LY IAAIT Sir 1I 1YC1IM1LIKj rKwii SHOWERS VOL. X.XXIV. No. 1 76 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 27, 124 SENAE [COUNCIL Olympic Team To Go In Hole, POPL11JtfMOSIC Tr. Io T 1- i ' 4 .::.a 1c fh I flI . ?AY H S SI DEN Moe han $10-0,000 nnst be VaIed which 1Mihigafl canxd t ai oad tlie field thi. suiumer, accordling to a thie Olympic tryouts one hundred per- llI~ ILI E EP BI lerai ecivd y reldnt,~ centnext Fi adSaturday at - t~ai eev~ yIrsd~tflr er field, the proceeds for which, ion L. Bur to from Robert 11. Thomlp- over the $10,000 necessary. to defrayd COXmITT1,11EE IIECOM11EN I)'UIOS sonl, presidIent of the American Oly- thle tryouts expenses, will be sent inj ADOP~l~AT EEI~t pic ommtte, Te t al expes ,o ~the national committee. YESTERDAY or mrc'saheit"peetaic h figure of $10,000, set to g;ua ran- - ~~~~will total $3-0,000, only $200,000) ha u- .tetetyushre sblee ob RE E T+T A E IA :ing been given towards this amoiunzt j the mxaximumn of expense, andt was to ACTION IN NEAR FUTURE to date. 1-ave been raised by May. 1.. This _ i 11~~r. Tlhomplson is wr iting to the car- i means that every student who sees Std~tCunidl Has Bieem A king Aous colleges and universities through- the tryouts at Ferry field will not only For iscilin Powr rnee out the United States urging them to view the recognized stellar track and Eor ~lscp~he Poer Snce i carry on campaigns for contributions field performers of the entire middle_ Faster for~ this fund which will defrray the west hut will tie contributing a dollar expenses of, a project in which "col- i towa rds sending the national team to The Senate council at a meeting lege men and women are fundamiental- France as well. The. Student *t ounil yesterday afternoon unanimously adt- ly interested."I feels that for WMighn, with tile ad- opted the report of its committee ap- The proposal has been turned c.,xer vantages or homing Wet v * h we poined o col'e wik a tudnt+o the Student council here, winhil has this is a much better wj Mfor o dtu- decided, after discussing it with ath- dlents to help out than to or nhw an council 'committee in regard to the Ietic officials, that the best way in outright solicitation. kTO FETREBN BO'UNCE TONIGHT SPECIAL APPEAL To ST IDE NTIS CHANCELLOR NARX REQU'ESTCED BY PRESIDEN'T TO STAt TEMPWOR ARILY BARRF HILL; TANG AND RFACTIONARIES WANT TAVARES, TOENTE11TAIN T I R P IT Z AS LEADER l ell Known :Seleefii~nl: 1111l Replae I'ar~les IWisli to Sieijreleadig han Cla~ssies;IDoor Opieni In Hll For Chacellor Rather Thaii Awditorinkiat 8:004) New {4toveriinienrt Specialty acts and a straight Tiro- Berlin, May 26.-(By AP)-The Ger- grant of popular band music of thej man government has reigned. Pres. lighter sort will be featured in the Ebert, accepted the resitnation of the, spring Band Bounce at 8 o'clock to- ministry, and requested Chanicellor night in Hill1 Auditorium. The pro- Marx to carry on current affairs. ',' r 1 I matter of giving the tudent council preliminary jurisdiction in discipline cases. The report advised the Senate council to definitely grant this privil- ege, which action was taken with a few minor changes in the report. Ai~alts Regents' Action The entire mlatter will .be laid be- IMIGAION BILL BECOMES NEWLAW COOLIDGE TO ARCT ON TAX BILL TODAY &ramn has been devised to be 'of special1 +ppeal to the students and the strict- ly classical numbers of former en- tentainments will not be offered. Four ;roues of well-known selections will! be played by the