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May 25, 1924 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-25

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- . . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _-.

P'ublicationl in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
thie University. Copy received bi, the Asitant Lo the President until
i :.jo uptiV.;(11., 3o )a. ni. Saturday {
Volume 1S suNDA ,k NA11Y Di, 1i2l Number 173
-_ -,.-......
Proclamaton by the Governor:
Our country, the proudest, the most nighty of nations. sovereignty of
hteousnss. saain called upon to nmanifest its gratitude to thef' ew re- .
.i~Agmnjers~ofthe Grand Army of the Repu'li' arid to pay tribute to
tnernory of the fallen. Memorial Day was created in order that the deeds
sacrifceand devotion. to freedomr in the Civil War might forever live. B ut
xeha Broughnt a new t nd vast armly of living and fallen lieroes'k)tits: t
nor. 4n depest~ reverence we pay tribu~te to the few veterans of the Civil
tl!:ii g So nt eG a d C m a d ro al wili s e li fi a 'iehese proud butfalte~ring com rades of '61. and there will be no living Grandj
mly vetera,to honor. May his memory always be sacred tous. The b)oys
yosterday who freed from tyranny a suppressed people and who extended;
;hteous Americatn rule to the other side of the world. are too fast passing'
o another realm. Soon the ranks of Spanish War veterans Will be as thin.
those of the Civil War. Let America never forget the glorious dleedls and
ri iceq of these fighting .ads of yesterday. With flowers by land and :sea,
Lh every human token, let uts give honor not only to the veterans of Civil
I Spanishb wars but to the young mzen of today who gave freedomn to the 1
rld through battle on foreign soil. To the living veterans of all .our
rs, inay our hiomage be in keeping wxitir our gratitude. Mlay our tribute to ,
memory of those who have passed into the beyond be worthy of a grate-
people. '1
Therefore. I. Alex. J1. Groesbeck,, as Governor off Michigan, proclaim and
e al proper observance of Friday, MVay St0, 1924, as MMRALDY
Liven under my hand and the Great Seal of the State this thi'rteenth day
.ay, in the year of our' Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four,
J of the Conininwealth the eighty-eighth.
Alex. Jl. Groesbeck, Governor.
Thbe Deans:
There will be no conference of th-e Deans on Wednesday, Mt'ay 28, 1924:.1

All perbons or socletleg using this
{column should Include In their notices
day, hour, and place. All notices
,Pithout this dinta will be disregarded.
9:3O0-t1TIersJty nmen's bible class,!
.anei hall: ,.'
-19:45-Senior idyCnreaha
2: ;0-J If lil~lare .Mih u.club 'mepf;
' ing, Lane hll. r
5:i1--Lutiiera'i tudent bs> lque~f~i=
-plimentary, lion parjsh ~haft.
5 :;O--stmdenI s' FVre ldeA1h.t, tong're
gational church.
7:3W-3100011i pictuire, "iBety JRos s ad{
* the Flag," Congregational church.
1000-Lecture, advertising 4 sMot
Prot. J. L. B~rumtdn, roomn 207, U ni-
versity hail.
2!:10k -limnixal ('hi), I1clh, Un ion.
4:0--Exeiantro e ub diiuaer, rwmia.301S.

'Indiana StudentsI- i ' tto i ,1ave"'"l inllllil'l
BloomingtIon. ndaaMy'4--Dr),t)11) pi.d~yad p Cmis-
T. C. Hdon xagepo(Ii. 'Lsdl:" ~n;itr a ; it " !iiy td 1, of . s tudtI las
the University of Mchga foiite L'P r '. 1hi.; con ne't i!,!1has a good1(
University of London,deire tofitUQ Hc'gaitngasadtit
lectures here on "Ihead I llunters tl ,i !1 or'~sk' goigcn
the Assam,"' and ''Recent Refkoo:-, hl an "111('t 1eplyi 1 oleg rad1
Briti~h Universities." .4';i ~i oi in rt r.
°.9'uper~ii ou li,?*,' i' a I 1i 1°inttnen t 't A nn A r-i
F"ACIAL 1-4# INb1rgivill 1) , srI tuglexperien cif
1[it. ear iI tt'i iilifldfr('l'ili(Ix
I.LECTRO-COS,9AITIC SP~f'tV! lY''V+I] :an iegahn
Il BYappontment onl%, Phorie I167-- ilII netly doe byexpt)1-
RU(IS 511AM ro(JJ,1I) o.dust cIi'a -1d1,e,"" operatoi r z1t c onsirate
An Abr ape lenigXV t jri "h, 0. U. Mrrl 17Nickels
I An ro Cre len50'U ~ Arcad(e. The T1yp}ewriter & Station-
I _______________________*_____ ery Store.1
_________ _____ ______ )HP)IfS FOR Egraving should be
Fulsoles-a speciality. 0. C. A-idres pacenw to avoid possible delays
' 222 S. State. :1 1 t1 ilz. n1oitzaent. 0 D. Morril,
---- -1-- 7i IicI.Fls Arcade, The Typewriter
TlA IL R & Statloacry ,tore.
Clcednd Pre: ssed ia:mnpayin g t1!ecbest prices, f roni 3
(.< U tfor .suits c.Jl I1677-W, or bring
S II M A I THEriTr i,U1I wt ;!-i:t,)20,3N.;Main St. 13. Mfordskly.

