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May 25, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-25

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sed every mnorning except Mlond'ay
the University year by the Board in
of Student Puhlications.
)rs of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is r; elusively en-
the use for republication of all niews
tes~ Credited to it or n.,)t otherwise
iu n is paper and the local news pub-
-ed at the postofice at Ann Arr,
in, as second class matter. Special rate
a e granted by Third Assistant Post-
ription by carrier. $3_50: by mail,
:s Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
es: Editorial. 2414 ancr I7 r-M; jLjsi-
d communications, not exeecdin 300
will be published in The Dlaiiyai
crction of the Editor. Upon reqluest,
entity of cmmpuncant will be te-
as confidentia;.
Ceephones, 2414 and 176-1%

as any of our nieghbors, and to have! school journalism by competition and
undue recognition thrunt upon us only constructive criticism, is well worth
increases the potentialities for irreg-t the tinie and attention it demands.


?vg Editor.......... ..Rcbt B. 'Tarr
torial Board Chairman ... . R. C. Morarity
yEditor.... ,.......J. C. Garlinghouse
Night Editors
Ii. Ailes A. B. Connable, Jr.
ry C. Clark '. 1I. Fiske
P, M. Wagner
its Editor ...............Ralph Iv. Bycrs
mten's Editor............ Winlona HibbardI
sic 1Editor ...............Ruth A, liowell
nsta nt City Editor. l. enneth C. Kellar
ectrjlihgan :News BureauR. G. Ramnsay
matics lEditor..... . .Robert B. Henderson
vise Barley Elizabethi Lieberniann
N. Berk4iuan R. S. Mlansfield
rmia Bi,:Kvell E, C. Mack
rman Boxer Verenia Moran
len Brown Harold Moore
W. Conrad Carl Ohnacher
nadette Cote lhyde Perce
W. Davis Andrew 'rpper
cold Ehrlich lMarie Reed
W. Fernambecrg Vegina Reichrnann
0. Gartner l",dnaie Schrauder
lybeth Heath C. A. Stevens
nning Ilousewortk Marjorie Sweet
ily Ili he Frederic G. Telinos
rothiy Kamin R. . Thai
Irgaret Keil W. T. Wa'thour
as K(endall tiet man Wise
Telephone 960
vertisiluR........ ........ , ... '1D'mine
vertising............Perry I. Hayden
"ertising .......... ...... .W, Roesser
vertising...... ... ... ... ... .. H. E. Rose
counts.............I.L,. Hai
...............C. Pudv
blication.Lawre~nce 1ierce
W. Camphell N. I.. Holland
nntie Caplan MA. 1.. Ireland
as. Champion _ Harold A. Marks
n (,onbin Byron Parker
nis M. Dexter A ,1. Seidnman
eph 1. Finn t;eo. A. Stracke
ivd A. Fox R. C. Winter
iurrn Hiaight
SUNDA'Y, IMAY 25, 1924
'Nighlt Z( litr-OI .C NA
"Tr1a I Vniritu of Michigan is the

C'ambnridge, Mass. is up, in arms.
,Anger. and mielancholy darken the
brow of her good citizens, who rise
en miasse to safe-guard her, sacred
traditions. Tecausei is not far to
seeks, and upon that generally safe
and sound institution, the Associated
Press is laid the blame for the follow-
ing dispatch:
"London, AMay 1,--Tlie ,village
smithy which is reputed to have
inspired Longfellowi's familiar verses
is doomed' to disappear. It, stands
in St. Mary Cray, a Kentish vi[e
flage, and became known to the
'American poet when he visited the
poetess, Eliza Cook.
The appearance of the smithy at
present hardly. meets the descrip-
tion in the poem. The "spreading
chestnut tree" vanished long ago,
being felled because It darkened
the neighboring houses, and the
building now is to go for an equally
utilitarian reason; its site is wanted
in furtherance of a street-widening
To all this Camibridge answers
"tommyrot" and mutters "British pro-
paganda." As one Boston newspaper
1writes, "our hands are ever read'
for the grasp across the sea. NV
yield to none in the desire for Eng-
lish-speaking unity, and harmony be.
tween the two great Anglo-Saxon na.
tions. But we do not propose to give
tip the "village smithy" and it,
4'spreading chestnut tree" to old Eng
land, anyf more than we are yNillin:
to relinquish Bunker. Hill, or thy
bridge at Cconcord."
Most certainly our sympathy is wit]
Cambridge. Perhaps the poet mia
have visited the Kentish village is
question, perhaps he did see a village
smithy and a spreading chestnut tre,
in the quaint old spot he converse(
with. Eliza Cook, yet we do not be
lieve that he found there the inspir
ation for his famous verses. Th,
'poem itself is redolent of New Eng
Today, in classic Br'attle Street. o
Camibridge, before a private residenc
.here stands a stone slab with ithl
carved inscription:
Cambridge sublmits this evidence
possession of the site of the origini
smnithyv to the Englishi claiimants. 5h
;aclnowledges the fact that her s preac
ing chestnut tree has long ago var