band, interspersed G with three specialty acts that will uake a varied and wvell balanced per- formance.! Barre Hill, *26, who scored a splen- lid success with his "Lady of the 1Pres.:Ybert will confer with the par- linientary leaders tomorrow regard- ing the selection of a chancellor and the formation of a new cabinet. ' Prior" to the resignation of the cabt- mnet attempts to construct a 'straight bourgeois government definitely foundered on obstructionists tactics carried on by the German NationalistsE who after a 4 hour party caucus, draft- ed an evasive resolution in which they frth Badof egents as :soon as 1 Coolidge Deplores Japanese Exclusion' House Aproles Comtpromise By. 376."tapestry' numbfer in the opera, and tPI' '.t tei i~iirreaune LUto cooper- i i1Uiameprydi' th e nait)1an1sts i Allti possible. If adopted by that body it Stating tWih For Continued ' Tote, Ears Decision Expected wosn Sig Ot il ig Iate with the othermdlpatsbt osieinvwofheiutin four s is expected that the new ruling will Friendship From Colide "Pale Moon" by Logan, and "Road- only on the condition that they be-- scored ginoeftintefl.TeS- --ways." His accompanists is Dwight I gvn representation commensurate i~~~~ ~Bnn the dent council committee that will act' Er-E FA ~ EDR FB~ ATE Steeres, '27, an accomplished pianist wihtei ueiclsrnghadthtw11 iiirler onAI thsmteiEoe s rne yATRE S HEAR T'ENOR E JJE FBLLH"FARA TIES ~adogns.Tn,.'24and Tavares, Iteselection of the new cabinet Mtaktismateifpore i -ratelvi'(ad rgniU.Tag;t 11 N twn the, RegenRTIwsYchsenDtOaSecen I JDEBL FARADJS"i +26 will present an act with Hawaiian] precedence over the question of for ; L l UAn ' foregin policies. R BS meetngan4 s' copsedtof thAle1 Washington, May 2.-(By AL')-- Washington, May 26, (By A.P.)- Iitrumein tethniTrhds e sialt ches-il l ating awr progr5.ame ofoigis internalpneeTetx u ptopa ume fppua aceht h ratoa andan et dmr I eien ttehcucl."h i ll"ecuio u eatl proigis;Peie olde o ia eat f h oig umrsesn h a o i Wge,'5maaigeioofTemain features Pros. Coolidge today ment into law today by Congress. Ipormi ulflos candidate for chancellor, designating y MrDly hnASao'2;adhalsi signed the immigration brill. Like the senate, the house by an GROUP I hn as a man, who by virtue of his Ipae il el'ihSujc fte c D nail;Jhm .Sao 2, n halsInternational Itrs t' c Mria,2E.I Steps "were taken immediately by the overwhelming majority approved thneI The Victors . ........... .L+lbel, 00 ntiedonce and past record, was em-Togtnrh '25: -department of labor to, prepar, for! conference compromise in the main QetrTeNwEa...He inently qualifieds for leadersiiin Hairris Hal Toight tad'oiitteIQetr, h e r .. ed rth StthtCnrnit e I administration of the new law, whichI provisions. The vote was 376-9Cpie ancndhsHbyHreth e oenet The ado Datedanreportbb drawn thupnbygoteneenA tw o com m ittees, the students co mn t - ov des foefu th rtrst ic ion ofis-nsarl.(eci infbothmp edien ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... ry r' he nat on li tsHnIrm e t e I U U CIRN S JIiA( hItAAN& ) ay teIen opsdo onKly 2 migration after June, 30, when the ex-i was forecast by those 'close to himGRUP I middle party who were awaiting their1 TO BE O~N CLI g1BS "I ROtA] al teerei n r o f ths e r' s Stud Ie nt co n-1 eclust i on o f aw expires, and for total'cn the basis of his insistent dem and ISu G by BR rPHi ll 2 decision in an adjacent cham ber, that Cist out dl; ~~ecuso Doadoefte,'4 n teattrta Japanese immigration at- that Congress hasten' action