A RDIER Y S~r ia :4IutI1J S -t tor One . V OL. Na. 175 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 25, 19~24 TWENTY PAGES PRICE~, Pigs jfGH:j "Laffrimavera" Given Laudable s a ,"rPresen tationr At Last Concr Bil Y SM L MR 1h BALDIN IiINS SEC OND lJA('E FOR WICHIITA I'AIA44 rEA BUCKE-YE STAR EQUALS NATIONAL 220 REC ORD Texan Star Ilreak Record "III igh Hiurdles; Ruled 00u Because of high Wt11ind 1y1, Ii A. 114)well ;qutate in powNer and beauty for the "L~a, Primnavera," a lyric poem by ! estensives tenor part. His tones Ottnrino flespighi was gin-(T its Aliner- though _not alway-s steady in their, icean :premiere as the highlight of a degree of fullness, are true, and brilliant program at the final concert his enunciation, quite perfect. He sang of the 1st annual Mlay Festival last I lakter "Celecte Aida" anld the worn niight. The performance was ratherl out "Vesti la giubbha," but, thank good- succesful though the wvork was new nress, not "Smilin' Through." The andm noclearn enough to call forth but j baritone voice of Vincent B~allester, acool response from the audilence. though a little light for the orchestra, T'.he chief criticism that can be made was rather attractive. comes fromt the fact that the arches- Mliss D usolina Giannini sang but a tra, playing always a contrasting and l ihrt part in "La Primavera' but Rontrtry theme badly overshadowedi showed her voice to good effect in fthe chorus at the finest full-chorus l~woopera numbers; and a group of parts. IDoubtless it covered a multi- encore songs with which she made tude of sins, and perhaps some good thler debut~ in New York last year. ,rHiItlirY RI'I1ULICANS 11 4(1U A I NUMBER OF l)ENOCRATS SUPPORT BILL MIEASURE TO BE TAKEN BEFORE HOUSE MONDAY Si ri H~DENANNOUCES Forsythe Issues Smallpox Warning 9POIT e T O Dr. Warren E. Forsyth e, director of Ah rrult INTMvLIeLleas issued a nau Sig t l students regarding the lat-} Pt epidemic of salpxnow rm yIFA 1I A11 ADRI N F Tpant nada~nDtot br a V R I Y fRIL L / N I N I N E , ENr ~i i r El things too. 1Hers is a fine voice, .though not thrill- j Cedar Rapids, Iowa, high school'sJ The soloist for the most part sang' ing, and of p)ractically the same tone track teamh won the Michigan inter- iwith excellent accotupaniinent, whhile color througthout. She sings natur- sch'olastlc track mheet this afternoon the .ladies' chorus which makes upia Ily and has some dramatic make-up most of the central section of the I in her presentation, with a clear, true on Ferry Field with a total of 18 number gave evidence of careful !a nd powerful' voice of unusual range points. Detroit Northwestern and 'training and a studied interpretation toh back it up. Her high tones have Wichita Falls, Texas were tied for lending a great deal of finesse to the best quality. second with 15 points apiece. Dan- the performance. The' accompaniment; Ann Arbor's beloved protege, Chase Ville, Illinois, was third in the meet is a wonder of orchestration, and the Sikes (begging his pardon) or Casare tisolo parts for bass and tenor of con- Baromeo as he calls himself in Italy, with a total of fourteen points. Colum- sideralfle melodic beauty. The rhyth- had the most naturally glorious voice bus South took a fifth with 13 points. 