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May 25, 1924 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-25

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4 4 e-:4

A lice Freeman4

inent Men Express Need
r Michigan League Buildng


he Women's League campaign
ch is being carried on by the alum-
of the University is heartily en-
ued by the prominent men in Ann
.O an elsewhere. Some of their
:ements In regard to the need of a
gue building are as follows:
President Marion Leroy Burton:
The Michigan League Building is
the women. The whole under-
ing has been initiated, planned, and
led f9rward by the alumnae and
nen students. It will be organized,
tr6led, and used by and for the
nen just as the Michigan Union is
the men. In a very real and1 deep
se it will mean the establishment
.he life of the women of the Uni-
sity upon a dignified and perma- i
t basis. All of this does not mean,
ever, that this enterprise must be
ried to a successful conclusion by
women alone. They must have the
rty cooperation of every loyal
higan graduate and friend, for the
gue Building bears importantly
n the welfare of the University
a whole."
ent Junius E. Beal:
: am feeling the necessity of the
higan League Building very deep-
iowing the very great good it will
g to the women of the University
We1 as to the Alumnae. As the
ibr increases from year to year,
demands tbecome more and more
stent for taking care of the wo-
an4the 'problems become greater.
re should be no delay in housing
League properly. I believe the
is for the building will give them
luate accommodations and make
League efficient in taking care of
its needs. Ann Arbor people will
it useful as they do so often at
Michigan Union."
f. H. E. Riggs-member of the
iginal building committee of the
lehigan Union.
3efore the Michigan Union was
t, and - during its construction,
.y people questioned the need of<
h a plant. Now every one won-
i hog, we evergot along without4
Union. It not only serves all
ps on the campus and provides a
a class club for students, alumni
faculty, but it makes possible the
ling of dozens of conventions and
tings which otherwise would never
e here. The Union, however,
;es only men.
hel need for a woman's building
illy as great now as the need for
Union was ten years ago. Until
Y a building is completed the Uni-
ity cannot adequately and fully
*e the women of the student and
nae bodies. It should have the
port of every friend of the Uni-i
ty of Michigan." -
A. Williams--president of thet
6rers and eclianics bank:
am fully in sympathy with the
Len's League and in their efforts
ecure a League Building in Ann
>r. I fully believe that they should
t with the support and encourage-
t of every Ann Arbor citizen and
very alumnus of the University of
ry W. Douglas-chairman of the
ard of governors of the Michi'gan
every one in Ann Arbor appre-
s what the Michigan Union has
Yme to the city of Ann Arbor-that
as become an absolute necessity
he life of the men of the Univer-
and being exclusively for men,
rgument is necessary to prove that
milar building for the women will
dl an equal need. Every one in,
Arbor, whether directly connect-
vith the University or not, should
e to its support. Aid now, in the
nning of the Campaign-to show
spirit of Ann Arbor and its in-
at, to the outside world is far1
e valuable than any later ..on."
ge J. Burke-attorney to the1
ard of Regents

"The Michigan League building pro
gram Is a good one. It should mee
with universal encouragement an
support. There Is no doubt that i
wfll be of great benefit to the wome
of the University. I like the spiri
of democracy of the Michigan Unio
and I believe the present enterpris
will foster the same idea. Aside fron
this, locally, it will mean a splend
addition to the collection of beautifu
buildings of which Ann Arbor is s
justly proud."
Robert F. Gauss, cashier of the Firs1
National Bank:
"The Michigan Union has become a
very necessary part of the Universit
in the education and development o
men. There is rapidly coming to b
just as urgent a need for a simila
institution for the women students
The University of Michigan is definite-
ly committed to co-education. It there
fore follows that the Michigan Leagu
is inevitable.
The heavy demands upon the stat
for new class room buildings pre-
cludes the possibility of appropriatior
for League purposes. The mone
must therefore be raised as were th
funds for the Union-by contribution
from those interested. We have ex-
pectation that such a worthy cause
will meet with a ready response."
J. Sphnser lilekenson, secretary of th
University of Chicago:
"I am delighted to know that it is
very likely that the women of the Uni-
versity of Michigan are to have a
good and suitable a place as provide
for the men in the Michigan Union."
Michael Fritz, president of Ann Arbo
Savings Thnk:
"In my opinion, in such a great co-
educational institution as the Univer-
sity of Michigan, of which we are all
so proud, the efforts of the Women's
League must be keenly appreciated
The University of Michigan League
Building should receive general en-
couragement and should have the sam
high place of usefulness as is now
enjoyed by the operations of the Michi-
gan Union in blending the relations
between the general public and our
great University."
Carl Braun, vice-president of the Ann
Arbor Savings bank, and head of th
University branch:
"The intensive campaign about tc
begin for the Michigan League build-
ing has my heartiest approval. I have
long felt that such a building, mak-
ing possible a unity of effort and pro..
viding a common meeting ground for
the women, is greatly to be desired.
Years ago when my son was but a
sophomore in high school I was so
convinced of such a need among the
men that I then tqok- out a life mem-
bership for him in- the Michigan Union.
It is to be hoped that every citizen in
Ann Arbor will give the League pro-
ject his support,"
Sidney Robbins, president-elect of the
Rotary Club:
"It is only fair that the women of
this University should be cared for as
adequately as the men. I have no
doubt that a building such as the pro-
posed Michigan League building would
nake them feel themselves a real part
of the life on the campus and add to
the value of the University life from
the women's point of view."
Trinity ibutheran Church
"Lord Teach Us To Pray," is the
subject of the morning sermon at the
Trinity Lutheran Church at 10:30
o'colck. The student forum will meet
at Zion Parish Hall at 5:30 P. M.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church
Sunday school and Bible classes will
be held at 9:00 o'clock at the Bethle-
hem Evangelical Church, and the Eng-
lish services at 10:00 will be followed
byGerman services at 11:00.