on tax Acconanist Dwight Steeres '27i "the question of agreeing on a lead-i Switzerland, Russia, England, mhia,1Blthel olrnal'24", adthe;facultyecorn-ttteheapedentapovdteilre uctir. oig a se ogesfrPaleMoon ...............Logan ing personality must take precedence1 and the United States will be repre- I or: th mitebig opsdofDaToe h e rsdn prvdtebl e!M.Coig a se ogesfri Roadways . ,. .........Densmore over the form of government, in assetdothprga ofhenul )th Burseyen otpci Dean lrJLodofethel lutently, i suing a statement after ho h ilpooedb e.MloGROUP III much as outstanding aoliticaloissues Graduate blama ro.Rlh 'dafie i intuei hc eturned down almost entirely in the Call of the Elk.........Alford; will more readily be solved through Csu5i~nolOitanf club dinnertobhed ahr !h eimo eaest~ hogh '.,,nigh t at E:30 in Harris Hall. Rlob- Minott'. Agroftelw scholis 'as fol-t sahidhe argretted the impossibility ot, framing Of the pending measure, butI Waltz, Wedding of the Winds .. Hallth meimoladr hantru Agrofte'l cosevering from the measure the xc- 'ha. ,let:i i elnw' hewil osdrI hrceiti"p hste n i'parlimentry forlnutt" ert Bridgespot laureate of England, I lows: I ~~~~~sion' provision which he anid Se. :the label- n its merits aind comparedI o n rowl eteget3idi "Resolved, One: that the advisory g..........res:entjnwin Ai rbr il eteges h i comtteofteStdntcuci o1-IHughes had opposed strongly during wth the prsnaw. In this onnec- GROUP IVfl'T 'posed f the pesident of the council of intere t to the international cha- ; brillia a'dfu te ebr egvnteCogress.i crcl n gon rConsideredl the bill on the whole an, .Played by Tedl Rhodes' orchtescra LIIU'NETT 44 dKS three power, subject to paragraph three, to, Threiirovemneit over the present law. GROUP V ni o dsgreement as to the results we ' witin a few -iinutes- after the aiin ndPplr kecs. IAf I iRI 'Jn I) 7. Akern'man, '24x, from Russa, avant butthis etho of ecurig 11 .eaue~ha~reahed te Whte HuseiPaii b '2EITIares''willONact as toawillact a torinintroducingcin alIae ocrigdsiln ~v is unnecessary andl deplorable t this i Ia ett h rauy ertr ...........wge 2 ~ r~sidnt-emeritus Harry BlHtchis under tle present system are referr- ;y t o h raur ertrylWge-2 rle ed by the 'Dean of Students 10 thre ltlu the president said with reer for study. GRU Iwowl-rrres h ru nbh~ Pachn' ence to the exclusion section. It i Al.Mellon expected to have a re- Varsity ..LodR.Petn '4,Su ' 'lg ''aiiig noiiweefro t e anive rti redIng l p resdet13ot 'University committee on dschiine o .LodR rso 2E t-Cltr riig dKoleget eclusin 'provi5~on stood lne tIlat"containing his analsis of the dnDietronducing Of Humiian atre E, semtitil rmSizrlnrtrngpeie th eaecmniteo t~ta-should disapprove it Wtht est- ,ill i the hands of the president late! lae 'Snae GlmaLenC.I' unalit f tie cubhaschosen for the sub- I D~ la fairs. Li on, If suh n0%wa n tth~ oiorrow o enedy I a i-f Cope '24nDicto. .GlmaLo:.BndC n.ouimlsnjetof his toast "Retrospect and Pos-! "Two: That the advisory committee'sotgimin.'is'wa'anesttthiorWedesdaypwasitopnism24, irectr A. .