1AA101F ord. o rdefrIClassi
YOUR PO'iRTABLE arlwnol or1ca1p
Victrola kis}here. Get 'yours ,now., 1FOR MAI P nOF
prices fromh $25,00 to $Q(O cu- pg 0
berle Son Music House.



ngth imported Burge

FOR MAP OF' Ain Arbor Hill;*

Erv coat and sport skirt to mat!
S ize:;4. Tweed mixtuire, like nee
mzi ,takec in measuiremnents reason fI

page 20' sal . iMust be, sold at once, lea
t owgn. T1 pphone 2446 fronm 9t
I have had soimany inquiries fCor eth- lPFA\EdlI lingpl421 d hmpo
er "things Chinese" besidIes rugs thai -- ~l i lci~ 2 ~~rp~
I' have now made connewction.< with TWO 'nTUBEI radi9 set, 'For salecl


ton, China, whlo iil ship to mnc diret
the very attractive Chinese beads --
a mber, jade, coral, carve(i peach stone
etc. embrhoidlered silk. table runner,,
Manda(Lrian squares, etc., small silver;
br .:s and cloikene pieces suitable for;
gitsor Ala Jongglprizes. Also 1Iam
selling at no profit, whiite linen beaut-,
tifully embhroidlered bhy Chinese girls
to pay their living expenses while at-
tendingAMission Schools in C(hina3.
:glts. 11. It. Mri
92, Chur11ch
Daily classified for real results.

TUESIDAY Phone 3141-M. Patrronize IDoh
14':00-4Iedlea I school &idjiinisti'afi ye MNI0I11 i 1Lr
b o a rd lu n c h , U n io n . .ir. .
:30-Pubilc ieaimg classdlinner,
... .__A TT - - -- - ....unon

Lily Advertisers--Adv.

Rea"pin, broke. Call '1619.'-
-NEWVE'f?(A TENOR banjo, an id
instrumient for the summler, wi
good case, $40. Cost me twice tl
amountm but must sell immediate,
I 1. Cor%-ell, 205 S. State St., Pho
OAN [ROLI top de=1C--nearly good
niew. A bargain. Call 296-M.
Patronize Daily Advertsers.--Adv
Abargain is an advantageous
r ~Why Is a 11orgahl
Prices are cut to get rid of
picked-over stock--pieces other
( people didn't want. My Chinese
Rugs are selling so rapidly that
my stock is continually new.
Prices are cut on stock bought
at a discount from wholesalers,
surplus, picked over or soiled
stock. I import direct fronm
manufacturer and get only
choice patterns, at prices which
enable me to sell at


. .w'H..,..._.. _. .

the Sedate Council:
There will be a special meeting of. the Senate Council, 'Monday, May 26,
5 p. in, in the President's office.: F. 1E. Robbins, 'Secretary.
virsity Lecture:
Professor W. D. Harkins of the University o1 Chicago will speak uinder
joint auspices of the University and the University of Michigan SectionI
he Amerleama fliernical Society on 'Monday, May 26th, at 4:15 p. mn. In the
mical Amphitheatre.
The subjct of the lecture is "Photographs of Atonic Collisions" and
ie Separation of Isotopes" The lecture will be illust teel by lantern

6 :30-(Cosmopolitan~' dinnier, If arris
7:0-La Societa Hlspaiea nieetli9i,!
-Lane hall auditorium.s
'iie Georgo Booth scholarsip col.1pe-
tition drawings are now 0au1 4xhlli-
tion in the architectural lecture
room on the second floor of: the Eni-
*gineering building where they m~ay
be seen every afternoon.


%XAen'n aas1* rass



A Miligan Institution-

i- I
1 11 IS


public is cordially invited.

F. F, Robbins.

Caawpt~gn fir League Bjuildng:
inal meeting which wvill s't, rt the campaign will be held at Barbour
'i on Monday, May 26, at 7:30.-Everybody bring work envelopes
9;e cards. Gertrude Brock, Local Chaitman.
;ymslum clothes must be. removed from the lockers by May 30th-:
4tdlit will be impossible to reclaim the contents.
- Ethel McCormick.
;pfoinore women complting Physical Education work must have
t examinaion. on Monday or Tuesday, May 26th and 27th, in Blar-.
nasium, in order to receive credit.' Ethel )IcCormalck.
)f- Appointments:
tudents enrolled with the Fureau of Apipointments who bave notyet
rpQition for next year are requested to meet in room 203 Ta~ppalX
nday, Mlay 26, at 5:00 P. i4. Mrgaret (Cameron, Sccretary.