Tijto's first encore was 0 Sole MiO.
Hi-s second was Somnewhe re 'a Voice
'%k t,5:iiilm. Vni d iU u rsl cn

Petoskey, Is a fine thing. Good, pray- j 6 lf~li011iiil iti~iiiiilitii
tical stuff. ____
Thle new issue of the American Mer-
cury pays us the compliment of re-G O L FI..
quoting an item in the Daily that
3we ourself pilloried. some time, ago.
We have reference to the 11. A. JumpI
advertisement of the Buddhismr di:--'___E
cussion that the good pastor paid hard
cash to have inserted in this paper. s
iConfirnig our judgment of the caseR A
'and all that.
M~r.Jao ole



3 '

fidently, well, he can't give any more, ---- -""- ' 3{{i!{1{llN z!{{tl{llliffli~
because he can't find anything worse., 1fIf AIb~Jck
But Tito 'still 'bad an ace, up his ~Ii4~
foxy sleeve. Out he comes with this! - ETRUIT UT iE
damn thing: about the strange ~man1NRIL
kissing the new. maid. To, The Editor :- Iuies ,i. :~a n n
it 'wasn't a strange man at all it Mr. Wicks is probably unaw'are that every two hours tto 9:1(1 p. m.
That asn' no ady tat ws my veryone is vr familiar with my:;- .i. ai.ade~
fniefaith in newspaper, reports'. I Lts .i.. :5a n n
wfBut le did sing it with all the grace heard him say that Mrs. Rlamsay Mvac- ! twever vc o to 8.66 prM.
in the world i ~Donald was a niece of Lord Kelvin. ' ~i.T piak ny 14
The reporter evidently got' a sug-es-j ;2;.i. n :1 ,I.
TOAST OF AlIGENTIlNE Itdo falsi. I 'got' many others, 'hence i Llriteds: 8:47 a. in. and every two
Tfo you I lift the golden cup the grains of salt wherewith I would; hourss to b : gi~ p. Mn.
That brimis with ruby wine; cleanse the mouth of the gift horse. l ixpregs (making local stops) :95
May all its contents gather up (1) 1 inferred that bringing a large ; .. U1. and every two hours to 9:50
My love of Argentine!.(family into the world is meritorious, I ijf.ocalis: 7:50 a. in., 12:10 a. mn.
Mfay stamping . heels i but that those who may be called -__________________
And Spanish reels upon to support such a family are
Enhance the passion that is mine,t all folk of mean character. (2) 1 in-! xxv
I ferredl that placing fillies on the al- '.IW. T. F . ~
I LaPlat's ater spaklegay. taris repreliensible because slum- 1
LaPlt.' atrssarl gy 4armngi nbl.(3 ifrrd ' 47 fi ? 8 c9 10
And shores of sunny palms mig s1obl.13)I ifere tht4 ~15 16 '17
Adore the light each tropic day one great British party is supportcd i18 11) u 21 22 2:3 4
That knows no winter qualms. mainly by brutalized slum-dwellers, 1 :' 26 27 28 29 30 31
The heat beats strong that it* organization is centered in
1Upon the throng ' saloons; that, by comparison, an- R(EVIVAL OF THE
[Of sires-or beggars asking alms, Other party has a corner on virtue. PANAMAHA
(4) 1 inferred that tire Labor Patri;ty n laboratory test the Panama Hat
And there is one, whose heart is mine, holds a patent on the New Jeruisalemx, is found to be the coolest to say,