{T.i.lBan ifi. licated he would confine his report j'ondctngStS !brc Cosmopol\I fitranisnr . snISte of the Student council shall make a riThe president went onl to point out to a comparison to the measure with Mcoigdmctin s . ConNEuctedR lbRA-lNlel Gir ni, from Chint,el rsnin g e confidental report of its finding of ' ta ite lbill put before hbu eas a li r sentlwwtotdfnier-Mcia ogs .Cndctdby Ken- VLUA LE I N 1PROESSIO ;the women will tlk on the "Chnese Stryke fact anti its recommendations ,1s to 'that n a wtou eint i eth L. Westerman 14. puntishment to the idean of Students; oirhisv at(aigwt h commendation. r GROUP VII Xiifltil(:gn. fortrosieio totverroerfaistinolgs jctofanigatPmraofessi'on" il prviesfs a25jercetsaicriueriarhlAderieng s Pofssins eidtmibwil.e Misssd y Ii fo rnmsint tepoe aiiying upimproedadministrative n a, h lulotno icoe axs raall committee, which shall have the a' n e das htte xs u r esrpie hs ac aibmythe sbect of a lecture by erne Sur- Mary 11.Ro's. and Lionel Crocker. thrt oap,, reject, or modify the ta. tee tirgt is year: Ipermanent revision cown- MVach, Gate City ............Welon ;net, chairman of thle eseutve coot- Rt sis liert,. '2E, presienteect of ing, atmtlly expires ;tune ,^0. - ard of the income miscellaneous and - tee f avrisn f theGenea h l 'lsstepo rowitHicks recommendatioons. Ocso a aknytepe__~.,_.a .tiicta "utn rco "Three: That while the Student 'Ocaolaetke y pei-;x Ge taxes; additional r reduction cn no af-diNo'oscmay bfr rf onR sftnIel oWr.Sat :cuclak o oe ofvsfae'(lent inohs statement to declrae Iith ' :,rthis year of 25 per o i nn rj tr onpnbfoePo..oh .oianJlast Wr" &Ifnt conihssfrpoe oivsiae. egladly recognized that the enrnie:-iicoms of $10,Q00 nduent an LA UI BOOSTR M ET Eiauu course in advertising this' Only members of the club andl those "i "llases 'which the Dean of Sfu-;run of the exclusion lputjcation ' andundemonr[[ng. Qualiications for 'an ad-' who h ae already secured tickets or Sahs, dents would ordinarily refer to one ofmn n u nueons changes in the adninistra I L, r ii does not imply any change -nou fvep fluosmot f whchwee vertising man, the varios depart-; who have been invited as guests of tt( mid the faculty com~mittees, it is under- ie rvsosms(fwhc eeIIU~U~lIIl sodtathr ma arscaein1sentiment of admuiration and cordal prpoedbythetrasry IIIIunuu i' IMIII SlIUIVIinents and types of advertising, said club, can be taken care of at the din- !1.BIa Ifriendship fortheJaanese epe Atog aryn h Dmcai the things wvhich advertising has ac- ;nt, as the reservations are limited. 1ui wkhich'it would be inexpedient for the a ni m fot wihshe ad ndpwoll, Atog arin h eortccomplished were discussed. -- -__ -- ot student committee to function. Whenr,j continue to have abundant manifet- 1ae tebllwsaclieTicm he first m~eetng beforeeltre inten- i College trained men are the one I e in the opinion of the Dean of Students ations.hebllwa ccaie today by . lnnh annmnr an sc cssarssa omtteawolas of both parties in the house, i drive for the league biliding was who are £gn to the front, accrd ~ IMci y ---oe-ls-i te ente~"si held last evening in Barbour gymt- 1 ing to Mr. Burnett, because they hayeLOl244iON ia Iw composed of lthe Dean of Students, the 'nsiwbroadnbacksroundtof college tsai. hiraiofteUiestdiipneTest Death R boa akrudo olg tanfair and just." Inasium. Before a large gathering of I1l {ing,"Cara re ftewy n and understand human n tue tLOcn oi mit e a d the pres id.ent' o h h b'iai G enof the ways and w om en w ho are going to attem pt to ; Havin g ideas is the im portant cha- lM u Student counacil, each having one vote, , eforeEn ls means committee, read treasury fig-i raise Ann Arbor's share of the en- I atrstcfr e'sni ti r shall determine definitely whether the AO fiilsores to show that it would poietrrsMs hopl r1ssin h pae eomne itrLvno,'5hsbe p case in quetion should be referred to ~zr fClXS1sffcient revenue to meet all govern- Itrrs, r.TepheRaal x fsso.Te pakrec meddI iti'Lvnn,2,hsbe the Sidtadioycmitee." mit expenses next year including the pilained the various phases of the work,; two or three years of newspaper ex-; poin ted manager of minor sports for ir thesrport is adopted by the Reg- London, England, May 2.