQueen's ninversity, King- . io tomorrow and Thursday. sholding a three day meet- today.I Sion and review of the saltI Ssulphate resources of the nadian Provinces is to be tow and Professor B3adtg er nvited to tell of the w ork Uiniversity has done with' hate in the evaporator lab-4 re. ratoiry here has worked out, or its evaporation under the direction of professor Badger, and is ' :_i1ilIll1llllHIIlIIIIIII 1111llfll1illlll~ the only plant thiat can handle the ~O IN A U miaterial. It is used in the mann- OAI N A U facture of paper find glass. - SAL By an CORRECTION Io IP anerror, the Daily announced= that J. D. Lindsay had been named j DOMBOORZAJIAN& CO. as alternate for the debating team a E2 . --rt class picked in the tryouts, Saturday!.t(1'?. ilef morninig. This should have been Wen-;= CHICE~ COLLECI? TION OF dell Lindsay, '25. BEAUtWV I' Ul('.S IPatronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Rug~s Washed an d Repaired - r; Pleas e Give i's A Visit - SDOMBOORAJIAN & CO. 612 E. Liberty Youneed a = Phone °0011 V& asirerw. NOTICE Strawv Hats reduced 25 per rt store right at the start ason. Growing popularity 1and comfortable Panamaa !.Bring your Panama in, is Re-conditioned (Cleaned, Ld Reblocked with all new, 'TORY IHATPSTORE pen. j[~i~w~' 1' L~e1~s5Koes -now i 417 Packard St. .. I'. It. Stops at State } -Adv. Lt Home- iMathematics, Chemistry, Philosophy, :Sociology, etc., f the credit they yield may lg describing courses fully, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 'i In a few days exams start. Then you will want a REAL fountain; pen- one that holds plenty of ink and that will be on the job every second. Buy it now so it will be broken in. $7.25 to $9.25 They last a life time 302 State St. A new sport oxford' for campus, links, court or veranda! Soft tan buckskin apron and side panels of calfskin artfully combined for servis and comfort - John Ward Suppi Soles of cruderubber -TheSeapuit, and many other new models, wil be- shown by ~ C. P. Lathrop at CEO. KYER'S TODA Y AN) TOMDI0~O RW ) E1. I I .]I 121 u@ ce w Cr~ityJ I-n--- ans and iill .ers gls the tale At ns Lecturcwe~ Atomic Ph ich Room South of Majestic '.D. Har)kiils (ofthle Ch V Atgo __livened ,1 ,l'otograpus -of _Atomic Collisions" The.. T;paration of Ioops"in hiemisatry Am phithleatre at 4:15 day-. Profossor arka~.ns illus- ih;s lct ure with < lnte.rn slidles, possi)y an invention of C. Wilson hichmakes possiible akng of)hotocgraphls of atoms onfa the r'ate of 12,000 mniles F1irstf Run Pictures" a Swcaters Sleeveless ~$3.59 to $6.50 -> i lW~vW 8 Nickels Arcade" /f 'WALK- OVER'S FtIFTI ETH SAN N IVERSARY,' . " A V jt lr .} y The smart sandal for summer wear in town is black- pref- erably patent leather. This smartly patterned, youthfully styled Walk-Over model, with its famous Walk-Over smooth fit and special anni- versary quality, is priced low enough to be an added con- venience in every well dressed woman's wardrobe. I GLAD Y WALTO IN US. ro' Q SUaM 11 S. Ilt-IN ST. MOC SANDAL An anniversary special, ini patent leather. THE NEAR LAD" .....6_ W-WWAC , F. ,a OWN tverything mumt be fold othin g 12eserve '. -0