'i eccentricities and consequent dif- of the concert. It is of that rich Baldwin Stars j iculties were well mastered, and the quality that the or~chestra cannot Baldwin, the lanky star of the large amount of solo work on~ the drown out, and rings out with con- Wichita Falls team was th'e outstand- lighter wood winds put a charmning sistent power and beauty of tone on ing star of thle meet and took three; emphasis on the impressionistic or both low and thigh notes. The dram- firsts in the high jump, the high hturd- atmospheric character of the coin- tic force of his voice and manner is les and the shot put, taking a second position,f almost contagious. He sangsvea for his school. Grim of Columbus Forrest Lamont had ,a voice ade-I things, but none too many: one with South High was second in individlualI the mnale chorus and some more be- scoring with 10 points while Cuhel of'1-.1*1 ause he seemed to feel like singing. Cedar Rapids and Whlock of Dan - ! E"fll'sf M USI lie fairly radiated his ease upon the Vile were tied for third with 8 points stage. His presence at the Festival apiece. M arks t(incer probably gave it a pleasanter, more The outsanding performance of the familiar atmosphere than any other; day was that of Whitlock in the javs- h ff;apgj.jj and the Festival, in featuring his lin throw when he cast the~ spear 161' ''rn' . voice, gave itself and the country a feet 1 inchm in winning u first andi new pride. thereby broke the state interscholastic, Not in some time has the Chicago' The Tfriumlphal March from ",Aida~ record. Later lie broke his own rec- kui oncluhded the program, ad the trll ord with a heave of l16t feet 4 1-2 in1 r Symphony orchestra played more pghynt teSn,,anfrom Iris.- ches. Culhel, the Cedar Rapids stat b eauhtifully than at the symphony con-' pndidslyn ntelte hurdler, lived up to his reputation cert yesterday, afternoon; not, at r onepeieie dsplyinrintelatea wr na when the took second in the highs andj least, that, we have heard since the'rdmnnl hoa rgap a irt n hlls eRhnish symphony last year. Such _________________lproganp I e e e e h t 7 s 1 i a t r , -s P1ro vides for 1,Limited 1Pu b1WIcily 1of Returns anid No Change In Corp~oration Tat-i Was hington, May !24-(B3y A.Y.)- The conference report on the tax r~e- duction bill was approvedl today by the senate. It will be taken. up by the house E Monday, and iIf accepted there un- chianged, will 'be sent to the p~residlent. The report is :a compromise between the senate and the house bill carry- ing= the senate' democratic income rate schedule and the house provision for limitedl publicity Of returns and no change in the pres(entt corporation tax. The vote on approving the bill was L 1 L11 UsUdIsUa UUIIL .1 ft EORt(E LIKiERT, '27 IN CHtARGAE OF IHANDLING '_NEXT YEAR'S FRES.1M3EN PRESIDENTS OF CHURCH GROUPS FORM COUNCILI f Propose tIo Strengthen Co- (q)eratioJI Ret ween IDeflnilnalilolls - Announcement of the amwointnients )f the cabinet menmbers of the Student Christian association were announced recently by Perry Ml. Hayden, '25, presidlent elect of the associaton. chose receiving ap~pointments are to ake charge of the work of the as- sociation for the coming school year. George Likert. '27, is to be in charge ' )f the work of handling and assisting } he new students coming to the uni- 'iersity, and the :Boys' Work branch )f the association" will be :under the. ' 11ection of Theodore Hornberger, '27, Robert G. Ramsay, '24, news editort of the Daily, is to act as publicity~i chairman, Harold' Steele, '2T is' toIt ble in charge of the Fresh Air Camp, 9 nd Earl Sawyer, '26, will direct the I financial campaigns for the aisocia- tion. Nornmen B. Johnson, '26 will head!I the world service department, ArthurIt ! annister, '26, will direct, the Ex-I tension service, Murice Rhodes, '25L, i; will arrange for the University Ser- i vices, and Harold Bale, '25, will act#t in the capacity of statistician, c 0-oerto betwenbote aricos coderto briwen botearclosr Ichurch organizations and the Studentx IChristian association, as well as to! increase the co-operation between the' ! denominations on the campus, an. In-. te r-Church Council has been formed. 