-Behind [cost of the .new bonus law. The bill ! including the relationship of the mom- peinebfr on no detsn.3te ciig er eisn hs1 I I * seead 'he 0? uoa I The discipine which a newsaer ! worked on minor sports, which corn- ots t will mark the culmination of doors that were barred and locked and cuts taxes by $22,000,000 more than 4 erhp feadte27qoa campaign which has been waged for heavily guarded, a death dealing ray proposed in the Mellon pln zMr Not the east part of this caml- Ofc fodtefcliyi rtigp;ofsimnwetig n the past two. or three months by thet invented by Grindell Mathews was i Gieen added.i paign," she said, "is the(, interest and i and sense of news values developed t bockey,-for the past two years. Thle; council. Shortly after Easter vaca- ° tested in the pesence of Air Ministry i___________, co-operation of all alumnae. We, ther there, and the acquaintance with men ! assitLnmnaespoitdrerd lien a ptition sking, ore juridict- iofficias todaykalumntearf wtuing fandheaffairsJagainedrsarenedllae valuableua Stunnerne '26;E;AiinsworthBoBooth,26'26, tio a petitionaskingemorn adisdrttsofficialstodaypector; '2rEnand IRolumae Fre worng 01 c ron in disciline cases was presented tihe death ray, claixugt s a terible a uru Ill ,,T 1 !!. O FL students, as well as for oursThetunovreds. U, 1tif fl !. I iri5 mmerhpsTureve hse trtovoer ing he fr st yeneecora26rad"oer EL6r.Ci by the council to Dean Blursley. weapon of destruction in case of war, 'I UOur.lflt. building will never be erected --uig h istyad'6 ene This was referred to the" Senate! was then offered to the British govern-, nwith $50fmembeAswith. lt is the -re-! in this profession is greater than in -- I lnks council and that body appointed a nient in exchange for financial suppo' t lII II Y y l I , raiebility of each one of us to any other, said Mr. Buinett, but tis A l Einks committee 'to::meet with the Student' of the inventor. {tli li 1 k raiseou full quota in order to meet IIs because advertising is a fascinat- IL-Vw M.E Church Iin Iing 'pursuit and attracts the incon- N ie~ony council committee. Those two drew; A representative went at once to re- Ann Arors part."iN ejeciee: nine uip the above report, which was but! port to the cabinet concerning the ~i c ; Patriotic speeches and music will, Mrs. Raphael was followed by Mrs.jptet. e[drp-ut fteategfrs slightly miodifiedl by the Senate coun- cess of the demonstration. If tie form the program at the Chamber of ; Gertrude Brock, who outlined the me-yercg, al ~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Burnett spoke of the bearing of Springfield, Mass., May wtldo sn h peg lnsadt26.-(By 3HSS rt gveringnt oesnotsupprt athws,. Cmmece lnchon hisnoo attheadvertisimng on social service, of what .AP)-The plan to change the apostles' ing j; le will go into partnership with a C Chambler of Commerce Inn, at which! announced Volunteer Pledge days. , it hasconcresbtuigthwrdCit' Frenchman at Lyons and the invention veterans of thle Civil War, Spanish-' E and encouraging travel. It 'has lm- H-oly Church" for "the Holy Catholic'R 10 V ccinaCted {i~ ass into control of France. Amerian War and World Warwl I A"iaIvsue wilpE. A. VStT'.a proed the public taste for art and Church" was rejected by a close -- F or Sn-tall Pox The claim lhe makes for his ray is be thle guests. Prof. F. N. Menefee. of bredcrtoadhsmd o i nteMtoitEicplcne- F ' mallPo {thatit ca kil or tun uman beings; the enginering mehanics department I 'S n n Ann.A',,'etrhelhaogilegnra o-ocehr oay APoes hti Reot rmte'nvriyh at "amistatcouldbtwnou atencin pstom a rtAm canulation. Advertising is the largest almost a rebellion" the Rev. T."'