I first All sociat .will be as- of that fl ?ts who care to act as leaders University of Michigan Fresh np of the S. C. A. are needed ~according to a recent state-1 iy Lewis, C. Reimann, '18, who ave charge of the institution 3coming summer. As a rule re rbre applicants than there camp departments. Reimann desiresf to make clear the facts that no camp experience, is necessary, as the Freshb JAir camp work is unique, and full in-J struction will hey given.- rHAD TO HE 90-1100 ENWNE~lNGDEPIRN! MtNTf the -Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. re the best uirpose. needed for, e summer to Jine practice care of the h are always e student is of athletics, o h 3. is also a truckd river, neration. In for tihe sum- tion beginn- ily 3.There to act as director e to have charge activities. -There ,: , ' } '. : " -: IWVilliam F. Gerhardt, '17E, holder of the degree of batchelor, an~d th~at of master in aeronautical engineeing. and who Nwill be granted the degree of of doctor by the University in Junel has been approved by the Regents to take the head of the aeronautical engf- neering department next year, At was, announced yesterday by Prof. F.. y Pawlowsk~i, head of that dIepartm~ent at the present time. Prof essor Pawlowski'has ' rcenly been grainted a' leave of asne:fo 4>. t -STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKI FRTED iEGG SA'NDWICHf AOT ?WAFFLE~S MALTED MILK I ft I iia Ou r- Years -o f 6erol-ee -to MVichigan Studei ts Have given us the "repuftation we desir e. We intend upholdinig that repusa- tion for service and good foods. Coyne in and try one of rour steak dinrners. 71asic daily from 6: oo to 8:"oo a~t Joe Parkier -s Cafe 1L. Anything you want in Fouintain Rtefreshments or a lght lunch. AR i BDOR FOLJNTAJIN 313 S. State ( C .e ii" ..;II Dr. ( ( Rain', Snow, Sleet, Ice, Hail, Clouds Spend the Evening at LULL AUDITORIUM The River Won't Be Safe I 1K There's a sportive fever anid on campu§. Vac'a thoughts of fina'ls are ph feminine attention. And vaicatiorn lands are assembl DandSownoe Tickets at Wahr's, Slater's and Gr'ahamn's for / Do Y0OU Have TRWUB~LE Freedom Fro~cks for Qsutddor OJi'mes Given a slick golf course and provided with numerous jaunty "boy" dresses, who ~wuldn't win gamie after gamue of golf. Cou~nt on the Tub silks to mXake you look your perjkiest all throu~gh summer .and surely you. will play a skillful game. Priced $19.75 and up. II Packig Clotbes :1 t Bags Suitcas~es and x Numerous Other When you are prpaing for a trip You are sometimies bewild-1 ered with youir packing pro)b- lems. Probably it' is your~ bag or suitcase. W~e ar~e al- ways anxious to talk these things over with you. Comle in any time. I' Leather °Accessories . n1Y ^ M I Wn ! I r.l f ,z 11