THE MICJ-llGAN~ DAILY /73f,04 'p ,,~, ~Read the Daily ' i -41 , weak to me. The war is dragged in, Y - ~-- - -____...- )iajestic fortunately only briefly, and the whole "°° ' ugPont" w~h' tr iiT H thenme of the latter half of Mir. Brom- tu~Mjsi oa u fm IN RV I W ieds toy enes rondthiiene 1a ~ltthrough VWed~nsday is an entertinng 3081- 12 0. ain St 'ta teMntrwuddevour them coibi~nat ion of: society, love, murder----._.__ __ allinth ed. uyery, anda dash of the scinii. e6. PoetrYq Ah, Master .play us well-keep our PIhilosaphy,, vague and dull, rune a Are angl that tiade Black Oxen. Nita hearts true vagrant course throuhot ,the ook. orn rfihan oy yT~rcNal di lays "her usual vampire role,! TAi "" C )rER T eyadpi~h n i~o!Le SLily wonders what is worth whilei . Irn !att' Moore is th e ero, PatY Muth1; narriet Xonroe, Tureac Irene, her siter, ponders slightly on wo, lae tgehe n l3k( 111r is cast 's Eli abetlv Wheeler, «.,. Hi pgh outstodt*r heish ~ Pth ~fie h::ts ;to'iv.Jlia, are again co-sarred in,'lailies o. the 'lv ore's sweetheart, and George Faw-1 .,yUovcI~I~cee, hitoff tunes'Thiat fly; 'trir nothrer, yondrs why her dau- il"a eAraetdy adcet i a kindly old docti. It is an s ,perhaps impossltbleto ht8PT Circle thie'stars and chli r e Fieldsa eat inte, ud heAryocadaetotofdteynvelandpla ofth eeptenea a AOileecti9I. f Poems; &jky.>," t havethe wholestry., veryone wn- { ha~t Tiisa its'rfi! slsnieune byMary Foberts Iinel rt. frious in subject smatter 'an'd 'dring about Something, with the only I cast as Mildred Harker, te wife of lh ltcocr e ya l rm for them Ail tra as "het iffreand t her evidnt coucluson fr his I ia, an,-who seeks love conqu 'As far ' 'eli vias enewed and the~ crimmuinal ~'by° arretmon, justpub-aceMnsterFwould evour hemal jy Qovicl-Msctee wouldpanyouoftem alland wide and whose .oly tie:'to-1 erj'eventallybirought to juste trourigh r o.. the poems ;were" wvritten RCb y ijllim eFee. PI inbte orsrthr nspi. t:is ter three-year-ld (aughter Ris.e ofangor a erlod of thirty years9r gin by Douleday Page, $VU: .,,;.j ,..,ofnntre;t.can Tearle has the role of the richest, Juio Prter,"a erai crn wit 182,in hic yar he Reviewed by Manning Hlouseworth not offer a lorious moral motive for! bachelor in the wrorld, andi is one who!Iey. }'anwAeo'fbecato nlbian Ode" was composed, Na-' will complete the early WS' program. y in -such a stretch of time, e hr emst b ireitbe t eitne I ucesol i vesewome, thrughscyni alysA story of a girl who tried to bluff Ly snceit iclues te Wrldfascination to the literary men of ( tel) astory which has no satisfac- views therorldynialnd es. TheallyiewYork and succeeded is coiing, toriCmisalc a thoughtful author In touch I Erngland and United States in writing tart'~euing. A certain bookish friendI picture was directed by ,l, ..IDillon,j the Majestic on Thursday in "Bluff" ~el Sa tve sa 0l curret evnts ould passof the trials and tribulations of what oiA niie tells me that too many novels If who also mrae "Faming Youh." Anes Ares is featured in it withfrwhnmatie ols ro cret eet wol pasis known as the "moderns." it s are b ng published. I agree with "hieTi," ig Pigila en ntni Mr{o.Ter i aplasngH teDiadea Glertor; Swrlngn gh many changes of heart and, WieTgr"ffhPiclaS~nAtnoNoeo teei laig -o as eea0 aign d. In fact, it is a little surpris-i comparatively easy to understand the him, is scheduled for Friday and Saturdy love theme running all through, andi, tfind that "The Difference," last yonerwier otryngteyon-It s a faring story of the life o' a there is ai bright comedy touch in iiid aflFod u ndc tn ftm mn h omer generation for of course they them'. Afte the "C" battery is installed, band of s.per-crooks w~ho e'cIpe fro too. anything youd want, any stye-fr tat "oltuam ngeth oeys selves are the things, if the, strength it is essary to worry about it for the law and ide in a deserted cabin. "The Wealthy Marriage," is the cm-' 'anons which its author believed ovf the old aphorism 'still holds, they the n . six months, .at least. The on the thirteenth lay of 'the month, city for the latter part of the week. roi ' 19) n o hc h a know th'a best. But when an author i0' battery consumption is every smfall' with thirteenieces of jewelry and, On the stage Irving Newh'off and " f 1n.