1nprevious years the members of a; 60o-6. Thirty Republicans and thirty Dem- ocrats supported the conference re- port while five Republicans and one farmer laborer, Johnuson, of Minnesota, opposed it. Beside Senator Johnson those voting irk the negative were: Brookliart, Bernbt, Frazier, Moses, and Norris. ORANZ GROUP ITO STUOY LABOR Studenmts, 11,l11Obtain Ir')Siionts III D~etroit Factories antd 'Live 11 With WorkersI recently been a bade epidemic in "Wind- I It UlU U U IRL unI sor, Canada and 33 deaths are reported from Minnesota. Detroit is now suf- 1VOLVER1ENE5 1KNOCK JOE B& fering badly from the epidemic. FROM tI OUND ]iN HETC Dr. Forsythe says that there is only FIRST L.NNIM4l one way to combat it and that Is by' vaccination. The health service is VICTORY RAISFES HOP prepared to handle any number who 'FOR CONFERENCE T7 are willing to be vaccinated. Of hllini Team Well IN OUB ES LAY by Special t .CTue Daily banIlMa 4-heMonty Hull, Illinois third ha, gave Michigan a four run leadt "'IIlleet Tomorrow For t OIfereice 'irst inning here today, which a Tennis Tournament ficient to carry the "Woy Finals through to a six to two victory the Illini. CVHICA4UO,. NOTRE DAME TIEDI) Te victory gives Michigan a c FOR I tIILES CHAPION11w to tie for, or 'possibly win the Big Ititle, provided it wins its rema; Chicago, May 24.-(By AP)-As a, games with Iowa and Wisconsi result of todays play in the Westernl Three singles gathered off oe conference tennis -tournament teamuaj Illinois pitcher, helped thingsi from Iowa and Illinois wi1 meet on in that wild first Inning, and hI Monday in the finals of the doubles succeeded after he had been . u tournament while in the singles LWil- for another hit and a pass in the son of Chicago meets Donovan of frame. Lefty O'Connor, Illinois si Nor a e i h e i fn l ,a d p w w oh s b e n b t oSagalowsky of Butler meets Goodwil- season because of a bad arm, Ilie, of Illinois in the other frame ini Barta's place and sailed alongn the singles semi finals,: until the seventh, when he weal In the doubles semi finals Swenson 'and was succeeded in the folowlj and Lutz of Iowa today defeated ning by Kinderman. Shapiro and Parker of Ohio State .3-6, Wolverines Beat Out Bunts 6-4, 7-65, While Goodwilie-and Dubach The Illinois infielders helpe t of Illinois beat Sagalowsk~y and Kur-I along by slow play on a numb z~'nok of Butler 6-3, 216, 6-3. Goodwill- 1Michigan bunts and scratch litsu ie proved the sentsation of the double (should have gone for outs, but r match by his all around playing and is the Wolverines beat to frst. E the only player in the tournament who IKipke beat out a biut in the set [mas an opportunity to win both the! went to second on Bachman's ou singles and doubles honors scored on a long single by Capt,. - Bllott. In the next inning Wilson ])a ed the same trick, only to step I J' way of a hot one from Jablnow eCTt Q~i . f , I eat out a bunt when Kinde Scr1failed 'to get to first intng 13y 0 5t o e Simonich,, Ilini first baseman, fielding the bal..11g," Gles startel tings right for M Brilliant fielding, comined 'with g~i h ~s itn or nmagnificent slugging and spectlr f Uield. inpkiee s acrificed him oto, e4 work: in the paths, brorught TAIE ' andi then ull began his 'circusl IJAITY ia 20 -5 victory. over the iBachman rolled one to him whFi gargoyle this monrning on Ferry field.,dibesoe5feteor l T'he galrgoyle team showed 'some abil- i ~bldsm 5fe eoet ty at the start of'the game, but all . .t. irttolaet athBc thejeserssemedin poo cndiion iGiles makig thirdi,Blott sen