THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rogardless of what effect the ac- tion of the spectators may have had upon the winning or losing of the AL N'EWSPAPER OF 'TAE game, the loud voiced disapproval from VERS'Y OF MICHI 1N the stands was disgusting. The ref- eree was chosen to officiate in the ied every morning exceit MoidbyyI contest because the athletic officials e University year by tlye Board in of Student Publications., of both schools considered him cap-; able of deciding points in the game. rs of Western Confe,.ence 'Editorial Moreover these very officials 'wereI seated on the sidelines throughout the Associated Press is exclusi' ely en-' the uae for tpublication of all news contest in a very much better posi- a credited to it or not otherwise tion to see and judge questionablel in this paper and the local nears pub- - er hntei. points and better trained to voice an opinion on them through the regular: Ai at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Ita npoet as second elays matter. Special rate channels than any group of protest- ge granted by Third Assistant kost- ing students. There was certainly no e neral. iption by carrier, $; by wAil, necessity for such an outbreak of an-' : Ann Arbor Press Building, May. imalism from the spectators' stands.! eet. , Hereafter remember, that Michigan s Eiora, 44 n 16M us is not depending upon any one stu- dent or group of students to judge its .communications, not exceedin 300 tht will, be unblished it, The D i a Iil ~pbihdi (h a~ tI athletic contests for her. A group of retion of the Editor. Upon request, trained coaches of both schools are ntity of communicants will be re- s confidential. a' always ready to back. up the fightingI ~-~-~^~ ~ team against any irregularity in the EDITORIAL STAFF application of the rules in a regulari lephones, 2414 and 176-M and formal way. If you are proud of your University, its athletic teamsI MANAGING EDITOR and its reputation in all things, KEEP HARRY D. HOEY YOUR MOUTH SHUT when ybu don't ditor. . .. .... ot. B. Tarr like a decision of the referee. Don't t or.......... .n .. I M r find fa u lt. OASTEDROLL I, 1 / a .4 COMMA nautical oats, after all. The thing the lamb had hold of the other morn- ing was not, we are told, a tiller, but a wheel. That's it. The little fellow was tak- ing his trick at the wheel. * * * ALWAYS T HE BETTER GRADE THE IN( Question: opinion, are QIRING REPORTER The Arc is going in for this all to- What four men, in your gether now sing stuff. And we had the the greatest of this age? pleasure of hearing the first sing- about a week back, when His Child- ren's Children was running. They threw a song on-When You and I were Young Maggie, or some- thing like that, and then ran a pic- ture of an old guy with a bald head mugging an old him with gray hair. Then the piano played the tune and the screen said Aitogether now- Mr. Jason (Cowles. GRAHAM'S i BOTH ENDS OF THE DIAGONAL WALK ... the same time of carrying on othe: affairs. The more one has to do, the greater becomes one's capacity. We hazard the guess, however, thatl , .r q F.: .: a! if vs Eit ltra oard hatrrman v. ovtasr ".- " SEditor.,......... G. Garlinghouse Night Editors H. Ailes A. t. Connable ' ':'3YDOES THE EXPECTED A. Cillingion . U.giske The resignation yesterday of Secre- rry . Cark" P.M. agnr !tary of the Navy Edwin Denby, as a st Editor..............Ralph N. Bjers y, men's Editr...........inona Ilibbard result of the tempest over the Teapot day MagKaziape Editor...... F. Li. Tilden sic Editor... ... Howe Dome affair, conies as no surprise. istant (itv Editr. KennethA C. Kellr Under the circumstances, the onlyj 1. Stanislas Zbyszko, Plumber: 1 think the four greatest men of the age are undoubtedly Roosevelt, Edi- son, Orville Wright, and Henry Ford,. because of his contribution to indus- trial development. ItI mit 2. Mamie Brown, milliner: If youj want my opinion, I think that the four greatest men this age has produced are unquestionably Thomas Edison, who invented the gramophone, Orville Wright, who conceived the aeroplane and carried it through to a conclu- sioni-and of course Henry Ford and Theodore Roosevelt. even extra-curriculum activities will EDITORIAL COMMENT (isappear within a comparatively short { time. Princeton, at least, is becom-j ing more and more of a student's col- MCADOO AND THE "FICKLE JADE" loge where not only does curriculum (From the Springfield Republican) come first, but extra time goes to fol- t .i { Mr. McAdoo's efforts to repair thej damage done to his presidential can-' didacyare bound to fail because poli- tics is a law unto itself and is insen- sitive to the appeals of logic once a people's suspicions, prejudices and e- motions have been aroused. One might as well argue with the weather. Eith- Fi lowing out a favorite bit of erudite research-to reading or to writing. Extra-curriculum activities and over- organization go hand in hand. We would not be surprised to see theml fade away before many years have gone by. !lI The Narrow Path - or the Wide Road. Which? The confines of one business-or con- tact with them all. Insurance is the wide road that main- tains active association with big men and big affairs,with many and varied interests. Insurance-Fire, Marine and Casualty- is an essential part of the most vital activi.