r Miss Estelle Downing, professor of rhetoric at Ypsilanti State NormaI will speak Sunday night; May 25, at the First M. E.L church on the sub- ject of "Wor'ld Peace." Miss Dowvning who recently addressed the Women's clb bof this city, has, ju.st returned! from a meeting of the International World Congress for P ~eace' at Wash- ington. Mr~s. Ruthi. Buchmnan, of Ann Ar- bor, who was a delegate of the Wom- en's club of Ann Arbors to ,the same conferenice; will also adldress the meet- ing. The public is cordially invited,.! I , i , Ji ,? ., S. C. A. Calls For Cam~p Donations' 1Emamy Kruegier, the great Germnan : soprano, whose song recital Wednes- stay opened the, 31st annual May Fes- tival under as favorable auspices as it has ever opened, left yesterday to give a series of concerts in Chiicago,;' and in a final visit with heer, she spoke ~of America, and more than that, of ! American music. "I must go back to Germany." she said, "I must appear; in the Bayreuth festival. lMut I look forward to returning to America for it is ~a beautiful country. "America," she went ran, "is a grow- ing country, with vast possibilities. lhurope is old; it was at its heighlt. ibad reached its highest point; fiow America is rapidly climbing, and wil occupy that place of prominenice. In every way, America 'is miles ahead of Euirope~. It is declining now, but Am- ericla. is rising, increasing in strength and power. I am glad, for I love this i country. It has been very kind to me jon this, my first visit." IWhen asked about American music, Madame IKrueger said: "'Every ytar,1 I receive in Munich, great numbers of American songs. Some of them I page with me now., and next year, when I return, I am to sing theme. I have several, all of them are beaut- -~ =I iful. There is Sidney is my- boy?", Walter Last Song," and Shar Death Song."~ All ofI New York. They are any music could be. P~ is to me like America beautiful, free, and ab( The songs are easy,f and beauty." where 'raternities, Sororities, and all or- ganizatios which' decided to contri- ~bute to the University of MichiganI 'Fresh Air camp, and wliich have notl yet turned in their subscriptions are asked to do so at once. Checks or muonoy, may be sent to.lVMilo ,Oliphant,! '24E, head of the Student, Christian association~ committein charge at Lane Hall; city. The class will return ,next 'wee by the way of Higgins Lake State Foi estry reservation. A DAILY CLASSIFIEDB BRING ! TRIG RESUL~TS- ON LIfTLE INVESTMENT the re p nnm I he war aft . It tI-S s done for the radical ,ck his on( 'rance. ch brougi Hopkins u II Hosiery " o 0 fa iI < AFTER THE 3jWni tin4rl CONCER~T Meet your friends at the Besty' Ross Shop-, / 8 Nickels Arcade- ° lace Sickels Arcade i I ; for i i JiAtc 1 NIVS.R,51TY r , 4,3-3 ;. ; t. a;: ': ANN ARBOW'SiMOST POPULA IL REFRESHMENT PARLORL I, iF?- Ann iyou. and is se'- a A 11i L i w C?4ARrUq~ 6,ZOT i OIT 51 by~~ AN R.O 1H IJ 62 O 7T -- I, Today it is the I; r J 111111111111 , I TH I: 'f =ER X o FIELU A d c . p uncheo / c4 ftejmoon ,'c. 6p'Secial PartiC5 omC-qawde } ,; Seniors: I- canes or / ,'i , A i. - I I Xll part of your rice each week. I I * ,bit and it your n asub- I? 'F . 1 I i for the Week-end Il -i Bl equally '' A COMPLETE line4 Cl. and charms at reap 'o Michigan jewelry such an appropriate graduatio I" i 1'{{1 i A I I Il A t, . '