____ ____ ____ ____ ____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY N 19IEB CTS Decreed Political Successor Of LateI B ~ BUNCEChinese Presidenat statg, oreChnse ambassador toIi Syse OfBo the United Staesand lea(Ier of th e Miecnantcat yw trn o Constitutionalist party, hsh.n ad the Pltcl'ucso to PD r.Sn Ytier A d n irr Sen, as deocreed in thf- political vJiliey is nLirr t ,' . _ - .. ;t_ f ~r- 14 , tit.- j Work Northern Lights' Secrets Revealed BY Reproduction *~~~~ y...~...*.::~ -.. (hueing the phenomenon himself. lHe froze nitrogen in the air and exposed particles to the action of cathode rays, andl obtained an. exact reproduction of the "Northern Lights." HIs dis- covery' is being acclaimed,; one 0C- thle most notable atmospheric discoveries of the century. Propular Msic, arety At, Will Feature F ial Apjearn~e 9 of Seasbn1 IMOI)ES ORCESTRA TO PLAY; HILL TO GIVE TOCA,;tAL NUMRL'R 'Popular music ad attractive'hum-1 hers specially designers 'to meet the' tastes of the student body in linsicaij entertainment will mnake .up thepo grain at the pringj anl, bone, et. rluesday in hill auditoium. The spring Bonce will be much like the program liven at Kalamazoo and will elin~ale the classical numbers which have always been on the program, before, which often failed to win the interest of the students. The specalty act will be eaded by Ted Rhode's nine piece orchstra which will furisb a foretaste of what will he layed at the resorts this sum.. muer and Barre TITi., '26, whose voic received :so much praise from the critics of the opera and who pleasel the seniors at his, Swing out appear- ance, "will sing several selections. Anew act has been prepared for the occasion by Tang, '24E, and Tavares, '25L, and their incomparable Hawaiian harmony will e specially featured in' some numbers whit, they recently presentedl for the medical stuents. This performance is the last which the hand will give ths year. The activities of the bnd have included playing at football and basketball games, in the Union Fair and Boys' We~k parades, the Winter Bfand flounce and a concert at' alamxazoo. Nebraska "A wgwan" To Be Readmitted Lincoln, Nebraska, May 24-After a year's abs ence, the "Awgwan," Uni- versity of Nebraska humorous maga- ine, will again appear on the campus. The Student Publication oard has authorized the publication of the ma- gazine for next year by Sigma Dlta Chi, professional journalistic frater- nity CORRECTION Y. in yester days Daily an arie head- ed "HIjyden to Visit Eurepe" stated incorrectly that the epenses of Perry ,H-ayden, '25, on a trip to Eroe were to he paid by the Student Christian Association. Friends of te. Studnt Chistian Association are 'pying the expenses, but none of this mloney is from the association's budget. Tot d Ai 6r tKlled Melbourne, May 24. nCapt. Andrew Lang, former holder of the world's record airplane alitde record, was killed this morning wh n ai autoo- bile which e was driv'ngcrsed :in- to a fence .during a(ecefo. Lang is a naephewof Andrew Lag, the E g- lish author. Will Etertain Wt'ar eterans G. A. R..memlbers, Spanish woar vet- erans, and membes of the American Legion will e entertained at noon neXt Tuesday by the Ann Arbor Cham- ber of Commerce at the regular week- ly luncheon to be held at the Chamber of Commerce Inn. it. is anol 0( Chinese "a political will. 0ON ATOMIC cuso to lEaIv e An aurtomiatic book carrier which is ed books. The books are then placed aimed to facilitate the