Theeny o hr st;while its oppon'ents are graceless 1iotliing o£ -its being the most coni-
Her, lips are red, as red as wine, reactionaries. (5), I inferred that t fortabie hat for summer wear. This
Her hair as black as jet. England will never adopt socialism, problauy accounts more than any-
She flashes eyes but will graduallly, nationalize the thing else for the revival of the Pana-
That stir men's. sighs instrument and means of production j1115 and the fact that it is being worn
thi yer y te estdreses a Plm
'Anld sways when cracks the castanet! ---.which is,- not socialism! (6) 1 in-thsBea r and therbet resrs. the mi
ferred that all members of the Porters report t:.n unparalleled (c-e
To he , ittegle u Labor Party are, like Mr. lhodge , imand for the Panama. The following
Ta he I lft t e gol en c p ;91110 laboratory tests of teinperature
That brims with ruby wine; people of high culture, while their op- takern after wearing thxe Panama, Soft
May all its contents gather up ponenlts are philistinxes. (7) I inferred Fel and Straw Bailor in the sun for
My love of Argentine! that Mr. Wicks' political friends adopt! two hours:
1--. stmighesthe Sermon -.on the Mount as tnmhcoletitmpraur 7.
Ard paih eescharter, while his enemies move onl Soft Felt next, teimperature. 9.7'
l~Thane th pasio tht i mie! a low, earthy plane. (8) I inferred :straw Sailor hottest, tenp' .8.
AR( ENTINO hathdisneistilaso oe, We clean, bleach and reblock Pana-
sO filled with righteousness that lien as, Leghoarns, Ban koks and all kinds
Argentino writes us that he wants can afford to disregard thit; rae ser- Of straw hats according to regtular
l(>o ,slicceed to the post~ left vacant mon on the Mount in thanking (lai W (0onyHhClsactory mehd.we s o arl;.
by the dear dleparte d ison Ivy. If that he, is not as these hari.se 1 tecool ihCas1"euy1Vri
h le wants to he can tr'y, but we warn inferred nmuch else to the samne gon B ee Us For' Your
him right now that no one onl earth j eral effect. All of which, ae the - a
i cfl emta .young Ivy's pae Inlast, seen' to amy naivety sugge' tione P f afm a H1at '
ihearers shout 1catchl the p1lain ant- ~u) rcsaeR~lt e~uew a'_uji (th woven hats direct !,rxi theI
l 11r4r , out Ilr. 11en inus. It was: llumimnating to the last norxsand Bloch and trim theml.
! ill dcree:and , in nmy ludgnt. ,hay;, htinOur own factory.

fldue B ird
Hair Shopf


Phone ;W6

5~ Nickels A

" I ,.
........v__...a ... _. __ _____-.. _.._._
e t f " e a " a e" s .f s s.r ... .,-. .. ..... ..i .... . ".. r t r 0 1 i




"'irst Run .Pictures''

Gladys Walton


"TrJhe Near Lady"

1-4rC s _e e lc4, pcepieAt most, sparkling comedy,
nialice that daintyC - Gldys' Walton ever rollicked thrd
Queen1 of t11e nifty d 'eswirs, treating the men YOUgh and ma]
th e1 rm I k c ," t e h o i~g t 1 e i~ c lf 1 i m n e, to l ov e u n t il a 1 c--1C M i c cf ~ _ f ' A