ere atbssoeeldinpo cnito.to the samxe spot and Hull let Iti andIwr bsltl shot at the end, the outfield. Giles scored and of the second frame:. harper threw in to catch BMot Captain Hoey, on the hiillock for at third, Hull let his toss roll of he News Hounds, twirled pretty ball diiamnond, Slott making second. ill the beginning of the eighth, when !Jack and Bachman came In on Ha he gracefully allowed Wiz Wagner, itys single and after Barta had N former star flinger for the A. A. II. S.3 ed Dilman and Wilson had rolled o step in and grab the laurels. Wag-; Steger delivered a single to ner himself later declined the honor Haggerty Dilman was nipped in favor of Stupe Stoneman, who) in- third by Jordan, who had succ ished the game in the sauce brillia~nt i the inept hull. style in which it was begun . Jones Illinois had Jablonowkl u'it who manned the mound tor the wags, air for a time in the third inning, heaved pretty ball also, but was un-I Jordan and Roettger ot to thr cable to prevent the clever D)AILY second with two down and SimA swatmen from connecting hard and d ielivered a single. Jordan gal often. Jones was yanked at the open-I across, but when Roettge folow ing of the eighth chukker to make way* failed to touch the plate 'and for Honus Leath'erman, who, in spiteC tagged him out. o~f his record as pitching ace for' the t (Continued on iPage Six) Camp Kissawissie nine, was, also pow-n em less to hold the DAILY sluggers, TT'N" The 'wildness of the garg pitchers is Varsiv . na attested by the fact that Rags Ram- + say alone wesy hit seven times in the W4ill R4eeIv same elbow b pitched bAlls. In looking over the box score, they 1 Grim-, of' Clurbmtx South high led, unity, such interpretation tsucn per;- - - 3cuc- . 1Itinteore f hs thefild, for thle hiundred yard dash fection of details, are not always'i niwIrnD. M~s IIL ST9TWII f , T )ICUSI, present one hPave been ex-offico vice- vesin thb pe h19.1 econd; fond, een tothe est o orchstra, WIL presidentsUSSONofrthedntStudentStuCeristiania Bai'*n of Danivlle lljinois, wits sac- English music and musicians held'- oend,.withienson o .L sine beating foth veaterday,. And Beethoven; hut [ flf f lasfrai, entirely new activity rentsocithio n annas snhav er- out Rockwelof" Deerfield-Scields of! of coiurseBeethoyen is uiniversal. The I R ES 0 P I I N ' oftheStudent Christian associationcabnedthIr den tougintatns o the-, *la °ar ..tld lae. ;finest orxchestral Work of the season were given outs" recently in the or-'. ChlL's igeswsgemornstrated by Mr. 'Stock and, gaiation of the Industrial Research Imgacucletrl of thehed hitas musicians. We have awaited with GriMy2, B ..-h r ioup in TDetroit from July 29'o f h hrhgopsta=oeint Baldwiu of Wichita Fallis, Texas, sgnr;29ocn n(xrnr f; n,.T;of~ action could be obtained, in flei hdeofteatpa rschlsi an air of indoision this London Sym-sgerarjocn inGmn - August 9 of tis coming summterTh hi d fIn te i n>Ii hurscossedetya',.wr ntecapsrtg-'.,1 or phi~ty by, Dr. Vaughn ,Williams, and ficial circles over the deision of the reasons for the organiation of this I xtya'swrki!hecmpsrlii the tape irst in the event ahead of 'we find it one of tre most studied and goenett!as tecvlsriejbody is to enable students at the r ade up of nine church rups _ res Cue fCdrRpd.Chl wita impressionistic .of the modern, pay roll to 80 per cent of the pre- University to studly the present in- iuent and soul th presto even with the Texas star iup to the orna-onwr ks ohthsadwr sary at gone. nt lo wpil st'ia - it~i ro hitia he Student Christian association for t last hurdle but stu nbled at the~ start the Elg~am overture that preceded it (catogre th oenet