- ties of the commercial and industrial world. As the oldest AmericanFire and Marine Insurance Company, so greatly respon. sible for the present dignity and prestige of the insurance profession, the Insurance Company of North America urges college men to give to this worthy calling the consideration that is its due. ecto. li' uan aret u ti V. ] Ia 1-d it h v sh I )tl1 Edlitorial Board thing Mr. Denby could do was to re- stein Herman Wise sign at once for the good of the Cool- Andrew Ptoppet idge administration and the Republi- ! AssistantsI can party. kaetke R. S. Mansfield ', oi rkman E. C. Mack The oil lands scandal that has cen- Bicknell Verena Moran tered the eyes of the nation on official Boxer Herbert MossWaintnsnt i t Bonine Harold Moore Washington is not unique in the cap- rown Carl Ohmacher ital, except, it may be, as to subjectl te C(,te Tydle Pet-ce #I hRris Regina mich> ' inatter. Washington is used to scan-l Ehrlich Ednittarie Schuouder Hall C. A. Stevens dais involving those in high positions.r verv W. i S'Littr' na The only encouraging.aspect of the H1ousewortli If. R Stone Kamin Marie Reed situation was the courage displayed (rIgeNr S. B. Tremble throughout by President Coolidge.: h LUebermsn W. . Walthour Doubtless the President knew that ev- ery last man in the Senate who vot- BUSINESS STAFF ed for the resolution demanding Den- Telephone 060 by's dismissal was motivated not by .-----righteous wrath at the discovery of BUSINESS MANAGER something crooked and criminal, butl LAURENCE H. FAVROTby a selfish desire to please or pla- ing ................E. T. Dunne I cate for his own ultimate advantage a' g. ............rcy 'aydcn constitutency that he viewed as thor- intg..,Y...............w. Roe-4ser' ing ..................W. K Scherer oughly aroused and indignant over the on. ............ .....C C urdy apparent wrong-doing of politicians. ou .....Lawreicc 1'ierce In other words, although the sena- Assistants tors who voted for the resolution were Campbell N. E. Holland moved by hysterical fear for their po- am .o ro larks litical lives, the President of the Un- inlin B ron Parke, ited States refused, with calmness, . Dexter 1. E. Rose 3. Fia A. J. Seidmian' and in simple straightforward lang-i t. Fox 1'VilI weih Haight n hi t uage, to become hysterical, unfair, and Hale R. C. Winter unjust. It must be admitted of course, that public confidence is no longer solidly '- with Edwin Denby. The civilian has Editor-PHILIP M, WAGNER behind him the impulse to believe theI I worst of any man in public office, just1 LSDAY.'FEBRUARY 20,x1924as the Senator has his political me- __tives. But there still exists a reason- er the weather is good or the weather is bad; there is nothing to do but Tnt take it as it comes. So with a presi- Twenty-Five ears dential candidacy. Either conditions At ichigan are favorable to it or they are unfav- A. AtMn orable.' It is a waste of time to show that the unfavorable conditions violate Yromn the files of the U1. of M. DaT, reason; the wise politician will not Feb. :, 18 $99. spend his money beating against fate., Mr. McAdoo may enjoy demonstrating Te lacustom of holding a ban- that he is no quitter, but that is all que during t the he will accomplish. Democratic na- uet during their first year in the d - tional conventions require a two-thirds ipartent was carried along Friday ev- vote for a nomination and, while Tca- ering by the ,present freshman class, pot Dome- is remembered, no petrol- who held their function in the large Io oi'i eemeen erl and well-appointed dining room o1f the eum millionaire's lawyer will be able to overcome such an obstacle to the Cook house. The committee, Messrs. Olds, Rogers, and Vcrdier had worked leadership of the Democratic party'. idi aigtencsayarne In one sense this fact may reflect hard in saking the necessary arrange- upon the American Democracy. Ev-inents and as a consequence y eryone must admit that Mr. McAdoo serve sucess. was entirely within his rights as an d attorney in working for Mr. Doheny. He gave full value for his fees. Noth-' The general library has received t Insurance Company of North America PHILADELPHIA and the Indemnity Insurance Company of North Amedea write practically every form of insurance except life I i. . f :; --ig Now O e- ---- i C Co M. h EA !n 3. Harold Nixon, semipro ballplay- er: That is quite a hard question to answer, but I think that the four greatest men, taken all around, by and large, are Edison, Ford, Wright, and Roosevelt. Of course there are a lot of important men in Europe, but I think that I've