c3 eE
n- (


t~~~~~~~~ cosiuuixml falreshied and that her smithy no longerco
Staes hatmerit, its description; but she risesa
ersity in the UnitedStesha to state that she knows wvhere both
d in its referendum against mnodi- o the venerable objects once stood fhav
ion of the Volstead Act." So did and has marked the very ;shot. Hold ves
"ry S. Warner, general secretary on to Paul Revere, Cambridge, lest glir
;h Intercollegiate Prohibition As- we find him riding in hot haste along ae
iation, answer to the House Judi-'.the foggy banks of the Thames! pe
"y Committee when asked what -l-ie__
e university in the country voted !! IGHW SCHOOL JOUTRN.AISMY
s referendumi against modification. One, of the 'most pronounced mm-
~eemstat[r. Warner appeared provenients ever,. recedithan
pposition to the fifty-nine bills pro- nals of journalism has come about, I l
ing to legalize beverages contain- ' within the last few years in the bet-
2.75 per cent alcohol, and as an termnent and enlargement of high.1A
lenient, he asserted that the stu- school newspapers and miagazines.;
t bodies generally are benefitting For years these puiblcations have !
n° prohibition,' and th~at student! been but loosely organized, varying
ion i. swinging toward strict en- in their 'excellence according to the a- "A
;enent of the- present laws, As relative merits of the various high
f for such assertions, he offeredE school English departments.
prances of presidents of colleges l3ut all this has been changed, anti The
professors commiending probibi- a nation-wide higlh standard set. Thei

One it. 1M. Wenley wrote the greatest
lege daily yesterday anid spoke oif
.rd Ielliln in termis which convinced
that they -must at the very leastl
,e gone to college together, In-
stigation revealed that there wasj
irty-seven years difterence in their
es. My, Wenley must have been a
ecocious youngster-or was Lord
Avin a a backward ohild?I
Ilerodotas d'Ennul
These Collegiate Cafes
like these places; most informal,
not just "dumb!"
All the patrons form a breadline
(almost true);
[he counter bay. hollers "Rtolls!
Make it one!: Make it twol
buttered afloat" (excess butter on
toast) "Let the, rolls co-oine!"
ken you're asked "Coffee?" in an
undertone. You do.
cr rolls come. You pay your nickel
and your dimne,
,er look at the clock and find you're
rushed for time.
omore eight o'clocks for you!) r

the 'same basis in fact as the Kielvin
daughter suggestion.
STEANCE 21 A'1hAYI2, to be presented'
by Masqutes as their last parogranm
of the year. Wednesday, May 2S, in
iarahi Caswell 1Angcll Hall. will bej
directed ro:sp(ctiv-eiy by June Knise-
hey, Elizabeth Pike, and Mt'argaret
Kliinger. The cast for "Silver Lin-I
ings" will include Margaret Ceddles,
the gifted jt,; G(!&cs, as Fanny 'Bur-{
ney; Margaret Bailey as Richard Bur-
ney, and Evelyn MVurray as Cepshas:
the cast for "Gretna Green" will in-
clude Minerva Mliller, the melliflueint
Miss Miller, as Maria Linley, Eleanor
Crook as Anis Linley, and Margaret
Jones as Thomas Linley; and finally,
the cast for "Ashes of Roses" will
fconsist of Margaret Effinger, the very

VA("1l"ORM IA'I' S'l'Ulll: -
(Y :here 1). U. JR. stops at pltef)
Central 'Time (Slo:w 'Lima;)
1.ea' c Chan.h-er of Commerce
Week Days Sunday"
6:4S a.M. 6.45 4.I1M.
12:45 p. n. "45 p. M.
4:*45 p. M.
lAo,. 1-. ELLIOTT. Proprietor
h'Iiorie ao6-M Adrian. Michi.


.. .:,;




Ntiew Crop Flower
Ann Arbor people do not real-
ize that right here in our ovwn
horse town we have one of the
largest stocks of flower seeds
in the state. In annual seeds
we h'ave not only the well known
varities but we have the new -
est novelties in separate colors
as well as mixed. In perennial
flower seeds we have a wide
variety and carry marry kinds
:rot carried in retail catalogues.
If a small quantjty or an ounce
is required we can supply. Our
stocks are fresh and germina-
tion is guaranteed. .Everything
in flowering seeds, plants, bulbs,
C'or. Wasington & Fifth Ave.


the most po pular shoe on the
campus. ,Scotch grain orflMoor
calf.. Extiemely w ',ide soft
toe. : New shtimentgjust in.