lowltandpoint, the plan calling for thir- sin reason be unable to prfrmhi of thiia pit ~etm a are the inspiration of the world's gi'ant supplemental pay to family ty-five students to obtain positions in officerm ai 2-5 'seconds, beating. the Michigan 1greatest city lput dowil in; a- mann.r 'edwic ilbig terpay to 1 Detroit factories, live among the pnew president wouldconcibe r ineshoatc eod y25 faat once scholarly and spontanous,' tl ee which prevailed in 1913. ! working people, and meet three timues I eetdfo htcucl itsclatcreodb 2-ofaThme leve nets cinJa'di- hose members of the cabinet who second but was not allowed .because aund recreated withm their fall valuTrgoenen'ccto asdK weekly to discuss the conditions as wilhvhreo RlgosEua of the. high wind. Potter of Cold- by a, conductor-artist. !ae yteeooicdsrs ftethey see them. 4 tion, Chrch Relations, Friendly Rle- water led the field in the one ;mile It is something to choose youri lart' officals which often forced them to Arrangenments for securing positions I inadohrseilcmite r n i 4 m i u e . a d 3 se o d , b a - Iof ri e c mlv to fit th e re u ired m ove- j arrn m on ey on t ie sid e to th e i i - i e t e t r l o t e i v d u lpl- i! e g ve u l t r r in 4 iut nteg n of 38asaeco dby ato ' ients of a symphony in classc Tr. arment of their W l efficiency in the state ! though it is urged that they obtain i___egivenotlater._f margin. Davison of Flint heat Klings- Tis London sympllhony is less blatant service.! work with considerable manual labor________--- ford of Grand Rapids South high who than we would have expect((]. While Thle government pinted out that 'mnd ahio have rooms with the type of caein fourth place. we ,must admit a certain unity of' at-'no class suffered mnore during tie in- 'pol hn hyepc o51(y The quarter mile was won by Lofti, uosphere, the unity betw~eenm its sev- flation phriod than t hat of tie public Tshe three discussions will be held ThPe lW eek's AN eu s I Cedar Rapids, middle distanice star - erl am')ats is not impressive. As a officials. Their relief was imperative! atlprescribledlties and pIla(es. and In 518 seconds. K reg of Deerfield-' whole. it tee mns with life, it is rip- to aid~ an economic atastrphef. will. be uner the'leadership of ?r. B ref Schields finished] three yards behind in It is a much better tonal pic- Under the new payroll, the ch,1ancel- 1ial C. Coffman, secretary of tie Str- ' -1 tewinner while Reigel of Columbus lure than the El7gar overture. though he]r 's salary is 30,000 marks annually,i dent Christian association. Mr. Cff- SthhhanTe lto fPnk th e former it admittedly alniost po- - man has dlone considerable work in j ATIO\AL, neyville fought it out for third ani iramr music. sociology, as well as taught labo r- Tiere are 51 Republicans in tihe Mr. stock's reading of it ;aside itU an :I!L VUL llens at the university, and gallb Senate. Sevenlteen of then;-exactlyi fourth places. ° qotonal study with a decided cm- th , 1LH M S Lle to point out some interestingi one tlhd'-stcord with ttheir 'leader tIhoi3 n*Tivceotional effect; erch movement carried aduuuldvlpet ntem-(Pei n; Coig, a;a h o edr r Grmo oubsSuhhg okits ,predominant idea faithfully in the yIfl NI LIIIIeI51rnuuacoylidevelopmentsrkingthemo-ss. eidebnusCoolidgexisut, the ous- his second first place of the day when muttsic ithout explanation. It wias 'UVE 90r tcorEif f h wrin lasIdes'bnu.Asarutte ou aftr wnnng he unredyar dsh _____Prominent leaders in the industrial is now law. Within two weeks Pres- afte winin thehunredyarnda'lx notwil, nver nheutiul, nd etilife of Detroit will be obtained as! dent Coolidge will be ac lalned the: earlier in the