A Siger Cowdia~, AStae 'Och es tra, A, Myst-er I
11N $T OlI V01U-ANI) MOM E TO01
r;ho ~
, ,iiI l b1 l


r"% 4f
'{ T


~WL~ t~he

? ';

I°-h- re eat the lectmae A Fundamental Instinct and Its Conrol" ' -'atsWt nAno r I~lling
*~ at al SCcjence Auditoriuni at seven o'clock Monday, for the bien~~ft- Mystry St ory ,htnm41'1ll Keep
umen stud+ents who care to attend. FWarren E. Frsthw. _ 1x1on011 theI Edge o Your Seat
iiets- ho 'I11 lito Tea chl Retoric: -,l
All students whod intend to teach Rhtoric pod wish a re counisendatlonl;Es
nn the department should consult with R. W. Cowden in the Rhetor ic La
k ry,' LUiiVersty Nigh School, Tuesday or Wednesday from one to four
.,yR. W Cowd~fen.
rntmer (.a1nmp In Geology ,and Geogrphy:
All students, prlanning to atend the Summer (.'amp in Geology and Cep-6-
aphy at ll Springs. lfentueky. si-ould enroll at the Re iira's Oiffine and r
y tition at oncre. Money should Ie t~ len to the cam p in the form o£ .^:
ieller's or' bankers' chcks-it ill be impossible to cash personal ciecis ' '" cF-
the camp region.° G. M. Ehlr'", Director. ~ ''',~~~"""
131k'l SeaklnW for U mgineers: a'
The following mien will appear on the programs for the Final Assemnbes,- '. -
nday, Tuesday,: and Thursday evenings; N~y 26, 27, and 29 respetrctiey. '
7D9+ap nRo 4 etEng. Bldg.: Monday--Bradley, chair'an, .:'*..z .'-::' .0
d Mxessrs. Brown, D)yni, Colds, aley, Clare, Clinton, Feick, Kearns, Jadhiav
Tuesday-Golds, chairman and Messrs.Lis, Walker, Xnodel, Madison : I > ".
rm's Neff, Palmer, Maurer, Schmidt, and Reid. I -
Thursday-Neff, chairman, and Messrs. Sanders, Ninobla, Stelwagen, 4=".!
isch, Robillard, Sadowski, Stew rt, Siger Updegraff, Whiople, Wight- ~-
, and Bradley,_ C. A. Schmidt,-Chairman of Assemblies.
e.- Herbert Brennon
rc~elad Hispanica:He,
Sociedad Hispanica meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Lane Hall Auditorium. Produced it with
G. Nathan Hoffman. hi plnidPraontCs
This SlendidParamontoCas
Ay"roduetion Election For the Coiing Year: Ali' A AT/IT 'T.1/g dur--
Toewbising permission to elect courses in play production (Public N IP"AL7L J V I. L DLi[.r
laking 181, 185, 191, and 195) during the first semester of 1924-1925 may GEORGEi: A I"$C4 E7
ie wrtten application at 4 o'clock Monday, May 2, in the auditorium of ;/7/AT M O
liversitk Hall. The natutre of the courses will be explained at this time. !A T fO R7~
R. P.. T. iHollister. PATSY RUTHII7JLtER
you like your movies too.gly seasoned f
F wyu ~"i~' ~ith all
sswaxcl< Club: -, . the elements--romance, mystery adventur e, thll s-
ille ay mgaeing of theAResearch' lub will be held on Wednesday, May hegre's your picture!
t~l t 8°:P. 1. in the Iiistological Laboratory. The following papers 'will : -'
' l eelopnalnts in ,the Netherlands East "Indies"~ by -Professor *, _________- __________________
lt Jaden. *r' x .,ALP
"Tl~ 9w~rcte art istribiuticon of the Terrestrial Permian Depost n ~ r .1.1.L L o p ca ~ ' ~ ~ P ''I E A ta to J N O
Utr, F ,rq x,~yProfe sr . , Case. 5Ucili 11 E 'JJLJ1JA- io
hl 1outl wl, eta :0P M .H lldandt, secretary '1Wt?" I''AiiHere1n
___________t_3___MT_ llebr1EW (CANTlOR-
- 'a"$1llhgfnl~ l! l. , CLEG)OTAPr utsducatiot
1t h L rkl na ud: (.ladHeadquarters, 7.00 P. M,.C'' ' - ' - IrvingtDodie ,(h
Tearsllonanih t1nd Arthur Hartwell, Asgt. Manager. .AYS"PRIIc
________A New Aesop Aut
Mr. Lawrence Hill, Construction Supe itendent of the Illinois Bell -SCH1EDULE SUNDAY ONLY-'Ie wff&Plp
linn Electras Mehnica.Ilis: wilFable Cartoonat 4 Warn I_ ITH-

e f
ia Special Comnedy'
Full of Laughs
"ax ........ i
'Total.. "W


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