.F. Rr~+pors fromthe Uniersityhealth miles that t couldput ou of com LEd-ontwbusinesss cinrmtheSworld. , Onenand ionee Abel, OofandkoeaOpea ofsaidhomnsupportingportng RR' service Indicate that the students are mission the machinery of an enemy will be made by representatives of Er Allen Day, fathoe' of Prof. Ed quarter billions of dollars have been 1 thne resolution, "is comiing up from our1comj availing themselves of the opportun-[ fleet approaching the "English coast, ( all the veteran grup.mund E. Day, head of the economicsIgrus I spent on advertising during the past ?people against the use of tewr c ity for vaccination against the dangers although it could not sink battleships; . . __-Idepartment and dean of the new Iya nteUie ttsaoe n atoi. r ereEloo o ne of thre current epidemic of small pox Ithat it can bring down in flames aim Schoolnre ofeva-a BusousC stBil ive nA nesA dminilstratekondar- two billion Is for the world. troit, assertedl that 'the proposed in ti Co ges Br.nLtltwN -,7 er tf ~ r~ the Christian church" would tend to std GosAt present there are no local cases with' machinery for transmitting the T o ng es Ion nLtteonN -,7neas;Stf'orS mer separa#to the Methodist church from they of the dislease, but there are so many deadly day would prove a perfect de- - ago next June, Mr. Day has always ohrcuce.Of: students going back and forth to D- fence to the contry against airplane Washington, May 26.-(By AP)-- lived in New England and is said to Dal il M e ! a nu trot that danger of infection is very attack. Mathews also claims that the = A request from the veterans bureau !IrewdlykonIhoghu hoe- near mes and, allowed t afe hits. The only run toff the Wolverine tv sixth when Duhm, thi r walked. Poesel the third base tlin on second. King amen by a neat saer Duhm was able - to hit to Haggetry. Th !ine that Iowa really ore. iigan's first; run can inning when Tilman ont to second on a hi Steger came throu er the infield that s Griles scored in the hit safely over seeoni ninth inning 'was ] ei Wolverines. Giles, it safely, after one ma ian walked and filled picked oan the first i might have Been tra' not hit thebank that Id. man, at shortstop,x nt game. He made spectacular stais, Bark' A13 H= H.," 2b 5 2 2 cf 4 1 ;2 aan,lif 4 1 Q C, 40 2 rty, 3b 4 0 2 an ss 4 1 2 i,l1b 2 0 0 , rf 4 0 1' r l 4 0 .0 , mis 35 5 11 AR Rit ei, If 4 0 2 2b 3 0 0 3b 4 0 0 ebery, ss 4 0 0- of 4 0 2. rf 2 0 r0 ,llb 4 0 0 wrett, c --3 0 0 L P. 2 1 0 als 30 1 4 ,re by. Innings: gan 0 00 -1 x0000 rifice hits- Kipk~e, Di Fing,, Sabs. Stolen ba ies. Bases ronkballs- .13. icago, May 26-The U.~ tted Ohio State 2 to1 h rence golf match ovl at Olymoia field toda f the Buckeye teami pint when he I ro holes with*'Capt. Mul each being ;awarded ert of Chicago was lose in a sore .of 73.' at Estate W Offered St )presentatives-from I rany will be in room l uilding at 2 oclokI aview students who ar tie real estate-busines [on. The company tnts permanent. eip so desimre. fi(ials of the company anber of students to D future to show them,