work of deliver- in a rack from which the baskets at- In br- rm h sak to tecr-ached to the constantly moving chain rnlttinr s.a been installed in lf hmanid bear them back to the I ndwil e utin circulation desk. 11c 4nIIL lbrary, adwl epti p -, soon ast5 t!e cases to coye Autonmatic book carriers are rarely: f~I~fljf~jp i th appratu arer fcev- d except in the largest andI most' k i c carrier- has been: under modern libraries. i 'e one in the c : rc tonby the campus mechanioi- University library is modelled after ~crfor several months but, so many [that of the Libr'ary of Congress and is of thec Univer- difficulfties were encountered in ~build- 'the onlly -other one of the kind{ in the ier Unve ngnachine which would work effi county.s It. will ig;hten the work of :.: ?Hanover, N. IL., May 24--"Tlhe Dart- mouth," thle daily newspa per of Dart the eighty-fifth~ anniversary of it:1 founding. The first issue of a paper pulblishied et Dartmnouth college, how- ever, dotes hack nearly a century and a quarter, it,, ilrst editor being Daniel Webster. ~Chicag o, Mlay 241.-Howard Garter, I discoverer of King Tut's tomb, -who has ju.-t Iretuz ned from Egypt, spoke on the result:; of his investigation )C- fore thae students of the University of Chicago here tonight. Only two ......lectures of his work are being given by Mr-. Carter; one at the Metropolit- ilDry Lars YVegar an mullseuni of New York , and the oth- Dr. Lars Vegard of the University of ____at__h____________y Christiania, N&'rway, solved the mzys- It's ,ru.o efflciEucy to use Da~r tery of the Aurora Borealis by repro- C~assi~iefis.-Adv. Dr. Cht.ao ('liiiWi t LC 1, _ MI. L..', 'A - 11 - - --- -.1- -.7 - -Ll- 11 , ti . n o nu w.li.SCQ x t ttt Ca ty t~an xu u v . a . .- ".- - -- . - _ -- IA ,:- ¢ . / 4 a i , rj ,, ~ / r= 7 -- ^ -., _ ,g r $ e K ? n i 1, , ' __,.- - - a,. a , -. ... s! ' ., x . " "... ...e..""++ _,._ , 1 .. . F j f f i fr if f l 1 ,. . , , ; =- -. 1 w , 1 -->.....--- ;t : , ' ...-- .,.-- 4 ,. -TARTINGSUDY soiju SAID' They Tol Neither "o They Spin What Can Be More Beautiful? Do, Theyr Ever Die and, All Their Gradeur LoseP Or Do They Live in Memory Forever,' Therebv i Perpetuati ngeausty!Everlasting? [fatinee Night(,!Al Se t 40 C hildlren 20c Other' Matinees Evenings iwe T.ax CV ~ c~-CO-STA R1U3 G A S;TORnY MOrRE' A PPE AJ L NO THAN ' s ""( __ __ _ You si edaj i masterm pen momnow N In a few days exams Star t. Then you.. will want a REAL fountain pen- one that holds plenty of ink and that will be on the job every second. Buy i tnow so it will be $7.25 to $9.25 They lsira Iifern;e 2ctt t Y 1:30-a:00 \ and 4:09 .1 zEenin . ." - r d } :09 .ALSO Lind M[YRTLE STEDMAN IFYLYIA RMAVNER8:3 IIARIE MURIJIRAY '#tCHAS. i~iER DhI PIIYL dS HATER AN4) O[h[ER STAR PLAYER1.4 SPEC(IASL AD1ED FEATURES A S ,arching Por~rayali of Truth in the Lives of l ltra Fash;Iionablc New York Society Set. A, Picture of Strong;lamna a_ cd Rare Beuty. Fromt the Stage P yby NWlLIA~l H14R IUT and Directed by JOHIN FAN DSlILLON WVhose Fame. Has Attracted National Attep.- tion and Probably More Favorable Critics Tphan All the Other Directors Combined at b1~i; Time. This Story Promises to Even Surpass. His Other Great Successes. You Are Promised the Utmost in Screen Achievement. .4,,.. i~ y(Ham) Hamilton"s. Inll s \ewvet and hest "Lonesome" Conmedy Creation in Two I TOPICS 1E11S ORCHESTI Years, Barring Nonte CRA '. i' n _ . s. .. . . . 2 _ .._. . y y. Y 1 A T ~~f"4e% fN 1i 1. I- 4-12T ---- 4- -t in,