*n. TPhis was of course a most
nple task to complete.
1Vhat is, so unusual abou~t this whole
'air is the apparent naivety with
ich Mr. Warner testified before the
diciary Committee. WCue wonder if
Warner -knows the exact figures
the vote taken here at Michigan.
)es he know that of the 4,082 votes
st, 2,339 students voted either for
peal or modification, and that only
'3voted for enforcement, leaving
one-sided majority of 596 for the
n-prohibitionists? Has he read Pres-
nt Burton's latest report to the
,gents? Obviously not, for he would
t have made public such testimony
he did. Does Mr. Warner know
any of the fraternity trouble that
eadministration has had to con-!
Ad with this past year; does he
ow of the "island" and of Whit-
ire Lake? Ifflhe does, he has madel
uselt ridiculous in the eyes of those.
o also know the facts; anl if he
es, not, then~ he has no right what-
ver to have given such> testimony
was given. The 'whole point of
matter is that the University of
chigan deserves no such honor as
W'arner has attempted to givej
it. Conditions here are fully asj

chief, agent in bringing about this
improvement in, the work of the
younger journalists has been thte pres
associations sponsored: by the Iarge
universities. Press conventions hlde
annually, at the home of each uni-.
versity have worked wonders in im-
proving the high school papers of
that state.
A brief survey of the country shows
such an organization at almost every1
large university,' among them Michi-
gan, Ilinois,3 Wisconsin, Columbia,'
Leland Stanford and countless others.
Colorado and Northwestern are recent
additions to the field. Almost every
high school publication in the coun-
try i's a member of some such or-
Bu4t the ch~ief work done by these
associations is not the imnprovemntnt
of the papers, but the inprovemient
of the journalistic ability of the high}
1School boys. . Instead of 5'pla 'ng"
with high school journals,,they< really
get out creditable sheets-mnetropoli-
tan papers on a smialler scale. They
learn to appreciate good. journalism,
their interest is aroused, and whenj
they reach the universities, they offer
good material for the various jour-
aisni departments to train. Many


1 1


Jor [len ca c= nce 1K4&


First time you hear sudden bangy, efficient Miss Eflnger, as Walpole,I
sounds Mary Van Buren as Kitty Cive, MaudI
You're startled, (Surely something Cory as Phyllis, and Abigale Noon




i broken in that crash!) 'as Rozane.
Then reassured, (That kind of dishes j All three of the plays are highly
never smash.) Isentimental, but in a very refreshing
'You see it's a jolly way to clear the sense. After the modern trend to-
tables on their rounds. wards the super-sophisticated, a bill
I' of easy satisfying fantasies become a TI IF
I like these places; so informal theyre marked diversion. They are the type,' I IS AEE
ot "umb. of pieces best suited for a girl's dra-,
Seven-fifty in the morning an~d ten j matic -organization; they give an op-
o'clock at' night jportuity for old-fashioned costumes j~
Gets to bs habit seemse about right. jand settings, and they give an even Deie h te c ead t a
M ~ ore rolU1', LnL 'en comne': jgreater opporunity for the ladies - esrsthtoac!ea ha Y
Deiae oRadSLuncih, Van's look beautiful. j ~-
and similar 'hausby a bim -who tL* + 91plasi c t nat 1ure.,
doesn't wan~t hler name mentioned. THE FINAL EMPHASIS to be laidE
on Paul Whiteman. and his orchestra r .
It is reported to us on good author}-is1 asueyu ginin dito,
itytha acertain class ith schodol to ;the promises of such a re.putedTo t i e' ee s .
'of education spent the hour some days society as the American';Associatin
ago in arguing about when the* backofUiestWmnadthpsera;
usekad. Aftermullingsitoversordbethemselves, that the concert is to be w
used Afer mllig i ove fo a given, by, will "include, and present .
full hour, the pupils and instructors 4 Mr. Whiteman, HIMSELF, in person. I


'QU euat here be.
st *ood with a

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