{198),and fr whch sh hasof sea stories such as William McFee 'compared to that of the "$" battery, a black cat for company. MissDeanIode Phelps with Chauncey Gray's' COLE117 ligtin thougoutheredior-writes of the urge for fredom and ex-'and will operate for a long time with- is supported by Wallace Berry, Hay- Orcheo"' ~". wi play popular selections. __________ f Poetry." She herself says of pression of some provincial Carol Ken-: out replacement. mond Griffth, and Matt Moore.Cniudo aeFfen ~olmbanOd":"Epeialyitnicott inn the unappreciative and Phil-1___________--________________-_____ rnte tmptation, sanctified by, [on, t0a~ ~ f ybl e istine environment of' South Barnth ..r.rne, __________________________________________________________________ an English Prairie, t mst give its. Rmay bSesaid «of mo s ote'1 pause. m.Te r o stoetyi the Another surprising thing; about1 seneTheya nthpetold ic ton I {, Set~ the latest novel of McFee isi A tropes,,the old patterns of nie- ta ti osrrsnl od I nd rhyme. They are ,what is fies in the face of the traditional man- ' ( "new".poetr. - nr of describing, the, goings on of "new" poetry. the notorious monsadbek at is "new" poetry? Plainly it Inearly all of the tdens ofthe acpt ,of the old essentials, the em-} ed rules of ther ' tablators. Whati s upon emotion, or the use of °trldm tems% a tetril mainly for their',feeling content, Inartisdeticead pobfably hephiistine rnd- ~ie ue offigurtiveexpresion, Ingrof the story.o For thelstory hasa e calling of names. Because itihapenngII ys figurative language to ex-Ihapenig emoton rimril, i ispoeic, And strangest of all the tw po hero-!t emoton pimarly, t ispoei nes achieve "their lifelong happiess, eyond these requirements It is 1oeb eoigeggdadatr it formless.. As for grammar, it l1aron e y eoingetngedrand ater more grammatcal than it must 1Ihewase isrendgeto arrid toe order to express some meaning.Ipther myan shetisanagd o andite srhythm, it ins'broken into pt rbyanou ad utmarige mor or les cnveien. IAnd neither one' of the two girls, to hfuls 'mr rls ovnet carr'y that ;uniqueness to an extreme, d its lines-they are not verses- seems to reret it. fr'to be oftener chunks of mean One of the impressing characteris-es, ban groups of stressed and un . tics of MFee is his saneness. He sed Syllables." It is not, like gQod Is neter a wlote.heaited advoctite of blend of wound'and sense. In all the ideals applied perhaps Srron-I it is poetry minus most of the j ously to the modern element nor is HARD WA RE ividual Shops f Phone 174---175-r CAMP STOVI The -,Stove thatsal "right now to the, whet do-we-eat crowd!: We'i got just the stove you wan~t'for your next hur inig trip.! It's.the' Col man-the 'Camp Sto, years ahead! Makes can cooking a real pleasure stead of a hard job. TI ?fete-no extras to buy or h nd. Everything's built in- g Fuel Tank, Pump, Ove arries like a suit case, Coo ries, bakes, boils, toasts, roas AMP COOKER~ Sts c10 !r Ole a ed sis th he is ost in, ito !SS se, . .n . the ideals the thig that saves 'ziY'li '6 -f 4'pi~led 'to onroe's work, is thiat she hias seems able ing to say, and that i ne does path, inspec lly get far away from the nomena of of accepted verse. Occasion- In his opinic aeven uses rhyme, and rather a picture W1 ui_,v too.R1Shenought. to risepit and yet whi alpuo 'perhaps erroeously' 3to steer a straight middle ating and rejecting the phe- the two generations that on are insincere, and draws vhich sparkles 'with interest K 4v tim'( Sdo e; for she has proved thai ably true. it, that she does not have His heroines of course do have as-, ew" poetry, that the forms ,iations and they do set out some-j e poetry for most of uts wat independerntly to realize them. hamper her in the expres- St realiing aipir~ifions does not in L i, , ; . _ 7, H _ mi of her "emotional thought." It ecsa ~y rn y ,t i seas to the reviewer that she is at;, rogli b a J ~ ri=a4 h rworst when she is most "new,~," lbeauyo flthis 'bok i'that two thwn her meaning becomes will-o'- girlIs dow not'feel they 'are r41ied to -wspy, and consequently the emo- t o through the monotonous round of anal content of her lines lacks force. tricks that our writer gives us as be- ecould, of course, utter a series of Ing the ordinary procedure of the dyed 1 :ans expressive only of emotion;, in the wool moderns in their quest t. they would not miake poetry even for freedom and individuality. they were metred and rhymed, for ( Of course thebook has some faults etry is discourse. but they are for the most. part trivial The Difference" is a poe;m in two ;and merely mechanical. Two especial- tions, one dated 1823, the other: ly attracted me. One was an unfor- 3. It is a piece of narrative ex- tunate manner of McF'ee in arranging sitlon that contrasts life in the for. his conversations which would be r year with life in the latter. It is :;lbroken off and then resumed with dis-I aple, direct, meaningful, a sociolog.. 