named the really out- standing figures of the age. -4 b it BALLOT Readers are requested to check teir approval of one of the fol- wing propositions in the Na- onal College Referendum on rohibition and mail this coupon the Editorial Department of he Michigaa Dily, Press Build- ! i i { j i i I I± tt i t 1 able intelligent majority that fails to see how Mr. Denby has been smirchod by the oil that has stained so many others. It is to the honor of Presi- dent Coolidge that he was not motiv-{ ated by the grinding of thescandal Stevens g: The mill. And it is only in fairness to the four greatest men of the age? That's President and his Administration that not so easy. Let me see. Well there'd Mr. Denby has now submitted his res- be Roosevelt, certainly, the first 100 ignation. percent American; and then Edison; ing he did debased or corrupted the Government. Ile testifies that in Mex- ico his work was to persuade President Obregon to mitigate the severity of the working of Article 27 of the M'dx- ican Constitution-and that was en-I tirely in accord with the policy of both the Wilson and Harding administra- tions. Are we not a nation of hyp- ocrites to condemn Mr. McAdoo as a politician for acts which were not be-I yopd the pale for an attorney in good st4nding to perform?j But the turning of a comparatively few votes from one party to another may change the result of a presiden- tial election. Politics is a jealous mis- tress and he who courts the fickle! jade must bear with her spasms of morality as well as of caprice and temper. The American people, fickle as they may be in their political af- finities, are blessed with a saving rem- F nant whose deep-seated instincts com- pel it to recoil with fear, if not with horror, from all public men so un- fortunate as to have been associated even remotely with interests that cor- ruptly sought the control of the Gov- ernment's property for purposes of plunder. These instincts are protect- ive. A democracy feels its existence threatened by the insidious approach-i es of soulless money power, and it may easily be shocked into panic by clear evidences of the secret prosti- tution of the honor of officials in the highest public station. If popular reactions under these! circumstances do less than justice to individuals, here and there, we can only make the best of the situation and still be thankful that these reactions may be expected and depended upon. For they show that the heart of the from England a consignment of about 300 books. Among the lot are 100 volumes of the Temple Bar an Eng- lish literary magazine. This set is complete from its first volume tv this year. The other books in the con- signment were on different depart- rents of study. Mrs. Stanford of Leland Stanford University is arranging for many im- lprovements now that her estate is set- tied up and out of the courts. The} most important among these will be a memorial chapel to cost not less than $100,000; a memorial arch 85 feet wide and 40 feet high to be erected be- tween two buildings of the "quad", and also two large buildings for the scientific departments. Last year because certain memoors of the Wisconsin track team were ac-' quitted of the charges of professional- ism, Michigan, Chicago, and Illinois withdrew from the Western Intcrcol- legiate Association. For this act the seceders were expelled (if such a course was possible) by tnom cAleges remaining in the association, who son repented of this action. This fall the causes of the rupture having left the West, the three colleges were invited to return into the old agreement. The students of Yale are complain- ing of the increasing cost of room rent in the dormitories. Ten years ago the average price M'er room was $1.50 a week, a few of the more ex-r pensive bringing $3. Today more than one-half of the 450 rooms rented bring over $5, and a few come as high as $10 a week. Several at 75 cents are rented out to needy students. Of the students attending the academic col- lege 60 per cent live in dormitories.) At Princeton it reaches as high as 80 per cent. Daily classified for real results. Opportunity Real Pearl" and Win a $25.00 Strand of Genuine Blue Birds. In our window you will see a case containing 99[Blue Bird Pearls and one genuine Oriental Pearl. The person selecting the genuine pearl, we will give abso- lutely free a beautiful $25.00 Blue Bird Pearl Necklace. Your Last Chance to "Pick The ag, 1. ibit ct I 2. ols E l 3. It Na Ad Ann Arbor.ianawrigntanagh, nd Henry-Ford. Tnere I favor retention of the Pro- SETTING PACE I ought to be some literary men in the tion amendment and Volstead That the University of Michigan list, like Kipling, but I guess there can boast of an intelligent and ac- isnt room unless you stretch it to as they now standl..ive I favor modification of the tive campus opinion seems to have five. t been proved beyond doubt by the in- htead act to permit the sale ({ terest shown in the ballot on