meet, he equaled, the ntwlnee neuif"n e naioalad tae inercolstcconvincing. The playing was a nar-i Verne B3unett, who gradluated from !speakers at these discussions. Stu-! peerless leader of his ;aty at tie Na- vel of perfection: pianissinmo passages; this university in February 17 Will dnsdsrn otk datg f!toa ovnin meet record in 21.4 i h 2 ad!. evnt wretehc ' okwa fetvl pekbfr rf Jh ,Bumsthis proposition are asked to register - even, + eplee.ere unusually fine. TheI class in adverstising at 10 o'clock to- at Laone Hall, where further and moreI A total of 3,38,283 persons are elii-' Seeger of Detroit Northwestern won English writer--at least these two- mxorrow mr~orning. While at Michigan, s complete information willa be avail- ble for insurance nder' thelwad " the half mile in the fast time of 2 sest iesrnsbte hnoh elw ni mnts3-5scnsfo a'lresestliesrnsbtethnol-Mr. Burnett 'was telegraph editor9 IF;be 389,583 will receive ash pamns field.te wa-5 s esnsed oala g te 1 er m odernists, and the string 'choirI the M ichigan Daily. He has until paymh s r i es o ,0 0 c erk s .ll b fil.H wspese logteI Of the orchestra shiowed 'up with ex- recently been advertising manager of ThIn vcso ,00cek ilb course but managed to pull ahead for ust eutnh oeetsaeteCdla oo omayi I~fNII~eeded to handle tie clerical work a good margin at the tape. Thurs- fine rsut, hovemhent rhas tthe Cdla MtrCopnyi e-XF V[ SON IL nIna.once ihth ou.Tecs tonsiofeKalamazoo tranga goodpsrace and , andtis n w advet s s cretary Uco ne te it t e onsITeLosL toonof nalaaztomea'momod nace 110> arisingg theUmost athetic1Ijof this work alone is estimated at $10,- beat out Dixon of Menominee and Letdpcigth;otptei for the General Motors company, Dei 0,00frnx Cr m r o t o n o e o d pa e:parts of London. and the final Allegro troit ' i PR E ID EN ' 0S I5 0 00 0 or ne tyear. the latter two finishing third and and Epilogue, carrying a color of May241b 9l f ut.dethless tragedy, were the most pow- I ni n n(B .P Th wh are 5 ,0 eliibesors th e dn s fourh. ;erfully emotionally at this present- I vE D IS N ashington, My2.(yAP)-Sihwoaeeiil o ieBns CeenbatnofuCedryRisiw ho hihdMainn.. L VbLAIPies Coolidge had reached no de bebatnotbinhsithhih The Cockaigne overture was nielod- rmm inrsr finite decision tonight as to what i An agreement was finally reached: hurdles again displayed wonderful'cayatrciethuhntoel L RLfI 11 I11L aton ewllak onheblnw by House and Senate conferees on the form and took the low hurdles easily rallyiatnrartic huarl pit orl It IEW U IIR before fhcin ill preon o utherbre- haw Y rilan nrpatiuary itoia.ItUIit roiiULfrfuthrre'taxation bill. °Under the bill which in :24.5, a fifth of a second behind ! showed an intelligent use of what we ' I striction of all immigration and for they will present to President Coo- l the national interschoastic record ! might call standard harmonization, La Sociedad Hispanica, at its lastl exclusion of Japanese immigrants f-, idge, taxes will be cut $472,620,000.E Spence of.P tropt Western repeated his ' and the employmtent of .orchestral meeting. elected the following officers: ter June 30. The Bonus bill, however, will creae performance In the high hurdles when choirs with their' usual 'effects. president, L. Wallace' Hoffman, 025; IHaving receivedl during tie day the a deficit of' several hundred millons he again, finished directly behind Cu- Harold Bauer;, the Engish mster v'e r-iet Bre le ,2;ec- report of the state departn'ent onltie' of dollars, which -will have to be made; helWidan o ~eroitNorhwesernPianist, played tie familiar, Empero,: tar, Sarah Slocum, 2'; treasures, legislation, Mr. Coolidge will give con - up