T 7
I -

Now that your pre-final exams are here, a
good place to get your btu-books is at the

ad The Daily "Cl


The Ann Arbor branch of the Am- New pork lity with rem ar le suc( Rhapsody in Blue" by George Gersh-,
erican Association of University 1Wo- . I Win..
menwilTprse Pne rr is d " pe- IThese cempesition represent a very
men will presenmet in Ataei i", an1 will in distinctive shool in the advancement
his orchestra of twenty-five pieces cluae. Oei1eC maS numners ranging of American music, and, entirely free
Thursday afternoon, May 29, at 1Hill m frank jaz ; l'ia'iv melodious hom foreign influences, they are ere-r
auditorium in the same concert which |adr)n(atOns of la.sicaliemen four sting a distinctive, typically national
he recently gave in Carnegie Hall, serenades by Victor cbert and "A fund of musical material.
Hall Of Fame Claims Alumna lecturs at other colleges also had
*~ ~7'.great influence in educational circles.
W ith Nine o iote A Ai ericans In I182 the University of Michigan
c(nferred upon Miss Freeman the de-
gree of Ph.D. in history. After her
Alice Freeman Palmer, '76, one of personalIty, ef whwh the influence is mnarriage in 1887, to George Herbert
Michigan's most eminent women grad- f 2lt even now, t'ic than twenty years Palmer, she retired from ,Wellesley
uates, was among the group of great ,fter her death. .,mtd spent much of her time traveling
Americans whose bustswere recently 11r qualities for leadership were in Europe and writing the poems
unveiled in the Hall of Fame of New shown during: her undergraduate days whIch were published by her husband
York university in New York City. at Michigan, when she was prominent cnly after her death which occurred in
The other names thus honored at the in debating and other campus and 'Paris in 1902.
same time were, Andrew Jackson, church activities. 1Ter teaching abili-
Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Tho- ty was demonstrated when, after grad- -luc fCrs )icpe
mas Jefferson, John Adams, Joseph uatioii, she filled successfully the posi-r
Henry, Peter Cooper, William T. G. tion l rincipal of the Saginaw east Reverend J. A. Canby will conduct
Morton, Phillips Brooks, andJames side high sch ool, and later that of the 10:30 service at the Church of
Buchanan Eads. Only persons who ssy Christ Disciples speaking on "The i
persos wh professor of history in the newly. or- Sro nteMun ple. ih
had been dead ten or more years were ganized Wellesley college. Her ca- Sermon on the MountApplied."Light
eligible for a place in the Hall. The 'acity for organization was made evi- refreshments will be served at the
election of this group took place in dent when, in 1882, she was made 1young people's service at 6:00 o'clock.
1920. president of that in;titution. Although 'PTe topic of the midweek service held
hrs. Palmer's election was based she held this position only 6 years Co 7:30 Wednesday night wiltbe The
chiefly upon her work as an educator the time was crowded with construc-
and upon her powerful but charming tive work for the college; her public

i ,
\ ' i iu
kill, I

Closing All Gowns
This Week at Greatly Reduced Prices
All Gowns to $32.50 Now $19.75
All Gowns to $42.50 Now $29.75
All Gowns to $65.00 Now $39.75

Closing All Suits
This Week at Greatly Reduced Prices
All Suits to $32.50 Now $19.75
All Suits to $45.00 Now $29.75
All Suits to $60.00 Now $39.75

Closing All Coats4
This Week at Greatly Reduced Prices
All Coats to $29.50 Now $19.75
All Coats to $40.00 Now $29.50
All Coats to $60.00 Now $39.50

The MillsCopn

The c. Shop of Satisfoction,

118 S. Plain St,


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The more the merrier, says the summer girl,
choosing Sweaters. She has set her heart on
having one of the Kit Boot models.



This Kit Boot Sweater

The Kit Boot Sweater was de-
signed to answer several needs
for summer vacation days and
is ready to take its place among
the smart set at the country

Is Jaunty and Care-
Free of Mode


PatronizA Daily Advertisers.-Adv.

The college woman who is plan-
ning her vacation wardrobe in
order to have it ready for flight
the ninute the last final has been'
written will find the Kit Boot
Sweater an attractive, compan-



High-Grade Curling Irons
Have New Low Prices

For some of the Kit Boot Sweat-
ers silk and wool yarn has been
chosen and this in dainty colors
flecked with white makes just
the sort of sweaters suited to
wear with the white or very
light skirt.

Right at the time of year when the curl-
ing iron season is really beginning, prices
drop! These curlers are exceptionally
well made so that they'll serve for years.
Universal make, $5. Hotpoint, $5.
Thermax, $4. Values, all of them.

For other Kit Boot Sweaters a
very light weight wool yarn has
been used. Such sweaters may
be worn with tan or grey pleat-
ed skirts and complete striking


C 44... TP~J. Dr.,',* U


Electric eurling iron heaters,
large enough for heating mar-
cefling irons, are here. $6.50.

rril c.1 n i snc of +Ila ] Trit Ttnof


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