prohibi- ight wines and beers. tion under way for the past five days. I IPfor repealofndmenp.s- Individuals, fraternities and sororities Prohibition amendment. have responded promptly with their' adre .. views. Faculty members 'and gradu- , ddress......... ..Year., ate students by the dozen have voted! on one or the other of the propositions. I Though the voting is far from fin- 5. M. L. Curtain, college president: EP YOUR MOUTH StijlT ished, according to present indications. The four greatest men of the age (I'm thne general trend up to the present I sureih ot) r er than have a repetition of the shows ta tr .urto t ureyou will agree with me) are . .. . ..shows that a conservative. but never- . Contest Closes This Evening at 6 O'Clock DON'T FAIL TO MAKE A SELECTION hE sportsmanlike and rowdyish criti---Roosevelt, Ford, Wright, and Edtson, country remains sound. m from the stands as occurred at theless well grounded, majority exists * * _ Michigan-Indiana basketball game on the campus favoring changes in MARCEL: WAIT TILL TOMORROW! EDUCATIONAL TRENDS nday night, it would be far better tie Present laws regarding prohrli- * * * (The Daily Princetonian) have the would-be supporters tion. On the other hand, the najor- SUMMER IN IDAHOA While metropolitan - newspapers in cinstyovoessetohavetogh h thjoudb spoteso :higan's quintet remain mum i'y of vetes seem to have thought the In Idaho at noon the hills, reporting the speech laid emphasis oghout all athletic cotests or thing over and decided against any Like cougars, lie in fitful sleep upon the fact that Dean Greenough oghut all atletcongitests or rash move. This is something which A-dream of chase and kills. of Harvard had attributed failures in ntoeove ir c iate c is especially to be commended in col- college to clubs and girls, an accur- itive sport from Michigan's Uist i activities altogether. loge students (who make up a large Beneath the tawny velvet hide ate account reveals the fact that he Phis latter is what must eventually percentage of voters), inasniuch as The muscles ripple in the haze also laid the blame at the door of ne unless thety ae of ten with good reason ac- As they the time to spring abide. tutoring schools and a notorious in- contests can used of headlong, unpremeditated ability to concentrate combined with' ng enough weight of public.hptn-i support of ideas 'and issues of which Across the slowly-winding Snake a lack of intellectual ambition. The to bear upon the rowdy is, un- they know little or nothing. Sage-scented heat-waves. swirling' Dean is wrong in adhering to the to bearapuponntheeeroigdteshgarn- aking minority. The fact that these! Ps n moesnlightening sweep, popular conception that the social life posedly intelligent and educated While sandwhorls like a Dervish of college is responsible for semi-an- >sters act like high school boys or on about the campus daily on the is~ shake. nual dropping by the -wayside. Ile is igsters at a prize fight proves con- sue. By far the greater part of this right, however, in his last three points. sively that they are unable to par- talk is of a real serious, thoughtful The cactus blooms, with pale-roug- A lack of educational desire coni- e of wholesome healthy sport as nature. Arguments, far from being ed mouth bined with the inability to concentrate narrow, rslihaecaaceitc lerstood by gentlemen all over the rr, r selfish, are characteristjc For lovers hoping, pass their days; leads naturally to reliance upon the rld and no chances which would ally foresighted and penetrating. Ev- Some singer from the fragrant tutoring school, where, as the Dean d the good name of the University eryone seems to feel that it is an is- south. points out, "the man with the twenty-, to shame and ridicule all Qver the sue not to be disposed of one way or Le Jongleur. four hour mind . . . hopes to get; Ltry should be taken. Without the other without considerable inves- * * * strong by paying a friend to swing the bt many of the "rooters" whose tigaion and critcm. So our good man Denby has quit at dumb-bells." It is an encouraging ces were loudest in condemnation Michigan has, we believe, set a pace last. Al, but he held on bravely. He feature, however, that there are so che referee Monday night, were the for other colleges in the National Re- had the old Michigan bulldog spirit, few such men in our colleges. The ne who only four months ago gave Ierendum. With a similar iterest in had Edwin. The same spirit that car- trend of education is fast rising, if the lent vent to their scorn where an- other institutions of the country the ried the Yostmen to victory (or may- signs are not wrong. The near future er u than thei wnwa final results should be representative, ib thev weren't the Ynntmen then)i will find the nrsesnt tyne of black Arcade JeWeler l Getting our patrons to try other eating establishments has certainly made them dou- by sure of their preference for the foods that we serve U