T Ht MICHiIGAN OAILL 7 - r . U U. 3't a*Ut m U -A MU U a-U'U'-U f nU a U.i-K No city in the' United States offers better opportunity thane does Ann Arbor, for the establishment of a beautiful,, pleasin~g and delightful home. No homes, in America offer, greater opportunities than do those of An~n Arbor, for re- 'finied living conditions and at the same time~ ssatisfying incomes. In the Southeast section- of our city, two blocks from the' University,' on a corner' lot, on one of Ann =Arbor's finest 'residenltial streets, is a :15 room house, modern throughout, inviting reception hall, spacious and well lighted, 'fine oak stair ,and a very -large livinig room with: cheery fireplace. A large dining room, cozy deni, neat -kitchent and restful sleeping porch, make'for hominess on the first floor. All upstairs rooms }are well lighted and venti- lated. This house has provided its owner a delightful homei and with f imonithly itcom of about $250, for severa years. U U U U .U; U Y! ;® er 1E F- ;u 'Iamauthorized to-Hoffer -the following-- order to realize cash-W- described proper t a sacrifc in .a ,s 1- -2 familyapartment. Stucco on paid $18,250 in August-last year. Balance $J.2.0 per mouth. tt ile. Fiv eyears old, in,. t$1 0 0. er s Al conditioxj. Prty $5;754 cash eqiuter. T The price 'is $23,000, reasonable down 'p ayment' will handle it. be niade f roan the* income ii the-house. All otherpymepts can U. 2- -5 RoomC ottage. Now rne equity nust be paid in cash. del at -65.-OO ner mopth. At$6.000. Term ri$2,933 AA ' Balance at $28.00 peel month. . Oilher Places of Intetes Five rooms, new and modern, in 1Univrsity 'diict, $8ACO.s Six rooms,:ha rdwood throughout, on pavement aned. car~lite, a spkritld home for $9,500./ Seven room.house, .corner' lot,' attractive, news' a# d well hunit, every homne convenience, $1,0.. 4 ; ';U U' J 3- -Large lot on West Liberty and 8th at $1,125. ance spayable 13:50 -per month. To rms,,$438nequ t)7 ash Nil- 4,-4 lots i arvi ewHeights at $2;590. $40.00 per month. Term s, $1,37cash eqity. 'Balance 5--Lot 114 Calkins Addition at $590. Te -rst $225 cash equity. Balapge X7:90" We have a roomoing house of 22 roonms,! that: pays' $400 ithly. can buy it with $3,500.down. and.$100.monthly. For -home, investment or *business1 see, You F. Roy HN~ePms L. & TjglIey 113 S." MAIN, ANN A RBOR . ' }. 'a U " ,a jI .I A . cash. WBtce $50.00 per month. per month., 6-- Lots ini South Park jV1st bff"Packard toward Washtenaw 'at -$? 50. cash. B~alance due in August. 7 - Room. House on West Side. Stucco with tle roof at $7,000. Terms a $437.5 $lNO F< j c Any one of these propterties are ,a real show'any,'or all -of them by *apgo ntment. -bargain. We }hall; be plea-sed :to : je '~ ''-f 'I'5 I 'MAL 4 - s -U ' I *1 ALocaio fnir ,ihsrcde81 We are pleased to'offer a tit toeen room house on C~mb ge tbkd, fbt tdi6. When "602 East Libefty fSt, 1713-.M "WHERE A LITTLE BUYS A LOT" d P 1 d . R d U u musr -it: # Nw NA_ ' 1.1' ,7 1 11 - s r ms n ." _- l you considera home in-'the ideal location, without the' dirt, du1st residential streets, CAMBRIDGE 'ROAD will satisfy ybu. hd r i of tit usual city This house 'is typically English,, twoi and one-lhalf stories high ai1d c rttrtekd of stuc- Co and half timber. First Floor--Entrance vestibule with' tile floor, entrance hal1l,.Ctclo~dset;iimusic rooim,. extra large living room with fireplace.hnd built-in bock =cases (side, w lls arepanelled; coiil- ing is hand :carved) , 'sun parlor, with firelace-finish. is gray 4hesttiut, dining xom with panelled side ,walls, and ;beamedl ceiling, butler's pantry, kitchen with bilt.'n; refriger~tor, 1 aflhll ""'U nill 'I'll, 'll"' lullt '.I'll '''ll " pill 111111 IUII IiI II'UI n'w IlIlgil NIit' NILI I HLll IIIIL a'lar UIUH NliNt ltii L ll 11L ilf,"' I :l I _I utifH ome Sites We re in a position to help °finance the buxildirg o~f a homne on one ofth e lots, and~ sugrgest you com~e and investigate -this poroposition. N' ew $Sbiirlsion just' ope.ned: 1ng Hurnon River. oni LongShore: Drive. just aroas end fy These lots are,,58x142 and may be soldcwith10 per cent down an d 1I per cetp ermoth Prices rangin g from $700 to $575. ;I 709 Haven Bv*uO maid's sitting room ,,and -maid's .bedroom. .Fii sh i& quartered -oak,".floors are oak. Second House from Camps Second Floor--Five lage 'bedroom, -'linen lclos~tsleepink porch : (will three double beds), extra large bath room, hree ilarge 'storage closets. Floors accommo date are oak. a Third Floor-Three bedrooms, 'bathmroo with shower' bath,'attic sorage space. ~We ahave =the excl si elisting of this roperty, and bes vaues nthe city. UThe Dawner has leftAnA rbor, disposlng of this property. conside it one, off the and is very anxious in Basement-Combination. hot' air 'and hot water .heating Olaht; large', laundry ;with \'. d built-in tubs, coal room, fruit and storage room,' lavatory, store rooin H-ouse includes full screens. The lot has' 196 feet frontage on Cmnbridge Road' and is -lantedl with Siberian Barberry hedge, shrubbery and good trees. Two car,garage. S.' 8ROOMVS AN AT'TIC ,1. For further information or for an appointment to' see this* property, caill Four rooms, alavJatory and' toilet -on -first.'floor, 4: orl seconld, a,d large: attic over entire house. The l ot is 44x1321and, is worth otne-'ha.lf the price large oroos andIfulfl 1ath .asked which s $9,500. MR. NEWTON with { .,, 1-: r . M. . . , . -Nib- t