'concerting abruptness after several; ,l and political study. Wihat snake 'paragraphs or pages describing entire- good ' stenraiesri.I ly foreign matters. The other fault .t,gdi th e roughoutnrtv the book the sri.I best lies in the. title which seems to have mrs are narrative in nature. Miss [been written for another book. In nroe has a genius for the short fact the only place that race is al- etic narrative. 'Even among helrl luded to is in the last paragraph of1 rolina Wood-Cuts, which are delib- E the story which however is not very LtYely descripti the best poms re Iillum~inating- and I smuspect "was .e% se with a narrative turn. One haps tacked on for some justification ght cite "The Romney," "The Moun- for the story's name.j neer's Wife," "The Rose-Bush," and Ie MLeeting." Eacli of these really l I ,oels is a little story, somewhat in the nner of Robert Frost. The game -RE A RE -rue of a group called "Notes of Tra-I TILE GENBYTEby Fouls L" The best among them are his- Bromfleld. Published by Stokes, ftftO -ital-"At O'Neill's Point" and: Reviewed, by Robert S. Mansfield tah."~ There is one, however, called' Sometimes I find miyself wishing ithe Yellowstone," that is alniost that authors would preface their works rely descriptive, yet really moving,+ with, some explanation of the reason pictures the geysers, from the littler for their titles. At times, of course, the big, giving to each' the appro- the reason is perfectly evident, but at [Ate enitts: iand onereally getsoth'ers I close the book with a vague YT 2, yC .Z /p Y f P :1:. i . _ .. _.., ' , S i i. -: V"W WarmWahr nrases t e erland for Comfortable ,Shirts. I r, Wa m w ah rinroe h ,mand on your wardrobe. The raggd7 stiff ,shirt or undergarment makes the day unbearable. Moderni Laundr'y Meth'ods such as Varsit y uses insures softness, comfort and good- appearance to your: shirts. They will last longer, too. he picture. There is not space to comment on he war poems and on those that deal Tih great painters, except to say thatj hey are well worth reading. But pace ought to be accorded to the oem entitled "The Orchestra Leader," nid dedicated to Frederick A. Stock.# tis far from th'e best among those ealing with individuals: but it is ertainly timely in this May Festival eason. "Dear Mir. Stock, grandly you stand before us, Playing on violins in airy chorus, On harps and trombones, and thej big basson, Flutes and bass-drums and cellos uncertainty 'as to the significance of the appellation. "The Green Bay TFree' is one which puzzles me. Per- h aps it signifies young life, or: per- 1petual youth., or it may signify Vii: :one of a host of possibilities includ- fed in the novel. At all events, I am ' at loss to find any positive application in the arboireal title. The book is a novel in every sense of -the word. The author builds -up Sfew more or less convincing char- acters and carries them through life at a reasonable rate of speed. There iIs nothing outstandling in .tJie ork, it lacks much in plot, *and more in purpose. The ftact that Lily Shane, who may be' considered the chief "Send your Laundry here and s-ave money" a A , N * r~. 'I all in tune- chia racter, is decidedly modern in her rhaps you think these are your attitude toward love, and whose amors instrumnents l are more minted at than mentioned r making music out of wind and!F does not excite the slightest interest dreams. 'b eyon d the ordinary. Her sister is [i. no, a thing is seldom what it not a convincing monomaniac, but is seems-r rathler a queer. personality who is too iese are materials and elements- j good to be a true member of her fain- Photie THE O/f fa Corner 2076 Liberty street and or ti. i l '2077