in taesnxyar and Wilcox of Detroit Eastern finish- Cnet fietoewt ipa .0 ate,'6 ieal td otm usinbfr Concerdtod.ourh.offtesst ovni th af. blipty L t eyeleted6.ficrs i rbeurning toheson.bmefe-- I 11Ae- hrtrainload of delegateseoita rllat 'Pl "elyeece ofceswilbN eurig ohi es ona.oipl;.Athenod fdeeatstote-o yet delicate interpretation which wth i nstalled at the next 'eeting of the' timme for executive consideration of miens International League for Peace ~Ithe accompaniment of the orchestra, society, to be held 'Tuseday eveninig; the immigration bill problem, oweve,I andi.Yreedonu is touring the country. W I CO SI AK S A M ~ I mo~ tomt it ret laiy im r-May 2.7 at Lane Hall. At this time tm e e an, a the te dy iperiod I The object of the organization, as ex- Womrking of thenies wherein tre inter- ,lpesonnel & time new standingg con- I allowed for pmesidential action on brills. pained by its leaders, is "to prevail l fllI2est of the composit ion, ies. Mr. Bauer' a teswllas b9noucd does not expire until midnight next on the nations of the world to disarm WESnIIIrTERN 6- touch is the finest, thing about. his ____________j Thursday. { and to abolish all other causes of ! Fu Ilffl LIfll playing; it seems nmore delicate than w' zar." W1herever they go they areJ 'a feminine one, yet there is depth bie-TDIPID greeted with hoots,. howls, and cat-! Chcgo a 2-isosn eet eath it.Tshe piano lie used kept that 190 9 GILNUSCUIIL calls. ed Northwestern 6-2 in a western con-I touch a mere surface tiing. The ex-OLI'O10CJOI ference' baseball game at Evanstown presivne ofIs playing tou}1 rrHAl MnM gTM ODA II rnn innn inmn PnrnG It was announced that before ad-I t f 1 I I it ( 1 i; 1 . 1 j; I i cteia c anoteditactdfoiL ~I~iwje ±ieiuing irecord o ui.Le "1 "S e t Journalists. Dink Davis, at short stop Awards for Varsity ban'd me for the DAILY, had 'a perfect day l year, differing from those in the with 1,8 putouts, nine assists, andf will be sweaters, for all having three double plays., He also assistedl'Ippeted one year on the band, an, nmaterially in the scoring, turning in charnms, in addition, to all ban( a card of a (double and a triple omut of: who are graduating this spring two official visits to the plate. Tarr;. sweaters will be blue with a, playing his last game for the D)AILY. lyre and "M" on the front. also covered himself with glory; he In past ,years, silver medals was interviewed by Billy Fallon after j been awarded to one-year me the game, and may appear in the Var- goldl medals to those who have sity lineup ere time season's end. I pleted two years of servicei Cowles led the Scandal Mounds in" band. The names of those to the. day's sack-snatching, making oiff awards were read at the annua with a total of eight bags without at- 'quAet hut the presentations will tr'acting thme attention of the funny mnade un1til 'next Nweek. In futurE fellows. Babe Byers, known t" it 'is thought that the sweater League patrons as "The Snake of the medals 'will be awarded at this Paths," was second in this respect ! affair. 'Sixty-six sweaters and with' five gunnies to _his credit..I dais will be awarded. In addition to their airtight.-infield, I' Announcement lras been m~ad the Hoeymen were Iblessed with a per-' h 0mnt'b nteCi-me fect set of gardeners, but owing to !bn ilbIhsnti fen the weakness of the garg hitting, these bn wl ecpe hnatr boys had little chance to dob their stuff.I Captain Wilson, director of t Any account of the gaewihoi- eice, '24M, band manager, and ted mention of Ailes' brilliant catchI nell, '24, 'assistant marnager". of Everett's long fly it tme ninth would I- be as nothing, UD ~ " BSN Baseball Scores u nIflWL